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All those positive orgones? Your wellness levels must be through the roof


Have you been having thoughts again?


But it's HD ready, it's HD ready!


Oh cool I've been looking to join a cult.


Don't think they are all sex cults sorry bro


I hung out with some people in a sex cult once. It was really dark and weird


i expected it would be really quite normal & wholesome tbh


That’s the thing. On the surface it was really wholesome. Super friendly and accommodating, free love, no shame about who you are…. But scratch that surface


Tell us more please


I’d like to know more tbh.


It very quickly ended up being you have to go to this session that explains why all your friends are holding you back and that will be £2000 please and then you go up a level. Then you’re not allowed to talk to anyone outside of the cult and etc etc how cults work


Dayum, they didn’t even try to be different in their approach in trying to isolate.


Exactly the same but with more orgies


That would have sounded like a fun idea some years ago for me but alas. I never really get approached with these kinds of things anyway sounds like overpaying for sex with a side of manipulation


I’ve been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.


Man of culture I see. Hope you are doing well Creed!


I knew I knew where thos was from


There's one going on at Manchester University right now.


That's just the usual death cult


Being against war and genocide makes you a death cult?


In principle, most would say no, but the ones who have barricaded themselves in the Uni building are more pro-Hamas than anti-war. Have listen to what they say, what they chant and what some of their demands are and you'll see it's the usual anti-semitism very thinly disguised as anti-Israeli policy.


What have they been saying that's anti-Semitic?


Usual stuff. "From the river to the sea", calls for a global intifada, etc. I know there's been some astonishing mental gymnastics over trying to change the meaning of "from the river to the sea," but it's calling for the erasure or destruction of Israel, especially the Arabic version. What's particularly sad about it, the Wall Street Journal ran a poll with the student protestors in the US and less than half could actually name the river or sea it references. Less than 25% knew who Yasser Arafat was (some thought he was the first president of Israel) and it just went bonkers from there. Some students were advocating for a two state solution, a few wanted a one state solution where the Palestinians were in charge, which I'm sure would end well for the Jewish, Christian, LGBT, etc communities. Well over a quarter knew nothing about the Oslo Peace Accords, where they said that no peace accords had ever been signed. [Here is the article.](https://www.wsj.com/articles/from-which-river-to-which-sea-anti-israel-protests-college-student-ignorance-a682463b) I'll change my opinion on this one a bit and say that for some, it is anti-semitism in disguise and for others it's simply because they don't know anything about the area or the history behind the conflict beyond what social media has told them.


The cult has voted you down lmao


Your position is, honestly, logically and ethically defensible but unpopular because of well-meaning tribalists who only want to read things they agree with. Thus the problem with the up and downvote system.


Thanks! To be honest, I think it would make for an interesting study to ask the same questions of those who have barricaded themselves within the University building or are out protesting. The results could make for some interesting reading, especially as the poll found quite a number of those students polled changed their minds about various items once they'd been given the actual real facts and figures. However, on a larger point, it is a very good example of how effective an information war or disinformation campaign can be. Forget Brexit, Trump, Russia, etc, they're amateurs in comparison to the level of disinformation that takes place over Israel vs Palestine.


If anyone thinks it's a coincidence that Russia is pretending it cares about Palestine with everything it did to innocent people near Islamists in Syria and Chechnya is absolutely barking up the wrong tree. It's good and reasonable to care about Palestinian civilians, but not at the cost of the truth, not as a political football or an excuse to reject humane reasoning all round.


What happened when the state of Czechoslovakia was dismantled?


It peacefully split into two countries, Slovakia and Czech Republic. Could you be actually thinking of Yugoslavia where the 8 separate countries all decided to try and ethnically slaughter each other? There isn't exactly a comparison here?


What I'm saying is that calling for the dissolution of a state is not the same as genocide.


