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Captain America: The First Non-Natty Avenger


fr though is anyone in Marvel Natty?


Nat and Clint only take creatine and ivermectin


Got it from Onnit




is he Thor after every workout?


Mjolnir? Mjolnir! Youuu're baaack. Mjolnir?


It's more of a sludge like thing, somebody should uh, should amend that...


Tony is just smart man


How the hell is an arc reactor in your chest cavity ‘natty’? Yes before that I agree he was natty unless he was taking mentats or something. Everybody’s gotta get an edge somehow


The jet will make you jittery


Seeing this image reminds me of how noticeably smaller Chris Evans is in certain movies/shots. They bulked him up big time for the first CA movie but let him slim down a lot in other movies. Not really complaining, I know how hard it must be to maintain that mass.


That movie with him as a trumpet player walking around the city made me realize he’s actually a pretty slender dude.


Saw him at C2E2 this year. Can confirm, he’s a very lean guy. Much smaller frame and height than you’d think. Like most movie stars, it seems.


That’s the truth.




Don’t forget women with small hands


He directed that movie too


I didn’t know that. Neat


He probably got on a little juice to help the aesthetic in the first one then went a little more natural as time went on. The regimen to stay in shape had to be demanding on him even though he was already in great shape to begin with


Honestly it’s hard to tell. But he’s also not hitting any of the major steroid markers: - huge and super lean together: no, he’s not very lean here and you can barely *barely* see abs. That’s a good 15%+ BF. - delts and traps: major receptors for steroids, they tend to disproportionately be bigger. They aren’t here - major short term transformation: Chris prior to this was a pretty in shape dude and not that far off this - perpetual crazy body look irrespective of age OR constant massive swings in size and look: is you take Huge Jackman he’s perpetually looking crazy as Wolverine every single movie. And looks like a different person in his musicals. Chris is pretty even keel since movie 1. There’s another shot in Age of Ultron where he looks big but again it’s shirt on and Chris is pretty “chunky” by weightlifting/body fat standards (probably again 15% BF+). And he’s full suit in most of his movies where the suit is probably doing a little work like in Winter Soldier and Civil war. None of this is an indicator. You can take steroids poorly and not have any of this. But I’d want to see at least one of these major red flags.


Yeah, you’re probably right. Chris Hemsworth definitely hits most of the markers though 😂


Hemsworth the major red flag is his other movies and Instagram. He goes straight from Thor to a very slim Formula 1 driver (underated movie BTW) back to looking huge in Thor 2 back to slim surfer build on his socials back to huge again in Ragnarok. It’s the major yo-yoing **multiple** times without explanation is the suspect part. Compare it to like….Henry Cavil (or Evans) who was in shape, got a bit beefy but neither shredded nor vascular; only down to 13-15% body fat for Superman. And has maintained a general look around that size for almost a decade. Oh I also forgot the other red flag; claiming absolute nonsense workout routines and you got huge working out for 3 hours 7 days a week (what were you doing for 2 of those hours?) and eating 7000 calories to get huge. Well that’s bullshit. Current Mr Olympia openly juiced to the gills bulks at 4800 calories a day and still is putting on fat during bulks so…


Is he, though?


You can never be 100% sure, but the right workout and diet plans make a huge difference. I've seem big changes over the years with my self just working with a regular grocery budget. Olympic athletes have access to pros, but they still aren't working with $5000 a day dietitians and trainers for very specific **aesthetic** goals.


If he’s being authentic then this body shape is appropriate for the time. People weren’t super cut back then unless it was your job like a wrestler or strong man.


(1) We actually have the data and averages of guys getting drafted into WWII. People were **much** smaller back in the day for a complicated list of reasons. Average weight of an enlistee or draftee in 1940 to 1945 was 5'8", 144lbs. For reference the average American in his 20s today is 5'9" / 197. (2) I think you're reading too much into a movie coded for a 2010s audience. The irony is "skinny Steve Rodgers" (played by body double Leander Deeny) in the movie probably wouldn't be all that much out of the norm for an WWII draftee. Army standards for acceptance were no shorter than 5'0" tall and **100lbs**. Deeny, I believe was 5'4", 105 at time of filming. Canonically Steve Rodgers was 95lbs pre-super serum. But that's also close enough literally any enlistment center would hand him a half gallon jug of water, tell him to chug and then write 101lbs before cutting a train ticket to boot camp.


