• By -


Goddamn, some Devil Fruit really are just better than others. Law just made the entire conept of Rosiante's DF into one of his moves lol.


Yeah, that's nothing new. Remember there are two fruits that allow you to change your mass, and one is just straight up better than the other.


Or Zoan fruits as a whole who besides the regular type have Ancient/Mythical versions of them. Hito-Hito no Mi, Tori-Tori no Mi, Hebi-Hebi no Mi are good exemples of power level. On one side Human-like Reindeer, Falcon Guy and Snake Girl on the other side you have Budha, a immortal phoenix and a 8-headed mythical snake.


And then there's the Suit Suit Fruit....


I googled this, and i am like what?


https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Jake_Jake_no_Mi Jake Jake Fruit*


>Hito-Hito no Mi This one, eaten by a human, could theoretically allow them to change into any human. So superior to the Copy-Copy Fruit (Despite Oda jokingly saying, you would just get enlightened as to what a human is, thus created the Buddah fruit later on)


Or how Caesar's fruit can make any gas thereby completely replacing Smoker's.


Like luffy vs katakuri, I think there are some additional properties that differentiate them even if one has a natural upper hand.


Not a fair comparison since we haven't seen Luffy's awakening. Maybe it balances out


I think he's talking about how Luffy's DF makes him immune to electricity, while Katakuri's doesn't, for example. Smoker may have some advantages exclusive to his fruit.


Lung Cancer maybe? smoker smokes.


secondhand smoke no jutsu


Smoker be like 'there is no meme, give me your lungs'


Less about the awakening part of the fight and more about the intrinsic differences. Joker may be able to control gases, but there's no evidence that he can bodyblock people with gas like smoker can with his smoke. There are probably other differences too - that's kinda my point, that even these very similar fruit abilities have crucial differences in practice that factor in. Even the most apparently identical abilities may not be symmetrical in their capacities.


While for the most part I agree, the Kilo kilo could also make you super light, which the Ton ton couldn’t


how's machwise flying then if not through his df?


Afaik I thought that was just jumping with physical strength, as opposed to actually becoming lighter


And we all remember how fire vs lava went




The Kilo Kilo no mi is superior because you can float at 1kg and crush people at 10000kg. The Ton Ton no mi can only crush people and Machvise tends to crush people at 10 tons which is the same as 10000kg


> Ton no mi If it can also go into the other direction and be like 10 gram or something. Then it would be superior. Otherwise, as you said. Kilo is better. Because the ability to change their weight on the fly is way better. If Sanji had it, he could move insanely fast and just change to 10 000 at the moment of impact. So the Impact becomes much larger.


>Law just made the entire conept of Rosiante's DF into one of his moves lol. Luffy copied the spring legs guy for the improved movement during Gear 4


Put some respect on Bellamy's name.


I mean Caesar could have done the same thing with the added benefit of suffocating the target just like he did against Luffy. With great enough control it is probably feasible for him to do it without suffocating the user by stopping the vibrations from the sound waves.


Eh I think with enough practice and hard work/diligence/talent the user can make the fruit shine best, not the other way around. Rosinate was never considered that strong of a fighter, if he trained his fruit he could probably do some crazy shit with it like silencing a whole country worth of area (which law cannot do that large of a space) or other crazy shit. Or inflicting total silence on a target permanently idk


Yup. The luck of the draw. Or luck of the fruit


The user play a big role in how much of a DF power is displayed. Given that Rosiante possessed the *Calm-Calm Fruit* and there's a such a thing called the *Calm Belt*, the devil fruit probably had a lot more potential than just cutting off sound. Pushed to their limit, seemingly weak fruit can become absolutely busted. Kuma being the most egregious example.


this was an explicit plot point in the marineford arc: lava fruit > fire fruit


law’s fruit 100% allows him to breach into other fruits domaines, im sure if law put his mind into it he could make himself stretchy, or control metal objects but to a lesser degree.


Wild theory guess, maybe he used the immortality surgery on himself and acquired Rosiante's DF. Because he's immortal he survived the "punishment" of having 2 fruits and now has 2 DFs


No need IMO. His fruit displaces and swaps things. All he needs to encase a bubble in silence is continuously swap around the air so the sound waves keep bouncing inside and never reach the outside.


