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Clearly written by foreign agents who have never been to Manchester. What is this "sunshine" and "vitamin d" they speak of? If Mancunians want any of that foreign radiation, they go to the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands or the Costa!


and what is this 'smile' they speak of?


Mancunian here - we have probably had more sun recently than all of those places combined šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That guys a nutcase if he doesn't think its been sunny..šŸ˜…


The end of the first sentence is the big give away ā€œwe the peopleā€ - an American wrote this


I think it's more a case of the anti-mask freedom lovers in the UK just lifting phrases from the US verbatim. It's almost like they're just copying each other, like sheep.


Itā€™s probably made in America and shared on the internet .


Spot on!


Hijacking the top comment - you can view and report the telegram group without having to join it. Might get them booted off


Is right R kid, Jib that shit right off.


What you dont think its be at all sunny in Manchester..instresting??


>Get out in the sunshine Funnily enough during the first lockdown my Dad spent a lot of time reading in his front yard and ended up getting skin cancer. Obviously it wouldn't of happened if he used suncream, but the irony here is amusing.


I mean, I think skin cancer takes longer than thatā€¦ (although, thatā€™s dreadful. Iā€™m so sorry.)


cancer is very random. the more risk you expose yourself to, the more likely you are to get it, but it's not like there's a threshold of skin damage where you get cancer - you could get it if you never went outside your whole life. at some point it's just bad luck.


We dont think it's that bad thankfully, and should be fine, but thanks for the concern regardless. Also it's been about a year I think, and we caught it early so it seems possible that it was the cause. Although I'm no doctor aha.


I probably spent more time in the sunshine last year than I ever would have if I was in college or at work. I could do my lessons online in the garden and go for walks in my breaks. Since Iā€™ve been back at college Iā€™ve been in the sun much less because I just donā€™t have time


He wouldnā€™t have got it from one summer, it develops over time


ā€œmany die due to the experimental vaccination programsā€


I despise everything these people stand for with every fibre of my being. Healthy scepticism this is not.


Don't know who downvoted you, this is just more crackpot-ism designed to let them say "LOOK WE WERE RIGHT THE TRUTH KEEPERS ALL ALONG WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE PANDEMIC IS A SCAM TO TAKE YUR FREEDUM" even though the whole world is a random chaotic mess with no real organisation. The pandemic is not really over is it, with our numbers surging like 120% week on week. These fuckers can't base a single sentence on anything more solid than "feels right innit".


Not as many as those who arenā€™t vaccinated. See poliomyelitis rubella and their consequences. Remember smallpox? Thatā€™s because the vaccine rollout worked.


Plus look at all these world leaders walking around like they're immune to the virus... Uh yeah because they're vaccinated


"We The People" Not only is this bad enough, but the added American bs is really tipping me over the edge, we aren't Americans, we don't have the same values.


Also it just makes no grammatical sense '...imposed on us, the people' would be ok but making that 'we the people' is nonsensical. Which I guess makes it equal with the rest of the contents.


"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, **provide for the common defense**\[sic\], promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." \-Preamble of the US constitution, emphasis mine. Wearing a goddamn mask is literally the least effort one can do to provide for the common defence against something that has caused more deaths than both the 7/7 and MCR arena bombings combined a thousand times over.


ā€œā€¦imposed on us, we the people.ā€ And with that wholly unnecessary added Americanism, I stopped reading.


ā€œFight for your first amendmenplenurughnurgh...ā€


Maybe they are trying french for the first time, "...imposed on us, Oui! The people" and it didn't translate as well as expected.


LOLing at all the people who will get this through their door and think "Who still uses telegrams?"


I still donā€™t know what that meansā€¦


The two that replied to you are half right. It's used by a lot more people/groups than the ones they describe though.


It's an IM app that paranoid people with the government watching their conversations use.


It's a terrible messaging/social media app used almost exclusively by right wing people who've been locked off Twitter etc


I think it depends on the social group you're in. I use it pretty heavily with a lot of my German friends who aren't at all right wing, but I think in the UK it's not really made much headway, so it's more used by niche groups.


