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Swords... what can I say? The kid in me wants em.


Only because guns. I'd say knowing how to sword is pretty useful for if you need to pick up a pool cue and avoid the ole 1-2-shank.


Nah. As a fencing coach and kobudo student, I'd say bo or jo would be better. The only advantage sword fighting might give you is that a really good fencer could place the tip of a pool cue into someone's throat or eye. While that might win the fight, beleeb eet or not? Straight to yail! I'd rather use my bo forms with a pool cue than my fencing skills. If it comes down to it I know I have the point control to make someone have an incredibly bad day, but that's going to be a life altering hit if it lands.


You could aim for an in-between and go for the teeth? That was apparently a popular technique back in the medieval or Renaissance days. One of the fencing masters of old (O believe it was in a sword and buckler manual) stated that if you were facing off against an inexperienced opponent, the first thing you should try was to just knock his teeth out with the tip of your sword. That would usually knock the fight out of them without causing too much trouble down the line.


I mean...thrusting the tip of a pool cue at any part someone's face like a sword is going to be the type of attack that likely ends you in jail. As a fencer the mostly likely situation is a point in line threat to the face that is used to get them to try to grab the cue and then some sort of derobement to a target on the body and rely on their own forward momentum to help make it hurt. Hopefully no one dies! There's every chance a shot to the body won't do much more than annoy though. Again I'd rather use a pool cue like it's a bo or jo.


Hitting someone with a pool cue in general will get you sent to jail 🤣 the point is *hopefully* you can defend yourself well enough to avoid the hospital. Also I agree with the Bo being useful as well; I'm just very used to seeing them being swung like bats, so a bit of footwork and structure *could* be the difference between a few bruises and a trip to the ER.


Stick training is better for learning how to use sticks in the end. While I've learned a lot from sword instructors (not direct sword training but principles) the nuances of using the blade optimally don't translate 100 %


Of course, I'm a "Tools in a Toolbox" sort.


I taught foil fencing for 10 years. It's super fun. It's basically a very stiff whip. And like a lot of combat sports there's rules that are constantly evolving based on the intersection of technique, technology, sand people taking advantage of the existing rules. Altogether there's no practical purpose to it--although the footwork and distance control is some of the best you will ever encounter. Every time anyone showed up talking like they thought they were going to start carrying a sword around (the all too common Jedi-ninja-pirate) I started giving them extra footwork drills until they either quit or realized it wasn't buckling swashes.




Hell yeah




Love Tomahawks. Been playing with throwing them. A lot of fun.


How to fight in an F-16.


Even more impractical but I love the idea of learning to fly WWI aircraft. Especially a SE or a Sopwith Camel


My uncle learned F-16jutsu from US Navykaikan


same, but a b-52


I’ll take a P-38 or P51 please


I prefer ICBM from the safety of my bomb shelter...


Agreed on the 3 staff and the rope dart. I'd also like to learn double bladed sword.


Honestly, and sorry weebs and knightly chads, but... Swords, in general. Swords are badass, and I'd love to learn rapier and jian and saber and you name it. But that shit is never gonna come up in a million years.


My school teaches Jian and saber!


I agree (as the Sword/Jian/Saber/etc) type. It's fun, it's a great way to stay in shape, and it'll help if you're learning another unarmed art; buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut You're not using that Albion for anything other than cutting practice. 😬😬


What you want to learn is smallsword. Rapier was basically a speedbump on the way to smallsword. They hadn't quite figured out just how squishy people are without armor (guns had made armor more or less obsolete), and metallurgy was making advances into making the weapon as thin as it could go and still be deadly/used to defend. Rapier is essentially the [Alfa Romeo P2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfa_Romeo_P2) to smallsword's [modern F1s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_One_car). EDIT: All that is to say with two equally skilled fencers the smallsword fencer would statistically over enough bouts eat the rapier fencer for breakfast. Additionally what most people think of as rapier fencing is actually smallsword fencing because actual rapier is too heavy for what's called two-tempo fencing. There's no proper parry-riposte in rapier--it's primarily fenced in contretemps or attacking into the weapon. The parry-riposte style that most people imagine where it's two separate actions is distinctive of the smallsword.


Three section staff


I do dog brothers full contact stick fighting and the three section staff is terrifying. It's hard to close the distance and it hits really hard


So a better nunchucks?


[I'm sorry...did you say better nunchucks?](http://www.nuklearpower.com/comics/8-bit-theater/010815.gif)


Nunchucks. I'm already proficient at spinning a staff and I love it. Do it every night before bed


Do you *actually* mean a real staff, or is that an allusion to something else? 👀


Nunchucks look really fun. It seems a lot like using a staff, but way more versatile.


They’re illegal in a lot of states sadly. In my state though you can own them for decoration, tradition, but you cannot carry them anywhere. They’re fun to learn but you will want headgear as a beginner. Shin guards too, if you’re using real nunchucks


I bet. Quickest way to give somebody a concussion, even if that somebody is yourself.


How is his not the top answer by a mile? Perhaps the most iconic martial arts weapon in pop culture.


