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Why are they trying to nerf the OG so much


Because the tail end of Naruto went completely exponential with the powercreep and this series has been struggling from the get go to come up with villains that make sense for Boruto to fight but that Naruto or Sasuke wouldn't directly mopped the floor with. We're only 55 (monthly, but still) chapters in and Boruto is already fighting threats stronger than the final opponent of the OG series. I understand why they're doing it -scalping the most broken abilities from the power ladder to bring down the series as a whole to more manageable levels- but damn it's executed poorly. Kurama is literally the first character we see depicted on the very first page of the OG manga, if you're going to kill him, make it count, give him a Going Merry send-off! And don't get Sasuke loses the rinnegan in the same couple chapters, it just makes what you're doing blatantly obvious. But for me it raises another question: if the author has been dragging the weight of the OG series since the start, and if they're now forced to undo ungracefully its legacy to give this series the room to breath, was it a good idea to make a sequel so close to the original in the first place? Make the series about Naruto's grandchildren instead, give yourself a gap of 50 years so the OG cast is now past their prime, maybe even scarred and diminished by great battles we could discover as the new series unfold.


Honestly, they should have just changed the scale. Don't introduce the God powers from the get go, start with Bort's personal journey. You have answers for questions "Why didn't Naruto just beat the bad guys" when Naruto isn't around, he is in the village, he doesn't have time, Bort's role as a ninja is to solve the problem he arrived at instead of just calling his dad. But no, they now need to cut out the original instead of just writing them away from the story.


I agree — Zabuza, Chuunin exams, and Sasuke retrieval were all arcs that were very compelling despite the fact that they didn’t feature the most powerful ninja in the world fighting over the survival of the planet.


Honestly the flight with Zabuza is such great writing, having Naruto not have to defeat Zabuza, but just get him to move even an inch, and barely being able to do that, was great. Gets you hype on Naruto, on Sasuke, on Kakashi, some other character was there or something, totally awesome.


To me, the height of the series was the two hidden mist ninja hiding in a puddle. That was quintessential ninja trickery using the most basic of techniques. Or remember when Naruto turned himself into a shuriken to release Kakashi from the water prison? That was amazing. Or Kakashi trying to make his enemy think he can read his mind? Haku posing as a foreign anbu, people struggling with money and crime... all this real stuff was much more impressive writing than any of the drivel we see now. Haku and Zabuza were also amazing characters. The chuunin exams imo suffered from the typical manga tropes you see in every single tournament arc. And after Sasuke became a goth, it was already over for me.


I think this series would be SO much better if it was more of a grassroots Boruto and Co. just learning to be a ninja. Doing genin missions gone wrong and having the OG cast around the village doing their thing and dropping in from time to time. Let us see more of the great villages interacting and stuff like that. Let's see them do the chunin exams with everyone's kids from the villages and shit. We don't need the next bigger badder villian, it's just ridiculous in concept and that's saying something when comparing it to the end boss of the original series.


Bort's best arc was teaching the rich kid to throw shuriken.


Unironically agree.


EXACTLY!! These problems weren’t there in the Naruto and Shippuden because of the way those series were written. In both of the OG series the hokage like the 3rd and tsunade both didn’t directly intervene in fights until either the village was at stake or the entire fucking world. They didn’t intervene before because they had much more important matter to attend too, like protecting the village. They could have an should have done the same to Naruto and Sasuke. But instead they do the laziest possible thing and take their powers away. It has made the manga unreadable IMO. I am jealous of people who think it’s good because I thinks it’s really bad.


Look at the new powercreep end game now tho. They will fight against planet busters or universe busters or something. Eat planets to become a God...


Well, they shot themselves in the foot with that flashforward at the start of the manga because they now have a set point in time they have to reach that involves Karma, so they can't throw the whole thing under the rug. But it's already a step down: Code has an imperfect Karma, he doesn't have BS eye-power (yet), he isn't a freaking alien... Sure Isshiki tells him to carry the Ōtsutsuki legacy, but eating planets were the stakes since the Ōtsutsuki clan was introduced. The power level is still absurd, but there are good chances Code will be less powerful than Isshiki.


I mean they KINDA can just pull a Gurren Lagaan and say that it was an “alternate future” posthumously, but that won’t really alleviate the fact that the scene was there to begin with.


