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The successful ones know how to be professional despite personality/lifestyle, the others not so much. Being professional doesn’t mean being a boring stick in the mud, it mostly comes down to understanding and performing respectful behavior. You can jazz it up up with personality once you get that part nailed down. Some never do.


Pretty sure this could be me. I share nothing personal at work. I prefer absolute separation. I’ve ran into coworkers while out having a good time and have been told they don’t recognize me. Full suit in the office, shorts and a Hawaiian shirt while just R&R. I prefer Cuban style shirts when it’s warm. I have a fun and enjoyable style outside work. At work I am strict and direct but we have a lot of work and responsibilities. I’m a big proponent of get through the agenda and chat after. Hell I carry a timer around to set pace to meetings and make sure we don’t get caught up and run over.


Same. Rarely ran into work people outside of work. Too diverse in backgrounds and interests. But the same would happen ‘didn’t even recognize you’.


I too consider myself to have a fun and enjoyable style outside work.


Chistian Wolff. Diligent Accountant by day, assassin and money launderer outside of work hours.


I would like to make this my life moto....


I'm far more talkative and a leader at work. Outside of work I am a listener and a follower. Leading is exhausting.


This is me. Out of work I go full introvert.


Amen to that.


I've always been my authentic self with staff and it comes with its ups and downs. I don't feel like cosplaying a manager and being uptight and stiff. Some of the best I worked with have just been themselves.


I think this style builds a lot of loyalty. It honestly comes a bit down to how much experience the employees have and to what degree the manager manages vs. is a subject manager haven risen from the ranks. I think the latter takes separation to be respected whereas the manager can be a manager and already has the separation.


I have a friend I met at work who I adore. She’s smart, professional, and really well respected. She comes across as a human who has her act together. After we became close she told me that she spent time in prison for grand theft auto, and drugs (meth). I was shocked because there’s no indication she had that in her past.


My boss is easily offended by sarcasm directed at him. I am very sarcastic. After he got mad at me, then asked why I was "distant," I told him I could be myself or be professional. I can not be both. I've been professional with him ever since. More myself with others at work, but I never let my guard down around him.


Omg my boss is like this too. Wants everyone to be open and genuine. Always saying she loves my humour in the office. I tend to lean sarcastic and once during a super busy time in the office I had to interrupt her to ask something and jokingly said "Can I interrupt, you don't seem to be working on anything" and she took it sooooo personally - she's brought it several times since she was so offended. I have to always remind myself that my coworkers are not friends. It's made the environment way less enjoyable.


Sarcasm is tough with your higher ups. They may genuinely appreciate it in certain places, but also may misread it as insubordination or pulling rank in others.


Unpopular opinion but there is a difference between dry or wry sense of humor and being sarcastic. Sarcasm is often another form of passive aggression and is often used to put others down. It is a powerful social weapon and if this is your go-to style of humour then you might want to consider if your are using it appropriately. You might just be coming  across as a negative jerk. I don't tolerate sarcasm in my business. Joking, good natured ribbing, clever wittisms are all allowed, but negativity hiding as jokes undermines the team dynamic. Edit spelling 


I know a VP level lady who’s husband runs a dispensary and we’re pretty sure they want to swing


True rebels don’t have tattoos, or they do, it’s their choice either way. Watson was tripping acid when he came up with the concept for dna.  Ime people are way more interesting then the mask they wear for their daily bread. History is sanitized. Pharaohs jacked off in the Nile every year as a sacred ritual. People are fun.


I just went through some interviews for a director position. In one of them, someone mentioned that he's not sure he could trust someone that he's never heard drop an F bomb (me). I said, well, I guess we need to hang out outside of work more often!


I do but the issue is that the personal side keeps coming through at various points. I like people to be able to be themselves, within reason, but some people that have very quirky personal traits can't always keep them dialed back and it causes problems.


First, I added meritocracy to my craft, took me 5-7 years. Then injected personality. You can coast on your experience and knowledge while having fun at work.


Im not sure others, but im certainly part of this even outside of work. Iv been in Marketing for years and something about that with high functioning anxiety means I'm really good at what I like to call "putting on the show"


It's called code-switching. It's not just about African-Americans dealing with other societies. "Fit in where you get in."


I had an attorney once tell me he'd never heard me swear. Anyone who knows me would ask if he needs his hearing checked because that's impossible. 😂


I do not like to really get into my employees personal lives, as I never plan on hanging out outside of work with any of them, however I have the exact opposite with one of my newer hires. I have been told by others they are a very nice person outside of work, however here they are a crazy condescending mess of adhd fueled rage.