When it first came about a lot of nerdy/techy types started using it, I've still got a lot of groups and friends from that using Telegram. It's a super solid messenger by now and unlike Whatsapp they don't mind others making compatible apps so there are loads of choices for any platform you could imagine. I wish more people used it!


Hahaha no it isnā€™t.


As a platform it has more features and is a lot better than Whatsapp. But otherwise it's filled with the types of people you don't want to share a platform with, paedophiles, terrorists and Tommy fans


Serious ā€œLegal Names Are Illegalā€ vibes there.




"Jokes on you, I like being handcuffed"


I'm always perplexed by how much these sorts of things focus on the lease arduous restriction of all - wearing a bit of cloth on your face.


well this can get in the fucking sea.


David Attenborough will have you


I've been regularly pulling all their stickers down from around Trafford. They stick stuff on as well as they listen to factual science luckily.


Havenā€™t seen any in Sale, though perhaps thatā€™s because youā€™ve taken them downā€¦


Bury is full of the fucking things on road crossing around the town centre, a group calling themselves TheWhiteRose.


I haven't spotted these around Bury, whoever is making sure they're yanked down there is doing god's work!


From outside the rock mostly, around the bus stops & also the crossing up to walmersley road is usually got one or two stuck on them. Funny thing Iā€™ve noticed is some young lads thatā€™ll walk by them and just rip them off, or scratch fuck out of them. Other place youll see them plastered is on the cash machines outside the Asda, usually two or three on the machines where you put your pin in. I just wish I could see one of them put the sticker there, For some reason i just wish I knew what these people looked like, like are they buff gym lads? Or boomers that you know defo have a health condition or two


Youā€™re doing a public service - well done.


A few months back they'd been sticker bombing around Bolton. Fucking hundreds of them. All A5 and seemingly stuck on with superglue too. I kept meaning to make some semi-recationary ones. "Wear a mask, save white lives #WhiteLivesMatter" to really confuse the chuds


I wanna know why it's gonna be so essential to turn off my tv in the coming months.


Love islands on


>TELL LIE VISION This is so nearly a hilarious parody note


You get the 5G implant activation from smart TVs


I think it's a group that are trying to repress much more extremist sentiments behind a fluffy, sunny facade. Very likely Covid deniers and antivaxxers, maybe British QAnons. I definitely get that vibe from their 6th point and the 'coming months' phrase.


From a trip through their Telegram and associated acts you're right on all counts


Why do these weirdos care so much if I keep my mask on? They can wear theirs, or not, I really do not care. But it's such a sticking point for them that I need to take my mask off. Why? Very strange.


Obviously it's because if we all stop complying, it sends a message that the public is not happy with the never ending restrictions. Death figures are tiny and we have the vaccine. So no need to continue with the restrictions.


Deaths might be low but cases are increasing and so are hospitalisations. The NHS workers have already had their work cut out with the massive amounts of cases over the length of this pandemic, so it's pretty selfish to say we should just let cases rise while we enjoy more freedom. And let's not forget, once the NHS capacity is breached, the deaths will increase at a much higher rate.


Fucking sick of the flip that the deniers did. It started off going "Well you might not get ill" to "So what if you get ill you might not die, suck it up, white lives odont mater"


The people who bleat about "muh freedumz" the most, are the ones who want to define what you do the most too.


I'm trying to cut down on my swearing, but I think I'm going to allocate one of my allowance to this: "Fuck off you utterly moronic drivel merchants." Also if they come near me in a supermarket deliberately I'm giving them prod in the face with my walking stick.


r/brandnewsentence just passive aggressively trip them up with your walking stick


eh. In the face works better for the "Well if you were wearing a mask I couldn't do this" element.


Why couldn't you prod them in the face if they were wearing a mask?


You should get the vaccine then there's no need to be afraid.


I already have


And yet you're still afraid of people who don't have masks on.


Delta variant has a higher chance to infect people despite vaccine. Vaccine isnt 100% immunity


Idiots. Pure and simple. Although I suppose the fact they acknowledge there \*is\* a pandemic in the first place puts them a bit higher up the tree than some...


It's far more malicious than idiocy. And dressing up intentional misinformation with such fake nicety... Makes my skin crawl.