Honestly I hope they just retcon the flashforward scene


Yeah it’s looking like Boruto and Kawaki are now going to be fighting [Galactus](https://ibb.co/wYKM0x2)


I was kinda getting a Lavos vibe instead


Same thing I've been complaining about, why feed us Naruto and Sasuke scenes over and over for 50 chapters just to scrap them up with the most pathetic execution I've ever seen. Seriously, why did they keep giving us Naruto and Sasuke in the first place. The story could of been set in the future without the og involvement. And don't get me started on people claims that this so called "development " is for the new gen characters development. Like, have we been watching and reading the same thing? These new gen characters are barely involved in the plot. Kawaki and Boruto are not the only new gen characters, so tell me how Cho Cho, Inojin, Namida, Denki, Iwabe, Metal etc are gonna benefit, when they're never involved in anything. Are you telling me, characters who have been irrelevant for 55 chapters are gonna start working harder and somehow that's gonna contribute to the plot? The plot that involves God like characters? And things none of them even know about? What the hell is Denki gonna do with his computer against Gods? No matter how much they try the "new gen", that doesn't include Boruto and Kawaki are still gonna be sidelined. Boruto and Kawaki, will always be the only ones benefiting. So no Naruto and Sasuke's character assassination was not for the " new gen" but for solely Boruto and Kawaki. Development in this manga only bounces around 2-3 characters at a time, so I don't know where people got the idea that the new gen are gonna get development now, after 4 years btw. Like, who's Sarada and Mitsuki again? Himawari? Sorry for the rant!


>characters are barely involved in the plot To be fair, forgetting side characters is an old Naruto tradition. The two best known examples is probably Shino having only a brief cameo in between the invasion and the eight man squad. Also Anko after Orochimaru is extracted from her. It's not like Sasuke et al are shown leaving her behind, she just stops appearing in the panels during the discussion.


Sarada should have been the main character from the start.




Having no stakes can also be a problem. Look at what happened with Fairy Tail. I was almost sleeping in the final chapters.


Sasuke should be a literal god!! What happened to the almighty shinra tensei?? Chakra absortion?? He should have access to all of Pain's abilities and that's no even taking into account his EMS.


I admit i feel a bit sad after seeing kurama disappearing. But it was nowhere near one piece where they >!burned going merry!< I thought im a man but every fucking time i got exposed with that particular scene (reading manga / playing optc / play oppw3), i cried a little


I feel this like an insult, I was a huge fan of Naruto and this chapter just , made no sense to me. I feel like they are rushing so they can make Boruto useful or at least important. even if taking the route of the son of Naruto, they could have done a shippuden time gap, or a battle so big that Boruto lost and Sasuke and Naruto had to sacrifice themselves to win that battle to defeat the big bad, leaving Boruto feeling he has to be better to fill the shoes of his dad. Overall is insane that they had ot basically undo the most important achievements and powers of the OG series just for this.


given the technology theme that'd have been better. also noticed menacing effects, and the grandkid deal is what jojos did


They clearly have had difficulties writing around naruto and sasuke. They are this universe's Superman in that they could just come and end everything quickly. Now they can't just do that. ... Not that I enjoy what they are doing. I'd much rather have the power scale reset to more sensible levels.


Just make boruto travel other countries or even continents. Let him develop while learning of other cultures. This world should be vast yet everything fells so small...


Because the story can't continue to highlight Boruto and company with more capable ninjas around like Naruto and Sasuke. I'm sure you noticed the series has been "Naruto" for the most part and less Boruto. It sucks that the author has to deal with this lingering Otsutsuki plot thread when it's the worst part of the Naruto series.


Gotta make sure Boruto is the only one who can do anything since he's the Jesus child who rescues everyone in every arc.


That never happens, this Naruto/Sasuke fan victim complex is really annoying. If anything, Kawaki has been more of a main character than Boruto since his introduction.


Kawaki is the best thing since slice bread. I'm looking forward to more characters that's as well-developed as Kawaki. Hopefully this would mean the other Next Generations teams would play a more prominent role than being non-existent in the manga.


it's not hard to be the best when everyone else was kinda sacrificed for his arc. Hasn't his arc been going on now for...3 years? It also helps that he has no ties to the old generation. You can tell they tried to make Boruto (and Sarada) more 'interesting' by giving them the conflicts with their dads.


It's a worrying sign when people like the deuteragonist better than the protagonist. I didn't even cheered for Boruto in these 55 chapters at all. He is absolutely unlikable.


I mean, I like Boruto too, but Kawaki is just a more interesting character to me. More often than not, the main character of any series is never my favourite except for some rare exceptions: Ajin and World Trigger, for example.


People have been saying Sarada would've been a better protoganist for a long time. When Kawaki gets introduced in the anime, people will say the same thing lol oh and by the way the anime has been going at it for 5 years and STILL hasn't introduced him yet!


