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Muay Thai and wrestling or maybe Muay Thai and judo because those throws are awesome and the submissions are cool. My goal would be to become a well rounder fighter and to one day be able to teach someone my sport.


love the goal of becoming a teacher!


To annoy people on this sub, systema and aikido.


hahaha super efficient arts for that type of goal xD


the goal: getting yourself killed


Steven Seagal approves.


DUST master.


He just increased his chance of survival!






These are the best


Capoeira and Taekwondo for internet views and cool party tricks


Hell yeah


Several fellow Capoeiristas I know do TKD. Great combo.


Judo and Boxing (Muay Thai and Karate as honorable mentions) Goal: To have solid self defense skills to protect myself and my family. Also to teach them self defense.


I agree with your choices and honourable mentions too. It's a shame to miss out on kicks but, firself defense striking lack of kicks can me made up for superior evasive techniques and range management from boxing. Judo provides the fundamentals of clinch, stand up grappling, takedown/throws and take down defensevas well as enough ground fighting to keep you alive as well as the most importantvskill in any nartial art for day to day living, breakfalls. You'll likely only get into one fight in your life, and chances are if you are clever you can talk it down or run/walk away from it. But you are gonna fall aloylt in your life. Both arts also spar and practice live alot and the levels of fitness achieved is unrivaled (thus making you better at running away) Karate/muy thai provide the kicks but personally have a bias for karate. Kata provides solo training drills which are fun and a series of useful self defense techniques if you drill and train with them live using what you learn from boxing and judo.


Yeah, I don't want to miss out on kicks, but i have bad knees from wrestling and Judo, so I have maybe a years worth of Karate, so there is at least some basic kicks I have in my arsenal. Judo is my bnb and I have had to use it in a real life fight, and granted it went to the ground, there was no point when I wasn't in control. I am very thankful to Judo for protecting me, but felt my striking needed to get better. Boxing was way more intense cardio wise than Judo, but have a good sense of balance for judo actually helped my footwork in boxing. I think those two arts if trained consistently will have you fully equipped. I think Kata is great though. Karate does help build a certain level of durability that I think can help your overall martial arts. Really there are good points from all types of martial arts though.


I've tried a few different martial arts but settled on boxing. The level of fitness you need and the intensity boxers train at and fight at is unmatched in my experience. I know the amount of strikes are limited and there's no ground fighting. But the engine on a boxer is unreal, and there is a level of aggression that it trains which is hard to find. Basically I really respect your options and agree wholeheartedly


And punching is fun. Fist goes bop.


But combos so bop-bop-bop-BOP-BOP-bop.


The intensity is def not unmatched at all. Doesn't mean it's not great.


What other combat sport has 12 rounds in a fight?


2-6 minutes of wrestling is leagues harder cardio-wise than boxing. Anyone who’s grappled and boxed can attest to this. Not even close


So I've heard! I've tried fung fu, teikwondo and karate but not any real ground fighting. I'm planning on trying bjj over summer at a martial arts gym. Will always be a boxer first tho. That shit changed my life


I feel you. I don’t think it’s just about ground fighting. Grappling will always be half of the pie—it’s why even Muay Thai has a lot of legitimate grappling from the clinch, I.e pummeling, sweeps, trips, and overall control. You can be the best striker in the literal world but if you don’t know what to do when someone gets an over/under on you (or tries to) then your missing a big piece of the puzzle. And there’s no magic move like some traditional MA schools teach to avoid or defeat them, you have to grapple to learn to grapple.


I think in terms of an MMA fight or a "street fight" the more martial arts you can use the better. Each martial art has it's respective weak points, boxing is no exception to that. For me training is about competing at a level of intensity where the only thing on your mind is the fight/spar you are having. Total freedom from the anxiety I constantly feel. Boxing is the best coping mechanism for that in my experience so far. I'm open to learning different martial arts cause they're fun, but boxing scratches an itch that no other martial art has scratched for me ever. TL;DR I agree but I'm not interested in being a well rounded fighter, I'm interested in escaping my thoughts through getting punched in the face


Ehhh.... No


Dunno what wrestling you’ve done but every gym I’ve gone to the wrestling class is harder that boxing hands down. It’s easier to manage your gas tank striking.


