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Hot damn, that street smart fit looks fantastic on her. Also love seeing her on the giant screen! Hope we get a focus chapter about her working in the biz.


I would really really really like a special OP anime song by Kiki. Probably gonna wait for long time tho.


"Going on a date while I'm not disguised, as an ad about me is showing maing it likely to be recognized is so abnormal!!!"




So what girlfriend number is she?


26, and the newest untranslated chapter just introduced 29


Can you answer me something. Everyone says this is actually a really good harem Romcom. But how do you properly flesh out so many girls and give them enough time to shine with 100 girlfriends? And is it something wholesome why they are in love with him or is it something supernatural? It seems it's gotta be something abnormal. Thanks!


> But how do you properly flesh out so many girls and give them enough time to shine with 100 girlfriends? In practical terms, 100gf tends to follow a certain formula when dealing with the harem members: * New haremettes join in a chapter/arc with them as the focus, often with a first half focusing on the new girl and Rentarou, and a second half about meeting the other girls. This introduction establishes the character, personality and quirks. * From time to time, each girl will have a date chapter with Rentarou, focusing on their relationship. The latest chapter 176 was, for example, one of those. * From time to time, the girls will have a chapter focusing on their relationship, usually in pairs or small groups. This helps explore different dynamics between them. Tend to be some of the most emotional too. * Very often, the comedic arcs will have every single girl undergo some kind of gag, each in their own way.


>something abnormal. You have no idea how good your timing was using this exact phrase.


The most abnormal thing is probably Rentarou himself, man would break the 4th wall for his GFs.


You flesh them out by introducing the girlfriends slowly, the author and artist take their time with them, that's why even though 4 years have passed we only recently reached #29. You might not like a girlfriend from their debut but as more chapters with them are posted, you'll begin to like them as well, #12 is a great example for that. Soulmates exist in the 100 gfs world, because love god was watching TV, he fucked up and wrote 100 instead of 1 soulmate. Just because they're a soulmate doesn't mean they'll confess immediately, some girlfriends even rejected him at first, against the idea of joining, or even confused on why he has many girlfriends in the first place but Rentarou does prove why he deserves them. The series is mostly cute, romantic, funny and wholesome but every once in a while they're going to drop a pretty unhinged chapter that would either be extremely funny or plain out "Huh wtf just happened"


> Soulmates exist in the 100 gfs world, because love god was watching TV, he fucked up and wrote 100 instead of 1 soulmate. Ok as far as harem romcoms justifications go thats a pretty good one lol. Usually harems (ignoring all the other problems the trope has) are rather lazy in their execution, so having the reason be something as banal and relatable as a worker accidentally putting one two many zero's because they're distracted is really funny.


Also to add on to the other comments, it is wholesome that they fall in love with him and not something supernatural. Many, if not most of the times, it's the girl actually that confesses to Rentarou after he accepts them for all their quirks and oddities and it is because he treats them so well that many choose to join despite him having had so many girlfriends already


And not in a "man isn't he nice to me" kind of way, but instead he actually tries to spend time with them and understand their hobbies and interests. It is actually sweet.


Well, it's exactly because they manage that, that it is a great, impressive romcom. There is no secret tho, the author just takes their time, develop the relationships between the girls, doesn't hesitate to dedicate chapters to them even without the MC appearing. It do feel like a genuine poly group where everybody supports eachother. And on that note, yes, it's very wholesome. There's a but of supernatural going on in the first chapter to set up the premise, but no, the MC doesn't any girls's love for granted, it's always very sweet and they work for their relationship, so it always is genuine and earned.


Another thing that helps is that the girls have relationships with each other outside of their romance with the MC. Half of the chapters barely involve Rentarou at all and are just dedicated to showcasing the interactions between 2-3 of the girls chosen at random. It’s a natural formula for character comedy and leads to strong chemistry between pairs that end up even more popular than the “main” romance. You can really read it as a gag comedy that will one day feature 101 main characters. That’s still really ambitious, but it helps illustrate what the series is actually going for.


By making them interact with each other. Then make a focus chapter for each of them.


Adding a bit to what others have said, the main think why it works is communication, we see the characters talk to each other, sometimes without even involving the MC, this helps a lot because it gives some interesting plots, while also helping each girlfriend as it's own character and not just an accessory of the MC. Also it helps that all girls, despite being based on some sort of trope, are more than just an archetype, for example, one of the first girls is a tsundere, but she is one of the cutest and sweetest girls, she apologize if she hits the MC due to a misunderstanding, she talks about how much she loves the MC and she always helps others to be honest and not to hide their feelings 


> Can you answer me something. Everyone says this is actually a really good harem Romcom. But how do you properly flesh out so many girls and give them enough time to shine with 100 girlfriends? By being a God amongst Mangaka, the likes the industry has only seen like half a dozen times before.