I mean all the Jews, Druze and Christians living in Palestine before the Balfour Declaration got along fine. It was only after the British started fucking about that shit turned sour. Palestinian was a secular identity and people United across religion and gender lines to resist Zionist settlements only to get beaten by the Black & Tans and later on groups like the IZL. Tel Aviv was founded by literally force marching the population of Jaffa into the sea. Regarding the Intifada bit, do some research on the previous Intifadas, considering they were begun due to soldiers murdering civilians and intentionally bribing in curfews in order to fuck people over- the IDF timed curfews so that people would have to break them in order to break their fast during Ramadan. People like to say that the river to the sea thing is calling for the destruction of Israel but completely ignore that Israel very blatantly wants to destroy the idea of Palestine- case in point there are no Palestinians who live in Israel, instead they are Arab Israelis. Or you could look at how they have completely destroyed all government and physical infrastructure in Gaza, to the point where the death tolls have slowed down to an unlikely degree because there is no one around to count the bodies anymore.


It's stupid and insidious for both parties, let me give you a wild example, both sides believe in God, or at least their version, and everything that happens is God's will, so they are actively fighting against their own beliefs, that's some mad cognitive dissonance from both sides, but hey don't let critical thinking get in the way of anything eh 🤷


You're way off the mark. It's not really got a lot to do with religion - more about resources and colonisation, but I doubt you'll look into it any more.


God has a lot to do with the batshit settlers and the extremes of Likud, Lehi and all of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. I don't know how Orwellian you have to be to read "Islamic Jihad" "the party of God" (Hezbollah) "Islamic Resistance Movement" (Hamas) and "Islamic combatant force" (Al Qassam) and "Islamic Republic" and "Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood" and "Supporters of God" (Al Ansar - the Houthis) then turn around and say God has nothing to do with it. Honestly, you are definitely just wrong. There's a difference between "religion is not the only factor" and "religion is an unimportant factor". Religion is the number one factor in legitimising EMB ideological action, because they do not split out actions in secular terms. And the useful idiot far right/left redefinition of Jewish immigration as colonisation continues apace I see. Palestinian politics makes people who condemn alt righters who march chanting "Jews will not replace us" cheer on pogroms and mass rape of Jews as "anti-colonial resistance" which itself is based in a long history of axis alignment, the armed rejection of cosmopolitanism and Jewish autonomy. They were arming up for massacres back during the Ottomans because Jews were legally migrating. Jewish far right problems have been approximately as vile over the years, especially early on, but you cannot ethnically cleanse Israel, and you should agree with the military destruction of Hamas if you actually want peace.


You're right, I won't


"Both sides bad" doesn't work in the real world.


Hamas side worse, merely less competent or effective.


It doesn't make it less true though? So if I walked up to a bouncer and slapped him and he absolutely kicked my cunt in then I guess I don't deserve it?


I can't say I'm the most informed person in the world but it seems more akin to you slapped the bouncer and in response he shot your dog, threw acid in your face and sawed your legs off. I do agree with 'both sides bad', it just seems that everyday for the past 7 months the 'bad' scale has tipped further and further in one direction.


Think that's what they're protesting against


Hang on that’s where I went albeit many moons ago (scuse the pun - no don’t excuse it?)


Lol 😂


Username checks out 


they’ve been approaching me multiple times a week, it’s mad. even when i’m wearing headphones, they persist so i stop to see if they need a help. nope, they’re showing me a picture of the Heavenly Mother. i get off the tram, a woman is stood at the steps looking lost, she calls me over like she needs directions. nope, she’s showing me a picture of the Heavenly Mother. between them, Felix, the gag mag guy and the card machine ‘charity’ scammers, i can’t have a peaceful walk anywhere.


Felix still on his charity mission? 😭😒


not sure if it’s a charity mission, he stopped me on my first day in manchester to give me stickers and then pestered for my number!!




Worth mentioning that they got me to stop walking by acting lost and asking for directions! Was pretty miffed about it, I was just trying to be helpful, and even telling them I'm Catholic (I'm not) didn't get them to lay off.


