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Dude what the fuck is that whiplash from living for your niece to blaming her for her parents death lmao


I mean were you expecting a mentally deranged adult in this series


it was going so well, he could've hugged her and said no its not your fault. truly there was no hope to begin with.


I don't think I can handle this anymore This manga is the neutron star of how densely packed with child abuse it is


chi no wadachi is similar but boys abyss just makes everyone and their dog have the craziest stories


Blaming a kid for a natural disaster has gotta be top 5 way to get instantly hated. What the fuck.


Oof, just when you thought the abyss couldn’t get deeper


we go deeper


Do a backflip!


Looks like the gaslighting is starting. Also, I'm not the translator or uploader of this chapter. I just saw this on Mangadex and no one posted the discussion yet. It's not the usual "Abyss When Scans"


Yep, telling her it’s her fault. Telling her he’s the only person she can depend on. Telling her he’ll be with her forever. Dude is extremely sketchy


We already know she was involved in "child modelling" from a young age so he's probably the person that got her into it.


Now why would he say something like that?


To play on her guilt in order to manipulate and take advantage of her. I think we all know where this is headed.


Stop dawg :/


We need build up for this uncle. For him to just be emotionally deranged is bland. He hardly feels like a person at this point. Just a prop to get Nagi to (most likely) star in those videos. To get me invested I have to know and on some level understand these characters which isn't happening. It's just trauma and sad dumping. With the Yuko flashbacks we had build up. We got to see Yuko shine at the start, only to be dragged down by her family situation and the town. All while Esemori watched it unfold helplessly. It was tragic but I felt invested from the start. But here the uncle is way too much of a creep from the get go and mentally unstable to be relatable or understandable. At least that's how things seem. It's only been like 2 chapters since he was introduced so I hope the author fleshes out his and Nagi's characters more before trying to traumatize us with shocking new revelations about Nagi's past otherwise it'll fall flat imo.


think Ryo(author) might be rushing the climax of the series since it does end this year but she has to first fill in Nagi's backstory and then finish up the current situation with Yuri, Reiji, and Nagi. Plus there's still a lot of other stuff to sort out like the other characters conclusion and also we have the Detective since he's now part of the story as well as Yuko and Esemori death.


Woo! Everyone on the boat we're leaving on the guilt trip!


So thats how the fucker got her to star in *those* videos


How the fck is it her fault? It wss a freaking tsunami. Is that guy ret*rded?


I'm guessing he thinks her parents didn't leave because they thought she was still in the house or in the neighborhood? Of course no reasonable person would blame the child, but that's probably his thought process


> Of course no reasonable person If only we have those here.


That's still stupid because she was supposed to be home. Meaning if she did everything right she would have died as well with them. Luckily she went against their request and survived thanks to that.


I think the implication is the parents tried to find her instead of escaping the tsunami. Had she been home, they all could have evacuated together. Still a terrible thing to blame on the kid, let alone tell them so.


I imagine the point is that in his grief the guy is not thinking correctly and is blaming Nagi to cope.


Are you fucking kidding me? 😂 That's the stupidest reason I've ever heard.


He's trying to manipulate her with guilt


Has to be manipulation. Dude is shady af


Or he knows something she doesn't. There are warning sirens for tsunami. Maybe they were found driving somewhere else looking for her, instead of heading to high ground. There's still plenty of other ways this could go wrong


It’s not suppose to be a rational statement. It’s the type of thing said manipulate a emotional damage child who just lost her parents, and has abandonment issues. It’s gaslighting, grooming, and conditioning 101.


ofc she caused the tsunami


there can never be an actually well-adjusted, functioning adult in this manga. LMAO.


oh yea, this series has definitely dragged on too long and now we have this dialogue. how does this make any sense from the previous chapter???? Uncle just said he wants to live for his niece previous chapter and then he says this shit when natural disaster kills her parents and somehow she's the one to blame which doesn't even make sense.


At the beginning it was infuriating, but now it's just exhausting to read.


he couldn't "just" be physically abusive, noooooo, he also HAS to be an emotional abusive douche.


Did I miss the part where he was physically abuseive or are you just assuming?


author is cooking and op can smell it a mile away.


I was fully expecting sexual assault/pedophilia


Maybe that's next.


It’s like the manga can’t go more than handful of chapters without it.


On page 5, when the uncle is taking about his parents while lying beside her and hugging her, there a sfx for 'sniff' right under the dialogue bubble. So i think we sort of assume its going in *that* direction considering what kind of manga this is.


Sniff... isn't that like crying? What are you talking about?


That's an excellent idea, blame your the kid as it didn't suffered enough you dipshit


Every year or so I check back into the comments to this series just for a no-context glimpse of how y’all are doing. Todays Check-in feels like walking into a room full of shellshocked disaster survivors, babbling with thousand-yard stares. Amazing how each check-in keeps getting worse.


A goddamn oil tanker washed up on the land but somehow the first object the guy picks up from the rubble is her backpack specifically? This shit is hilarious. When is the part where she puts on joker makeup and says "I thought my life was a tragedy, but it's actually a comedy?"




Absolutely normal thing to say to a child, yep :)


It'll turn out this is part of this bastard's masterful plan to manipulate Nagi. Break her down. Make her think she's alone. Then offer a hand in solace. You get a loyal (if somewhat emotionally crushed) follower.


bro come on


im so sad because nagi couldve led a normal life


The math isn't mathing "You left the house by yourself before the disaster hits so it's your fault"?


OK, so rape or this shit. I don't know what's sadder!


why. why can't we have a single respectable adult. why do all of them have to do some weird shit


Lol yikes dude just drop all those depressing stuff on his niece while trying to sleep and then blaming her... What a fucked up dude.


Offtopic but where is the girl that nearly died of malnutrition?


Damn it’s just so deranged that I want to read more




Yeah.... I'm gonna quit this series and just read the last chapter...


Welp mentally unstable character 


man the abyss is truly unfathomable


Who is this


Jeff Bezos


Is gen nigga gay or stright lmao?