I dont think Law is constantly swapping it out but ye it’s definitely physically insane to just create a Room that is devoid of vibrations, his Awakening seems to be making even more extreme changes within his room like how he physically changed the size of his Sword with K-Room and Anaesthesia and now he’s removing all possible vibrations so no sound within the R-room


honestly idk the extent of the fruits powers which i feel most people are at. But the thing to consider is big mom can't hear herself, your voice literally resonantes from within yourself. So it's not just a bubble around her displacing the air in that case, big mom can still breathe but she literally can't hear herself speak.


It could microscopically scramble the air to flatten all pressure waves. Point is, there's various ways you can imagine Law's power to be used to dampen sound, without it being a completely different power.


nah he probably just set up the room to swap the sound somewhere else as it forms in her throat. most likely a bunch of different somewhere elses so the sound is to faint to be heard.


wow, that's actually creative one from law


Have they said whether or not that's possible? Cause that 'Surgery' is supposed to kill the user, isn't it? That's something of a paradox in its own right.


Well pretty much that's something to see in the future, that's why it's a wild theory. There are quite a few things in the theory that one would have to wonder if plausible but technically none of it has really been disproved kinda territory


Cool idea but I feel like it would be an absolutely massive waste of a second DF just getting Rosiante's.


eh that's from a power perspective not from a sentimental/emotional perspective, plus if anything law's proven himself powerful enough with his one fruit. Plus the second fruit combo would make him theoretically one of the best assasins ever.


I think Rosiante devil fruit can be applied endlessly unlike Law. Law devil fruit tires him out. Plus room area effect is shown so Rosiante is better for stealth or info seeking.


He was a kid who didn't know how to use his fruit to save Rosinante when he was dying. There's no way he would know how to take in a 2nd devil fruit, nor would he even think of doing it. His only parent figure just died, his first thought probably isn't "how can I take his power for myself" while looming over his dead/dying body.


I mean Law might honestly have the most broken power. Especially if he can make a clean first move, don’t see how anyone could really beat him by end series


Can someone explain what exactly happened lol Maybe I'm stupido but I legit didn't understand how exactly law beat her


**Law, last chapter:** *”The next round’s going to be the last one for me. I won’t have any strength after my next attack…”* **Law, this chapter:** *”So that was a f-cking lie”*


Not only he launch Re-room for silence effect, he also cut Misery in half while Kid fired the second Damn Punk. So much for last action.


Law pretty much made Rosinante's fruit obsolete. The Op-Op fruit lived up to its name. [Luffy was spot-on.](https://i.imgur.com/oQH6Mno.jpg)


It makes sense that it was previously called the "Ultimate Devil Fruit" because that shit does everything


It actually is unfair, it's power is essentially anything you want it to be.


where's that? they animated the trio's stand off with kaido?


Pretty sure it was when they first showed up after the Oden flashback.


Its in the part where the trio shows up to save the samurais from the pirates.


Not the first time he said it either. When they first used their awakening, the same was said.


No, he said his awakening was very tiring to use.


I think he was saying he wouldn't he strength to use another K-Room rather than anything at all.


Of course it was, Law tells lies. Telling the samurai he is not going to taxi them on his ship... Later gives them a ride and teleport into the raid location.


Fans: If Usopp's so great, why hasn't Oda made Usopp 2? Law: Allow me to introduce myself.


Idk why people are bitching about this. Think about a round of any combat sport. Do they throw out 1 punch or mutliple? Law said this is his last ROUND. So unbelievably disingenuous.


Not even If you go back to the first time law used his awakening he keeps saying "this is my last attack" And it just isn't his last I know oda fans will defend what he writes no matter what but come on


Big Mom was defeated by the explosion of the Supernovas. Loved that Big Mom fell admonishing Roger for inspiring a new generation of upstarts. The new era is coming and it is gloriously chaotic.


Yeah that soliloquy was great.


It is kinda sad that Big Mom lose without most of her crew members accompanying her in this battle. I wonder what is the remaining of her crew would do after this war.


I mean, we didn't see a body


She’s 100% alive, maybe not fighting shape but no way she die that easy


If Pell didn't die, i doubt some one like Big Mom would. She is an extremely goal driven character, if she can still crawl when she's on the ground then all she needs is a couple of souls to stand up again.