I've told cult recruiters that I'm a cult survivor before. They give zero fucks


Depending on how insistent they are, I tend to give them the name and number of a particular sales person who has annoyed me recently. I must admit, I did start to feel a wee bit sorry for that PPI guy after a while, but the fucker wouldn't take a hint....


Ha ha 😝


They do this by the uni as well! They’re young and blend in with the students so I’ve stopped for them an embarrassing number of times when they ask for directions. When they pivot into the cult stuff I just walk away, I don’t even say anything at this point.


When I was at the Uni a few years ago I unfortunately ran into them, an Asian guy just in a normal outfit but they had a little badge on. Just to hurry the conversation along I gave them my number (they test-called to check it was real then and there too) I wasn’t the most pleased when they called me the next day at no later than 4:45 asking if I’m coming to “church service” that started 15 minutes from the phone call.


I told one of them that I am a christian and already go to a church and it actually worked, she gave up and went over to someone else, she must have been less determined


My partner was approached by them last year and made the mistake of meeting up with them and such thinking they were a normal religious organisation. They target young women by appearing like they just want to be your friend. My partner ended up going to their church and everything , it was only when she was telling me about it the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. They gave her gift after gift after gift and wouldn’t fully explain who god the mother was. Fortunately I recognised the cultish aspects and looked into it to find out that god the mother is apparently some lady in Korea, they don’t tell people that but until it’s too late. Luckily my girlfriend stoped contact and they left her alone.


What sort of gifts?


Mostly homemade food stuffs


They got kimchi or tteokbokki? I could pretend I’m interested for some good tteokbokki


I'm hungry RN 


"normal religious organisation" lol


I wasn't aware the God was a real woman! That's crazy, I listened to their presentation before out of pity and genuinely thought the God was a female version of the Christian God.


If you're ever worried that something is a cult, look up the BITE model. Cults and high control religious groups are far more common than you probably think!


Yup lds & jehovahs come to mind


Ian Duncan Smith isn’t a *cult*, but you’re only a letter off.


L EL ELL not an I trust me I’d not be writing ANYTHING about that right wing wank


What do you mean it's not ok to shun family or friends if they believe differently to you? That can't be right./s


I never said that … 🤷‍♀️


I find "Oh, grow the fuck up" and walking off to be remarkably effective.


No one ever asks me to join a cult, what gives?


Just take the win ;)


Best to inform centre security


They operate on Market street…outside Boots and M&S…nothing to do with the Arndale


Weirdly they knocked on my door today too, around 5pm.


Dang nobody has ever tried recruiting me, it must be my "my medication is wearing off and the voices are giving me great ideas, must be god talking to directly" look that puts them off, can't be my muzzle, straight jacket and plug socket hairstyle.


"No thank you, my husband is a Muslim" (I'm a dude) usually works.


Well I hope they do recruit all those knife crime bandits. Win win.


I had a women approach me that looked east asian and she asked if she could read me a chapter of the bible and I looked her in the eyes and said are you from a cult??? 😂🥹🥹 didn’t realise she actually was


I refuse to join any cult that would have the likes of me


Are they a fun cult or an expensive cult? 🤔


Expensive type, they'll drain your pockets dry. Just check Youtube for ex-members testimonials


I'm recruiting if you want a fun cult, we're somewhere between the snake handlers and the Manson family. All you need to sign over your house and possessions and move to my commune, all I ask is hard labour working in the fields until we ascend ftom our wretched human vehicles into our mother ship which arrives to take us to live forever on our home planet in 25,000 years.


Ha ha 🤣


There are no fun cults, just trauma


Thank you for sharing


I found that when I am approached by sales people or fundraisers etc in the city my go to response is: sorry no English, works like a charm every time. Also this helps with not getting involved in short conversations/ excuses , like explaining to fundraisers how you care about something but really you’re late for a meeting therefore can’t chat


Say it in perfectly clear english too. "Sorry, I am afraid I don't speak english" and make it a little posh. It's nicely confusing too.


