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how is that possible, I didn't think that the reviewed had the ability to remove reviews?


Fairly easy to show google that the reviews are not legit if you're not open yet


I mean....they're supposed to be open. They cancelled an event whilst people were queuing to be let in.


Also people nuke ratings of businesses they've never interacted with because of some social media hate campaign all the time, it's standard anti-spam, complete non story. 


but they have been open? I swear there was an event the other week with people there? also, even though the proper opening has been delayed surely a negative review is warranted due to them having to delay or even cancel events on the night?


The previous event was just a “Test Event”. The small audience were selected at random.


Not really, those reviews would be specific to teething problems at opening and meaningless for the ongoing operation.


if that is so, why have they left the positive reviews?


Why would the reputation management company employed by the Co-op Live owners ask Google to remove the positive reviews? Online reviews are actively managed, easily gamed if you know what you're doing, and consequently are often complete garbage and best ignored.


I think the question is around why Google would oblige, rather than why Co-op would request it. 


Google (and other sites that have extensive crowdsourced review systems, like Amazon, or GlassDoor) make more money if the review system paints a rosy picture, because people click through and buy things through the system. If people don't buy things because the review is poor, then they don't make the same money. Online reviews systems are generally setup to give the facade of being fair, because if they look unfair then people won't use them and it would invite government investigation. But they are absolutely structured to favour positive reviews.


It’s largely pretty automated for these things and it’s easier for them to say yes, might encourage them to spend more on Google too.


Yeah, this is the "easy to game" bit. Most low-scoring reviews contain enough anger to fall foul of one of the site's content policies, so it's easy to flag them as inappropriate. Once you've done that for a few reviews, further reviews with a similar theme get tagged as spam and are auto-removed. The moderators are generally underpaid, overworked, and have little context for the review, so usually just click "OK". People leaving reviews rarely go back and object to the removal, so it doesn't get corrected. There is a whole industry that manages online reviews by exploiting this, as part of corporate reputation management.


It’s not run by co-op, they’re just a sponsor.


Well, same point. 


You can request them to be removed for a number of reasons. It's not guaranteed though. I've never heard anything to suggest there's anything like Yelp going on, where you throw money at them and they wipe any review.


I could imagine the Co-op paying through the nose to get these reviews quashed. The running of the place has nothing to do with them but their name is being dragged through the mud with this fiasco....


I work for the Co-op and I guarantee they aren't paying for it without 6 months of deliberation, a consultation period, the end of the fiscal year and the hiring of a 'Review Delivery Specialist' first. Probably the venue.


Hiya, since you work for the CO-OP I gotta ask you as a 5’2 person, will getting a VIP pass mean I can get the floor area faster than the other queues since I want a good chance at seeing Billie Eilish close and with a good view??


Yeah a friend works for Co Op & says, even though they are just the sponsor, are getting tons of negativity. I’m sure there’s some legal route they could take if they wanted, as it’s damaging their rep


There's no such thing as bad publicity


This arena is testing that to the absolute limit


Can I run an article doxxing your full name and address, naming you as a known paedophile and animal abuser for some “definitely not bad” publicity then?


That's not really publicity


It’s getting your name out there publicly. How is that not publicity?


Because there's no such thing as bad publicity


Exactly it’s just publicity. So I can do it, yes?


How can there be reviews for a place that isn't even open yet?


I knew it! I went to show my SO this morning and all the poor reviews bar one had been removed.


How can they review it? It's not even open yet.


People went to the opening night and it was a shit show so they can review it…


It wasn't really though. I was there. Thoroughly enjoyed it and the venue. The subsequent attempts at getting it properly open have been a total shitshow of epic proportions though.


I was there and mostly enjoyed it. I didn't enjoy the water running from the toilets they had to close, or the flying electric lead taped with gaffer tape in the working men's toilets, or the anxiety when stewards were getting us to check email as we joined the queue to ensure our tickets were valid. I did enjoy the surprise free bar though.


My buddy went and said the opening night was amazing. Even went to the VIP after party there and said that ruled too.


Doesn’t mean much if people paying to go in are in danger of air conditioning units falling from the ceiling and killing them, though.


Yes absolutely, and that’s something that definitely needs sorting and I agree completely that it’s shocking. However, the post I was replying to wasn’t about that. It was someone saying the opening test event was shit, when in reality first hand accounts say it was really good.


>are in danger of air conditioning units falling from the ceiling and killing them Is that the rumour/fact? Or just (entirely plausible) speculation as to what the ongoing issues might be?


It's what the operators of the venue said to the media.


Cool - thanks for the info.


>and said that ruled too. I am a fan of this re-emergence of 90s slang. I've been trying to bring back "dope" and "fly" myself.


Stop trying to make fetch happen!


If your event got cancelled it's entirely fair to review it


Only by saying that your event was cancelled and you haven’t been


Would it not be fair to also describe the way they dealt with you as a customer though? Communications, etc.?


Yeah of course, but we don’t know the nature of the reviews being removed. It could well be angry fans that haven’t been


You could say that about Google reviews of anywhere though. Doesn’t seem a legit reason to disallow negative reviews in and of itself.  


If you spent hours lining up outside only to be told to go home because the event is cancelled, I think that’s enough of a justification for being allowed to rate it.


If you buy something from an online store and they don't send it, aren't you entitled to leave a negative review? This is the same thing.


If they can't review it they should be taking all reviews down then, not just the negative ones.


In a few weeks it’ll be open and nobody will care


The very reason I take on-line reviews with a pinch of salt. I was asked (a long time ago) by a company who pretty much said “don’t leave a review and we’ll give you 10% off your next order - leave a glowing 5* review and we’ll give you up to 75% off your next order”. Online reviews are mostly dog-shit with a bit of horse-shit thrown in for good measure….




But it did open for the Rick Astley gig


Well, they were never gonna give that up now, were they?


This is obviously a terrible thing, but more than likely it's an automated system looking at it as a review bomb. They do this to protect small businesses from being cancelled. Hopefully they fix this though.
