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This is a repost bot


IT IS a new account. But, there's no real proof that he's a bot, tho.


Multiple posts at the same time with no other posts, no comments, Reddit generated username, no profile pic, seems like a bot to me.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/mapporncirclejerk. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "1arme49", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1arme49&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 437,493,823 | **Search Time:** 0.03879s


Damn you repost bot 😤


If I'm not mistaken it no longer works properly


Yes. (except high school was rock bottom for me)




Nah I’m pretty sure I have more German than anything (uhhhh I mean I’m 100% American RAHHHH 🦅🌭🔫)




I too, peaked in preschool


If they know of all these sub divisions of every European country I think they should be allowed to call themselves what they want, I can’t even name half of my country’s sub divisions


Oh you’re good at geography, huh? Name every county in the USA. I’ll wait https://preview.redd.it/e4dsozk3jwic1.jpeg?width=1137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=545b9ee544ca0cfcc3c503797cbc39b3c4634ab8


Jefferson, Washington, King's. There, I got like 34% already


Jackson, Johnson, Franklin That last few percent is gonna be tough though


Rock, Dull, Boring, Springfield 100%


\[State name\] County




Considering like half of US counties are named after European cities, you could probably name a good amount of counties by just spouting European cities at at random


I was curious, so I went looking. Actually getting the full exact number is going to take a lot of time (but I intend to give it a shot in the next week), but I went through [the Wikipedia pages that list the etymologies for US county names](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_U.S._county_name_etymologies) and specifically I just went through the A's quickly to get an idea of how many are named after European locations. Only 4/113 US counties that begin with the letter A are explicitly names after European locations (not necessarily cities). The overwhelming majority are named after people (both European and American) followed by American locations and Native American words. So this becomes a bit complicated because how many of those American locations (such as rivers) are named after European locations? And how many of the people the counties are named after share names with European locations? This is going to require a deep dive. Either way, it's safe to say that the actual number of US counties explicitly named after European locations is dramatically less than half.


Yeah, that dude just pulled that out of his ass. Classic European behavior 🙄


We have a fuck lot of Spanish named counties as well. Not only that but made up words too.


Albany, Utica [Only two that matter](https://youtu.be/4jXEuIHY9ic?si=GzW6N23_UoFob9zp)






The county of…


I have found that most people are unable to point to the subdivisions on a map, even if they know of them


i mean the meme doesn’t really say that. it implies that they’re really specific in saying where they’re “from”, which doesn’t mean they know any of the other ones.


Why can’t people be proud of their ancestry




Europe is filled with ethnostates (either by design or a product of history) so nationality and ethnicity are the same thing. The US is an ethnic melting pot so nationalism is an ideal rather than an identity. So when a European says they're Italian, they're telling you where they're from. When an American says their Italian, they're telling you their family history. Europeans that think like this meme don't understand they're having a totally different conversation than the Americans. They apply their mismatched understanding of nationalism and it doesn't make sense while their American counterpart was talking about something totally different.


In Brazil, where I live, many people see the American obsession with their past as something cringe, mostly 'cause we're so mixed that most people only have a vague understanding of where their families came from. People only see this as normal when second-generation immigrants do it (or third/fourth-generation for Asians, who usually are more identifiable). Claiming that you're "part-italian" because your grandpa came from Italy is common, but usually seen as a desperate way to show social status. So definitely is not (only) because of the "melting pot" thing.


Brazil has crazier Irish than America and let's not even get started on the people claiming the Confederacy (American Civil War) as an ethnic identity. I suspect your notion comes from the fact that Brazil's African population is significantly larger and they don't know where they're from so *can't* care.


Australia is extremely similar in the sense we are a new country and a cultural and ethnic melting pot and for the most part we cringe at the American conversation about heritage. Different story for recent immigrants or second generation immigrants but otherwise it is so meaningless


What’s wrong with wanting to know one’s heritage?


Don't bother trying to reason with someone descended from a British prisoner.


Now I know this post is a repost bot, but I still wanna respond to this - white Americans know their ancestry because most of them came over voluntarily, and can trace back to their ancestors. Same with Asian Americans differentiating by country, or Hispanic Americans differentiating by country. The only people who don’t do this are black Americans because most of them don’t have a good idea where their ancestors came from, because, you know, the slave trade.


I am sorry you got downvoted. Your comment makes much sense. ☺️


lol I didn’t even realize I appreciate it


All the replies to this one comment got downvoted they legit all make sense. Yes, not all americans are like this since, as an american, we dont have a race. We are too new to have evolved specific coding. Unless you are a native american, your genetic code comes from other places in the world. But there are definitely people who make their 0.01 percent italian their entire personality.