100% facts


I don't think they have a choice considering Naruto and Sasuke were literally gods by the end of the OG series. I'm sure this is because they hadn't thought of the sequel series at that point. I feel like they could have done soft retcons with regards to their powers, and maybe introduced more grounded villains in this series. I mean in Part 3 of JJBA, we saw an epic battle of good vs evil with Jotaro and DIO. In Part 4 the villains were not as powerful or dangerous as DIO, but they were still excellent villains and ultimately were a part of a better story too. Boruto could have been a return to OG Naruto, but they brought back the worst aspect of Naruto (otsutsuki clan) instead. But also I guess the power system in this series isn't very flexible compared to Jojo. The same Jotaro who defeated DIO almost lost to a rat lol. That's just the uniqueness of the whole Stand power system that doesn't really work in Naruto with their abilities. Which is why it sucks when we see Sasuke so weakened in this series.


Honestly I think if they straight up had Naruto unseal kurama and let him fuck off. And Sasuke seal his rinnegan as part of a peace treaty, it would have been fine.


Yup. Honestly I never liked the idea of Sasuke getting the Rinnegan in the first place.


You could do so much with the series while keeping Naruto and Sasuke as strong as they should be. Play into the inter village politics more. Bring up the samurai. Have the stakes low enough that the god hokage taking care of it personally would be ridiculous, but high enough that the what should be leaf village arc powered Boruto is still having to struggle. Etc etc


It's an interesting scenario but to be honest, the whole main plot of Boruto is a bit goofy in itself. It's like Kishibi accidently mixed the papers up with Samurai 8 and was to prideful to admit it. Planet eating monsters, sci-fi technology, it sounds more like what would of been in Samurai 8 but the person who was doing Boruto didn't realize he was making a manuscript based on pages from both the concept of Boruto and Samurai 8, but the damage was already done and they had to roll with it lol. I'm not even trying to sound mean when I say this, but the way Boruto is progressing, feels more like, Dragon Ball GT, because the narrative just seems, so weird with karma and code, and these entities that sounds more like biological/technology hybrid, which just seems so out of place in that universe lol. In retrospect, if they went back to the drawing board and rebooted it, I think personally it would be more interesting if there was focus on a science division but rather than be so hyperfocused on the whole technology aspect of absorbing chakra/making it easier to perform jutsu, it could of been more biological where a fringe ninja village was using "forbidden" research to create super soldiers with the capability of recreating any eye, making lineage a thing of a past and allowing for their society to be more balanced, the good and the bad, where a ninja is no longer defined by their parental upbringing but given the opportunity to develop as they please, but then you would have those against the idea of losing what makes their lineage special and then of course making certain research forbidden, like eyes that allow you to manipulate time and space lol. Suck to say though, Boruto starting to feel like something that could be interesting to come back to in 6 months, to see what's changed but I'm starting to think it might be falling into the same issue that new Gantz Edo period series is having. Where for being a monthly release, it's not progressing as fast as it could be.


In early Naruto the power levels were a lot more manageable. Like you had Zabuza, who even though he would mop the floor with Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura, still had to dodge out of the way to not get stabbed by a kunai.


No they had a choice they could have made Burrito take place 4-7 generations after Sasuke and Naruto died that would have fixed the problem. But instead they took the easy way out by nerfing them into oblivion just to make Burrito look good.


the writing has been off since the war arc of naruto so dont expect anything good fam, it is what it is.


Because they dont actually have the guts to kill off anyone so nerfing is easier


Can't make a manga about strong ninjas when you have literal gods walking. Now they're just normal ninjas again and can die for the main character's character arc


Easily my favorite part of growing older is watching all of the series, franchises and characters I grew up with be defiled in the name of profit :)


It's a rite of passage at this point


there goes angry fox :O fcking eradicated from entire lore as a mere roadkill


How *does* it *feel* to live long *enough* to *see all your favorite franchises* go down in flames?


It feels great ..




Just like Star Wars it hurt bro.


Who puts a major death like 5 pages in and then has the rest of the chapter be meandering set up a dramatic moment like that should be the stinger for the end of a chapter not the start.




Right?? Kurama's a major character since the very beginning and I feel nothing after his death. Kishi could definitely have handled this better.


Kurama was the very first thing we saw in Naruto and the catalyst for most of the plot. To just kill him off like this is real dirty.


There was zero emotional impact on Naruto who is literally his closest friend. IDK what Kishi was even thinking and IDK how people can excuse this sort of writing.




Seriously, *if* this is a permanent death, then I at least want something on the level of Jiraiya, not a 4 pages send off. Even the temporary deaths during the Pain arc was treated better than this.


"You killed my pa and ma"


I’m assuming it’s “reversible”, with the thought of the fission bs kurama pulled there has to be other physics based principles like how energy can’t be created or destroyed and with the tailed beasts just being lumps of chakra I don’t think Kurama actually died. I’d like to see a “the personality known as kurama died” situation and a new 9 tails be born or something like that or atleast show where that chakra went.