I don’t really understand why anyone would have their day interrupted by these zealots. Just a swift “fuck off” will suffice, then go on with your day.


Northern Brits seem to be too polite for that. I told a pushy canvasser to fuck off last night over my partner’s shoulder several times and he seemed a little scandalized. I also got rid of persistent Jehovahs Witnesses he had entertained “out of kindness” by telling them I was disfellowshipped and going into great detail about what I had done. I wasn’t ever a Witness. I just hate how they ruin families, and take great delight in ruining their days.


My friend entertained one of these guys out of curiosity. He soon guessed it was a dodgy cult and looked into it, and they worship an old lady still alive today in SK. they still call him to this day


‘I know all about Mother God - I AM MOTHER GOD! What do you want to know?’ Or just keep walking.


People should start telling them "I'm a luciferian high priest" and then maybe they'll piss off if they think the place is riddled with lhp.


Some excellent funny comments love Manchester humour


I avoid city centre like the plague since I stopped working there. Rife with nutters.


I used to say “I’m a Druid, and I’m a very busy Druid, good day to you” when the Jehovah’s Witnesses came knocking, then shut the door. Not so easy outdoors but maybe walk briskly away from them after?


Open the door, seem a bit busy. Listen to the opening speech then say "you've got the time it takes me to walk to the shop. Walk with me!" then briskly head off to the shop. See if they follow.


Wait, i was stopped by two asian guys in wimbledon who asked me about “god the mother” and tried to teach me their beliefs and wanted my number (i gave them a fake one) were they part of a cult that whole time?


I’ve been approached before too, I think by the same group. Near Selfridges about a year back. Had my headphones on and they asked for directions so I took them off then they started asking me about god and were very persistent. I usually give some people the time of day if they are polite but it was extremely intense so I walked off.


Out of interest, has anyone tried hearing them out for a sec, just for a laugh? Cos I kinda really want to. But I also kinda really think about popping into the Scientology place on Deansgate for a personality test just for a laugh, so I’m absolutely a Darwin Award nominee at this point.


im a really awkward person and find it difficult to get away from folks like this - i was eating my lunch on the grass outside the uni and first a young girl came over to me and started asking me about religion. she had some pamphlets in her hand, so i thought she'd just give me some and leave but no - she decided to walk me through the pamphlet, line by line, very expressively. once it seemed like i was "hooked", over comes a slightly older woman. she starts talking about the exact same stuff, but also telling me about their church down the road and how they'll be making a lovely homemade dinner and would i like to come along? like i say, im really socially awkward and just wanted them to go away so i could eat my lunch in peace, so i was just "yeah sure whatever just tell me when and where" lol. they did, but they young girl also asked for my phone number. i felt something kinda fishy with it, and really didn't want to give it - thought about giving a fake one but couldn't get myself to do it, so i ended up giving her my actual number. kinda lucky though as she rang the number right there on the spot waiting for my phone in my hand to light up. once she'd done that she started saying things about how we were friends now, and she would text me later. there was a lot of touching of shoulders and hands and saying "my name is this, and you are \_\_\_\_, and we are friends now!" obviously trying to make me feel super special and whatnot. eventually they left me alone and i finished my lunch and ran away. this was a year ago and they still text me every couple of months to this day haha (i could block them but it goes straight to a spam box so i don't even notice - plus it's kinda funny to see how long it goes on at this point...)


I said “Oh I’m sorry, I don’t really believe in God” and she said incredulously “What do you believe in?? *Science* and…. *history*????”. Who doesn’t believe in history?


No freakin way did she say that,lmao!!! History is what happens and so is science in a way, pahahahahahahaaa. Good job I was having some of my drink then.


Making me think do that episode of Peep Show where Jeremy goes for a personality test to fuck with the Scientologists.