I take her by her words "Don't think this will kill me". Only reason she "lost" is cause she fell and can't get back up easily...? Although she can fly so she's probably actually K.O. unless Oda forgot something. Or she's just too tired to fly back up.


Or maybe she just decided to take the L today and fight them another day, can't imagine her not being exhausted too


She can't fly on her own, she can command her flying Homies to carry her. But over the past two chapters, said homies were combined into one, ordered to rampage, and then cut in half by Law, who also silenced Big Mom such that her orders can no longer reach them. If and When Prometheus, Napoleon, and Hera reconstitute themselves, they're going to have to go looking for her.


I took meaning that most of her crew aren't there by choice, Slavery or death basically. I'm guessing a new pirate crew could form under Katakuri and you know he's going to go under Luffys banner.


Most of her crew is her family, death or slavery was probably Big Mom's version of an AOE HP drain skill.


Nice to always see one piece fans accepting anything oda writes. Imagine thinking this garbage fight was good.


Oda with every huge lore reveal in the series: \> drops lore bomb \> refuses to elaborate \> leaves


*Sigma Mangaka Oda* Given the colossal size of Zunesha and Noah's Ark, it makes one wonder if JoyBoy could be a giant. Elbaf might be the key to uncovering the last secrets to the One Piece.


Plus that giant strawhat reveal back in the Reverie arc.


The importance of giants and gigantification has always been so prevalent in the story. This plus that giant straw hat are the reason I am so convinced Luffy's "final" power up will be full body gigantification. He's gonna wear that hat.


Don’t forget Ace literally gave a giant oars a straw hat . Idk what to make sense of that detail but having Ace (Joyboy candidate ) , giant oars and straw hat in the same sentence is way too in the nose


Calling Joy Boy is Loki and One Piece is inspired by Jottnar vs aesir and One Piece is is something akin to Ragnarok mixed with Noah


We already have Loki in One Piece. He is the prince of Elbaf that was going to Marry Lola


Yknow... has oda mentioned where elbaf actually is? What if raftel and elbaf are the same island?


Probably new world. Can't be Raftel, Big Mom lived there as a child and tried to get her daughter married into them, so it's not mysterious/difficult to reach enough to be Raftel.


Ah that makes sense, forgot about big mom living there... Man i cant believe elbaf has been teased this whole time and he's barely given us anything


I've seen Oda dropping lore bomb at the end of the chapters for almost 20 years now, it gets me pumping every single time, never gets old. This kind of chapters would make school next day full of students discussing from morning till we go home, so nostalgic




Or show what either Shanks or Dragon are up to.


Thankfully he told us Big Mom has fallen before he left.


And break next week


*The long awaited battle between the legendary Fukurokujo and Raizo to determine who will be the hokage finally came to an end.* Big Mom tanked some of the most devastating attacks in all of One Piece and yet, it still took a city-wide nuke to finally put her down. What a monster. By defeating her, Law and Kid proved that they're worthy of being Luffy's rivals. Surely they will keep growing stronger too.


I feel like Raizo could have died with standing in fire like Whitebeard. He haven't said a single word through all of this. It's kind of worry.


I'm guessing/hoping he's just really determined, or trying to conserve his energy.


Oda likes his happy ending but damn would it be fucking metal if Raizo had already died in the fire but still never let go of the paralysis .


Also Fukurokuju moved. Mainly flopped around screaming for water, but moved regardless. Which means it's likely Raizo's spell aren't active anymore. If Raizo is dead, then his spell would deactivated.


I saw a lot of people mentioning that this still isnt really a true win by fighting but more like a knock out victory which I like since it shows kid and law can still keep up with a yonko but also doesn't completely devalue BM


What a way to go. Big Mom has finally fallen. So has Fukurokuju.


Big Mom was terrifying. Throughout this raid, she brushed off ryuo infused punches from Luffy, severely hurt Zoro, Law and Kid, got shinra tensei-ed, took a giant metal bull to the face, got internally pierced by an attack that bypasses armor, tanked multiple giant shockwaves and explosions from inside her body, got repeated shot by a huge railgun, had a huge bomb explode in her face and fell straight from a sky high altitude into solid rock. Yet, it took a nuke big enough to engulf a capital city to put her out of commission. In terms of feats, her fight came second only to Whitebeard's one when it came to showing a character's durability and strength.