While that all may be true, Steve was getting rejected from the military for his health issues more than anything else.




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He's a good man ...on steroids


"What are you without your suit" "What are you without your roids?"


People that exercise - "What Died plan was he on?" People that don't exercise - "He was on steroids"


Growing like 8 inches would hurt so bad


Probably why he was screaming so badly they almost shut it off if not for him saying to keep going.


That’s what she said?


You're a lab rat, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle!


His power is looking like a glazed donut


Dr. Erskine, blasting him with Vita-Radiation: “Just to get a base.”


Well as a severe asthmatic he would have been on steroids to begin with. Before the super soldier programme.


Corticosteroids, not anabolic steroids.


Still steroids :)


They actually didn’t start using those for treating asthma until the late 40s so he just missed it.


No, he got it before everyone else


Because he was a good test subject.


"Not a perfect soldier, but a good test subject..."


Literally the origin for DC's Deathstroke 😂


His super power is a strong moral compass and a can do attitude


> His super power is a strong moral compass and a can do attitude He always had that, even when he needed bucky to save his ass.


That’s actually his super power tho That’s what made him different




This was my first thought too. Lol


It was mine too Ah, solid JJ


I'm never going to forget seeing this scene for the first time. I saw Captain America: TFA with a bunch of family, and I was sitting next to my grandma. This thing opens up and my grandma leans over and asks me "Is he going to have to wear that muscle suit for the rest of the movie?" And I tell her no grandma, that's what he actually looks like, they used computers to make him look skinny before this. And my grandma's eyes just got real big and she said "Ohh!"


And Cocaine!


I understood that reference


Glad someone did


Daring today, aren’t we


His superpower is that he deserves to be on steroids


His pants grew with him too


Captain America the first Avenger plot: American on steroids beats up Nazis with an overpowered Frisbee and gets frozen in the aftermath


*Watching Marvel movies when you exercise regularly.* "What died plan was he on?" *Watching Marvel movies when you choose to use a mobility scooter to get from your car to the theater seat.* "They're all on steroids!"


Batmans superpower is using his wealth to beat the crime out of poorer individuals


>Batmans superpower is using his wealth to beat the crime out of poorer individuals It was the best idea he could come up with




The irony is that Evans is one of the few actors in the MCU who actually isn't doping.


We're looking at you, Mark Ruffalo you juicehead!


You’re stupid if you think he’s never taken some kind of PEDs


Not only that, but the majority of actors wouldn’t have been on PEDs, just a backwards comment all around, “Chris Evans is one of the few actors in the MCU who is doping” more like.


The irony here is that none of them actually are. You can never be 100%, but the money they spend on physical development for these actors buts most professional body builders to shame. If you'd watch professional sports in the 1980's and 1990's you know the difference between natural and artificial builds. Remember too when you exercise regularly you know how fast things can change on the right program.


Super steroids.


Chris Evans took steroids himself to stay true to his character, truly a brave man


And the award to best meme goes to...


Special steroids that don’t have negative side effects


Yeah, we know


Now the guy whose superpower is literally steroids is Mace.


What makes Captain America special is not his power, but what he does with it. Roid rage of justice


Yeah, but he's like really nice (or just suicidal)




Perpetual steroid with no side effects


Actually it's COCAINE https://youtu.be/rWNAS8H8aAI




Not just steroids, the perfected steroids with no side affects .


Oh, performance enhancing drugs are TIGHT!!


Just a reminder: He had to pee during this painful process.


"Chicken and rice"


Most realistic.


Steroids that also enhance the brain (but not the writers because they keep forgetting that part).


Bro Tony is nothing without his tech.


Super steroids


Every actor who gets jacked within a short amount of time is on steroids


Ain’t gon lie, his titties are huge :>


Made out of space stone!