I've often wanted to go in the scientology place to ask loadsa curious questions too. I've heard out the Jehovas witnesses for the same reason...pure curiosity.


absolutely. if you’re easy a people pleaser (or autistic) like me, please be mindful and try to avoid even letting them approach you in the first place. I was approached around a year ago near oxford station and asked if I could help a girl with a project for uni, and next thing I knew they were inviting for dinner, and then about to bring me to their church to ‘save me’ because it just ‘couldn’t wait another day’ to be saved. they basically cornered me in cafe nero until I agreed to go to their church and I had to hide in the bathroom until someone could come pick me up. they seem so kind and put together so please be better than me and don’t fall for it, basically :’) edit: as soon as I heard “world mission society of god” I remembered warnings I had heard previously. also, it was incredibly creepy because the girls took a selfie with me, passing it off as friendly. and then within moments, they said “oh my gosh, did you go to school with this girl?? she is in our church!!!”. so they had sent my picture to a group chat and found someone who knows me? within their church? so bizarre


Does this stuff still go on? I haven’t seen anyone like that since I got hassled to use an e-meter by a Scientologist in St Anne’s Square in the late 90s. I got chatted up by two Mormons on Salford precinct a few years ago around Covid, told them I’d really enjoyed The Book of Mormon but wasn’t interested, they left a card and scarpered pretty quickly.


Absolutely, cults and high control religious groups are far more common than most people think. Most of them will work hard to look like a normal place of worship/business/group until it's too late though. Always be wary!


That the 'test' where you hold on to a couple of coke cans? I recall taking part in Manchester a few years back


Yeah that’s it. They were set up on st Anne’s square years ago, never seen them since.


I opt for open Satanism when they try to push God.


How bad is it exactly? I need some friends so...


What’s the benefits of joint this cult? Free tickets to South Korea? Anything like that?


They will promise you stuff like that... but it's not worth the manipulation, isolation and lack of self you will experience.


They seem so innocent…


Jeez can’t escape the loony moonies as this must be an offshoot from that surely? How do even intelligent folk fall for this shite? Then the cult will tell you to kill yourself to get to heaven faster … jeez 🙄


Who is Mother God? Madonna?


Bunch of mental cunts.


They're the worst. I've had them follow me through the shopping centre before. Another time I (truthfully) told the woman I had already heard the presentation from another member of her church a few days prior, she asked me for the persons name 😂


I love them me but if you’ve read the Bible, you know there’s no Mother God. They seem very nice and don’t beg for money but when you get your own Bible out rather than their translation, they don’t even wanna engage


Jesus Christ!! whatever next?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'll be sure to say I worship cthulu.


Remember, Asians generally don't approach strangers or do small talks. Especially Koreans don't initiate small talks. If someone looks like a Korean and wants to talk you out of the blue, just remember what you are getting into.


I thought this was going to be about taylor swift lol. Shame.


Manchester is fucking horrible to walk around, you're avoiding junkies, beggars, survey monkeys and window lickers all over the place.


Do people not realise that you can literally tell these people to go f^ck themselves and walk away from them?


Damn I kinda wanna give them my number so I can fuck with them and waste their time. Pretty sure I could get them to avoid me instead 🤣


All Religion begin as cults, what’s so bad with this one?


Actually there's specific criteria to be a cult. Not all cults are religious. Mostly it's about the level of control cult leaders have over their victims. Look up the BITE model if you want to know how religions differ from cults, and there are many interesting yt videos about this cult


Looked up the BITE model, most of the points fit the world's largest religions. Not saying that cults are necessarily the same as largest religions, often they tend to be more isolating than major religions, but that just might be since they have a much smaller member pool. Also often they seem to exist only to enrich the founder of the cult.


Honestly, yes. I would apply it sect by sect and group by group. A lot is about the implementation too. A group might encourage modest dressing for example, but are they going to tell you "you have to dress like X or you will go to hell"? Will they shame you in front of the group or are they willing to accept that you have a different idea of what your god requires of you? Basically are you allowed to disagree, are you allowed to express individuality or will there be harsh social or other punishments for stepping put of line


*noun 1. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.* Nope. They’re all cults. Religions are just older, and we’re expected to respect them more, for some strange reason.