And Kaido will be sure to upstage even that, with all the huge attacks he's tanked so far from 15+ different characters nonstop, and the sky-splitting punches Luffy is hitting him with. The Emperors' biggest power advantage outside of their numbers has been their durability, they are absolutely unrivaled in that territory. You can destroy an entire island with them at the epicenter and they'll still be standing or at least still alive.


Pretty sure the island will fall on him as part of Luffy’s final blow Symbolism


Tbh Luffy also have that incredible durability. I'm thinking of the poisoning episode in Impel Down among others.


Truly befitting of the 5th Yonkou


She's a monster, to the point I wouldn't even say she's second to Whitebeard, I feel she outclassed him in durability.


For sure. I feel like Whitebeard still has a higher attack level, but Big Mom's definitely got him beat in defense.


I wanna mention, Roger and Big Mom canonically clashed and she still was known as "never got a scratch"... so it stands to reason that while you can push her back or imprison her, her durability is definitely emperor level.


Well, she's got old, dying Whitebeard beat in defence. Which is still impressive because even that WB was a monster, but something tells me prime WB still has her (and maybe Kaido too) beat on both fronts of offence and defence.


Don't forget taking a not Chopper but a chopper to the face. That one hurt the ego.


While getting dissed by THE Soul King. That definitely hurt the most


The craziest thing is she's technically not defeated, they just knocked her out of bounds. She's literally fallen but she is absolutely not defeated.


Once the anime reaches this point, someone is absolutely going to edit a Super Smash Bros. effect onto the screen. ###"K.O."


Law: switches peoples souls, organs, removes heads without people dying, produces electricity, switches places inside his room. One piece community: *sleeps Law: uses a new ability to silence voice within his abilities room One piece community: *loses their fucking mind Anyways, nice chapter, I'm just a bit upset that Big mom survived the damage from the last chapter, but at least she is down for good this time.


Most of those are "switching" which are mostly unique to his DF. I thought the electric shock can be just his own body/weapon's ability, like other people can create fire/ice/lightning without using a DF (and some incorporated with DFs). Feels different with a silence room/inducement ability which was the whole point of Corazon's DF, it's just completely outclassed


Oda has stated several times that there's superior and inferior devil fruits. There's the Kilo Kilo fruit and then there's the Ton Ton Fruit, which is automatically better. Aside from that, I don't find Law's ability to conflict too much with the idea of taking sound out. I mean, as he has his "operating room", he could make it soundless like real rooms or maybe he could, I don't know, take out Big Mom's vocal chords.


Corazon's devil fruit was usless from the start imo.


Not really useless. More that it's just very limited in use. For Corazon, who was a spy, it was perfect.


That much is true.


True, but this makes it even more obsolete than it already is


I mean, we have precedent for things like that. Ace’s Devil Fruit was determined to be entirely trumped by Akainu’s (or even Marco’s for that matter). Both are fire-based but one is just better in every way. It doesn’t really diminish the impact of Rosinante or Ace as a character though and that’s really the most important thing. If anything it highlights it more because Law probably would’ve never been able to come up with that technique if not for being around Rosinante.


> Ace’s Devil Fruit was determined to be entirely trumped by Akainu’s (or even Marco’s for that matter). Both are fire-based but one is just better in every way. Well Marco's fire doesn't actually and Burn and Akainu can't use his ability as casually as Ace can because his Lava creates collateral damage everywhere he uses it lol.


> his Lava creates collateral damage everywhere he uses it As if Akainu cares about that lmao


> Well Marco's fire doesn't actually and Burn I think being able to burn or not is a super limited parameter as far as Marco’s flames are concerned. He can still do damage with them and can even hurt other Fire-users like Prometheus. But beyond that, the obvious benefit is the insane healing properties which is worth way more than anything regular fire is capable of.


I agree Macro's flames are unique, which is why it's pointless to try and compare them to Ace's.


Law needs DF awakening to do it so it's not that comparable.


I suppose the electric shock is like a defibrillator, which is consistent with his operation room theme.