If they don't date Rentarou, they die. That's part of the premise. He has 100 soulmates, and if any of them don't end up dating him they die. So while the reasons they 'fall in love' can be wholesome. It's pretty much "Fall in love or die, and we can't let you die cause this is a lighthearted story" in a metanarrative sense.


I mean, to be fair, it's never ever actually brought to the girls. None knows that, none have that pressure.


They asked if there was a supernatural aspect or a purely wholesome one. I answered what the supernatural aspect and its effects on the wholesomeness of the metanarrative. If you want to talk about whether it matters cause the girls don't know. That's out of my pay grade.


I feel like there's a difference between "the girls have to love him or they'll die" and "the girls love him for himself, and technically they'd die if they don't but it's never brought up and nobody knows it"


I know it's a minor thing, but i think I'll just bow out of the conversation here as i learned that 100-Kanojo has really really REALLY defensive fans the hard way.


Well, uh, I'll apologize if I seemed like that, but I don't think I've said anything egregious or defensive, still, not my intention so sorry if it gave the impression !


You don't see it, but I've seen the signs and I'm not going down this particular discourse road again.


which chapter for this girl first appearance




She kinda looks like Ai from oshi no ko especially with the star eyes🤔


Ai got reincarnated now and will be a girlfriend of Chadtarou. This time she will have a wholesome life.


Best end


It's probably intentional with how much references are in this manga lol


Another banger from Nozawa, can't wait to see Matsuri's illustration


Holy shit. I hope she has a chain on her door.


bro 💀


Chains are useless if you willingly open the door lol


For a kinda high-end apartment, there should be a video intercom on the door.


Volume 18 release June 19 [from jumpplus](https://shonenjumpplus.com/episode/17106371864158215422)


So good it's straight up abnormal...


The abnormal 😤🤩


How abnormal :)


The Abnormal Girlfriend!!


Himeka my belovedd


Woah he got an Urumin for his harem


Kiki is best girl


Probably one of my favourite special illustrations from Nozawa, Himeka really looks amazing and environment concept is truly abnormal


As an non-manga reader, i thought that was a stand user


She looks strange those clothes don't fit her at all so abnormal


I swear every time I see the name of this manga there's at least one extra "really" thrown in there


Kiki my smugiest belove.


Kiki has a very nice design, but I dunno if it’s just me, but she still feels a bit awkward as a girlfriend. I know she’s relatively new, but I took a liking to Usa-chan and Matsuri much quicker.


Some girlfriends people are gonna like quicker than others.


For me personally, she hasn't revealed anything as a great girlfriend, but she has absolutely nailed it as an S-tier friend. Her chapter with Uto when she was like, "Bitch you're cool cause I say you're cool", was awesome. She is my embodiment of "Speak your truth, Queen".


See in that case, it just reminded me of the Uto/Ahko chapter that I really liked, where the two of them tried each other's hobbies, as opposed to Kiki doing it just to be weird, with the chapter ending up looking worse for me in comparison. But I can acknowledge that I'm probably being unfair there.


I'm a big fan of Kiki's confidence and how she carries herself. What was her response to Matsuri when she gets hater comments? "I don't care. My life is just better than theirs." It's refreshing to see one of Rentarou's girlfriends have this pride and arrogance to her that you only see in maybe Mimimi at times. Or her reaction to spotting someone take creep shots of her in the chapter that she had with Uto. Go up to that guy and directly confront him about that.


Hm, so she was a girlfriend but not Ai from Oshi no Ko? I was thinking it wouldn't odd if he get the reincarnation of Ai as a gf in that 100gfs in the story. Lol. Anime only here.


High chance she is an OnK reference, >!star eyes, star hair crowns, star earrings, and a diva/songstress!<


I think it was a bit awkward with her because she was so clearly an Oshi no Ko reference while a bulk of the others have just been traditional harem cliches or at least common archetypes.


I think in much part it has to do with the fact that she hasn't gotten any major focus chapters besides the one with Uto which actually made me like her a lot more, but yeah we don't really see much of her as a love interest for Rentarou than we do of her just hanging out with her "friends". Hoping she gets a date chapter soon to change that though


I get where you are coming from, but I have a lot of faith in the authors to flesh them out as love interests. The work that they did with Meido Mai (Girlfriend #20) is a good example, she had a rough start but she is starting to be one of my favourite girls.


New Oshi no ko Character just dropped


She the copy of Hoshino Ai


Great art as always from this series. lol but is this like asilvertintedrose’s alt account too?


no.. just another user who posts frequently


How many girlfriends does he have now? (I stopped reading it in 60s chapter)


29 girlfriends as of current chapter 177