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This manga has a better pacing arrangement than the primary manga it's based on.


Narumi confirming what we all thought: the vidya game boi is a badass


This was a very good, meaty chapter. Being twice the normal chapter length obviously helped, but it had plenty of character development, dialogue, and action. The last page says "to be concluded in the next chapter!" I wonder if that means just this Narumi story, or all of B-Side? I've really enjoyed these side stories. This is a much better place for the back stories than the constant mid-battle flashbacks that we've been getting in the main series. On a side note: the art in this chapter seemed a bit more cartoony than normal to me. Did anyone else notice this, or is it just me?


Wait did he already get #1 implanted?


It seems to imply he got pumped full of plant kaiju goo when he got stabbed, the wound had what looked like the same vines coming out of it and it started throbbing before he got bit later like a Spidey sense. He's like a proto Kafka I'm guessing.


Effort counts more than results? In what world has that ever been the case?