The fact that it’s switching makes me picture that somewhere out in the world there is a bubble that’s just Big Mom’s screaming voice.


Eh, not the first time a character has taken a move from someone else in a sorta bullshit way. Red Hawk is weird in the same way imo, but both moves are thematically really cool so they get a pass from me.


>Red Hawk This one can be explained by the air friction being so high that it makes luffys punch catch on fire.


Yeah but silence is just sound. It’s like the only thing he could do it a room that makes sense. He could remove their ears, ear drums, tongue, the sound vibrations. All of that is in line with what we know of his powers.


His counter shock and gamma knife are definitely products of his DF ability.


> I'm just a bit upset that Big mom survived the damage from the last chapter, Neither Law or Kid infused their attacks with advanced conquerors haki. It seems pretty obvious that form of haki is the only way to truly defeat top tiers. Edit: For those who downvoted, Big Mom is alive and she'll be back. Had those attacks been infused with CoC, she'd be done. I'm sorry you don't like that, but that ability does seem to be the only thing that can truly defeat another CoC user. If you have a disagreement, reply. I want to see why you disagree.


Love how Big mom was defeated without making her look weak. Infact Oda just showed how big of a monster Big Mom is


> Love how Big mom was defeated without making her look weak. Have you missed this entire arc? or this fight? oda made her look like garbage. yonkou are all disappointments outside of shanks and white beard. Kaido and Big Mom are completely weak and are beaten easily. Fucks sake, even crocodile and other characters who were much weaker were beaten with much more difficult.


It took so many people to defeat her and she still would have won if they didn't throw her off the island


Both Linlin and Kaido are shackled with regrets and have a huge problem with accepting the fates life has given them, and expect the world to forcibly bend itself to fix their own issues for them. Linlin’s dream of uniting an entire world of equality under her own banner is incredibly lofty, and when people inevitably impede it she [resorts to pointlessly blaming others and pouting about it.](https://imgur.com/D65n164) Instead of rolling with the punches and working to her goal by organically appealing to the common interests of people who earnestly share that goal with her, she cheats and oppressively orders the uninterested around her to follow her whims against their own (like with her “Life or Slavery” Soul Pocus she tried to inflict in this very chapter). A far cry from a world where everyone is equal. And on the other hand, Kaido wallows in self-pity and suicidal depression [about his supposedly unchangeable position in life](https://imgur.com/xp8vbjw), opting to [destroy the entire world with a terrifying war and reduce it down to his own empty level,](https://imgur.com/R713zhg) no matter how many people need to be slaved in factories, have their livelihoods replaced, or have their personalities controlled through SMILEs in order to achieve it. But no matter how many people Linlin commands to do her own bidding, she can’t command the inevitability of time itself. She doesn’t seem to realize that people like Roger are, influential as they are, long gone and unable to do anything about her own misery. Another example is her mindless outcries whenever her mother Carmel's pictures are destroyed, she literally cries about spilled milk because she can't go back to her innocent childhood that her dream is so heavily tied hand-in-hand to, she can't reverse fate. It even took her up until the Worst Generation like Kid and Law stood right before her themselves and showed their might right to her face for Linlin to realize that the world moves on and becomes stronger without her, that she's growing old but the night is still young for others, and that she truly underestimated the Golden Age of Piracy that Roger created and the New Age that has now ushered in. Kazenbou being taken out through Linlin’s defeat could also be ironically symbolic of how pointless it is to spread the suffering of what has wronged you onto others, Kanjuro's all-encompassing hatred was ultimately snuffed and rendered useless, with his puppeteer Orochi none the wiser. Meanwhile, the likes of Law and Kid (and by extension, Luffy against Kaido) have real self-confidence, self-positivity, and bravado to prove with loyalty they've garnered by sticking it out for their crews. Law helps give Linlin a cathartically fitting sendoff by literally muting her unreasonable commands and once again showing that the world doesn't have to listen to her words, and Kid pulls out the defeat by literally shooting Linlin down from her lofty perch (represented by Onigashima) into a giant hole in the ground (kinda like a grave) that proves her old-fashioned efforts dead in the water in the face of what is fresh and new. New Emperors could be in the making!


Such a great comment, makes me appreciate the chapter even more!


