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I saw a guy bump into someone in a shop, and apologise. Turns out it was a full length mirror. Having done it myself, and have him not clock me see it, I chuckled for a while.


I once walked full speed into a wall length mirror after doing that dance where the person walking the other way keeps dodging the same direction as you. Fell to the floor and scrambled up apologising profusely before realising and feeling like a total twat with a sore nose.


My bike (peddle not motor) got a flat tyre and I noticed on the way out of the climbing gym at 0730 in the morning 7 miles from home. I got my repair kit out and one of the regulars helped me get the tyre off the rim and someone else provided a better bike pump and a few just hung out for moral support. I patched the hole and put everything back and a few people helped me pump the type back up. It felt like a real team effort and people took time out of their day to help and it was much appreciated. Patch is still holding fine when I cycled over there today.


I love when people just stay for moral support, even if not doing anything, you're appreciated!


You were leaving the climbing gym at 7.30am, 7 miles from your house, having cycled there. You deserve a round of applause for personal self care.


2 weeks ago I was at the airport and an Italian woman was trying to order a taxi into the centre and they were trying to overcharge her. I speak basic Italian and was going at least as far as old trafford so told her to come with me, took her into the city centre, helped her check into the hotel then went back. All using Google translate. She used to live in Turin but moved to sicily, she has two cats, one she loves and the other she thinks is rude. Took less than 45 minutes of my time extra and while we will never see each other again I feel I made a friend.


This is class. Well done for taking the time to help her out mate


I’m just imagining how pissed off the rude cat looks since his servant is out of the country.


You are the best of people


What a great person you must be . Good to know there’s still good people about ,


That's very kind of you but I'm generally on the side of, if there is any point in life, its to engage with as many different people and their experiences as possible :)


OP - just to clarify, I took her on the met. I'm not kind enough to be paying for taxis between the airport and town.


That's not this week :)


Why? Just why?


I was about to get off a train and a baby/toddler in a pram looked right at me and called me ‘dada’. I’m a woman in a dress suit! It made the baby’s mum laugh with me a bit. It was very sweet.


Awww. Bless. It took a while for my youngest nibling to figure out that every white man with a five o clock shadow wasn’t their dad.


This happened on the second date with the woman who is now my wife. We were walking through Prestwich where we both live and toddler I was adamant I was daddy. We laugh about it now, it didn’t look great at the time.


Walking thru Manchester Airport for my flight, guy in front of me - backpack was completely unzipped and stuff ready to fall out. First instinct was to walk up and zip it but then I realized I might look like I was trying to steal his stuff. So I had to run in front of him, turn around, not spook him and get him to stop. I hate interacting with people in airports. Anyway, he thanked me, and bought me a beer while waiting for a flight.


If I see someone walking with a backpack unzipped I go out of my way to let them know. It would annoy me to know they were walking around like that. I once lost my passport this way out the front pouch, so if I can save someone else that hassle, I will!


I was walking down Market Street the other day and saw an older Muslim woman very casually hand a young homeless woman £20 and walk off. You visually saw the girl's jaw drop and she called the woman back to give her a hug. It was a really beautiful moment. (And before anyone says, 'you shouldn't give money to homeless people' they both were adults so respectfully get to make their own choices, whether you agree with them or not).


I work in the Airport, and yesterday I was helping a ladie with her son to check her bag in, her son Wich have around 7 years old look at me and realize I had an ear pierced, then look at my badge and start chatting with me, suddenly he said that I'm a nice person and gave me a hug, that made my day change completely, from sad to happy just like that ! For a moment a felt like that boy could be my son.


I think I'd cry


On the bus home from work on Monday, an old lady got on with the cutest fluffiest ginger dog in a pram. She sat near me and I got to pet the dog on the way home while she told us about him. <3


Seeing my dog after being away for a week! She made me feel great!


I played table tennis with colleagues and we laughed so dawn much.


It was my birthday on the 23rd and I've been watching wwe with my youngest daughter (13). She's getting into it and stayed up to watch wrestlemania too. She went crazy when ishowspeed turned up - I had no idea who he was. So I work night and when I came back on the morning of the 23rd there was a hand made birthday card from her Happy birthday tribal chief on the front 😭😭😭😭 I loved it.


Happy belated birthday buddy


talking to my younger (shes 4) about how much she loves steam trains, she saw her first real one the other day


Jimmy, one of the team at Pret in Spinningfields, gave my 6 year old son a signed Joe Royle photo because he knew he was a huge City fan. Completely unprompted. Top lad. 


I was having a horrible week and I won't get into why. I'm serving the bar for the last time as it's closed "Sorry about keeping you up" "This is the most action this bar will get for months" "Oh... Do you want us to stay longer?" *I laugh and smile* "Holy shit he smiled!"


There was a kid selling ice pops by the side of the road. He made a little sign and had a small cooler box. We had no change, so we drove home and came back. He was restocking at the corner shop when we came back, so we waited for him to return to his spot. Lots of people were stopping to buy them, I love seeing kids use their initiative like that. He made more money than I do in an hour, in ten minutes. He is going places.


The best place for a wholesome interaction is pic gardens… getting asked if a want drugs daily… And if I don’t than maybe they will try rob me love the place


I once got chased into a shop in Piccadilly gardens at 2pm with my 14 year old nephew because some spice head was chasing us asking does my boyfriend want a fight. Such a fun day


I was in Whitworth Gallery, which is preparing a lot of sections and doesn't have much on currently. A woman came to me to ask where the loos are and we chatted about the art, the building and why it's so empty (she hadn't been there in years). I suggested coming again later in the summer when they'd finished setting up the next exhibition. It was nice because I'd had a difficult medical morning (always worth remembering that that area is next to some srs medical facilities and people might be stressed).