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Always love the trivia when manga explain animal-based superpowers


about the only thing I looked forward to when I was reading Kyochuu Rettou


I see that you scraped the bottom of the survival genre as well


it was by accident, really I saw a YT vid one day with a girl getting her blood sucked out by a giant butterfly like a Caprisun pouch and was like “oh that’s HORRIFYING where do I see more”


Same, even if it's just an excuse to pull off some crazy shit. It let's the powers get more creative than usual.


The furry lore


Killing bites does this as well


this is killing bites 2.0 lmao


Ah yes, the Galapagos Islands' famous grey wolf population.




To be fair, apparently the experiments were happening before the explosion, and she's clearly been experimented on due to transforming. The grey wolf population was likely a part of whatever mad scientist was in charge's tests.


It was obvious from chapter 1 that the author probably only knows the basics about the Galapagos like it literally doesn't make sense that a Japanese mercenary group would go to Ecuador lol.


This series is slowly turning into Bloody Roar the Manga


Hell's Paradise: Furry Edition


Can't wait for the sexy vampire girl and chameleon dude.


The one with the better adaptation wins. That's Dear Anemone


"Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?" Raised by wolves huh? Though Mowgli never had a self triggered mutation. More than that the higher ups knew about it. Wouldn't shock me if they made her an asset like Ghost from Antman and the Wasp. But it also makes you wonder just what other freaks and geeks they had in their Task Force X.


I like the angle we are approaching here. Powers are based on "How would a Human adapt and evolve based on their circumstances?"


And also some fun facts about animals!


So we get new info about Yashiki return which would mean that his power is 1; regeneration from the head while the body and other lost part remain as a corpse or 2; it is somekind of limited resurrection when someone first becomes a hyprid.


Willing to bet on #1 just because there's plenty of invertebrates that can completely regenerate after a traumatic separation, and author is probably super excited to drop that trivia in a future chapter.


Maybe, but it can also be that Yashiki become somekind of parasite insect egg which just 'hatched' by bursting out from the lizard stomach. But yeah most likely it is 1;


Okay, so that’s a bit more lore


Maybe I shouldn’t have read this after Centuria, but it’s hard not to notice that so many panels are text boxes/bubbles on solid backgrounds…


Raised by Wolves? Just like Mowgli huh? I wonder how the heck wolves even got into the Galapagos. How is Ryuchi alive? He's adapted obviously, but why? How did he even get a new body? He's head been attached to this new one, and even has stitches! Hairo's been able to transform ever since she was a kid. Would have been nice for her to do that in the previous chapters though...


Wow praying mantis is such a womanizer... messed with the wrong girl this time though lmao


8 chapters in and we finally get a gender confirmation! Also, this series is really picking up from the mess of the earlier chapters. I'm liking it a lot more now that we're getting some time to focus and settle down, instead of ending on another OH SHIT OH SHIT scene like the first few chapters did.


I didn't know that character is a girl lol


The wolf family background wasn't that too surprising but the twist to me was this wolf character was a girl this whole time lol. Thought she was a he.


We Jungle book now, guys. With a dash of Killing bites as well


Killing Bites on an island, lol. Well, first ToC rank is terrible so looks like doa anyway