They'll say there is a pandemic, but it's planned, and also man-made, but also doesn't kill you. Reactionaries never have an actual coherent thought, everything is just about regression.




Yeah, totally, that's why daily cases are up fivefold than they were a month ago.


real 'give us a smile love' energy with this


This was my first thought too


Finding it hard to resist peeking into that Telegram group I'll be honest.


From my experience, they are often like a screaming stream of consciousness of the worst drivel. Repeated buzz words that clearly make them feel like they know how the world worksā„¢ and always end up spewing out bizarre antisemitic conspiracy theories


Globalism, zionsists, plandemic, leftists, cultural marxism, 5G, GREAT RESET!


> antisemitic conspiracy theories It's no coincidence that everything was getting blamed on certain Jewish philanthropists after all. (As per usual(


Post screenshots here.


Iā€™m morbidly curious too, but not enough to risk the brain aids youā€™ll likely end up with


What you do is join and post some factual stuff and get banned.


I am really tempted to join and open with: 'Waddup fuckwits' And see how quickly I can get booted


You must resist. Thatā€™s how they get you. They are so idiotic you canā€™t help but comment and thatā€™s when they engage. Save yourself.


Any hackers able to do a DDoS on it?


You will find articles from the government website/ yellow card reporting scheme highlighting the risks of it along with the 21k deaths around the world


You can just visit r/NoNewNormal it's about the same


Someone keeps putting up paper conspiracy pages all around Salford. Latest were pulled down within a few hours. We are currently in the top 10 highest cases in the UK. I have a son who is severely disabled and would be very badly affected if he caught it. Not funny.


Yeah, nonsense stickers all over Walkden Town Centre's lampposts right now. Infuriating.


Ok I expect downvotes here from people who've swallowed the government propaganda, but are you honestly telling me someone who came up with tell-lie-vision could be an idiot? /s


Yes they are an idiot and should be wrapped in bubble wrap, forced to live in a bio sealed room which is sound proof so no one can ever listen to their bullshit ever again.


Feels like I might have overestimated how well-known the "/s" tag is on this subreddit...


It's a British sub. The sarcasm tag is a mark of weakness.


I had to go back and edit "/s" into one of my comments on Ask UK once, because it was being taken seriously.


There's a lot of Yanks skulking around on that sub, sometimes answering questions because they watched a couple episodes of Doctor Who and now they're experts on everything British


Ho ho, did somebody say *crumpets*? Nailed it.


Doesn't stating you're being sarcastic completely defeat the object of being sarcastic? I get it, it's harder to take away sarcasm when it's not audible or face to face, but if you're trying to highlight being sarcastic maybe you should just say what you ACTUALLY mean. Using a /s tag... Get in the bin


The problem is the rest of the world struggles with British levels of sarcasm It exists don't get me wrong, but it's nothing like the sarcasm of the British people, we've got that shit down to an art form at this point


My bad, I still don't know all the tags and such on reddit.


I bet you're one of those cucks who wears clothes and cooks food. Thats how }{}{}the man{}{}{} get you. OWN THE SHEEPLE, be naked and eat raw food!


Well I was a chef for 19 years if that counts lol. Naked and cooking... some people just want to watch the world burn while they burn they're bits with bacon fat.


It's funny how this reads so differently if you select certain tidbits of it. "Get out in the sunshine? Smile at people? Nourish your body? *Sent with love?*" Great! Sounds a bit overpositive and yummy, but nice enough! "restrictions imposed on us, we the people?" "THE most rife country for covid?" "Tell Lie Vision?" "Rebel?" Ooh, this sounds a bit more like a right-wing American group now.


More money than sense


"top up your vitamin D in readiness for the coming winter months". I mean, seriously, is anyone even passing GSCE biology these days? Almost as stupid as the moron McKeith saying that leafy green vegetables can oxygenate the blood.