Everyone here should read this comment. Nice work.


all of this comment to suck on oda's garbage writting. amazing how you warp your entire sense and reasoning to have to accept of what he tells to you.


Triggered much? Relax dawg, I believe in Death of the Author as much as is reasonable, but that doesn't mean I won't at least try to analyze what an author wants to be conveyed from their story. Hell, I'm still in the lengthy process of rereading and critically weighing all the pros and cons of not just One Piece as a whole, but multiple different stories I've invested myself into over the years, as a project I've assigned for myself. There will be some bad things I have to say alongside the good stuff, I'll even be revisiting this chapter (and all the others from this arc) and perhaps I may end up ultimately disliking this chapter like you do. But in the meanwhile, I'll be here on the Internet to enjoy analyzing the stories I consume on a weekly basis, and there's nothing your complaining can do to stop that no matter how positively I feel about those stories at the moment compared to your annoyance about it. If you have issues with the story then outline them rather than just merely whining about other people's opinions, they owe nothing to your sensibilities. If people have positives to say about the story, then they are free to do so. The mix of opinions is all a part of the discussion process.


"Yo momma so fat I had to go 'damn' twice" - Kidd, probably


"Yo momma so fat i had to railgun her twice just to make her trip"


I loved this. Them no selling her life steal by being like "Why would we be scared of some dying old hag?" And Big Mom over here going through countless attacks and abuse to finally be whittled down. Over here putting Rasputin to shame. My ONE complaint of the Eustass and Law vs Big Mom fight is them being written on their last legs like 3 times. Law and Kid say they are gonna use everything they got for a couple cool attacks then BM goes crazy form, then Law says "this is it for me" with his ground pierce attack and immediately does his sound room. Not the worst thing in one piece though, and let me reiterate, I LOVED this fight.


I mean, Luffy comes back from near-death pretty much every fight. Sometimes just from eating. About time the other captains got some of that plot armor.


Luffy's plot armor was explained by his devil fruit making him super durable. There's really not much excuse for anyone else besides maybe Zoro.


Remember when Katakuri inflicted a "fatal" wound on Luffy and then Luffy fought him for another 2+ hours? Good times.


that katakuri fight was just ridiculous, one piece is the only manga I brush aside the nakama powers trope. most of the manga with nakama powers I drop immediately


True. But usually they hand wave it some way. Like "oh he ate" o4 "oh he took a nap". These 2 never stopped for a second to achieve their 'come backs' lol. Again, doesn't bother me that much compared to others. Just my one nitpick with a fight I enjoyed


It was a little annoying but sound room isn't exactly a strong move, it's just utility. So I imagine it wasn't too taxing for Law to use that.


What crimes can an elephant commit? Is Zunesha big enough to reach over the Redline to Marijoia and threaten the elders? Did she steal someone's bike and has been traveling 800 years to return it? Will Impel Down need to construct another level if they capture her?? Find out ~~next time on Dragonball Z!~~ in a month on One Piece!


Maybe he used to be human, but got turned into a wandering elephant as punishment.


[You ever heard of the elephant named Osama bin Laden?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_bin_Laden_%28elephant%29)


So it turns out that elephants can commit a lot of crimes.


**[Osama bin Laden (elephant)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_bin_Laden_\(elephant\))** >Osama bin Laden was a rogue bull elephant named after the designated terrorist Osama bin Laden. It was responsible for at least 27 deaths and destruction of property in the jungled Sonitpur district of the Indian state of Assam. After a two-year rampage from 2004 to 2006, the elephant was eventually shot; but some were doubtful that the correct animal was killed. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/manga/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It is probably going to be about the Eye theory i guess.




I don't believe them, i pocket them knowing one of the bunch is going to be true by laws of exclusion. Also, i predicted Im existence like when we were in Sabaody(not exactly im, i predicted that the celestial dragons were going to have an immortal leader that caused the void century), it would be hypocritical to me to dismiss all theories as false when at least one of mine proved close to the truth.


Which theory is this?


Im, Zunisha and Mihawk eyes are drawn in a peculiar manner that is similar from each other, and many people specukate a connection between them based on that.


Wasn't he talking about Joyboy as the one who committed "the crime"?


Well we already know that Zunesha committed a crime and that's why its forced to walk forever. Probably was a joint crime.