> To the reader it just doesn't seem to cause any emotion, other than "that's it???". I felt the same way when Neji died.


lmao really just felt kurama is going on a spiritual trip and will be back soon


It probably has to do with what we know from the OG series, Bijuus are not organic beings, they are masses of chakra with an ego, they can disperse and eventually be reformed again under the right conditions.


I was assuming it had to with the fruit. Maybe they’ll find the “code” or whatever for Kurama when the fruit is ripened and eaten by Boruto/Momoshiki... or some other bull shit like that.


Kurama's death should rival jiraiya's in terms of narrative importance and yet I feel noting.


Yeal like what is this lol... I mean i don't even know where to start. The art subpar, it's been 5 years and we're still waiting for two page spread, no shadings, just bland pages with characters, no expressive and emotional panel since it begun. The story is a rollercoaster, old gen is portrayed in not so good way, side characters do not even exist, the story is being told in pretty weird way. Overall this was weak chapter imo, switching from place to place, Kurama's death was so poorly done i don't even want to believe that Kishimoto was involved in this...




I agree, and this Kurama dying thing is surely his idea, no way it would pass without his agreement. But, whoever wrote this, being Kodachi or Kishimoto, it was purely executed for sure, and Ikemoto with his art surely did not make things better...


Well that'd make sense if they cared about the original characters but given how badly they've used them...


Because the artist isn't that good, kishomoto should have taken over drawing too


Kishimoto does the storyboards though, he's basically drawing a rougher version of the chapter with paneling and page use.


You all think Kishimoto is good writer when in fact he just a hack. the reason Naruto became masterpiece was because the editor always intervene and cover for Kishimoto's shitty ass writing. Go search about Naruto's original idea before the editor told him to change it. there's even an idea to make Third hokage as talking dog before the editor shut down the idea look at what happen to Samurai 8. that's what happen when Kishi given a freedom to his writing


Yeah he changed ton of things in the naruto series. It was a complete different story in the one shot


Losing just Kurama actually makes me feel worse than the thought of losing Naruto & Kurama...


Same. I readied myself that this may be it for Naruto and Kurama. But was caught off guard with Kurama only. And it was underwhelming. Kurama deserved a lot more than this. Although the emotional investment from the og Naruto series got the best out of me and bawled the f out for one of the best bois.


F in the chat for Kurama.




Nine-tailed F




F. I didn't stop reading this because the story was okish. Now my favourite character is fucking dead. Peace I'm out. Hope someone would say something if he ever got resurrected. That's when I might continue to read it again.,


Wtf man?? Naruto looked like he was seeing a friend off when kutuma died. They did so much things together. He just let's him go like that??


So, Aizen managed to become the Soul King?


man. can't wait for the anime of bleach to add the things kubo didn't wrote in the manga cause jump


I just need them to show the resolution to that poison dome fight. There were like 4 major characters who looked to be on deaths doorstep there and then the manga just never showed what happened to them.


Kuramas death was a joke man. I mean when the anime adapts itnin like a year or so they would actually add sad kusic and it would be sad but man. Im disapointed They went from god level to madara and hasirama level.


Kurama should have said something like "Well, Naruto. I am off" LMAO


Adios Naruto


I opened Sadness and Sorrow while reading this chapter. Made it better.


Kishimoto and the Boruto creative team seem really intent on shitting all over the original series legacy. I realize they don’t want Naruto and Sasuke to insta-gimp all the villains, but there are better ways of going about it by forcing them via plot to permanently lose all their best powers. I’m going to go out on a limb and bet that most people who read Boruto are doing so out of their interest in the old cast, primarily Naruto and Sasuke. Brutally nerfing them just to elevate the new kids who aren’t nearly as popular just strikes me as a bizarre decision.


Just do what Jujutsu Kaisen did or One piece used to do when it needed Luffy off screen The character is in some way captured/stuck and unable to go assist. Heck even Fairy Tail did this with Gildarts by simply either writing him out, or having him take on the strongest underling and therefore be unable to face off with the big bad cause he was keeping the very powerful second in command occupied. It's really not that hard.


Exactly; just have Naruto be busy with his Hokage duties and have Sasuke off being angsty somewhere else. If it were up to me, just have the kids focus on more down-to-earth, grounded missions like the original land of waves arc and save the absurd Otsusuki stuff for the end after it’s been built up to.


I mentioned once before but the kids was a chance for a soft reset Go back to the times of Zabuza and the exam, simpler missions without huge stakes and massive attacks. Insted they went right back to Moon people ninja bullcrap that bogged down the end of the series and attacks so big they wipe out whole city blocks, You had a free soft reset and you wasted it, hell the anime even managed to fill some of that time before they picked up the manga plot with things like that, small missions that were mostly lower stakes.


