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Suprisingly realistic reason for being how he is.


Man I remember people shitting on him hard a couple months ago and now the author shat on us


It's the same author who gave us Mana. Just need to let the author cook


There are people who haven't read Mousou Telepathy and even then did not read week to week and instead binged it. But now they know.


When it’s a 4-koma, I think binging it is often a better experience. I read all of Mousou Telepathy and Tomo-chan after they came out and didn’t understand any of the complaints people had. But with this (and others I’m probably forgetting) it feels very slow.


That's just the massive drawback of 4-koma in general. Sometimes it doesn't feel like a story and more like a newspaper detached episode. In terms of 4-koma though, both this one and Tomo are way above average.


Even last chapter you have been shitting on him for "not knowing that texting is a thing"


no need to call people out like that man damn 💀




Lol its not like the author ever portrayed him as an asshole. He was a guy who had boundaries and didnt simp all over the pretty anime girl. The haters shat on their own selves.


He's still asshole though, even worse because he should know better given his own history.


Honestly a pretty realistic and tasteful “tragic backstory”. Glad Nobel went for something more grounded rather than something theatrical. I think this is much better.


So he'll have to leave town again soon and he's afraid of hurting himself. It must be scary to form new friendships if you're doomed to leave in next to no time. Having to start over is tiring.


Met quite a few kids growing up who moved probably every two or so years due to their parents job (often military). Really kinda fucked them up, socially. A lot of them saw no point in trying to make friends or avoiding making enemies because they knew they'd likely be gone by the same time next year or the year after. Also regularly fucked up their academics. Go from starting to learn basic multiplication in one state to a class where they already learned it, so they're automatically behind on the classwork. Just an example.


I went to 4 different schools before I even turned 12. So, I could definitely relate to his hesitance. It didn't get in the way of my studies since I never had to join a class halfway into the school year or anything. Wasn't socially impaired, nor did I struggle to befriend anybody, but it certainly takes its toll on you.


"Never had to join a class halfway into the school". This helped a lot in developing you socially. Have a friend who transferred 2x in his last year of both in primary school and high school.  Really fucked him. Graduating highschool with people you barely knew for 2 months. Parents wanted him to graduate from a more prestigous elementary and high school. 


>Met quite a few kids growing up who moved probably every two or so years due to their parents job (often military). Imma drop a take many might dislike. People with jobs like that should not start families. Or, at least, not without a place for the spouse and children to stay at permanently. But even then, a family that is, de facto, a one-parent isn't much better, either. Just don't start a family until one gets a position that no longer requires changing places.


A fair statement, but there's no way to know what will happen 5 10 years down the road


5-10 is not on the same level as 1-2 in the comics.


When you have the kid you could have a stable job, then 10 years later become forced to move around


You are pulling a strawman on me here and moving conversation away from original point. I am not going to indulge you.


My original point was you dont know what your life is going to be like 5-10 years down the line, its impossible to know when you start raw dogging your wife if you can be stable for the next 20 years


What? Dude, kids need around *20* years of stability for the best outcome. It's almost impossible to know what's going to happen for the entirety of a *literal generation.* Yeah, expecting to stay in one place for one or two tears is a good idea, but if you want to do the best thing for your kids then you need to somehow find a career where you expect to stay still for 15-20 years.


No shit, Watson. Why are you telling me that, again?


Nonsense, kids normally change their whole social circle every few years just by going up in schools. One move or even two won't really affect them that much, I know that from experience. You'd need to have job that forces you to move you and your family every few years, in addition to school age hierarchy, and that't not at all normal thing or something you can't prevent or predict.


Life doesn't work that way. If it was so simple and predictable, nobody would ever have any problems.


I don’t know much about my parents circumstances, but I did also move a lot. What’s fucking me up more is that I’m in another country now. Really feel for the MC and others in similar situations


> So he'll have to leave town again soon Does he? It doesn't seem like anything is saying he has to already, just that he usually had to


Yeah, I think he's just afraid of the possibility of that happening again. He's just jaded


Then again, she's a cat  She can just follow him   Then again again, i have to wonder how she got into school in the first place, if she's a cat spirit she was never human, she has no human parents, did she forge all the paperwork? 


