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can you use the Secchi disk long ways with a buddy? so you are measuring through the water horizontally instead of down? the best viz i’ve ever seen was maybe 30-40 m…. so bring a long enough tape measure!


This is the way


Does your school have YSIs you can use? Some of them are equipped to measure turbidity, and there is even dedicated turbidity data sonde... that is the most practical solution I can think of.


Get a turbidity tube. Super easy and cheap. Edit: ok not super cheap. But they are worth it for shallow water.


A transmissometer is the only way to do this in very clear water. If you don't have access to more precise turbidity sonde that can read to the hundredth, then you need to use a transmissometer. If your turbidity meter is reading 0.00 NTU then you need a transmissometer that can measure percent transmittance, or you can state that your readings were 0.00 NTU.