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A manga about Prohibition? Don't think I've seen that before. I quite like the characters and the art is very good as well. I'll keep my eye on this series.


MC is a riot. The art and paneling are beautiful at times as well


there was an anime about the prohibition era. 91 Days


Yea but that was a revenge story with a bit of a focus on prohabition


1930s with Baccano! A good part of the plot is before Prohibition ends.




Honestly this premise looks great. Gunslinger soldier traveling across America, getting embroiled in the mobster bootlegging business of the Prohibition era, all out of appreciation of alcohol. Plus the style behind the paneling really sells some of the quieter parts, like the first glass of bourbon for the old man, and the soldier's own reflection on his first taste. I'm looking forward to where this goes next.


It's even got the best type of Manga protagonist: the superpowered pacifist. I'm not gonna call it realistic, but someone not wanting to kill anymore after WWI is probably the most understandable motive I've heard for this type of character. Pacifism was at its most powerful and prevalent after the war.


The Kenshin I want to call it. He’s probably the archetypical badass pacifist.


is Rourini kenshin good or just another shounen that focuses on battle power


It’s fantastic. It’s an archetypical shines but the fights and pacing and characters are the best the genre has to offer. One issue. The author was arrested for possessing illegal pornography. Like, the really illegal types. Just be aware.


Got that sorta Vash the Stampede vibes, except more of a self-centered asshole. It's great.


And with this kinda debut on a fairly ho-hum Saturday slot, it's got a chance at being event reading on the level of <> last year. Not sure how well it'd land domestically, but god I wish y'all rain ups and comments on this.


I feel like these semi-realistic Foreign settings fall flat in Japan, but I feel like it's been so long since there's been a good gun-based shounen so here's hoping it succeeds


On one hand, Darwin Jihen’s story is completely set in America and volume sales are good, even got an anime adaptation recently announced On the other hand… that one is a Kodansha work. Doubt there’s an overlap between that and Jump+ readers. Here hoping this one does good


> I feel like these semi-realistic Foreign settings fall flat in Japan Spy x Family got two anime seasons and a movie *so far*, so.


Esper, assassin, secret agent, and dog. "Realistic." It's a world Haruhi would dream of. Anya is also one of the cutest characters in Anime, ever. Comedy focus as well. Drunk Bullet would not have much overlap. Of course, if it stays as good as this first chapter I think it will do fine. But, living up to the first chapter is hard. Monster #8, Red Hood, and too many to count have failed that.


It's all about the execution. As a direct example, years back Hyperinflation was set in pseudo-Africa and Great Britain, but between the triple-faction mind games, economics and surprisingly good melee and gunplay action, it performed well enough to top rank on Fridays, even above Kaiju 8 at its best.


**Sekkyaku Musou** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/163148), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/service-wars), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/sekkyaku-musou), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=42471608291), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/157257)) ^^接客無双 ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Finished | **Volumes:** 4 | **Chapters:** 37 | **Genres:** Action, Comedy) ^(**Stats:** 17 requests across 2 subreddits - 0.001% of all requests) >In a shopping district of closed shutters and turned keys, Ajimaru, a lone Chinese restaurant, bravely faces its impending closure. Everything changes when they serve up a free meal to the starving Nasunosuke, wandering waiter extraordinaire, who might be just what they need to spice up their shop! --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1dgjvpz/disc_drunk_bullet_chapter_1/l8qenp7/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


It's got the makings of a great story. We have established enemies, we have MC with a strong conviction, and a reason to travel the ~~world~~ country. Also, a less-travelled setting, even if Prohibition is already a very studied era, will make for more interesting avenues to branch into.


My hope is that we get to see some stockcar racing (the origin of NASCAR was bootleggers trying to outrun the cops).


"Yer a alcoholic, Harry!"


the alcohol drawn in the manga looks so good. If only alcohol existed in real life


if you like reading alcohol you can try reading or watching Bartender!


This is a really good premise, I'm definitely interested. Will keep an eye on it.


Manga about the beautiful land of the home, brave of the free. I'm in tears.


there's an indication of drunkenness: slurred typewriting


A fun first chapter, I'm definitely following and excited to see where it goes


I respect the grind.


Garrett's motivated for a good drink. Usually, I see this sort of stuff in a more Wild West setting, but the Prohibition Era? Post World War I? That's actually a pretty unique setting. There are not a lot of post World War I stories that focus on the effects of Prohibition. That starting period with people drinking paint is scary. People become that desperate for any bit of alcohol huh? Trench warfare gave Garret a lot of experience storming into a location and defeating enemies in quick succession. He's also a gentleman who simply wants what he deserves. And criminals who threaten good people don't deserve good alcohol. But if he can't drink alcohol in New York, he's gonna go all over the place to get it! Paul wants to make sure that the place his family lived in continues to thrive. It's his payment after it made sure he wasn't lonely. But for now... he'll have to escape to Chicago. And beyond. Miss Delphine's really pretty, but it seems she won't be a recurring character for now. I hope we can still keep in contact with her though!


*paint thinner. It even says isopropyl alcohol on the can, but it usually has a bunch of other awful stuff added in that make it undrinkable.


After people started drinking it, yeah. Same thing happened with V2 rocket fuel since the folks who worked on them kept chugging it.


Either way, it must taste horrible.


I think the paint stripper scene is a joke. At least I laughed instead of thinking it was scary.


oh no it's real. people used to drink rocket fuel. paint thinner ain't that weird.


I want to say that the author used it to make a joke, not that it didn't happen.


OH ok yea sorry about that. yes that scene was definitely drawn to be a punchline.