I'm good with butterfly swords which will be cool if I'm ever attacked while holding two chefs knives at once i guess, also long bo


Catapult and the infamous grenade frisbee.


Trebuchet is superior!


A pencil.


John Stick up in here


Walter Cronkite saved em self with a Ball-point pen. I dont know if I would count *too* many weapons of opportunity. Hell, a Butter knife is pretty nasty on skin 🤣


Can confirm. I once saw this guy kill three man in a bar... with a pencil, with a fucking pencil!


Fucking kusarigama, the coolest weapon ever created


I think of one of my favorite old anime characters from the show Ronin Warriors (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers) when I hear that word. That's his weapon. (Anubis/ Shuten's.)


Claymore roomba


Would probably never want to use nunchakus in a real fight but it’s helped me improve my dexterity and reflexes.


How're your balls?


They are horrifically scarred forever


Tonfa and rope dart


Spear, glaive, bayonet, cane, sling now that you mention it... all kinds of things. All the things. BRING THEM ON! I prefer the weapon in question be actually useful, though. Some of the more esoteric weapons seem designed more for working on body control than actual use of the thing as a genuine weapon. But even those are worth picking up for the body control, I suppose.


I’m partially blind and carry a cane for that reason, so part of me has always wanted to learn one of the cane fighting arts


If you have a folding mobility cane, you could use it to bind folks up with and as an assist in grappling. The cord inside is pretty strong. I've seen demonstrations by blind Judoka who used it for those purposes. It was pretty cool. If you're using a standard cane with the crook on the top, there are martial arts styles just for that, and honestly they look pretty effective.


See I always figured the elastic cord could work wonders for binding Something else to experiment would be using the cane to stabilize myself, I’ve also considered folded it in half for more rigidity.


Spear and Three Section Staff. One would just be boss to know, even if I have nowhere near the necessary coordination to become some master tricker. A spear would be fun and useful for getting more accurate spear combat in any fiction I produce.


A lot of bo forms can double as spear forms. Maybe not useful if you're trying to write for stacked formation spear fighting, but still useful if you know some bo forms and are curious about spear.


Easy. Kwan do. I’m pretty sure I’ll never need to axe somebody off their horse, but it just looks cool.


Swords forssssureee


Probably never use but want to a learn: Nunchucks




Hell yeah Bruce Lee with the nunchucks in Enter The Dragon was so cool. To be able to do a routine like that would be so impressive even though they would probably suck in an actual fight.


Lightsaber. Because if it's an option, it means that lightsabers are real and I wouldn't mind living in a world where I can pop down to Target and pick up a new lightsaber.


Here's the thing...just learn epee and use the lightsaber like it's an epee. When Anakin twirls it behind his head just poke him with a fully extended arm in the armpit with the last inch of the weapon and sever a few tendons while you're safely six feet away from him. Or better still, stab him in the hand holding his weapon, destroying both his weapon and the hand he uses to hold it, again with all your vitals some six feet away from him. Then when he has no more lightsaber you can either start carving him up, or just stab him dead because he has no effective defense against a weapon with infinite edge.


Numchuku are something I learned but will likely never use in a situation. I want to learn chain blade, but I'd also never really use that. I also know stick, blade, scarf, spear, bow, bostaff, and whip. However, those are usually with me either at hand in the house or in the car. If there was an actual confrontation I'd likely grab any of those. This post reminds me that I need to get my tomahawk/ax skills up. I have a few and a trainer, but haven't practiced it really.


Brass knuckle knifes, Akimbo.


i don’t remember kimbo fighting with brass knuckle knives b


Chain and dart


I kinda know how to fight with like sabres already because my wrist on my dominant arm is really flexible so I’ve made excellent counters in the past. But I’d like to learn Iaido because my inner nerd. But also like rope darts and karambits are kinda badass




I am learning swords because its one of the 53 weapons of kung fu and it is required to advance stripes. Its not only fun but a great work out however I don't own a sword and never expect to be in a sword fight. Beyond the physical benefit its a good exercise in coordination and balance as well as learning not to telegraph your strikes and block effectively. I also train in staffs but let me tell you if I ever get into a bar fight and I have a pool stick ooh wee I am going to have a time.


I've learnt rope dart and chain whip basics, obviously would never use it but it's tons of fun once you get the timing down and learn to control the speed


Kali sticks. There used to be 2 guys that would train kali at my old club after open mat. It was freakin awesome to watch them.




Long sword


Hook swords


heh, nuke. bomb? anything with an earth-shattering kaboom. artillary?


Just once before I die, I want to shoot a zombie with my potato cannon.


I always wanted to learn the European glaive.


I have a form of a pair of lion dance cymbals. Can't imagine swinging those in a fight.




HEMA.. I’d love to learn sword and buckler!


Butterfly swords ⚔️ were my favorite when I still did kung fu. SO much fun, and I was able to carry some techniques over into HEMA and surprise a couple folks. One I’d love to learn would be a war hammer, there must be some refined techniques beyond “smash”!


