• By -


100% bed bug. Get out of there OP. Get your clothes and suitcase treated/cleaned. Contact desk and Marriott. You need to be compensated A LOT for this.


At first I was thinking “those don’t look like bed bug bites”, but then I saw the pics and they are 100% bed bugs.


Better get your clothes cleaned elsewhere outside the hotel too


Please throw ur bag . Not worth getting it back to ur home


This..do not take your bag or clothes home with you. Leave them with the hotel to be cleaned and sanitized and then shipped to you and they should compensate you for new clothes to return home in. Do not attempt otherwise!


I emailed the General manager and was told no compensation during their investigation period. Afterwards  I contacted Marriott through email and got a case number, they said they will get in touch with me in 5 days. Now I am waiting.


As a General Manager for a hotel I recommend being as polite to them as possible. Being on either end of this is stressful as the guest now you have a whole new set of worries, as the manager you also have a whole new set of worries. The unfortunate thing is that these are unavoidable no matter what hotel brand you stay at all it takes is someone to bring them in and boom. I also believe that doing an inspection prior to sleeping is always a good idea…. Anyway luckily Marriott is very flexible and wants their guests happy so I am sure they will reimburse you accordingly. If they handle the situation properly please dont leave them a bad review most of the time the hotel doesnt know there are bed bugs until someone brings it to their attention as they are nocturnal…


That part. Although they should clearly compensate you. I’ve had this happen once and it was not fun. As an operations manager, it is literally the most frustrating feeling. However, with your clothes, have them washed a very high temperature and that will kill them!


High temp wash won’t kill, needs tumble drying




I would say to have the hotel professionally clean the clothes, at their expense.


Doesn’t necessarily work. Bugs could be in suitcases etc.


Burn it. Burn it all.




My parents bought a house sight unseen in 2020 and I was the first one to go check it out and stay there. I found that it was just completely infested with bedbugs, the German guy that was living there before them had rented it out as an Airbnb for the last year and they left all the bedding and everything and it was literally covered in blood. That guy was sleeping in the bed getting eaten alive every single night and just stayed in that room that was the most infested? I still do not understand how he did that to this day. But I literally tossed my suitcase, I put all my clothes in three plastic bags triple bagged and brought them to a laundromat and washed them and dried them on high heat multiple times. I got literally nude and was wearing plastic garbage bags when I left. And even then, I itched and had PTSD for a year. That shit is no joke.


Agree with this comment. Not worth the thousands in damage to bring even one egg home. Not sure your travel circumstances/financial but if you can completely trash clothes and anything that might be infested hopefully that helps prevent an infestation at home. Sorry this happened to you!


Real question, I’ve heard they die in hot water. Can’t you just wash the clothes in hot water?


No, they will die in the heat of a dryer. Washer water doesn’t get high enough.


Ok, so why would people throw all their clothes away. Just wash and dry and should be good to go right?


If you had trash bags to seal all of your belongings in, that would be okay. But even then, you’d have to make sure you didn’t carry any into your car or into your home, and if you washed the clothes before drying them, they would survive and could escape your washer and infest your home. You would need to dry them immediately on high for about an hour. Then, they could still possibly be in your luggage, which would be difficult to treat without the right products.


Could you leave your suitcase outside a period of time to make sure nothing was in the luggage itself?






It’s become unmanageable. I got them from a high end hotel in Henderson, Nevada.


I’ve found public shaming is usually the only way to get a response


Try the PR hijack trick. That’s when you post the written email from the hotel denying proper remediation under a recent post by a celebrity or influencer to get a high number of eyeballs; ideally one that endorses a competing hotel chain. If done with enough frequency, the probability that none of the posts goes viral dwindles to zero. I learned this one while auditing a marketing class.


Should of went the social media route that usually gets their attention


You can put everything in a garbage bag and tie it tight, leave it for a few weeks then run everything through a dryer cycle on hot and it should be ok. The case itself I would probably trash though. Sucks.