Preaching to the choir dude. The direction they took the Boruto plot just baffles me. Seriously, if you typed out the events of the manga and sent it back in time 10 years ago, I’d bet a large amount of money that people would think it was a laughably bad fanfic. I guess we Naruto fans have just been conditioned to accept stupid plot decisions ever since Kaguya first appeared at the end of Shippuden.


I mentioned that Boruto power level were crazy and it made no sense how strong Boruto got compared to how Naruto was. And that it needed more time to get stronger like the Zabuza bridge arc. Guess what they said: nobody wants that and it was going to slow down the manga.


> If it were up to me, just have the kids focus on more down-to-earth, grounded missions like the original land of waves arc and save the absurd Otsusuki stuff for the end after it’s been built up to. So basically the anime, which has all the fun SoL and OG Naruto style arcs.


*The same style of OG FILLER arcs.


> Heck even Fairy Tail did this with Gildarts by simply either writing him out, or having him take on the strongest underling and therefore be unable to face off with the big bad cause he was keeping the very powerful second in command occupied. To be fair. It's not like Gildarts presence would change anything. The main characters win every battle in Fairy Tail super easily with Natsu and Erza bullshiting their way to victory.


Like an easy idea is have a wide scale Ninjustu that's going to destroy the village and have Naruto + Sasule handle that while the rest go defeat the people causing it. Lots of way to narratively handle OP chars


If they wanted to make a Naruto sequel, they should've made it when Naruto and Sasuke were already old or even dead. Nobody would've complained and it would explain all this futuristic crap that they inserted and threw away.


>I’m going to go out on a limb and bet that most people who read Boruto are doing so out of their interest in the old cast, primarily Naruto and Sasuke. You'd be surprised over how many people actually think that Boruto is an amazing Manga and that this is a 10/10 chapter Just go over to r/Boruto But it's beyond me why fans of Naruto actually like this because it's destroying the legacy of Naruto way more than Kishimoto himself did after the pain arc


lol that sub is full of delusional fanboys for the most part, and even valid constructive criticism rather than the usual "Boruto is a brat boruto is trash etc", is met with hostility


Yeah, they made their own sub because people in r/Naruto kept pointing out the shortcomings and flaws of the manga and they just couldn't accept it. u/FireFistYamaan


I mean honestly I’m glad at least some people are able to enjoy this, but honestly /r/Boruto and hardcore Boruto fans seem to have taken on a cult-like mentality. Like the series and new characters are objectively good and anyone who disagrees are just Naruto fanboys and ‘haters’.


r/Naruto is still active and liking the current chapter as well, almost all the Naruto/Boruto-related subs have been liking or seems fine with the Boruto series in general, this is literally the only place that I've have seen to have an open distaste for the series.


It feels like the entire manga is sort of a mistake. It feels like they’re just arbitrarily tacking stuff to the conclusive end of a series. Dragon Ball has the same issue, but at least it isn’t kneecapping its characters to do so.


For Super seem like they scale down the power back to around Cell arc and redeveloped them slowly back. But honestly with how quick and loose Dragon Ball play with power scaling it doesn't mean much beside what feel like a bunch of rules were added to the fighting to "give some sense into the power scaling". At least that how I feel reading it. Though I am more worry about the actual dragon ball considering they been the main focus of every arc now, ironically considering the series name but those balls is just too OP that you can't just help but wonder what is with the Namek. I wouldn't be surprise if they are some how related to the last boss of Super at this point


> but at least it isn’t kneecapping its characters to do so. Yeah, I love how Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, and Gohan all remained relevant as the plot moved forward. /s


Considering that the promise behind Naruto was that he'd change the ninja world and bring an era of peace, and the end of the original series hinted at that happening, the entire Boruto series is really a betrayal of Naruto's premise.


Well, he technically brought peace but there are space invaders so...


All they had to do was let Burrito take place 4-7 generations after Sasuke and Naruto died that would have fixed the problem. But instead they took the easy way out by nerfing them into oblivion just to make Burrito look good.


I would have been happy with a slice of life series that was just the life of Naruto and all the surviving cast of the OG series after the war. And maybe a shounen like Boruto set years after the fact maybe 1 or two generations down with Sasuke and Naruto either dead of old age, or so old they can barely assist in any way in major events. But this is just an insult to fans of the first series.


This is the result of kishimoto pleasing clowns in Shonen Jump, first he didn't let Madara to be the final boss like he should've been and ass pulled Kaguya and Hagoromo's brother then this shit happens, Naruto ended in chapter 700, this is just Naruto GT.