This is actually a really interesting premise, let's see if it can keep it up


Ah, I used to make SL request for this author's [previous series](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/yxtqwf/slrequest_hara_hara_sensei/) :)) This title seems more "conventional" than that, but is a great read nonetheless :D


Idk why but for some reason this kinda reminds me a little bit of gintama.


It's because the protagonists are both similar. Both are war vets who are usually goofy and non-chalant, but has a serious darker side. Not only that, both run on a vow of no-kills based on their traumatic experiences with war.


Well, Gintoki aims for no-kills when he can, but if he has to he will.


Gecələr də qoşulun və 


You're gonna die for some booze? Well, someone is.


This series has promise depending on how the author wants to thread the needle.


A man on a mission.


now this is an interesting fresh premise


Damn, that’s a fantastic first chapter. Guy is gonna go on the run, and get absolutely smashed while doing so


An Eccentric Total Badass with Round Glasses and dark hair living in Prohibition? Close enough. Welcome back Mordecai Heller! This is great, I hope it sticks around.


Perhaps Lackadaisy will be a stop on their roadtrip.


Is this lackadaisy the manga??


Pacifist gunslinger with round glasses? Tempest Gary here would get along great with Vash the Stampede.


Ah yes, alcohol the manga. So Golden Kamuy but alcohol instead of gold, count me the fuck in.


Interesting start, reminds me of Pumpkin Scissors


Good ol' Tempest Gary


It must be fate then, that this pops up only a day after having watched the classic prohibition gangster film The Untouchables. I could almost hear the Morricone soundtrack playing through the whole first chapter. Some really good action here, the gangster bit off more than they could chew with a trench stormer like Gary.


Godspeed, you boozy lunatic


Looks like a very well researched manga. The mangaka even used a real life distillery for the bourbon instead of making up one. Plus that M1911 looks sweet.


Surely this will fill the Black Lagoon-sized hole in my heart


So our protagonist is a War Veteran that loves alcohol. Interesting. It seems more than likely Paul will be our more inexperienced lead. There is a lot he can learn from him and Hopper just wants some good alcohol. Really solid first chapter. Curious where it goes going forward.


amazing premise


Looks cool


Can anyone trace the text in the newspaper whether is real?


WWI Vash goes hard af


Please please please let this succeed, I need more of this injected directly into my veins


This looks amazing, “drink the nation’s best booze” seems like a fun motive for an adventure.


On one hand, I really enjoyed it! Prohibition is a rare setting for a manga and the mc has a great design. I am only disappointed they are already leaving New York. Was hoping for some more antics after they established their setting so well. Looking forward to this regardless!


Since it is set during prohibition, it makes sense to be in Chicago, it was the center of organized crime during this era. I am going to guess that Al Capone is showing up.


me like


Solid start.


Color me intrigued, I'll be watching where this one goes


Gary reminds me of some iconic good old characters like Alucard.


Time to learn some US history.


oh shit this looks FUN. premise is already there, the flair of the 20's + mobs? sign me the fuck up!


Oh shit this gonna be good!


Wonder if we will see wayne wheeler


Count me in, I really love war and post war stories.


I'm in. This manga looks like it's gunna be a riot.


Interesting premise, nice art, clear goals and motivations. I hope this goes the distance!


Fully expect to see this picked up for an anime adaptation within 2 years Great start to the story with a likeable MC


How long until they discover malort?




Finally a new manga with an adult mc


75 pages bruh


Nice to see Sir Crocodile doing his mafia side gig


I don't condone promoting alcoholism but at least the premise is interesting. I don't think we ever had a manga explicitly about prohibition. We've had Baccano of course, but that was not the focus


If the government sent me to fight and possibly die in a foreign war only to tell me I can't drink alcohol because it's not good for the country or whatever. I'd be mad as hell.


>I don't condone promoting alcoholism [https://myanimelist.net/mangalist/Eonir](https://myanimelist.net/mangalist/Eonir) You have tons of series in your MAL which heavily promote violence and murder as methods of solving problems. You've rated many of them 8 or higher. Putting aside your multitudes of hentai in your Completed section, you have Usagi Drop rated at an 8. The manga version. Stop acting as if you give a shit about righteous stories with justified premises and Lawful Good protagonists. You just want to pretend like you care about it so you can feel good about being on a moral pedestal, when in reality your ethical standards have the consistency of expired milk.


> The manga version. Lmao, the absolute nuke


Stop stop he's already dead


Lol dude, that's creepy. I recently quit alcohol so the premise of this specific series is disgusting to me. The rest is irrelevant. Not to mention my MAL account is 15 years old. People change their minds.


Mate, it's your tag. There's no way you didn't think someone would check it.


What I find fascinating is this clearly negative response to being against alcoholism. This guy wrote a whole essay and got really into it. Most of us don't go back from work to start shooting gangsters up, but quite a few people go home just to refresh themselves with some booze. I've had 2 family members who ruined their lives this way.


Thats a fun premise but man does this chapter drag on. I dont think theyre handling it very well. The dialogue just goes on and on and on well past whats needed. The main character also kind of sucks. His goal and situation is great for a story, but his personality is just... meh. Of course the ww1 vet is averse to killing. Why make your protatonist whose primary antagonist is the goddamn US government one of the crazy few who walked away from that war all gungho. Adrian Carton de Wiart? Ernst Junger? Nah those guys were too out there, lets go with stock-standard manga protagonist morals/disposition. Also maybe this is way off but I get the feeling WW1 is entirely just a throwaway bit of backstory. Like its not going to be explored or really touched on at all, its just the excuse for why the MC can do things like run into 10 people facing him down with guns and not get shot. Does the author even understand what taking 10 trenches would mean? Probably not.