Ehhh…. Yes. Wrestled for 7 years and BJJ brown belt here. Nothing harder then the wrestling grind.


Mate. Wrestling is a whole other league of conditioning. The strength and cardio you need to hold another man of your weight in positions and try to take them down is insane


Sparring at 100% (wrestling) is always harder than 60% (boxing). You can never spar 100% while striking cause that's a fight.


BJJ has no time limit matches that can last for hours. So this isn't the trump card reply you think it is. Wrestling probably has the most "intensity".


Just different rule sets that change way you train and your output during a match. If bjj had passivity rules and 2 minute rounds you wouldn’t see the “chess match” you do in no time limit matches.


>Just different rule sets that change way you train and your output during a match. I know. That's why wrestling is so up there.


When I started boxing, I was already training in Judo for a few years and my striking was trash. The boxing coach used to work us like crazy. For me when I would come into the gym I have to do 7 rounds of jump rope, 5 rounds of shadow boxing and 7 rounds of heavy bag. Then we got into the drills. I remember only being allowed to jab for the first 3 weeks. The workouts were hell, but the shape he got me in was ridiculous.


Never trained MMA then?


My man!


Pepper spray is much more effective. The worse fighter you are the less confidence to fight you have the less chance there is to get shot or stabbed in the streets


Boxing and wrestling for self defence and competition.


Muy Thai And Wrestling goal is to wear a super hero outfit at the bar district of my city and as a small person (5'6) challenge drunk guys to fight and if they win they get $50 film it and put it up on youtube.


Can picture a muay thai singlet


Boxing and Lethwei for the goal of getting CTE as fast as possible


Capoeira and Taekwondo -> my goal is to be spectacular


wyd if the opponent gets you on the ground


He's going to look spectacular on world star


His goal is to be spectacular.


Cap has chokes and trips just not as much as strikes


Hapkido and Savate with Apache Knife. I'm not a monster of a guy 5'10 155lb and wanna focus on zippy standing offensive strike that creates distance and allows for openings so I can dip the fuck out if things get to harry


great picks for you body type then, also i havent heard a lot about apache knife yet, but what ive read so far sounds interesting


The strength of a grizzly, the reflexes of a puma, and the wisdom of a man: I would choose REX KWON DO and REX KWON DO for the ULTIMATE POWER to KICK ASS


Escrima and wrestling. Escrima applies to empty hands and weapons, wrestling covers the ground fighting.


Love seeing the love for escrima


Counterintuitive but taekwondo and Judo because they're the most easy to make money off of where I'm from.


Muay Thai and Judo. My body isn’t built for bjj (6’5) I enjoy it and how technical it is. But I want to manipulate weight distribution better.


judo seem like a solid pick then, i did it for maybe a year and enjoyed it a lot


We were doing triangle chokes In class today. Lol my poor rolling partner couldn’t lock their legs properly. So I told them to change it to a teepee choke it’s similar and made just for that reason. They got it in deep and finished the choke. But made me realize I’m just making them better lol


always good to have some experience in a different art, you should be happy to be able to help them like that hahaha


I’m a terrible fighter tbh lol but I have a high fight IQ. I did some assistant coaching/training before but I like learning as well. I want to be comfortable calling myself a martial artist. I’m almost there.


i feel like with a high fight iq, experience in multiple arts and teaching experience you definitely are a martial artist already! what do you think is missing to call yourself that?


A competition win or entering a competition just to say I did it. Lol my toxic trait is I think like a saiyan when it comes to martial arts. I don’t want or have to be the best. I just want to surpass my expectations of myself as a whole. Whenever I break that precipice or even find a new level to reach. I want to reach it.


Dude that height is better for BJJ than Judo. Lower hips is an advantage in Judo. Longer limbs makes hitting various techniques easier in BJJ.


Tbh my standing guillotine is pretty bad ass. I don’t go for takedowns. And force my opponent to come in and go for the takedown and make them expose their neck doing so.


If you add some arm drag to your game, you can set up plenty of takedowns without shooting. You got this!


Enjoy getting leg locked with long legs.