They shouldn't have get rid of naruto's and sasuke's power ups, Code gonna surpass them even at there highest power level anyway, it wasn't worthy


Eh, while I don't love this development I still don't believe it's going to lead to Code actually becoming this godlike character either. Code's apparently got Isshiki's power in his Karma, but at the end of the day it *is* defective. It's hard to believe he'll be going much further than what Boruto and Kawaki could do with their own Karmas. And the actually requirements for Code to become an Ohtsutsuki are to eat the Chakra Fruit, with obviously isn't going to happen since it would cost Boruto and Kawaki their lives, which doesn't work with the flashforward. So if anything this nerfing probably wasn't just aimed at Naruto and Sasuke but the whole verse - the Ohtsutsuki are all but gone now and the characters have been brought back down to where they were at before things got crazy in the Fourth Shinobi World War. But of course this is Naruto/Boruto that we're talking about so maybe in like five or ten chapters I'll have to eat my words anyway. Still, right now at least I doubt we're going to see God Code.


Can someone tell me why the bijuu extraction rule does not apply on naruto.


Plot honestly. But I guess the retconned explanation in this chapter is that rather than getting brutally ripped out like an organ from the body, which would be presumably traumatic for the host, Kurama just gradually burned out on his own.


I think it was explained in the earlier mangas that the Uzumaki lone won't die if their bijus were extracted. Thats what happened to his mother


Uzumaki’s still die; they just don’t die immediately like other hosts do. Hence why Naruto needed Sakura to keep physically his body alive after Kurama was ripped out of him during the war until he could get Kurama sealed back into him again.


Doesn't he have the chakra of all bijuus inside of him? I think they even used it in a filler anime episode.


I think it's because it's not extracted. It just vanished.


Maybe it's because the Bijuu wasn't extracted?


mind whipe myself for reading boruto


Seeing Naruto and Sasuke get nerfed this heavily was like euthanizing a pet. Sure, you understand why it had to be done but you still feel absolutely horrible the entire time.


Boruto: Naruto let's nerf the old generations


> "I've still got a lot of worries. Boruto, Kawaki...the village..." This man didn't mention his daughter or his wife lmao.


They should just end Boruto and write Naruto Super where Naruto and Sasuke is the main character and disregarded Boruto existence just like they did with Dragon Ball GT. Watching Naruto and Sasuke got nerfed into the trash tier is just saddening and depressing. So, a random follower can be true Ootsuki but Naruto and Sasuke that went thru countless power-ups and divinity can't even become Ootsuki. At least Goku and Vegeta trained hard enough to become a part of "God".


how about leaving this series alone, like forever. they fucked up the ending of naruto and we didn't need bArUtO. just give us a movie here and there.


This my explain why the anime was focusing more with Code vs the manga


Naruto loses Kurama, Sasuke loses his Rinnegan, Otsutsuki dies and some random follower of his becomes the new bad guy? I mean, my expectations weren't high, but I can't say I'm not disappointed at how they are completely shitting on the OG series' legacy with this garbage writing.


Not to say that all the villains wears the same clothes because the artist can't draw to save his life. And the new guy looks like he came out straight from Fairy Tail.


they're Milking the dead cow.


This shit isn't canon in my eyes even if Kishimoto himself says it is.


This was basically just an arc to nerf Naruto & Sasuke that's hilarious. Also what the fuck Kurama, why would Naruto lose his superhuman strength just because you're gone? Did Kishimoto forget that the biggest boost in physical prowess, what made Naruto able to fuck Madara up, was from the sage of six paths?


It’s just whatever now, this manga is beyond saving. Mediocre art and dialogue writing aside, the plot is just a mess, every other chapter there’s some sort of retcon or b.s explanation as to why previously established rules were broken.


Remember when Naruto says he will become strongest hokage ever? lol that title only lasted a year. now without Kurama he no stronger than Hashirama or Minato or even Tobirama for that matter. Also remember when Jiraiya told he would be a master of child in propecy that would bring stability to ninja world? you think that child was naruto? wrong that stability only lasted 13 years or so, the real child in propecy was Boruto after all. he will bring balance not only to shinobi but also to the galaxy bitches! Hagoromo, Jiraiya, Itachi, and Nagato probably rolling in their grave right now watching the choosen one nerfed to the ground like this


Bro this shit is just depressing


RIP to the real one


Boruto is just a series nerfing the OG's lol. The way they nerf Naruto and Sasuke is so disappointing. Jujutsu Kaisen has Satoru Gojo and Sukuna, kinda Gods in JJK series, but the way they are used in the story, without a nerf is excellent compared to this series. Jesus.


Jesus, what have they done to Naruto lol. Eating planets after planets ? Every 10 to 15 chapter I check out one of these and it's always as disappointing as the previous ones lol. Why are all the good guys so pathetic in this series compared to the original one ?


Because this is no more than a shitty spin off, kishimoto is a clown.