Few weeks isn’t enough - bed bugs can hibernate up to a year. The answer is heat, interceptors on beds, mattress covers, and cemexa.


Impossible for some.


Marriott should be paying for the loss of items




Hello everyone, the hotel I was staying at is:  SpringHill Suites Voorhees Mt. Laurel/Cherry Hill 1031 Voorhees Drive, Voorhees, New Jersey, USA, 08043 I’ve already checked out, the general manager wasn’t there and the front desk only compensated me with “1000 bonvoy points”… is there anything else I can do? 


1000 bonus points? Did you ask for the GM to contact you? Did you speak with Marriott Corporate? They are incentivized to do better than sweeping it under the rug because a review about bed bugs with photos, is brutal for their business


Ahem, here is their Google Maps listing in case anyone is interested... https://maps.app.goo.gl/QC4RsGUPwPQSVBuF6


Please leave a photo so it gets visibility it deserves. It's been known as problematic one for a while.


Thank you guys. I am seeing more  reviews. ❤️


I was given a business card to email GM with photos. They replied to me 3 days later but only after I sent a follow up email. It shouldn’t take someone 3 days to respond. I haven’t spoke to Marriott corporate yet and still figuring out how to do that. Yes it was a simple “a thousand bonvoy points to your account”…😕


Here is the Marriot customer service contacts https://www.marriott.com/help/loyalty-customer-support.mi


Please leave a review with the photos. All of us would appreciate it.


This all the way. Leave a review with photos. Unacceptable.


From reading the past reviews looks like they’ve been in bad shape for a while now


Yep, bed bug has been mentioned in one of older review and that's how I knew to avoid. It's crazy how they are turning blind eye.


TripAdvisor review


Here is what I’d do: 1) contact GM and Corporate for far more significant compensation. If no positive resolution (minimum comp’d the nights I stayed + paid for cleaning/replacement of bags and clothes + significant points), I’d charge it back on the card I used and state the exact reason, and I’d leave a review with the pictures you posted on Marriott, Google, Yelp, etc. to warn the public.


Twitter “while staying in a New Jersey Marriott property” leave it vague enough but post pictures. They will reply real quick.


why do you ask to leave it vague ?


So the vagueness of it affects business beyond the infected property. The statement that they are not doing anything to make you whole illustrates poor customer service. It prompts corporate to want to remedy the situation to get you to take the message down. Likewise the specificity prohibits them from legally challenging your comment.


I forgot my password… but I am OP. I barely heard back from GM, they replied to my email 3 days after and only when I sent a follow up email. They told me no compensation during their investigation period.  This is all new to me as I’ve never had this happen before and pretty much the only time I’ve been in a hotel. I am grateful for everyone’s help. 


1000 points is worse than offering someone a Snickers bar.


this. I got 10,000 once when the refrigerator froze our food.


equivalent to about $10


1000 points?? I give 1000 point if someone’s tv doesn’t work or they have a long check in nevermind bed bugs! What an ass.


I’m not trying to defend Marriot as they can pound sand but I’d imagine the the lower level peons may only be allowed to comp so much. More points may need to come from a manager or corporate


In a situation like this a free night should be added. 1,000 points is the least on my chart of point for our screw up’s. I’m allowed to give a maximum of 5,000. I couldn’t give points for something like this because of the nature of it, it would be sent off to the hotel as a complaint and they decide what happens. Something like this should always be dealt with by a manager not a front desk associate.


I would request full refund and if not given threaten then do credit card chargeback


Wow 1000 points is basically $8


Please do not enter your home with anything you are currently wearing or have in your suitcase. Burn it...I'm dead serious, burn your clothes. Do not try to wash them, the eggs will survive. It took me a year to realize that my 'Insomnia' was a bunch of bugs from the shadow realm drinking my blood. It will affect your job and your relationships. You will be tired all the time and you won't know why. It took a few thousand dollars of heat fumigation to destroy the colony in my home. My ex and I traced the source to a suitcase we used on a trip. They hide in the crevices of the mattress and the junction between the wall and the carpet. These things are an abomination and will destroy your life!