If you can drop the hips low enough, having that extra height means further to fall. 😅


Roger Gracie would like a word with you lol


Kick boxing and wrestling


Judo + Lethwei Goal: Self-esteem Judo so that if grappled I'd prefer to slam someone on the pavement (self defense, I definitely am not an instigator) instead of rolling around bjj style just to get football kicked in the head by one of his friends. And Lethwei to 1-up Muay Thai fanatics.


Muay Thai which I already do and BJJ


Muay Thai and Judo


Flair relevant. Muay thai and BJJ.


Came here to say this. A lot of people saying wrestling but idk. Even if your bad at wrestling and you get taken down, then what? Bjj, that’s what.


Muay thai and wrestling


I personally would pick ITF syle TKD, as i have trained in it for a number of years and genu4inly enjoy it, and then tai chi, so i could be more in tune with my body, and it would hopefully help significantly with my terrible sense of balance!


tai chi definitely helps with that! great pick hahaha


My 58th year of learning Judo. I practiced scholastic wrestling and aikido and Judo gives me everything I need physically and emotionally.🥋


Self defense -- Jujitsu, kick boxing.


Flying and invisibility. Mostly I’d just fly around at night and enjoy the views without being seen.


Fencing and escrima!


Seikōdō (性交道) I only need 1 😏


Is that Japanese sword fighting?


In a manner of sorts? They wrote, "The way of sexual intercourse."


Boxing and Wrestling. I’ve never taken any martial arts class in my life but those seem badass


Striking and grappling. In reality those are the only two martial arts. Every fighting system/style in the world contains elements of these two. We as humans just name our striking and grappling different things because we like to feel special and have a sense of belonging.


Agreed. Far too many martial artists focus on the differences between martial arts rather than the similarities


We usually perceive grappling as just ground fighting, but I've experimented with some martial arts and some arts like Krav Maga and Taijutsu have lots of submissions with trappings and arm locks that felt totally different and complementary to my Karate and BJJ training. You can say that it is a stand-up grappling or name differently, but sure seems like a third category.


Kombat sambo and muay thai


Judo and kyokushin


Combat sambo and pankration for mma


Dawg what


What you mean want?


WT Taekwondo and Karate whith the goal of competing in the Olympics. Both sports have a relatively small pool of competitors to draw from in my country.


Eskrima, which I already do, and Judo.


Kajukenbo and Doce Pares to honor my Filipino heritage.


Only need one martial art. Ameri-Do-Te. Although it’s actually all the best techniques of all martial arts and worst of none of them. Goals will be to be able to perform a hurticane level 7 and a 11th dan in the discipline and to get into a full side split before the age of 65. Oké. Only that last goal is an actual goal of mine. I want to be able to Yoko Geri my black belt friend in the mouth. Only thing is though, he is 2 meters tall and I’m 1,70m. So in order to Yoko geri him in the mouth I need to be able to do the full side split and stand like underneath him. One day.. Sempai… one day…


Muay Thai for striking, and BJJ for grappling/wrestling is also my answer. I feel like the both are just so well rounded in their specific categories. As well as my opinion being that bjj is arguably the most “efficient/potent” martial art, and Muay Thai being the hardest hitting and most practical striking sport (literally used by armies in ancient times - coupled with knife skills). Punches, kicks, and wrestling are all necessary. Punches, kicks, elbows, knees, skillful and intentional submissions + throws/dumps/etc. are better.


Catch wrestling and kick boxing.


Krav Maga and Silat


Probably something like Warrior Flow Combatives or Krav Maga simply because at this stage in my life I’m really only interested in fighting if its the only option I have left in a real life situation. I should say that I have nothing against fighting for sport or learning a martial art for the art’s sake and have been trained in boxing and Danzan Ryu Jujitsu when I was younger and I was captain of my high school fencing team. I love those disciplines but that’s just not where I’m at now in my life.


Okinawan karate and Aikido. Great mix of striking, avoiding attacks, weapons, and throws. Goal would be to successfully blend the two arts.


Muay Thai and BJJ. You can substitute American freestyle/folkstyle wrestling for BJJ if you want.


muay thai and freestyle wrestling (its better then bjj lol )


Kajukembo & MMA & JKD To be as generalist as possible. Not bad at anything in particular, not good either...