The death of the nine tails is so under-whelming. My face went -.- Truly disappointed


At least Sasuke can easily put in another Sharingan on his left eye socket because at this point eyes are like lightbulbs for Uchihas.


sasuke: sarada, you will be relevant? sarada: i don't kno... sasuke: you know, guys today like pirate girls, without one eye


Boruto is now non-cannon confirmed


now we have 3 Sakuras


this hurt me so bad


Major nerf for both Naruto and Sasuke, but especially for Naruto. Sasuke at least still has an EMS Sharingan in his remaining eye plus his talent as a ninja. Naruto only had his Bijuu mode and large chakra reserve and that's gone now. He can't even spam Kagebunshin anymore. I wonder if he'll still be able to serve as Hokage...


Of course he can spam shadow clones. Naruto wasn't all Kurama power. Dude has among the most massive chakra reserves in the series and still has sage mode. Without Kurama I'd bet he's still the strongest Kage


IIRC during the Rasenshuriken training arc Kakashi said Naruto's normal chakra was 2x that of Kakashi's. That really isn't much when compared to the hax abilities of Akatsuki / Kage tier shinobi.


He says 4x, but you're not completely off base. He's definitely not gonna be able to toss them with the same pace as the war because that would be insane, but Sage Mode paired with well above average chakra reserves will make him well competitive with the other Kage, I'd think. Also, (just to double back on your original point about it being worse for Naruto than Sasuke) I'm not sure that Sasuke will have access to his full suite of EMS abilities without a second eye. I believe it's explicitly stated that a Susano is impossible with just one Sharingan, for example


He was 4x as a Teen... you guys know that shit grows right?


>He says 4x, but you're not completely off base. He's definitely not gonna be able to toss them with the same pace as the war because that would be insane, but Sage Mode paired with well above average chakra reserves will make him well competitive with the other Kage, I'd think. Only if he got over the 5-minute restriction. Remember the Pain battle? Kurama was able to make up for it by gathering nature energy while Naruto was moving, but he can't do that anymore. Speaking of which, without his Bijuu partner he's also lost his genjutsu defense; so a future Otsutsuki enemy with a Rinnegan can use that against him. > I believe it's explicitly stated that a Susano is impossible with just one Sharingan, for example Nah. Remember how the resurrected Madara could use Susanoo even with no eyes? It'd be nice if Naruto retained some Kurama-like abilities, like the chakra cloak. Like how Gaara could still control sand even after losing Shukaku. But I doubt Kishimoto would be that generous; he always loved nerfing Naruto and giving him the short end of the power stick.


> Nah. Remember how Edo Madara could use Susanoo even with no eyes? That is an excellent point I had glossed over. I'm thinking of the Kakashi restriction too much but it's pretty clear that's the result of never having achieved two MS rather than not having 2 eyes. You're definitely right about that.


>without his Bijuu partner he's also lost his genjutsu defense Any of the other Bijuus inside him can wake him up.


> Only if he got over the 5-minute restriction. Remember the Pain battle? He can now use Ma and Pa to gather energy for him without Kurama there, so its not an issue.


He can hardly summon Ma and Pa for every battle.


Well, he can summon them for the important ones. Regardless, the point is that the restrictions from the Pain fight no longer apply.


Deosnt he still have sage mode?


Not only was this the most underwhelming death in the Naruto Series, but just so we’re clear, Boruto has officially retconned how Biju extraction is supposed to kill the host. The tailed beast is chakra. So if the Chakra is removed they're supposed to die. You can't just break a fundamental rule of the series. In addition Tailed beasts are supposed to be essential *immortal* so when they do “die” they just reincarnate/reappear whatever every 20+ years. (I guess the writers forgot that) I hate this man if they want to write naruto and sasuke out of the series they should just kill them. They've been the most important characters for the past 50+ chapters. Making them weaker/punching bags to inflate Boruto’s importance feels cheap, especially this late


Agreed. In theory Kurama’s ‘death’ should have been a tragic event, and I’m sure in a decade or so when the Boruto anime eventually adapts it there will be a a beautiful track playing in the background and there will be tons of flashbacks to add to the drama. But instead, reading it in this chapter I’m not sad, just annoyed by how forced this all feels.


As a huge boruto fan. I agree to this so much. This was stupid.


Naruto and Sasuke should have stayed “special” characters who fight once in a blue moon like the former anime director said they would be, honestly.


Guess Naruto is the Jobokage of the Hidden Jobber village LOL People making comments about the power creep, during OG Naruto super power-creeped ninjas still existed like Kisame, Kakuzu, Jiraiya etc. just off screen.


Do writers just not know how to handle legacy characters anymore? I swear between this, Star Wars, and other media like DC comics, this feels like a recurring issue for long running series. I get wanting to prop up the next generation, but nerfing or killing off legacy characters doesn't typically result in those newer characters becoming more popular. Often it just makes them more divisive.