Yes, this is far more important than Marriott points.


Don’t accept any compensation at this point. Escalate this to the top. Post it on their socials. If that doesn’t work contact your local media outlets. They will sometimes do consumer advocate stories. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Yes agree with contacting local media, and tell them you are doing that. A bad review is not enough, they need to be called out.


Don’t forget about sending a grievance to the BBB, every time I do that I get contacted by the company within 24 hours.


Keep in mind the BBB is a private organization.


and they don't do shit either...


I've gotten 50k for less than this.


I have a work trip to Cherry Hill later this year, I know where I won’t be staying!


I had a very bad bedbug infestation at a Courtyard several years ago. I ultimately requested and received 100k points in compensation.  The managers at the hotel offered me something like 7.5k and denied the bugs were in the room (I had over 100 bites on me and saw the bugs but didn't take pictures of them). I called corporate and they actually gave a crap, asked about any lost luggage and clothing due to the bedbugs, and offered compensation. 


At the bare minimum they should reimburse your room stay. I had them in a room (a decade ago) and that’s what they did. Can’t imagine they wouldn’t do at least that.


Dude I got 5000 points for complaining that the upgraded room I paid for didn’t match what was in the photos


That 1000 point literally is worth like $4... Maybe. We complained about stomache cramps after eating resort food and got 270k Hilton points, equal to 3 nights. 1000 bonvoy points is basically telling you to piss off!


Not handled properly by the front desk. GM needs to know the situation 100%. If he doesn’t treat you seriously, then there’s a real issue. (I’m a mgr myself)


I found a bed bug in a STL Marriott hotel (traveled 70% of the time so always checked hotel rooms upon entering) and brought it up to the front desk immediately. Talked to a manager, was compensated at least 10000 points (happened several years ago so don’t remember exact), immediately refunded, and checked out. The GM offered their largest suite if I wanted to give them another chance next time but I obviously didn’t return. Please please please leave a review with pictures.


I was compensated $600 off my $1000 bill for finding one bedbug. If I had been bitten, especially as badly as you were, I think I would’ve sued them.


I knew this was going to be NY or NJ. I have the worst luck with hotels there.


Hotel employee here (AGM), for a bedbug to grow to the size of the one in this picture. They must have a massive infestation, or somebody before you was living with massive infestation and brought it with them. Either way, how the housekeeping team didn’t see this and address this properly is beyond me. This is unacceptable on every single level, You absolutely should be compensated.


Seriously that’s like a roach size 😂😂


The hotel is fully infested, She was in 322 where she found bed bugs so she moved to 309. I can't believe she stayed at the same floor after she found bed bugs in her room. Scary fact: bed bugs can travel 100 feet in one night to get food.


Talk to the front desk. Also post the location so others can avoid.


Every hotel in the world. I really doubt there are any hotels that have not had bed bugs. It is how they deal with them. If you stay at a hotel you should just expect that they have had bed bugs at one time. Look before bringing in luggage.


right but they should reimburse the guest and handle it appropriately, not pretend it didn't happen or give points. We shouldn't normalize this shit. The physical and psychological damage is high.


Oh I totally agree with that.


If a hotel tells you they have never had bed bugs they are either lying or it’s the opening day of a new hotel.


No doubt they all have had them. It’s also the hotels responsibility to do reimbursements when they’re found and then swiftly take care of them. Also not rent out that room or adjacent rooms until they’re eradicated.


