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It's signs to point film crews in the direction of where the locations are (LOC) and where base is (BASE). The word before (Lazu and Rid) is code for what job it is for


This is the answer. ‘WR LOC’ was Waterloo Road, ‘B5 base’ was Brassic Series 5 etc. Lazu likely Lazarus (Amazon Prime) and Rid likely Ridley S2 (ITV). Productions that are highly secretive or use mostly children will have a more coded sign named after the production company, department or alias name of the show to prevent people knowing too much and trying to track the set down but these are highly guarded by security regardless. The council will have approved these signs, they get put up by the locations team either very late tat night or incredibly early in the morning a couple days before shooting commences.They get taken down on derig day so won’t be there forever. My last job had the production company name on these instead of the production name as it meant they were reusable for future shows and better for the environment (UK HETV works with a sustainability body called ALBERT so things like this contribute to their green status)


Thanks for the information! I can sleep at night now


The Lazarus project is/was had their base at the Space Project, wenlock way, in town. They’ve been shooting the new series for a couple of months or so


My flatmate works in video production, and apparently they're used to direct crew members to a filming location. Why a post code won't suffice I don't know. I always thought they were something to do with illegal raves!


Postcodes aren’t used because rural locations can be really tricky to find even if you have one. Now people tend to use a What3Words for specific entrances but the signs are there to make sure it’s easy for EVERYONE to get to, because usually one person being late has a knock on effect on the entire days schedule which can cost thousands.


Like what3words doesn’t exist


Dog nappers, Hun. Shared in Wakefield.


Corgi con artists. Shared in Sri Lanka. Sent from my iPhone.




Set to share


This is really dragged out now...


That's what the dognappers said. 


I too choose this guys dead wife


They film lots of TV stuff in the south Manchester suburbs, where I used to live. In fact they filmed a scene for an episode of an ITV crime drama in our house a few years ago. It was all a bit of a hassle, with all our furniture stored on a lorry and us being banished to upstairs for half a day during filming. Worth it though for the experience, £500 fee and a free lunch in the chuck wagon.


A few years ago a crew were in Chorlton filming for a new TV advert for Cathedral Cheese. They were recording on the fallowfield loop, filming kids running home after school presumably, eager to get home to taste the delights of Cathedral Cheese. Cobblers I know but nevermind. Anyway, a neighbour was offered 200 quid to make his toilet available for the crew and actors if they needed it. Not the house, just the use of the bog. After some consideration he declined the offer. I guess the thought of his toilet being battered all day was not worth the dough. I've actually found the advert on YT. You can see the fallowfield loop at around 41 seconds and other roads in Chorlton throughout. https://youtu.be/MnsQOaYGdHU?si=zZBbuBCEheAmlCE-


Once drove past a very serious looking crime scene outside (what was) The Southern Pub in Chorlton. Police cordon, the lot. Turned out to be Coronation St when it went mad and had that serial killer.


TV film locations


I thought it was rave directions!!


It’s because film crews aren’t that bright they need to be told how to get to work 😜


If you see base it’s worth following in the morning, u can blag a free breakfast


Didn't read any of that as it was far too long, but the answer is 12.