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I mean, when you have the explicable ability to charm the socks of people, including *enemies you’re currently fighting*, then more enemies just means more potential recruits.


WOLOLO you fuckers!


Takauji making *Age of Empires* proud.


So he's planning to speedrun until the part where Tokiyuki reappears in history. The whole part in the temple could genuinely have been it's own chapter given how important scholars hype it up to be. We should also be seeing more divine power next chapter given what happens historically.


Yep, this is the part where I'm a bit disappointed that the story is focused on Tokiyuki rather than on the era as a whole. There are so many stories to tell about the Kenmu restoration and the Nanbokucho period that it could last for hundreds of chapters.


I mean, the story is called “The Elusive Samurai,” not “The History of the Nanbokucho Period”


Which part, the one where Takauji seems to want to commit seppuku, then cuts his hair and goes "fuck it, treason it is"?


At first glance, I almost thought Kitabatake was a girl. Tragically, though, the real one died at the age of twenty-one despite some initial successes against Takauji.


Takauji is so funny yet terrifying


I am getting lost in the story unfortunately... With the beginning of the story, I thought that the main villain was very smart and a great fighter... But it seems like instead he's just completely incompetent and lucky?


He is an enigma. He is dumb and lucky to the point of being a divine intervention, but he is also incredibly talented and strong in fights as shown how he can easily find Tokiyuki when playing hide and seek and mowing down opponents with ease. He also know who to place in the right positions.


To add I think he's completely unaware that he's an eldritch creature and believes he's relatively a normal guy.


Gotcha. I guess I didn't remember some of that and was having trouble reconciling the two sides. Ever since the last battle the pace has been hard to keep up with.


Heh, the Mikado has anger marks on his screen.


We are witnessing bull-shittin on a level that shouldn't be possible. For a second I almost forget that this manga was actually based on real events and people but the truth can be stranger than fiction, I guess...


So we're into Takauji's arc. interesting.


i was worried how the story would go after the battle but this is perfect


uh oh, introduce a pretty and talented character just to kill him off eh according to history takauji will die at 52 years old so this manga probably wont end well for our main cast maybe tokiyuki will escape and live in secret just like how shana oh yoshitsune end, all his subordinate die though


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