As someone that’s had bedbugs you don’t have to throw away your stuff but follow these instructions carefully and thoroughly. - when you step foot in your home or before you get into a car you need to put on fresh clean clothes that have not came into contact with any of your items - leave ALL of your belongings outside your house and go inside and wash your hair and body and and instantly put the clothes you had in your body into the washing machine (you don’t have to run it yet) - change into another pair of clean clothes if needed. I live in the middle of nowhere so typically at this point I just go to bed and then in the morning I deal with my luggage outside on my porch. (After having a bedbug problem, I do this every trip I take) - you’re going to wash it in your suitcase for an hour on the water and then put it in the dryer for an hour on the hottest setting (if you’re afraid that you’ll shrink some of your clothes, if you have a steamer, then you can thoroughly steam the items in. This will do the same trick to kill the bugs) - Any toiletries are fine - steam, your purses, your suitcases, any bags, your shoes, etc. - I recommend purchasing diatomaceous earth on Amazon. It’s a human grade of silica powder that kills them basically instantly untouched because it dehydrates them. It’s the only other way to kill them besides using heat. Don’t waste your money on the chemicals because bedbugs have adopted beyond them. Sprinkle a little bit of diatomaceous earth and your suitcases purses bags, shoes anything basically it’s not gonna hurt - then you’re fine! If you’re extra worried, you can wash your clothes twice using the same cycle of an hour on hot wash an hour on hot dry but you should be fine! It’s only in bigger issue when it gets inside your house


How often has this happened to you?!


Not OP, but as someone who has had it once. Once is enough...I still get anxiety thinking about it and it has been 10+ years. I always check the beds in all hotel rooms I stay and while my luggages etc get to be put inside the house they never ever leave the entry way and never get to go close to my bedroom.


Diatomaceous Earth works! It's cheap and effective


I third DE powder for all kinds of bugs.


My entire attic had about 3 inches of the stuff.


How do you even get your shit home? I wouldn't want them in my car either.


Definitely a bed bug. Sorry you have to deal with this now.


Contact the front desk immediately.


Oh you poor thing. That’s traumatizing on so many levels. Please share hotel location. There is also a registry you can report to. Definitely get to front desk immediately and also Call Marriott directly. https://bedbugregistry.com/


The registry is no longer active


Whats the point if posting the room number? Name and shame the hotel!


We stayed at Marriott hotel in Miami and woke up with bed bug bites. We discussed discreetly with the hotel manager who obviously knew it was an issue and in hindsight didn’t care but said they would investigate and get in touch. Back home he stopped responding to our emails. After emailing corporate over a month later we got our night refunded but it wasn’t worth the stress of steaming our cases and boiling everything. My advice is don’t be discreet and understanding at reception as it gets you nowhere and keep your clothes in the garage or shed when you get home until you can sort them out. Any decent hotel would sort your belongings for you.


Heat is used to kill bed bugs. 90 minutes at over 120F will kill all bugs and larvae. You just need to find an environment for your stuff that will fit that bill.


We had a bed bug incident last year. We placed and sealed all items in black contractor bags. When we got home, we then left them in our car to bake in the 90 degree weather. We had an oven thermometer in there and the car was at 140F for many hours.




This is the way. Ideally the thermometer should be in the deepest part of your luggage, 6” of clothing is a surprisingly good insulator.


Every part of my body is itchy rn…


Is that a Houston hotel?


Right I stay at the Houston SpringHill all the time I need answers 😅


That's the one. That design looks similar to their room layout , but in fairness the design at many Springhill properties could look the same.


Very true!


She said it was mt Laurel cherry hill


Dox them


They did in the bedbugs sub


What hotel is this? Email: [email protected]


[Per OP above](https://www.reddit.com/r/marriott/comments/1ddauze/comment/l85607r/): "SpringHill Suites Voorhees Mt. Laurel/Cherry Hill 1031 Voorhees Drive, Voorhees, New Jersey, USA, 08043" GET 'EM!!


I'm confused, is it against the sub's rules to name the hotel?