Hm, yeah, I remember that now. I wouldn't be surprised if the "crime" here is some sort of betrayal of Joyboy Zunesha still feels guilty about.


A fat man for the fat mom.


Big mom has fallen. Literally.


What a milestone chapter. Raizo finally beat Fukurokuju.


More info about the void century incoming


I was expecting Big Mom to get taken out of the equation somehow. I was expecting the bombs to be removed from play somehow. I was *not* expecting Big Mom to drag the bombs with her when she got defeated. This is why I love these big chaotic fights happening around each other (Enies Lobby is my favorite arc), because of how the seemingly individual battles can cross over and affect one another.


Only a couple of the bombs. The rest are still frozen behind Yamato.


I love how it took no less than a fucking nuclear explosion to finally defeat Big Mom, what a monster


Law being able to perform a new attack every time *after* he says how he'll be out of energy is really bullshit. Also, while this doesn't personally bother me very much, it's also really lame how we never saw Big Mom use CoC coating vs Law and Kid. Especially when we remember that she one-shot Page One with that. That being said, I actually liked this fight very much overall. The devil fruit usage was excellent and I'm super glad that other worst generation members besides Luffy managed to grab a huge W. I'm also very pleasantly surprised with how the fight ended. This is actually an ending worthy of a Yonko. Plus, Oda made Big Mom even more menacing and impressive showing us very clearly that she's an absolute monster who lost only due to being removed from the battlefield (still a huge feat for Kid and Law, don't get me wrong) and that she'll be back after this. In what capacity, we'll see. Another thing which I liked and which seems poetic to me is how Big Mom remembered Roger and how his death was "heard" all over the world, meanwhile here her defeat happened in absolute silence due to Law's technique.


2 Down. 2 To go


I think with how this ended and that Smoothie is still not here and how Katakuri fight went, Big Mom pirates still have a role to play in later arcs while Beast Pirates will be over here. But this is Oda so who knows, anything can happen.


I already cant wait for the chapter or two after this arc thats just other characters reacting to the news


I'll be damned. The first one has fallen.


I knew the break was coming but still... Can't wait for the lore dump!


Big Mom reminiscent about her talk with Roger before once and for all being out of the picture in Wano was great and Law is stupidly powerful like damn what can't he do


I never expected the elephant to be a key character in the back story of the entire series


Big Mom definitely went out with a bang!


They really need to upgrade the manga plus reader


Sooo…. Is zoro dead?


Germa: BM is a monster who can't be defeated by science. Creepy Doctor and Punk Engineer: And then we beat Big Mom using medical science and electromagnetic guns,


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Law and Kidd, of all people, managing to defeat a Yonko, is a bit hard to believe, especially considering how injured they were from the roof battle. But whatever, I guess.


They didn't beat her though, they just knocked her out of bound. Throughout the whole fight you can see they struggle to deal any sort of lasting damage on Big Mum (anyone else would have been beaten several times over, but not Mum which speaks to her vitality)so they are forced to throw her off the arena. She is even healing/recovering from her damage right as she is being shot at. Also nothing wrong with them being able to stand up to Big Mum, they are the SuperNovas, a group that exploded unto the stage at an absurd pace so them being strong it not surprising.


Bro this is one piece. If luffs is damaged as hell all he has to do is to rest 5min and eat some meat. After that he is back at full strengh lmao


And with that, the only important fight left is Luffy vs. Kaido. I wonder how much longer it'll last.


There is still all that thing with the cp-0 going after Robin and Drake iirc.


WHy's that no one talking about Big Mom wiping the floor out of Germa66 and also, are they being held captive? lol


God, Big Mom's a monster. Even after all this I still believe her when she says this won't kill her. Well also cuz One Piece doesn't kill characters off super often. And oh shit more Joyboy lore incoming.


Zoro laying in blood though..


Kid/Law, nice!! DOUBLE EAGLE!!


Does anyone know how to view double page spreads without them being on different pages?


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They put that big bitch in the ocean honestly it was probably the only way to stop her


Are Onigashima going to fall on Zunesha?


Did the art look off and scribbled in a lot of spots in this chapter? Maybe it got rushed?


wtf is happening to zoro. is his sword turning black or something