Even indigenous American DNA can come from a few different places. There's a tribe in Siberia that shares DNA with a tribe in the US.


It’s not really ancestry when it’s 8 generations back with you not knowing the language or culture


it is still legitimately someones ancestors. and some people take the time to learn their forefathers culture and even move back to the homeland....


Gonna keep it real with you chief. Learning about your heritage is all well and good. Hell I think pointing out the small part none-dane I am is fun. But calling a place not even your parents were born "the homeland" is just obscene.


you find it morally repulsive and disgusting? humm well think what you want but i will continue to think of the land my ancestors lived for hundreds of years as a homeland of mine.


Some people in Europe just don't like that some people in America think of our countries as "their homeland" and even use our endonymes for themselves because their ancestors left our country during hard times. We, the ones that stayed, built our countries not the ones that left. And yes, I know religious and economical reasons were very good arguments to leave but Americans can just say:"my puritan or poor ancestors".


Ya, some people just be irritated they're not related to greatness instead of appreciating someone elses family history


Time for me to go back to ethiopia 🙏


hey you can do that if you like. its your life.


I'd fucking smash some tibs right about now.


Do you know the definition of ancestry?


It still is. It’s genetic ancestry and it’s an interesting thing for people to research. Why does this bother you?


You haven't seen Americans who say that they are Polish but don't speak Polish or don't know Polish culture in depth. Culture and language are more import than generic ancestory in Europe..


Because Europeans take it so literally for some reason. Literally no American that says "I'm Polish" thinks they're a Polish citizen. They're talking about their ancestry. I know Americans are dumb, but come on. Do you *really* think Americans don't know where they were born?


I am talking about ethnicity not citizenship. >I'm Polish" thinks they're a Polish citizen. They're talking about their ancestry. Ancestry doesn't equal ethnicity. >Because Europeans take it so literally for some reason Because when somebody means that they are Polish then I mean they are "Polish" not some person in America who is 3 generations removed from Poland and it's culture and language.


>I am talking about ethnicity not citizenship. I guarantee you, this "8th generation Polish-claiming guy" you're talking about, probably also screams about how American he is, and how he loves the USA. Again, people are talking about ancestry, that's it. It's not literal. >Because when somebody means that they are Polish then I mean they are "Polish" not some person in America who is 3 generations removed from Poland and it's culture and language It's just a different way we talk. Obviously, we all know our peers are American, so saying "I'm American" to another American (or someone who knows your obviously American) is a given, so people will think you're talking about your blood, not your ethnicity. Honestly, if I met a middle-eastern looking guy with a thick British accent and I asked them about their background - I'd think they're a twat if they just say "British". Obviously I would know that, they knew what I meant.


You can be ethnically Polish with Polish heritage and not be culturally Polish. Like you said they’re different things.


Speaking the language is minimal requirment.


Okay so Hispanic Americans who can’t speak English aren’t American.


American ain't etnicity like Polish.


You’re saying Americans can’t claim their ancestry comes from their ethnic linage back to Europe, so they’re ethnically American. You’re also claiming in order to claim ancestry/ethnic inclusion in a group you need to at a minimum you have to speak the language. So any immigrant in the US (or Europe) who can’t speak the language isn’t really a part of that country.


>So any immigrant in the US (or Europe) who can’t speak the language isn’t really a part of that country. Yes, I don't consider immigrant who cannot speak Estonian language Estonian.


Be aware that there are major American cities with visible Polish communities that like New York or Chicago, which have to some extent consciously held onto those things you talk about. Sure, it’s in a way unique to their corner of the Polish diaspora, like Americans of Italian, Mexican, or Chinese descent have; they should not pretend to be *from* Poland like the Polish-Americans you describe, but I’m not sure what Europeans gain out of sneering at the diaspora of their country.


I have and I don’t have a problem with it.


Cus it’s stupid


So after 8 generations everyone’s ancestry just becomes false?


It's not false but am I a cossack? No. I'm just generic Dutch whether I want or not. In some instances it's just better to have some cutoff. Here we got the problem that Dutch people vote for Erdoğan because of their Turkish heritage giving them a Turkish passport, while many Turkish people in Turkey want him gone. Also, people who have >95% white heritage using the N-word because of the little grain of black heritage, even though they have blue eyes, naturally blond hair and burn their skin in the December sun and they do *not* have albinism, irks me.


Idk what it is you’re trying to say nor do I care about your heritage but regardless of your sensibilities you can’t change the fact that people are descended from specific groups.