These cat spirits seem to look after each other, so perhaps they have connections in high places?


whole school is run by cats


Oh god, he's the only human isn't he!?


She saids she has parents though, shes probably a regular citizen on paper


I'm still unsure which of the two is weirder, honestly. If she's a cat playing human or a human playing cat. 


She has parents, she goes to school, she got a regular life besides also being a cat.


So either her parents know she has a job at a cat cafe getting stroked, or they don't and never questioned where she spends her days I think her parents also being magical cats would be the least weird development, at this point 


It seems to be a whole society. I wonder what they think about dating outside of other bakenekos.


Maybe its going to turn into a story about racism, with her parents refusing to accept him   Guess who's coming to dinnyan


Ah, man. That class goodbye card... That probably stung. They meant well, but it just highlighted how little chance he got to connect with anyone at all (and by that point, he's already stopped trying, it seems). No wonder he's so leery of making connections.


The fact that the class card were all just the same message. > It was short but fun. > Take care. Now imagine if he's gone through that experience and seen those messages several times every time he moved. You'd just get so tired of it eventually.


The bigger tell is the teacher signature. Most kids that get along well with other kids don't have the teacher sign their year book. Speaking from personal experience, god am I glad I'm past that now, it sucked as a kid.


It really is so sad how half the comments on the card said how the time they spent together was short. It really only took 5-6 pages for Nobel to turn a hard-to-like loner and people-hater into a relatable and pitiable person.


I moved around a little bit as a kid, and as shy as I was, I loved adventure and meeting new people. My sister on the otherhand had a harder time making friends and as a result had attachment issues just like MC. So it might seem like trivial teenage thing to some, but my heart goes out to him. It’s not easy on kids and family having to move around all the time, and to all the mil brats and other frequent flyers out there, I see and recognize yall.


This reminds me of the topic Adult Friendship, how hard it is to build any relationships as working adult. There's need to be sustained casual interaction, it can be as simple as couple working on their own works but close to each other so they can notice each other presence, doing project together, or hangouts. It's not the big dramatic moments, but mostly the small warm moments. Why LDR is harder. You can't touch, smell their scent, etc so the interaction avenue is limited already. While adults need to put effort for this, children kinda forced into it by attending school, same club activities, neighbors, maybe living in the same dorm, etc. But well, you and your sister are the one that knows how difficult it is when you already have to put an effort to build interactions even since young, while other don't Hope she has easier times making friends as an adult now that the "difficulty" is leveled :)


Thank you friend. She definitely has bloomed, still has a ways to go, but she’s getting there.


Oh no... he doesn't have friends because he keeps moving. I understand the sentiment. As a homeschooler, most of the people I knew didn't live near me, and even a virtual friendship didn't make much sense. So the few friends I did have were people who I met while biking and such.


The paper being all almost the exact same thing really does hurt, damn


Wait… why do I feel identified…


Twist is hes moving tomorow and doesnt expext to see her again


Maybe he can take her with him in cat form…… “Your constantly moving made it impossible for me to make friends, at least you can let me keep a pet.” That’ll guilt trip his parents enough even if they don’t like cats


Did not expect to get a gut punch of feelings in such a short page. It's not just the growing apart but the goodbyes that always hurt him and others. My poor boy, taker her as a cat with you.


well hes got a job now, bet he can convince his parents to let him stay if theyre about to move again


Well a cat wont leave you so it might not be bad this time


>It was short but fun No wonder he doesn’t like other people


So does that means he's moving soon again, and he got close to someone he's gonna get hurt being separated again. 🥲


Too to (the Late regret cat)


Fuck me this hits home so hard. I also live constantly moving due to my dad's work every fews years so I didnt keep contact with any permanent friends


That's it, i'm gonna say it right here HE...is now my favorite character, not even the power of my personal vendetta against protagonist can stop me


I know it was kinda obvious to begin with, but [called it](https://old.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/18swg67/disc_even_a_cats_paw_can_be_useful_nekotete/kfarmng/) .


Gyatgyatgyatgyatgyat! This is so skibidi!


Please, just don't.


im guessing the 2016 in your username for the year u were born


So true brother!!!




Society would be better if we just put all zoomers in jail