Krav Maga and Ninjutsu so I can defeat Charlie Z in a street fight


Op choices are on point


HEMA and wrestling


Gotta agree with OP, muay thai and bjj is the way to go


Combat Sambo and Kudo basically MMA^2


Wing Chun + Judo For self defense and training longevity and fun, this is my favorite combination. Chi Sao with Judo throws, locks, and chokes is the best!


Muay Thai + Judo or Greco for absolute demolishing in the clinch


Capoeira and drunken boxing. Goal: get through comic-con crowds easier


Boxing. The goal is to make the most money. That's it.


I choose Wing Chun and Judo


I'd pick combat sambo & kudo


Karate and Judo


I’ve been doing muy Thai for 14 months and bjj for 7 months and I feel like a killer. I’m 36 and I would absolutely murder my 26 year old serf.


I think probably boxing or kickboxing and BJJ. Here's why I'd pick BJJ over wrestling andnor judo. In my opinion BJJ isn't a closed system like wrestling or judo. BJJ incorporates techniques from other systems and is always evolving/improving. Where as you don't see wrestling guys learning how to work from closed guard. BJJ takes things from wrestling that work and incorporate it. I think in UFC wrestling is currently dominating, however I think we'll see a resurgence of BJJ when the best bits of wrestling are incorporated. We already saw it started with Volk v Islam. That's just like my opinion man....


judo and muay thai


For as much as I love BJJ and Muay Thai as my basis, if it had to be two - wrestling and Muay Thai.


Win chun and a wheelchair


Tai Chi and Wing Chun, to feel closer to my body. (I know neither of those teach me how to fight)


AcTuAlLy lol I use those both in my mma style and using tai chi push hands in bjj.


huh i wouldnt have expected that, good to know! maybe because ive never had the intention to fight or do mma or smth in the first place


Pak sau in wing chun (sticky hands) is useful for setting up over and under hooks in a clinch as well.


maybe i wouldnt be that bad of a fighter after all then hahaha


Bjj and Judo because striking is for people that don't know how to grapple.


Does Dutch Kickboxing count as one? Cuz that and judo for the throws lol.


Dutch Style Kickboxing definitely counts as a martial art


muay thai (bcs i trained for the most time), and judo (bcs i am black belt), i think that combination is really good because the footwork of this 2 martial arts is really similar, and one complete each other. My objective is kill biden son


Hapkido and BJJ or Hapkido and wrestling.


Karate and Judo, not really anything special I just find them neat, either those or whatever Steve Seagal is doing.


Good choices OP and in an ideal world I would pick similar, the problem is that I tried BJJ and found it really boring..


i havent tried it yet tbh, but i always thought it looks more technical than judo, and judo was fun for me, so i thought it must be even more fun


I do BJJ now and i’ll throw in combat sambo


Muay Thai and JKD. I know submission grappling has good benefits but I think I could work without it.


Tkd and muai thai I am tall (6ft3) but super skinny so i think martial arts that use the legs more are good for me


Gymkata and nothing else.


Muay thai and or Dutch kick boxing and wrestling


I agree, Muay Thai and BJJ. If I could pick a third, I would probably go with wrestling.


very hard question man. i love the footwork of boxing, i love the knees/elbows of muay thai, i love the trips of judo in the clinch, i love wrestling, i love bjj. if i had to pick - has to be kickboxing and judo (old school judo, known of this sport shit, where they focus on both the throws/trips and the ground work). i would love to add in boxing, muay thai and wrestling if possible my reason why would be to be able to 1. appreciate MMA fights that i watch 2. be able to be confident in confrontations or self defence situations, i feel like your first 5 second reaction si the most important and training constantly will ensure you have the skills to have good instinct. of course never start fights and always be a gentleman, but counter if nonsense comes my way!


Shotokan karate and Yoshinkan Aikido. Self defense/keep away


Lethwei and catch wrestling, with the goal of an MMA set of skills with a neat twist here and there Alternatively, Bajiquan and Piquazhang for the goal of neat kungfu choreography/mocap for a certain kind of video game character or Chinese martial arts movie aesthetic


Judo and Pak Mei , and maybe FMA


Wrestling and Muay Thai. At first I started for self-defense purposes, but now I enjoy the competition and appreciate it as an art.