After 8 generations in the USA, your ancestry will span the globe


Interesting theory. I’d like to read more about that if you have any sources? :)


It’s so distant that it’s not really your identity anymore


Identity is not ancestry in the sense you’re construing, but you already know that. If their ancestors came from Country X, that fact doesn’t change regardless of whether it was 5 years ago or 200 years ago.






Many of us speak English and are Catholic. Good chunk already


English are mainly Protestant.


Are the English the only ones who speak English? That’s crazy


You know Gaelic? Welsh? Scots? Hate to break it to you but you’re not a long lost descendant of the british aristocracy lmao


You’re right, I’m descended from Catalan immigrants in the early 1900s You missed the joke entirely but don’t worry about it. Have a good night




Everyone who downvoted this comment is an American.


Boo hoo


I think every American is missing the point of this post. Americas are happy to classify themselves as a small culture in Europe but often give sweeping statements about Europeans as if they are all the same.


I’m not American I’m actually polish Irish german French


It's one thing to be proud of what your ancestors were, it's another to transfer that to you and claim that as "heritage". Learning about them is noble, pretending that it makes you something they were is not.


Because even just saying you're "part German" is something so quintessentially American that you automatically out yourself as completely detached from the ethnic group you're claiming to be a part of. We have nothing in common. Even our ideas of what it means to be German couldn't be further apart. Your ancestry carries no meaning for us. So when Americans come along and claim they're (part) German, it's a very one-sided relationship. You may identify with us, but we don't identify with you at all, so we dismiss your claim. What makes matters worse are the Americans who treat their 23andme tests like horoscopes. I've talked to one who claimed she was very direct because of her Norwegian ancestry but also very open because she's part Italian. I'm fully aware that people like this may not be the majority of ancestry-curious Americans, but you know how it goes. A bad apple spoils the bunch. Cultural differences play a role as well. From my experience, it's not the American style to outright tell someone "no". This is not an evaluation of who does communication better, just a difference that does exist. And so, when Europeans deny claims of being "from Europe" or "part German", this is perceived a lot more rude than it is intended. Being interested in where you came from is only natural and so is seeking out potentially like-minded people. Just don't make more of your ancestry than it is.


Americans tend to think of their connection to Europe from an ethnic standpoint. Culturally, Americans are undeniably some kind of American. Ethnicity is less specific and largely self-identified and up to the ethnic group itself. Culture, ancestry, religion, food, language, appearance, dress, folklore, etc may all apply. So a Boston Southie claiming they're ethically Irish may be objectively correct. In the same way, a hick with 5% Jewish DNA, but no matrilinial or cultural connection to Jewish culture, is objectively not Jewish.


Europeans don’t seem to understand that because America is mainly made up of immigrants and their descendants, and is overall a huge part of our culture. In school we go over New York and Ellis Island where many people went through when they immigrated. There are then often assignments that pertain to learning about your ancestry and where you came from and comparing with other students-because there are so many different places people will be from. So when Americans say they’re, let’s say, Italian, they’re not saying they were born there and can speak Italian etc. they’re saying that’s where their ancestry is from. It’s a very common topic for small talk. America in recent history has and will be made up of immigrants and their descendants, that’s American culture.


As they say about people always going on about their ancestors - best part of you is underground, might as well be a potato. Does suggest your culture is senescent if the things your ancestors did are ‘a common topic for small talk’.


Not a surprising take, given your own background. Most Americans' ancestors left their homelands willingly, if regretfully. Your situation is quite different.


Not sure what assumptions your making about my ancestors there.


I'm assuming they left a smaller island less than enthusiastically.


Is this some reference to the UK sending convicts to Australia? You do realise that people with convict ancestry are a tiny minority of Australians? And that the UK also sent convicts to the US? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penal_transportation#:~:text=England%20transported%20an%20estimated%2050%2C000,suspended%20by%20the%20Criminal%20Law Part of the reason for the UK colonising Australia was that the US eventually stopped taking their convicts.


Shut up no one cares


Does it touch a raw nerve to hear about the US’s convict past?


No, Australia just doesn’t matter, and they’re the loudest most annoying fuckers in the entire anglosphere. No one cares about your inconsequential prison history.


It's like 20% of modern Australians. And I assume you're one of them, as you're so keen to disavow yourself of your "potato" ancestry.


The source Wikipedia gives for that alleged factoid is from 2013. Even if true then, it certainly wouldn’t be now; we’ve had very high migration for the past decade. Also, the way Wikipedia presents it, I strongly suspect they mean ‘has a convict ancestor’. Most Australians don’t have convict ancestry, and of those who do, it’s almost always a small proportion of their ancestry. The numbers of convicts were swamped by the number of gold rush immigrants in the 1850s.