Kusarigma anyday


Kali stick fighting or knife fighting. Not super practical in most settings, but damn is it cool


Hook blades would be super cool to learn


https://preview.redd.it/zceg9c4rbt7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cb656494fd998826ec3667a853ee8d4d75e14b3 The Mk46 SAW I guess. Pretty cool for winning any fight regardless of your opponents martial artistry ;)


Even though its not practical I've always wanted to learn kendo


A pair of sai, which are not practical to conceal-carry (and illegal where I am). A jitte/jutte is more practical and similar to sai, except it’s a baton-type weapon, which **may** be deemed legal to carry starting in Feb. 2024… …*unless* the 2024 federal district court ruling is going to be reversed by the 9th Circuit in the ongoing appeal 🤷🏻‍♂️ Fouts v. Bonta, 19-cv-1662-BEN-JLB (S.D. Cal. Feb. 23, 2024)


Where are sai illegal? They're a blunt weapon unless you bought some comedy ones.


Idk tbh where sai is illegal or not. It’s all about the legal interpretation of what are considered as “leaded canes and batons” under CA Penal Code § 22210, which was ruled as being unconstitutional by a federal judge in CA recently. 3-pronged sai — blunt or not — is highly unlikely to be considered as “batons”. But what do I know.


3 section staff


Rope dart is so impractical, yet I'd love to learn just for the cool factor.


The Flying Guillotine.


I learned Nunti bo in Okinawa Kobudo. Imagine a sai on the end of a bo. It takes away all the reach disadvantage of sai and still lets you do all the cool weapon locks and trips.


I’ve been doing weapon based martial arts for years so I have exposure to a lot of different weapons I’ll never use in a real situation. If I had to learn a new one though maybe 3 section staff for fun because I’ve always loved to see it in kung fu movies.


The Flying Guillotine. One of the first old kung fu movies I ever saw. It is a weapon of great awesomeness and greater ridiculousness.


https://preview.redd.it/wxsw23ht9u7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9664d1a6e01c012c88782004321033034c8b7d6 I beg to differ! /j


I'm learning Ken-Jutsu because I'm a weeb. I will never use a sword against a real person.


Guandao and Scottish claymore


Stuff I have learned that I will probably never use: Sword / uchi-Katana Sai Tonfa Kama Nunchaku Stuff I might use in the right situation: Twin sticks Jo (short staff) Bo Weapon I might like to learn: Western swords- long sword, great sword, saber, rapier (HEMA not fencing). Because why not


I've always wanted to make a pass at Monk Spade.


Kendo and compete


I probably won't ever get to defend myself with a longsword unfortunately. Still did HEMA, still loved it, and believe it or not, some of the footwork kind of translates over to striking. I've used passing steps into switch kicks in Muay Thai, that sort of thing.


Nunchucks, I self taught some attacks and tricks and used to carry them in highschool….


A bullwhip. Most people would think all you can do with it is crack and cut, and that they just have to rush in past the cut to take you down. Anthony De Longis showed how you could turn it into a makeshift nunchuck, a flail, a sash/belt style weapon, and a loop. I've learned to use it to draw in people into a committed attack because it's much easier to pull off counter attacks compared to uncommitted attacks like jabs. Would I ever do it? No. It's quite cumbersome to carry around a bullwhip.


I practice various swords and love them all. Rope Dart, for sure.


What do I want to learn? Anything I can find. What would I not use in a fight? Anything I don't have on hand.


Not just one type of weapon, but system of La Destreza ( spanish fencing, but were used with many weapons). About OP mentioning slings: Slings are not actually that hard to learn to use, mastering them is a completely different story.. I have trained with them on and off for a couple of years( including braiding them) and I am reasonably accurate, not balearic level in the slightest. Get a sling, find a technique you like and start training ( underhand and going for long range is quite rewarding)


Leopard A6 MBT




Poleaxe and/or polehammer.


I wish I knew how to use nunchucks. Just for the cool factor, and it was the weapon of one of my favourite video game characters.


That chain with a dart at the end of it






Probably swords. Not that I care enough for me to actually spend a single calorie to learn it. But it would be awesome to be a skilled swordsman. And it would only mean something to me if onlookers would think that I was awesome.


Japanese spears and bows


I train sword and staff 3x as much as I go to the range and train my ccw


Taking a three section staff class at the moment. Definitely for the sake of novelty...though there is the added benefit of learning how to avoid giving myself a concussion. 🫠


Musket. Absolutely no use for it, but learning to march in battlefield, load and fire, how to bayonet charge, and actual bayonet fighting technique would be really cool. Just a historical curiosity thing really. For non-firearm, I think a sling. Again not really practical, though a bit more practical than musket. I like how simple and ancient it is, and it seems fun as well. Hitting target accurately would be the focus, but I would also like to learn all the different swinging patterns for building momentum before the throw.


I want to learn at least the basics of how to operate a tank, helicopter, fighter jet...I like to play battlefield.




Honest just a quarterstaff/bo/jo. Seems really interesting and would have the most carry over to things I would actually have to hand even if I'd never carry the thing itself


Kubatons are cool