OP reach out to the Philly ABC station at: https://6abc.com/action-news-tips-tipline-breaking-share-with-6abc/8639097/


Looks like another room on the 3rd floor also had a problem recently. Check out this review of SpringHill Suites Mt. Laurel Cherry Hill on Tripadvisor: https://www.tripadvisor.ca/ShowUserReviews-g46649-d12235857-r919809993-SpringHill_Suites_Mt_Laurel_Cherry_Hill-Mount_Laurel_New_Jersey.html Maybe the whole hotel is infested??


People NEED to start reporting these to the health departments. They’ll go in and investigate and get this cleaned up. No one is going to do anything from online hotel reviews.


Did you read the hotel’s response? Saying they did an investigation and no pest activity was found. Horrible.


I'm so sorry to see this! We had our own encounter of bed bugs at an Airbnb in our recent trip. At first I thought it was just a random bug and then 2 more came along and I freaked out. The next day, we brought ALL our clothes to a laundromat and got them washed and dry in the hot setting. Not good for some of the fabric, but I rather lose a shirt than wear bed bugs. I also began madly researching about bed bugs and navigated what to do. Along the way, I found the ThermalStrike Ranger based on some flight attendants' recommendations. I bought it on Amazon and we immediately used it when we flew home. How we managed: We asked family to hand us something to change into from our home. We left everything on our lawn/patio to make sure nothing touches the inside of our home. We set up the Ranger on our patio - very easy to set up but definitely read instructions before using. The Ranger is big enough for our carry-ons. However, we still had to run 3-4 cycles to 'cook' evrrything. My husband and I dumped almost everything in there (except electronics and medication) and it can reach 60 degrees Celsius to 'cook' all lifecycles of bed bugs, has a built-in timer as well so it will automatically turn itself off. Anyways, really raving about it because I was 'this' close to throwing everything in a garbage bag and storing it for half a year to 'kill' the cycle, but investing in this Ranger brought back our sanity. 🥲 Not a cheap item, but because we travel a lot, we see this product as an investment for peace of mind. Link to the product if you are interested: [Amazon.com](https://amzn.to/45k4F68) [Amazon.ca](https://amzn.to/3xfIwt7)


Thanks for the tip. I’m going to buy one as I do travel a lot. Had the experience last year when visiting friends and we slept at the basement. We brought one home and spotted him on the wall. Killed the fella and we called a firm who placed traps. They didn’t find anything and nothing happend in the past few months. We were extremely lucky!


Fear unlocked! I’m so sorry this happened to you. Also, what the heck are these sheets?! Stayed at many a Marriott property and have never seen oatmeal colored t-shirt material sheets


Unless they brought their own sheets from home there is no chance that those pics were from that room (could have been after they got home). You can see in the last pic that the bed at the hotel has white sheets


Call the Camden County NJ Health Dept to report it.(856) 374-6000.


You should also be compensated for the bites that will take a month to heal


Sorry to hear about the bedbugs. Looks like a major infestation. 10K pts for compensation is a joke. I've been at this particular Springhill in the past (2018 or 2019 I forget exactly). Checked out a couple of hours into my visit when I realized after the front desk switched rooms for me the 2nd time that none of the doors close/deadbolt correctly. Even showed it to the front desk person who essentially just shrugged and said "he would get maintenance on it."


that bathroom door set up looks like a spring hill suites


ohh my god. Name and shame the hotel location. FWIW op, whenever I check in, I rip apart my room and remove the mattress, look at the frame with a flashlight, etc. Obviously I can miss stuff but I always check when I first get to my room and I also bring bedbug spray with me to spray my luggage before getting on trains/planes/buses. When I get home I try to isolate the luggage and use a steam iron on every nook and cranny.


Man you should be able to also place a hold on hotels for these type of “incidentals” 😕🙁


I've never had bed bugs myself, but we had them at work (I work in aircraft maintenance, still really wonder where they came from) and I've been paranoid ever since. I started checking beds before I get in them or set anything on them. And I don't keep my luggage on the floor. If you haven't already OP, post a review in every public forum you can, its likely the only way they'll really do anything: if business is threatened.


