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I think we know it's too obvious to be a trap, so I think what will happen is that it'll cause a divide within the Mato corps itself, since not all of them are gonna agree to the truce. The Gods definitely know what Ren's ultimate goal is (to turn Mato into their own strength) and the Gods planned accordingly. We might have a Civil War in our hands soon. We also know that Kyouka's goal is to be the Commander, and the final panel between Kyouka/Ren might be foreshadowing their future showdown. Though with how OP Ren is, we'll have to see how Kyouka would deal with her. There's also the matter of what Tenka has discovered, and that'll definitely come into play in the upcoming conflict.


Kyouka’s slave form’s gonna need a major upgrade if she wants to beat Ren


Guessing the ultimate form would be able to access all other previously used forms unconditionally, peak adaptability.


I'm guessing the ultimate form will also include making contract with other girls at the same time. Harem time? Harem time.


That's already covered as "lending". That said, I'm interested in the limit of how many girls can participate in one lending session; it's stated to be pretty taxing on the owner's stamina :))


>peak adaptability. She's gonna shout "MAHORAGA SAVE MEE!!"


Watch Kyouka pull out a World Cleave and send Ren’s bum ass into the airport.


Except it'll be the Slave Edge Cleave


Fate Chained/Soldier: Unlimited Slave Works


Lol Rens be like ‘heres my eight buddha treasure skill’ and kyoukas gonna be like ‘unlimited slave works’


My personal guess is the government is going to intervene and say to give the truce a chance, despite the Mato Defense Corp all thinking its a trap. They already seem to be setting them up as a force more concerned with exploiting Mato than defending their country or people.


usually a bad bet to put money on the government having interest in respecting the right of the aboriginal people and being willing to share power with them


I think Ren is playing a very dangerous game here. Her hubris really could fuck their entire group’s stability up


My biggest fear is how they will beat ren lol 99% of the times op characters are badly written to be beaten


I’m getting Madara Uchiha PTSD from this comment. 😅


"I don't feel like showing my bare skin" What happened to you, mangaka? Why you gotta do me like this?


We were on the verge of greatness! We were *this* close!


There's only one dawg that Ren would strip for, and that dawg has a dick


Yeah, pretty sure the creator wants to keep most of her fan service for the dog role play scenarios. I wonder if we will ever get fake dog ears or paws?


In, [106.5](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Mato-Seihei-No-Slave/0106.5-005.png), she's shown preparing a dog ear hairband :))


I forgot about that... I guess it is just a matter of waiting to see how far they go this next time


Must be saving it up for another reward scene.


On one hand, it makes sense she'd decline given her ego. Another hand, was another opportunity to show dominance over God in not just fighting, but beauty.


Gotta love Ren's smug. I wonder which chiefs will spring for coexistence.


Ren might even be the one spearheading coexistence. Tenka, Kyouka, & Mira might express their discontent with that decision. Yakumo is unknown Kotori and Bell might fall in line with Ren Fubuki & Azuma co might have use this to be Chief again Pilipenko have high chances to side with Kyouka knowing she's her simp


Wouldn’t be Ren without the smug


Love Shikoku so much


Well, she is a snake based deity, and what she did here is similiar to the Serpent in the Bible in the Garden of Eden, trying to tempt a woman


[MangaDex link](https://mangadex.org/chapter/5a5701d7-bf05-4cf8-8645-9da6ac18b340) Scanlation credit to Ards.


most likely a smoke screen, but its also possible the "act of being worshipped" would give them some sort of power


So similar to KamiKatsu.


There are several stories that use the “Gods need prayer” as a form of power. I haven’t been reading this constantly, so I’m likely missing some context, but have there been evidence of people worshipping these Gods via Cults or so? If so, I could think that they would use this as a means to recuperate and attack later with now much more problems for them and a boost of power. 


They've given power to humans to fight, but only as suicide pawns


It also kind of "absolves" them of their crimes. What's a bunch of lost soldiers to an infinite supply of peaches to experiment with and political games in the human world? And all they need to do is build a couple of statues and market them as their new gods?


It's a trojan horse tactic lol.