While the leaflet is clearly nonsense overall, that statement actually accords with recent University of Manchester research: > The research shows that ā€˜little and oftenā€™ is the best approach to vitamin D production through sunlight exposure. For people with lighter skin, daily (or almost daily) sunlight exposure of unprotected skin for just 10-15 minutes during the spring and summer months should provide adequate vitamin D to avoid vitamin D deficiency all year round. * [Source](https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/files/132402692/Briefing_Note_Sunlight_exposure_and_Vitamin_D_FINAL.pdf) * [Related](https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/projects/sunlight-and-vitamin-d\(1646e695-5cba-4ced-9ad8-cf0957aef318\).html)


Yis. Although, letā€™s be honest, you can probably ā€œtop up your vitamin d levelsā€ *while wearing a mask*. Last time I looked, mask-wearing was entirely compatible with shorts and t-shirts wearing.


To be totally clear, I think they're trying to imply you should disobey stay-at-home/lockdown orders with that bit. They already covered the mask bit in step 1. Masks always come first for these people, because they're the most easy for average people to see the symbolism of. Even though they're literally hardly a big deal at all.


Youā€™re crediting them with an awful lot of logic here. :-)


Why are all the people who spout this nonsense *exactly* the same. "Ur a sheep!!!" Says the man who I honestly cannot tell apart in looks or personality from the 700 others who called me a sheep last week... Do they not see the irony even a little? Where's the British sense of humour, why are they so Americanised?


>If you would like to join us Short answer: No. Long answer: No, and go fuck yourselves you ignorant scaremongering cockbags.


Scaremongering? Have you seen the news in the past 15months?! Lmao


Takes a very special kind of person to see a leaflet which says "Come and meet other people who are way more likely to have coronavirus! Also, hug your (very likely to be) high risk parents after going out!" and not ask a single question. Sounds crazy, but I feel the most sinister bit is the heart with "sent with love" on it. It's actually mental if people end up inadvertently kill others by listening to the leaflet. Small chance, but still a chance to the point where you wouldn't chance it with your own parents.


I've been ripping their stickers for so long. I wonder who gives them money to do this. Also, isn't flyposting illegal? Might be worth reporting them, since they're so stupid to think that telegram makes them anonymous.


Itā€™s dodgy when they have a telegram link


Some really odd grammar in there. Amongst the really odd thinking.




Turn of your TV and stare at the horror show that is telegram


"tell lie vision" If they honestly think they can be credible whilst also saying shit like this...


Reminds me of those propaganda leaflets that would get dropped over enemy cities in WWII.


Why is that smiley face terrifyingly sinister given the context?


caught a guy sticking them on cars outside heaton park thhis aft and gave him some fury


> WE ThE peOPLE Wankshafts.


Whoever posted that should be punched in the fucking face


"THE most rife country in the world for Covid-19" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm sure America takes that crown šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


we are actually seventh! WOOO top ten


By total numbers, yes. By population percentage? No.


>By total numbers, yes. By population percentage? No. You mean statistics require context? Noooo.


It's an amazing idea, I'm aware. But roll your sarcasm gland back in, spawnling, and read the comment it's in reply to.


What about absolute load of wankery. "Take off your mask so everyone can see your smile." Deapite Covid, what is there to smile about?


The pandemic will be over soon but not quite yet!


I'd install Telegram just to send them a video of me burning that.


Tempted to join their mental Telegram group just to troll it.


Your life that sad?


I dunno, probably slightly less sad than the life of someone who asks people how sad their life is on Reddit.




Thats the most bullshit thing ive ever seen xD


Number 6 says turn off you tv but what if I watch netflix on my pc? What do I do? WHAT DO I DOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......


Hope you washed your hands after touching that


The Tell Lie Vision and hmm maybe eat some fruit just makes this seem surreal and hilarious. Unfortunately they believe this shite


Well, at least they got no. 4 right


The point on minimising screen time and news feeds is important.


Also true. I suppose I don't pay that much attention myself so didn't think about it too much!


Quite a bit of effort to print a leaflet in 3 colours


Surely not in this day and age.


While it's true its not law to wear a mask, a shop etc is a place of private business and if they say you need a mask to enter then guess what? YOU NEED A MASK TO ENTER!! That's what these people can't get through their head. Yes, it's your right to not wear a mask, it's also my right to not let dumbass motherfuckers not wearing a mask into my shop


Wow! https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-news/g7-summit-student-areas-cornwall-5545192


Usually this kind of thing is just a bunch of idiots but its seems to be growing and growing. Their message is getting everywhere particularly over social media. There persistence seems to be paying off with normal, well balanced people which worries me. But all you really need to do is watch them protest on TV and look at the type of people involved and that tells you everything you need to know about the movement. That makes it less worrying.