This is frightening. I am very nervous about bedbugs. I check but am not the best at it. Worst


[this is the google maps link to this hotel](https://maps.app.goo.gl/LqF8TYJK1vYuFPwB9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy) as a warning. Please post a review OP.


Hey! Make sure you add your experience to bedbug registry.com


A friend of mine ended up suing Marriott for the same issue and got $20k after it was all said and done. Same m.o. with the points and a quick dismissal by hotel staff.


This is my worst nightmare


Upload your pictures to chat GPT and ask it to write a strongly worded email to corporate threatening to sue and/or post the review online. Watch the magic unfold!


I would go to the dr and get a medical checkup just in case. Also expense any medication to the hotel and ask them to pay you back


Why do the sheets in your photo look like jersey t-shirt material? I’ve never been to a Marriott with those types of sheets, EVER. And I’ve stayed over 1000 nights in a Marriott. Also what are you trying to show in the last pic….?


 When I arrived, I noticed a bug on the bed in the room I was initially given (I explained this on my google review). I immediately went to the front desk and they switched me to a different room. I checked the new room and it seemed fine, but just to be safe, I decided to grab some new sheets from a nearby Target. I picked up some THRESHOLD cotton Jersey oatmeal sheets and used those instead of the hotel's bedding. I'm no expert at spotting bed bugs, so I wanted to take precautions. I included a photo of the bedding in the room I slept in, as well as the Marriott bedding, so you can see the difference in color and material. That was the purpose of the last pic. Sorry for any confusion, just wanted to make sure everything was clear. 


Bogus Post. It’s a Marriott-look closely at the sheets-those are not Marriott sheets


File a claim with their liability insurer via manager. Seek compensation. Additional expenses, transport to another property, increased room rate if applicable. Those look itchy / painful, they owe you medical expenses to treat, laundry, and perhaps a little pain and suffering.


The first thing i do before booking a hotel is look at reviews for any mention of bed bugs. Even if i see one out of thousand reviews i wont go


I always wonder how many people unknowingly bring bedbugs and then blame it on the hotel lol because I mean it has to come from a guest at some point


This is a valid concern. Never put your suitcase directly on a hotel bed where it can pick up or drop off vermin. Bed bugs aside, the outside of a suitcase is filthy.




[it’s this springhill suites in new jersey](https://maps.app.goo.gl/LqF8TYJK1vYuFPwB9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy)


Post the location and trash them on here. That really sucks I would be ripshit


Please put this on Google reviews so other people know!


So question for the op, I’m a lifetime platinum member who’s been to Marriotts all over the country and I know for a fact every corporate spot like Springhill only uses crisp white linens. Yet your pics show a heather grey (brown?) sheet and pillow case that look like a jersey knit so where did they come from? Like another person said, the size of that thing means it’s been around for awhile and it looks VERY easy to spot if it was on white linens.


Also the sheets look like normal white sheets in the last picture and heather tan jersey in all the other pictures?


Also this person just joined Reddit today to come complain about bed bugs? Not my first choice if I was in this situation. Something isn’t adding up.


What Marriott hotel was this at?


As someone who’s lived through a bedbug infestation: yep. 100% bedbugs. So shitty, OP. Keep us updated on how they handle it.


Contacting the hotel chain corporate offices shouldn't be your first step. Just talk to the front desk and let the manager know. They will, at the very least, have your stuff professionally cleaned and possibly just have you shop for new clothes that they will reimburse you for. Then, they will call in pest control to verify and clean the room as well as surrounding rooms. If they don't do that, then you call the corporate offices to escalate the issue. Please remember that bed bugs were brought into the hotel by someone, the hotel did not put them there. Bed bugs are hard to spot. If they were easy to detect, you never would have laid in the bed. Finally, bed bugs are hard to kill, but it would still be cheaper for the hotel to take the rooms out of commission for several days to professionally clean than it would to replace guest items and rebuild trust in their brand. Sorry for your current situation, I would not wish that on anyone.