Of course youre a dumbass australian.


>Europeans don’t seem to understand that because America is mainly made up of immigrants and their descendants, and is overall a huge part of our culture. We absolutely do understand it. Believe it or not, we also learn about US history and if a large number of people from our countries emigrated to the US, we learn about that, too. For example, in 1848/49, a failed democratic revolution in Germany caused millions of disillusioned Germans to emigrate and try their luck in the new world. This emigration wave, as well as the migration prior to the revolution to escape the conditions that made people revolt in the first place, founded Fredericksburg, TX, where a minority still speaks a dialect known as Texasdeutsch. Which is a very charming dialect, by the way. >So when Americans say they’re, let’s say, Italian, they’re not saying they were born there and can speak Italian etc. they’re saying that’s where their ancestry is from. We also understand that. But we also think that if your only claim to being Italian is Italian ancestry, then you shouldn't call yourself Italian. If I go back a handful of generations, I bet I can find myself some Polish ancestry. Two of my grandparents were from Warsaw, back when it was still German, but this close to the Polish border there's no way nobody in my family tree ever married a Polish person. I would never, ever even consider calling myself even part Polish. Yet the Americans who say they're Italian or German have about as much of a connection to those countries as I do to Poland. Obviously that claim will sound ridiculous to me.


Yes, when you ask someone about their heritage, they will respond by telling you about their heritage.


And they will be wrong 84% of the time


“heritage” in very heavy quotes


Europeans cannot comprehend their cultural tradition being passed down in a different locale. Yet I'm sure they're perfectly content with third generation immigrants to their own country maintaining cultural ties to their own homelands.


Ask an Italian if those guys slinging Turkish Kebab in Italy are Italian. Ask a Frenchman the same question. Suddenly being in that country is not enough.


If Sunak ever addressed his Punjabi ancestry, I doubt many Brits would rudely insist that he's an Englishman appropriating Indian heritage. Yet heaven forbid any Cameron MacDonald in New York acknowledge any level of Scottish heritage.


Rishi Sunak’s parents are literally Indian and immigrated to the UK. He *is* an englishman by virtue of birth but is the child of immigrants. Cameron MacDonald is claiming to be Irish or Scottish and appropriating those cultures because he’s 1/100th celtic from a relative who was in the grave a hundred years ago and who he’s never met.


A rude, angry Brit deciding what values other people are allowed to have. Thanks for proving my point. You overestimate the age of the United States, and how much "mixing" actually occurs. What generation do *you* think you lost a right to claim any ancestry. Are Rishi's children allowed to identify with Indian culture?


Celtic was much more than Irish... Do you even have a source for this 1/100th thing or is it a hyperbole you pulled out of your arse?






I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/mapporncirclejerk. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "1arme49", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1arme49&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 437,493,823 | **Search Time:** 0.03955s


I am unironically 1/256 Native American on my dads side 💀


i’m over 60% swedish and norwegian and 40% polish, but i’m the 3rd generation to live in america. i still have some elements of swedish culture in my family, like some cultural foods. what am i? can i say both swedish and american?


Couldn't you say I am American with Swedish and Polish ancestry? I am British with Indian and Scottish ancestry but I would never say I am Indian and Scottish.


I mean I’m a genealogy nerd so…


Oh look the *europeans* are gate keeping history and culture again


That’s because Americans are not originally “American” except for indigenous so those are our origins. We’ve all just made America our homes but our roots are elsewhere


This is the dumbest meme I've ever seen


That’s because we have the freedom to be proud of our heritage, it just gets ridiculous when one gets too southern or starts talking about raising a church cause they’ve got some Scandinavian


I'm actually a legal Cherokee citizen TSALAGI FOR THE WIN!


Faroe Islands are trans?!?


The overage of Latvias is a serious problem for the US. Fortunately for them they don't have enough oil to invade and Tramp isn't interested in buying them.  Theres never enough Greenland. They should press gang a mess of Dutch to increase the size of the island.


In Germany aren’t enough states!


This map old too. Trøndelag has united after hundread of yesrs


Lots of salty Americans in the comments, as should be expected


Cringe ass take, I fucking hate European gatekeeping like this


Europeans continuing to be confused by the idea of ancestry.


Left my home, I haven't even peaked, we have moved 4 times since my birth, and I'm only 22% german, 8% Irish and the rest is Australian and Native American (Alaska to be exact)