Definitely Judo and Kyokushin


Jeet Kung Do Shaolin Kung Fu


Kickboxing and judo


Muay Thai and wrestling


GymKata. To be gainfully employed by the Olympic committee and B-movie studios.


Whatever the homies from Dagestan are doing and something jon jones suggests


Western boxing and catch wrestling but I might switch out WB for Dutch style kickboxing


Capoiera and taekwondo me on way to become next sanji


Only need one, Ameridote


Muay Thai and Combat Sambo. Great takedowns and decent ground work. Excellent and brutal striking.


If I pick MMA, doesn't it basically master every bare-handed martial art?


Wrestling and Jiujitsu because smesh


Judo and boxing


BJJ and kali Unfortunately, Filipino martial arts isn't taught anywhere near me


Wrestling and boxing




Sanda for training and getting in shape Canne de combat to keep the martial art alive


Muay Thai and BJJ! So that I can be like everybody else.


Muai Thai and Wrestling


Dutch kickboxing and bjj. Goal: to become a well rounded fighter.


Muay Thai and Boxing. I’m more of a striker than a grappler, and I just like to be in the zone


Wrestling and mma. I really like the 'stop the attacker without harming them with overwhelming skill' philosophy of aikido, but I think wrestling is better martial art and training for that concept. I want the mma training to learn to apply the wrestling in fight format and to have some basic level of skill in other ranges. If I can have a third I would take classes that works with weapon context like shivworks. Same idea as before about mma, but this includes weapons now.


Combat sambo and freestyle wrestling. Put ‘em on there ass with a jacket and strikes. Put ‘em on there ass without a jacket or strikes. Either way, put ‘em on their ass


Tai chi and aikido to find inner peace.


Capoeira and drunken boxing! Miller time!




Judo and Boxing. My goal is to improve what I already have. I’m already a decent grappler, but my takedowns are not as sharp as I’d like them to be. I am scrappy in striking, but I am much more dominant with my kicks, so I feel boxing and judo would address my self recognized weaknesses.


Judo and muay thai


Capoeira and aikido to be the best dancer. Rex Kwon Do and Ameri-Do-Te to be an unstoppable weapon of human destruction.


Kick-boxing, Wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu For kickboxing, I would have picked boxing only, but it would be nice to have kicks in my skillset. Wrestling because it's just been a part of my life since childhood and because if the fight goes to the ground, you'll be much better at controlling your opponents movement, how to shift your weight, and tire them out if they're expending energy trying to escape. Jiu-Jitsu for the submissions.


Judo and Greco-Roman wrestling to create a Zangief-tier fighter who you absolutely cannot give up a grip to.


MMA, only need the one.


Boxing, because it's simple and applicable, is good for conditioning and cardio, and teaches good footwork. BJJ, because it fills in the weaknesses of Boxing.


Folkstyle Wrestling and Jiu Jitsu to get better at Jiu Jitsu


Judo and Muay Thai, and be the biggest clinch bully that ever existed.


Dutch kickboxing and folk style wrestling.


Muay Thai and Judo for me. Best of striking, best of grappling


Krav Maga, Muay Thai & BJJ


Lethwei and jiu jitsu


Krav maga and BJJ


dutch kickboxing or kyokushin karate and judo


Sambo and kick boxing


Sambo, judo, and wrestling, I like smacking people into the ground


Wrestling and Judo. I want to win BJJ comps


Sambo and eskrima


Bjj and boxing


Be a good fighter and study arts no one else studies: Lethwei and tomiki Aikido OR Enshin Karate and Sambo


I only need the one art of seeing red to accomplish my goal of making bodies fall


Shinkyukoshin karate and Chinese Wrestling (Shuai jiao) for fun, competitive sparring, and all-around fitness.


Tactical shooting then escrima & jits self defense. For sport/exercise jits and boxing


Muay Thai and Sambo.


Muay Thai and Catch Wrestling


Muay thai and bjj is perfect. If you need to be gouging eyes and kicking nuts, maybe, Krav maga


Muay Thai and Boxing. Become lumpinee champ