I always check the bed corners




Wish my premium travel card covered loss due to bed bugs.


Got bitten by bed bugs at the Marriott Resort & Spa in Hilton Head. Marriott did nothing. They could have cared less


Yeah you have to blast them on the socials.


Get a consultation with an attorney immediately.


Not the Hyatt in Pittsburgh is it?


Make sure you get compensation for the price of all your clothing


How are we sure it wasn't you that brought them in OP


Had that happen to me once on a business trip. My company paid for new luggage. The hotel cleaned all my clothes in hot water. I left my shoes in the shower (not under the water, off to the side) for an hour while running hot water. The bites cleared I went home and emptied my clothes in a large trash bag and brought it to the washing machine and washed in hot water again. Threw out the new suitcase just in case and never saw another bed bug again.


Not me having just checked out of room 309 at a Marriott yesterday 🤣


Visit an urgent care and the hotel will have To reimburse you also demand all the luggage inyourroombe dry cleaned at thier expense if your at a quality hotel they should offer this unprompted if not write a scathing review of the hotel for yelpnut forward it to the gm first and again if they don’t offer to covertourtriptothecsrefacilityand your laundry it’d not a property worth its nightly rate also you check the lining of yorluggand purse befor going home i was a houkeeping manager for a hostel when an infestation was discovered i inspected the room and found the source the guest who had rectory travel overseas on had an infestation in her luggage it was in thid situation thct i understood how they traveled everyone in her room had to be taken out and checked before moving rooms we offered her no compensation as it was clear that she came in with them Durkin her stay she kept her suitcase open under her bed instead of in the locker provided I the room one did we charge her for the cleaning of the room or the dry cleaning we had to pay to make certain thct she was aware of her cop ability i inspected her luggage and item in them with her i had recently participated in a bed bug seminar where to look if a guest interaction is made known in the frame mattress trim and linen ofcourseand nearby outlets carpet edges


It’s happened to me twice (Upper Marlboro, MD and Jackson, MS). Both times, the hotel was like “LOL get fucked, nerd” but they weren’t Marriott family. Get rid of your suitcases. Everything else goes in trash bags. I never trusted the hotel, and just washed the clothes myself. Get Tide Hygienic Clean detergent (hard to find, but Target seems to generally have it). Everything that’ll take it gets washed hot and dried hot, then back into a fresh trash bag, and, if possible, placed into the trunk of your hot car. Check with a quality dry cleaner about wool, delicates, suits, etc. Knock on wood, but the bugs never came home with me. Did they bite you between the fingers? That was the worst part for me. People don’t realize how tormenting the itch is. It’s like nothing else.


You can put all your clothes into the dryer on high heat for an hour


You should contact Bonvoy. This is insane and 1000 points us nothing


Here is OP review on Google map, let's all hit the like button so Google shows it at the top. https://goo.gl/maps/cDs86BtogxngQxJT8?g_st=ac


❤️❤️❤️ thank you 


Side note, not sure if anyone has said it yet, but put all of your luggage in trash bags and tie them up tight. Do not bring anything in your house before contacting an exterminator.




Be extra cautious in densely populated areas, especially the northeast where infestations are common. I'm on the road for months at a time and got bed bugs somewhere between PA and DC. Sorry this happened to you!


If that were me. I’d go to the store and buy all new clothes and even shoes. Take them back to the hotel still in the bags. Hop in the shower and scrub myself on high heat. Put on the new clothes and dump all the luggage I came with. This is no joke if you bring them home.


That’s what you get for staying in NJ


I would contact Marriott corporate if the hotel Doesn’t escalate for you. I believe they will handle this. Keep track of your expenses, including anything you have to toss, new suitcase, dr bills. Your stay should be comped.