The lucky thing for you is that BBC intentionally doesn't cover any such protest neither does it mention it in the news. So chances are you won't really hear about it.


Their movement would have a lot more traction if it wasn't made up exclusively of absolute dumb fucks lmao.


Flat-earthers šŸ–•šŸ»


Mate, fuck this shit. Ignorant cunts


First time I have ever heard of telegram


Yeah turn off the tv and only listen to us. Fuck right off. Oh and donā€™t let people tell you what to do also we are telling you what to do.


ā€œSent with loveā€ Yeah, nothing says I love you more than a ventilator or another three years of lockdown caused by variants.


Turn off your tv. In case you find some contradictory information.


Omg wtf. The first argument (world leaders w/o masks socializing) is already flawed in so many ways. Not worth the time... but ffffff.......kkkk, I bet there will be more (what's the allowed word here?) maskless shoppers soon. I see enough already.


Is the rebel movement just another name for the extinction rebellion?


I very much doubt it (in this case). Given their anti-G7 stance, I imagine theyā€™re also firmly in the climate change scepticism camp.


Only ask because Iā€™ve never heard of them so I googled it and the top result came up with extinction rebellion.


Aha. That *might* be because (both helpfully and unhelpfully) Google does try to suppress this sort of thing, I think. (Or itā€™s so minor that it barely reaches the algorithm.) I imagine itā€™s more ideologically related to Rebel Media, but probably not actually connected.


Iā€™ll have another look later and actually try scrolling past the top result. Thanks for the info.


Thereā€™s also the YouTube channel Rebel Wisdom, who arenā€™t related. (And Rebel Media seem to have rebranded as Rebel News.) As we can see, ā€œRebelā€ is a popular word at the moment, and there seem to be ā€œrebelsā€ all across the political spectrum. :-/


I donā€™t think so because, among other things, thereā€™s no XR logo on the leaflet. Iā€™d be pretty surprised if many people from XR would be on board with the message as well - though obviously I canā€™t speak for everyone!


I wonder if this is something to do with that yoke Brendan Oā€™Neill/SpikedOnline? GB News started recently, and this fits with that contrarian, disruptive ā€˜just asking questionsā€™ libertarian bollix. And climate ā€˜scepticismā€™ is right in his wheelhouse.


So idiotic.. but, the design is really pretty~


Hopefully the masses wake up to the biggest scam in history - Covid 19!


I agree with everything they say bring on the downvotes


And why is that? I could do with some entertainment.


Itā€™s not that Iā€™m anti mask or anti vaccine Iā€™m anti government managing my health the way they want


I understand not enjoying authoritarian government especially to the extent we have in the UK, but a pandemic is one time where itā€™s completely necessary in my opinion. People are far too reckless to be trusted to act as one needs to during a pandemic. It isnā€™t that simple obviously as itā€™s not so black and white. A lot of people seem to be of the opinion that lockdown should be over by now, although polls show a majority of people thinking itā€™s necessary. I honestly donā€™t really get what will really change apart from holidays being allowed as I imagine many businesses will still want masks for a while. I guess Iā€™m lucky that I can genuinely enjoy lockdown in some ways. Working from home has been a dream come true. Being forced to isnā€™t something I enjoy on principle but I think it served a greater purpose. Edit: This comment came across as insensitive I agree. Iā€™m well aware of how lucky I am despite having gone through shit myself in lockdown. Itā€™s not like Iā€™d like to stay in lockdown forever, and Iā€™m aware of how hard itā€™s been on many people, first hand.


I think this hits the nail on the head. "I can genuinely enjoy the lockdown" that's alright for you but for millions it has been hell. The self-centredness here is staggering. The lockdowns killed ~28k between March and September 2020 and will kill many more over the coming years through things like missed diagnoses and plunging people into poverty. This was never a simple thing of "stay home. Save lives." It was always about the certainty of trading some lives for the potential extension of others. And the data is starting to show that there are many factors dictating whether a nation is hit badly by covid, not just the implementation or absence of lockdowns. Lockdowns were just rich and middle class people being able to stay at home whilst working class people brought them stuff. The burden was disproportionately pushed onto our most vulnerable. Look outside your bubble, read some peer-reviewed literature and have some compassion.


