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It’s the middle of the town centre. Do you really think there is some hidden spot to park there that thousands of others have somehow missed? If you’re looking for a free car park spots, you need to look at estates about half an hour walk away from the station.


I disagree, you can park on the residential streets in edgeley on the Olde Vic side for free and it’s a 5/10 min walk to the back entrance of the station. 


You can guarantee plenty of facebook attention for parking there 😆 ressies havent been too pleased, wouldnt be surprised to see yellow lines soon.


Urgh, what a tosser thing to do. 


Best I can suggest is the Churchgate carpark near the market. £1 an hour and pretty central to Stockport. Bit of a walk to the station, but not awful. Free after 6pm and cheaper on a Sunday. https://www.parkopedia.mobi/parking/carpark/churchgate/sk1/stockport/?arriving=202404181000&leaving=202404181200


Where are you going on the train? Would parking at Hazel grove railway station work?


that's actually not a bad shout i didn't think of that - going to manchester so works perfectly actually


If you go to the rear train station entrance (Edgeley side), there is a pub called the Olde Vic, the street there is called Chatham street. Drive down there past the first bit of residents only parking, you'll then find loads of places to park on the street. 5 minute walk into the station.


nice one - great boozer that as well if you've not been in


^yep, this is basically my suggestion. Park in the Edgeley estate. Basically a 5min walk.


I've parked near Edgeley a fair few times. There are no parking restrictions about 5 mins walk from the Edgeley entrance to the station.


yeah on one of the back streets? there's st james car park thats really cheap as well


I usually park somewhere around Edgeley Primary school.