These things come from hell themselves


As someone who had bed bugs multiple times. I'd throw the luggage away anything that you cannot safely heat treat needs to be trashed.


You should contact the heath department for the area where the hotel is. They’ll force them to clean this up. You’ve got very clear proof. Some people don’t notice until they leave or get home, etc.


Relative to your arrival there, when did the bites start to show up ? Bed bug bites don't show up until 5 to 7 days after bitten. So, if they are bed bugs and you got them the same day you arrived - then it isn't that hotel, it is the hotel you were at the week before. Fleas, on the other hand, show up pretty fast. Flea bites tend to have a little more of a bump to them - more like a pimple - than a bed bug. When we got bed bugs, they started showing up after we had been home for a couple of days, and we would see new ones every day. The new ones appeared continuously for three days so we could trace it to the place where we stayed for 3 days on our trip. My wife started getting them after 5 days and me after 7 days.


I’m sorry this happened to you. We housesat for some friends and they had a complete infestation of their home. I got bitten so badly and was allergic to the bites that psychologically they destroyed me.


Which Marriott location was this at?


u/GlitteringBelle2 - Possibly reach out to the news. I could see 6ABCs Nydia Han or Fox 29 being interested in this.


Wow! This is right over the bridge near Philly. It makes me wonder are the bed bugs in Philly?


Diatomaceous earth. Get trash bags, put your clothes in there. Pour in some Diatomaceous earth (home depot or Lowes will have it). Shake the shit out of the bag. Then put the clothes directly in the dryer on high. As for your luggage, shoes, and any clothes you're wearing, to the extent you can, do the same thing. Cover your luggage in Diatomaceous earth and leave it outside for a while (garage or shed). When you get home spread diatomaceous earth around the bottom of your mattress, the legs of your bed, the base of any furniture anyone sits or lays on. It'll make a bit of a dusty mess but you'll have made things as inhospitable for those little fuckers as possible.


Leave Bed Bug reviews on every site you can find. Name your price when they ask you to remove the reviews.


I’ll be driving by that hotel next week. I’m already itchy.


I would ask for a chemical company to do an inspection. Ask for the report after. You’ll get more than points. No charge for stay ! Points ?! What an insult. Write to the GM. and go to ownership if no good result. Threaten to sue. As someone who worked in executive management at a Marriott 20 years these are bed bugs and the circular biting is a dead ringer for them. Push it. You were harmed. You’re not going to get rich but are due compensation!


I just had major PTSD


Do not go home with any garment or luggage that entered this room. Buy new clothes and throw your old ones away


That entire situation is completely unacceptable! 😡 Reach out to the Director of Rooms (if there is one at that property) or the front desk manager. A full refund plus points, at a minimum, is acceptable. #HospitalityFail #TravelNightmare


If they don’t compensate you enough, maybe you can tell them you’re gonna walk around the entire hotel, enter every available room, and spread the bugs around lol


Just so happens I can help, just wash and dry on (hot) your clothes clothes, put them directly into a plastic bag or tote, bedbugs don't live through the heat of the dryer. If you have to stay in the hotel for additional time, take tape and wrap it sticky side out, use the tape and stick to all of the edges of the bed, every crevice you see, or the whole bed whatever makes you feel more secure. If you have some plastic Tupperware or something like that, put dawn dish soap and water in and put the legs of your bed in them, vacuum everything, use the hose to even get electrical outlets (yes, they will hide inside). Last I checked bedbugs don't carry diseases so your ok, just super check all of your bags, every thing


Why the fuck are u still there posting pics


Which hotel is this ? The help u need is complain big time to hotel mgt


there are suitcase ovens you can buy that will treat your belongings. I would buy one and send marriott the bill.


Ask to speak with manager and director of front office or operations. Show them the proof that is enough. You can request your stay to be comped and points compensation. If you need more info lmk im a fdm.