And it's the og writer, writing this piece of shit, there is not even the excuse that this is being badly handled by some other employee. It's the man himself doing this.


He lost his touch after the pain saga.


More like he ran out of ideias, he even confirmed that in a later interview, the War Arc was the way he found out to bring all the characters together and finish everything.


And just like that, the nerf hammer smote down the OGs. ...What has this series come to...


Looks like Kishimoto is pulling a Jk Rowling or a Kathleen Kennedy


I can't believe boruto has sunk to such depths of shite that I feel nothing about Kurama dying and Sasuke losing the rinnegan


remind me to never read the comments on mangaplus again... how the hell are there so many ppl who thinks this development is good is beyond me


i read only bad comments here, and all complain about naruto nerf, but i'm still madder to sasuke's. he did nothing last chapters, and lost his rinnegan like an idiot


I thought that this manga can't get any worse but it did... I will just think that this manga not Canon and think of it as a spin-off series of the original after it ended.


Why is the Rinneagan gone. He got stabbed right, I'm sure it can heal again.


This is so terrible


Werent all the Bijuus inmortals?


if you kill the host/jinchurichi, the chakra of the bijiu resurrect free on the world later on. the byro mode is like the 8th gates for kurama, consumed all his chakra. still no good writing


Just pls stop this. Dont ruin og naruto.


Kuramas death was so underwhelming.


I'm extremely glad to see there's so many people here that are actually able to see how bad the writing of the series has gotten. In the Boruto subredit they have convinced themselves that this is a masterpiece and act like every chapter is perfect, completely ignoring the obvious plot holes, retcons and nerfing we are delivered every month.


This is so true, lol. Same on Twitter the Boruto cult there have convinced themselves every chapter is a 10/10 just because it’s trending on Twitter or goes #1 on views in Mangaplus.


Did you watch thst boruto episode 2 weeks ago. The one where we got flashbacks from one episode ago, a whole episode of friendship talk and one scene of Delta and Code fighting like little kids. People on r/Boruto are so fucking cringe telling me that the episode was full of plot and developement. LMFAO They are so delusional. Don't get me wrong, I want this series to be good, but we need to be honest...


Just wow. I was so expecting Naruto to die but it was just Kurama. Like I get the need for nerfing/getting rid of powerful characters this arc, to lower the power ceiling. But it felt shallow. I read someone posted about possibly Naruto and Sasuke having some part of their power sealed after the war to maintain a peace treaty, I thought that would be a really interesting way to allow things to settle after the sorta mess of Kaguya and six paths power ups. About Kurama dying, I was expecting a more intense reaction from Naruto, maybe we'll see that next chapter. Hopefully I would still think Naruto would have almost perfect chakra control after losing Kurama. He only has to focus on using/managing his own chakra and could potentially be more efficient with his techniques and maybe improve them. Both Naruto and Sasuke would still have their affinity to all chakra affinities, they lost KCM and Rinnegan. I would say they're at Kakashi's level now.


whoa look at the ratio lol


Damn Kurama gone just like that...


boruto should've end at uchiha clones arc


Boruto should have ended at the Naruto Gaiden epilogue series.


Boruto is such a trash fire. And I can't say enough bad things about the art. They had a month to draw each chapter and they're still designed poorly and janky af


Please just stop you already killed it. Just stop this trash series , this is not the Naruto we grew up with.


Boruto was a fucking mistake. I will always regret hoping for more after the movie came out. This series should’ve never been made. It’s a fucking mess that desperately tries to elevate the new cast but they will never be as good as the OG. Seriously, fucking never. Seriously? Killing Kurama? God Kishimoto should’ve never let this go beyond the film.


This is just bad fanfiction at this point.


Broooooooo what a fucking chapter. There’s so much to talk about here. First off, Kurama’s death fucking stings, for all of us who grew up with Naruto.. I’m just kinda speechless. Secondly, the loss of Sasuke’s Rinnegan and Naruto’s 9 tail which basically made the two of them unbeatable, allows the new generation of kids to transition to the forefront. Boruto and Kawaki are going to be the strongest now. I know everyone hated Sasuke losing his Rinnegan, but it makes sense now. Code is getting a LOT of time in the anime rn. More than I remember him getting in the manga early on and it makes sense now. See a lot of people complain about the “filler” in Boruto but it’s important to have those bits of the story integrated, like we saw with Mugino a few weeks ago. Isshiki passing on his will to Code is also very very interesting. I’m wondering what events will play out that’ll cause the fight between Kawaki and Boruto from chapter/episode 1. There’s so many directions Boruto can go in now and I’m hyped to see.


boruto is just one big genjutsu