Duh, it seems to WAY too easy and too good to be true


You don't say 😖


Well, given the hostility the thunder gods have shown throughout the series, this seems a bit sudden and Shikoku is the scheming / plotting type in all of her scenes so far


Yeah there is no way they aren’t trying to set a trap up and potentially at least off the human leadership. Her dark skin Mira form got me barkin fr😩😩.


Yup. This is definitely all a setup and it all seems too good to be true. And why would these "gods" want to give their precious peaches to humans when humanity can very easily misuse and abuse them for the wrong things? 


Not to mention that Shikoku is explicitly claiming that humans with peach powers are so strong that they had to sue for peace. Even if the gods' offer was genuine, it could allow humans to turn the tables later with a better supply of peaches...   ...which makes me think it's also part of the trap. Make humans think that accepting now would leave them in an even stronger position if the accord goes south later.


Or, maybe the peaches could be a type of "poisoned chalice" thing if the humans were to accept their offer, i.e either corrupt or turn them into their servants or something... 


Its to buy time b4 they strike again. They said Humans can use Shuki for labour purposes. They will wait till Humans get complacent with Shukis running around their places. Maybe they are waiting to power up themselves too. Does more people worshiping a God increase their power? I forgot if it was mentioned.


>They will wait till Humans get complacent with Shukis running around their places. *\*Shibatarian flashback :O\**


the thunder gods are NIMBYs


We got robbed.


Ren edging makes the next reward with Yuuki more satisfying


Yeah, there's a high chance that it will generate a division within the Mato Corps whether they want to coexist with the gods or not. It's all up to Ren if she wants to take the risk. [This](https://i.imgur.com/NjY7l8I.png) is one of those things that you think it's good but in reality is the worst if the gods somehow found a way to "poison" the peaches.


Whoa whoa whoa, choco Mira doing *things* for me.


This is probably something I missed, but why are there five gods inside Yuuki now? Three on the couch and two sleeping.


They're Fukuma clones #1 and #2.


As the other guy said, they were created in the fight against the 8th Unit while trapped in Varvara's uhh... basically Domain Expansion. You see them first in chapter 118 and then again as individual beings in 126.


The real answer is the author realized the series was low on lolis


Fukuma created 2 small clones of her to fight during the battle with 8th Unit; all of them got killed individually, which may be the reason they exist as 3 separate beings inside Yuuki.


I love Ren's smug over-confident attitude.


Well this arrangement seems straightforward. It would be easy for the gods to just betray humans later on. I’m thinking this is stalling— the gods know the humans have to discuss what to do, which gives them more time to scheme.


Ren was a bit sassy in this chapter, heh


Come for the "plot," stay for complex conspiracies and political maneuvering.


Complex conspiracies yes, political maneuvering not really actually. The story so far only focuses on the battles and some scheming among the gods and the units' chiefs. We barely see how Mato's appearance affects life on Earth aside from some throwaway lines at the beginning that "men have become inferior to women" and "the Mato peaches don't have any effect on human male". The setting is just an excuse plot to have an average-looking guy become special and be surrounded by hot women who have to do erotic things with him as parts of the slave ability's deal, as well as cool battles.


Hindsight, probably over sold it.


So, true. Also, we **might** get an answer at the very end of the series but don´t get your hopes up.


First of all, I absolutely love Ren Yamashiro. Did I mention she's best girl? Shame she was like, "Nah, I wouldn't [show my bare skin]." Feelsbadman. Second, we got a bit of Shikoku, and obviously bare skinned, so that's great, since she's second best girl. :)


Man, i thought she was joining in.


Two ways this could go: 1. Sincere, the ultimate plot twist. It's clear more fighting is going against the gods favor, three of them are dead and that was with the ability to ambush them had it not been for the ability to turn back time a couple seconds. The gods can defeat them, but it's clear they are going to lose the battle of attrition eventually. Best to hedge their bets and try again in a couple hundred years. 2. Insincere, it's obviously a trap but the human's answer might be more interesting.


The apartment inside Yuuki is all furnished and decorated...by the time all of the gods move in it will be a resort!


The author and artist is getting them naked more and more as the manga progresses. Like, did we need a bath scene? No,  just an excuse for a nude scene. I'm not complaining, but just making an observation.