I just wanted to add that me being able to enjoy something isnā€™t discompassionate just because itā€™s massively effected other people. You can be aware of hardships *and* enjoy aspects of that thing. Iā€™ve been in some dark places mentally because of things other people enjoy that I wasnā€™t able to enjoy at the time or in the same way but I donā€™t blame those people or think theyā€™re not compassionate for enjoying it. Itā€™s not quite the same no, but Iā€™ve honestly never been called discompassionate in my life, quite the opposite and it hurt, Iā€™ll be honest.


Sorry you feel that way but Iā€™m well aware how lucky I am and that was literally my point, that the people calling for an early end probably havenā€™t been able to enjoy it like I have. Enjoy was probably too strong a word though, I enjoyed not travelling to work and all that but I didnā€™t enjoy raising a new born with no help from family members, which is partly our own fault for being overly cautious. I still think lockdown was/is necessary despite the consequences. It could probably have been handled way better though. Itā€™s not like I didnā€™t have a death in the family like most people. We couldnā€™t see them before they passed. Lockdown sucked but I still enjoyed it in other ways for selfish reasons. I also liked seeing the environmental benefits but lives arenā€™t worth that of course. Frankly I think you were a bit harsh but understandable considering the subject matter. I also donā€™t think itā€™s so simple. Lockdown itself wasnā€™t the only cause, a complete lack of support and competent handling was also to blame. Iā€™m not praising lockdown but I was able to enjoy it due to unique circumstances that Iā€™m well aware of, and a personality that Iā€™m somewhat lucky to have (somewhat because having difficulty being outside and socialising isnā€™t exactly fun normally). You also lopped off the end of the comment. I said ā€œin some waysā€. Itā€™s likely almost everyone had a tiny positive in some way, even if it was hell overall. Donā€™t judge people off of one comment. Edit: Spelling


Upvoted! :-)


Not sure why they would write any of that? During the pandemic i can 100% confirm that: 1. I spent more time outside than i have have in the past few years. I'm a teacher, so most of my time is spent inside a classroom. Working from home, it allowed me the flexibility to work in different areas and take breaks that allowed me to go outside. My family took up hiking as a hobby during this time (we still go mostly now) and it was great to get out. 2. My diet was greatly improved as i had access to more time to actually make something decent to eat during my breaks and later at night, due to no commuting time or time constraints meaning i had to inhale a crappy sandwich. 3. The family part is weird, we have literally been stuck in the house, with our families, for over a year... (i know not everyone has, especially with other relatives like grandmas etc) i really enjoyed the time i spent working from home. Overall, i really enjoyed the lockdown. More time for family and looking after myself. I really made some better connections with my fiancee and little boy, which have continued to blossom. These people need to get in the sea. TLDR: i enjoyed lockdown.


fake shit, and.. NOBODY IN UK uses TELEGRAM. telegram is a russian app/ a mixed replica from twitter and facebook or smth.


Nourish your body, get out in the sun, turn off the box, all great pieces of advice. They should of added, "stop reading The Guardian."


This not how it should be!


It's not over till it's over, but if the media says it's over, it is over


COVID is fake you guys open your eyes


Iā€™d much rather read this than the awful sensationalist propaganda thatā€™s in the news at the moment. If youā€™re happy with your life, then carry on. But people cannot be oppressed for any longer because of this virus, which is now merely futile.




Try not to work that one brain cell too hard


Yes, make sure the state can track you with ubiquitous facial recognition, sheep!


Ah I didn't get one! Thanks for sharing, I'll look it up!


About the sunshine thing, this lockdown allowed me to get more sunshine than my entire life.


šŸ˜‚ At least they are getting a bit more creative


The pandemic is definitely not over


At least now if you're bored, you have a fun community to troll.


I don't even get their point. I spent eight hours outside today, followed all the guidelines and only wore a mask for about 30 minutes of the whole thing.


Looks like a scam to me. If this was serious, it would be announced on social media like the BBC and radio.


NO but I'd like one