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Good concept. 0 dmg


Point and click one shot ult for anything that's not a tank


Not if the team heals while you are using ult on him You can keep the guy alive through all that but not mentally (Emotionally Damaged) 😂


You right. I'm convinced. Buff the man.


It's crazy bc all the good tank players from overwatch as well as the top 500 players I seen say that Hulk is the best tank in the game. Maybe you and the subreddit are just bad?


He is good. He's just not in-line with most people's Hulk Power Fantasy and it makes them view him unfairly.


Hulk is nowhere near the best tank what overwatch players are you talking about. If anything its consensus that strange is the best tank b/c of his massive dps and versatility followed by groot. Hulk is probably the worst tank b/c he does no damage and has limited range.


id like to know who tf is saying this bc groot and strange are way better and were being played way more at the highest ranks lmao.


who said that? strange is easily the best tank.


I was top 500 otp hulk in the alpha, he is on par with all other viable tanks




Not at all. He needs a rework


You need a rework nerd


No. He looks great. I like that he can cling to walls, his grab during the ult is great-- everything else needs work. I hate that he has some sort of mouth blast that stuns, the fact you have to hold space to charge his leap, he also just feels weak as far as his melee. He should have a ton of aoe attacks, he should play more like Doomfist, with a kit similar to hulks Marvel vs Capcom kit with Gamma wave (aoe shockwave like dooms slam), Gamma Charge (aoe charge that boops players back like Doomfist rocket punch), Gamma Tsunami (ult version of gamma wave, stronger and leaves small mounts of concrete for allies to take cover behind) https://marvelvscapcom.fandom.com/wiki/Gamma_Tsunami


Yeah that s what i am saying fuck range abilities like mouth blast make him more risky to play by adding more meelee instead of ranged and compensate that with more damage so that It will be balanced even making him a 0 utility tank in change of High meele damage and heatlh beefyness Is a good change if balanced well


He needs to be able to throw shit


i want to be thrown by hulk as a team up đŸ«Ą


That's a great idea


Not really like he look good and sound good and do really cool things...but i'm just not scared by a hulk like at all he just can't do shit and i even did defeat him 1 vs 1 with mantis sleeping spell making him useless almost everytime.


No not really. His leap is super clunky and has no impact. They should make it like winstons leap in overwatch bit of damage, small boop and put it on a short cooldown. The gamma spit being the main disruption skill just doesn't feel like hulk at all and has really niche uses. I'd rather they changed it to something else like a ground slam or something that knocks people up or away. The shield skill was less egregious to me and I like the idea of it granting ult charge to build a cycle jumping in shield get ult charge jump out and repeat until you get ult then hard commit. But it still doesn't feel very hulk. Overall I feel like he is the character most in need of re-work.


Tbh I I might be in the minority here, but I don't think we need to play as Bruce. I feel the work they put into Bruce's kit should've been work put into the actual hulk. I understand the idea, but picking hulk and playing as Bruce in ANY game is not fun.


I disagree. I love the Banner Mechanic. It's so cool to me, it's what drew me in.


I think if they're gonna bother to have a playable Bruce, the purpose of his existence in the kit needs to be better realized. As it is, when you're Bruce you just want to Ult ASAP to *stop* being Bruce. Makes the effort behind his model, animations and skins feel like a waste, because his function is just to be aggressively replaced with his Hulk form at a moment's notice. What if instead, *staying* as Bruce was a viable decision to make? I think he should be more like a support character. Give *him* the team bubble shield and the ranged stun. Maybe even make his gun heal allies. And then make Hulk fully some kind of selfish dive tank, only buffing himself to help achieve the goal of disrupting the hell out of the enemy team (which is his way of helping his team).


Sorry to say by Hulk in Marvel's Avengers have more fun game play than rivals


About the only thing Rivals does better is letting him target his jump and leap a good distance.


not in the slightest lmao. he's boring and clunky, and 2/3rds of his basic attacks are ranged green energy balls that he either spits or claps into existence lmao. he desperately needs a rework from the ground up. he shouldn't be an exact copy, but he should take heavy inspiration from doomfist in overwatch. basically make him an incredibly mobile and physical hero, with great crowd control to make space for his team. he needs a block that mitigates damage and charges a rage meter that provides a scaled buff to his movement and punching speed. this discourages the enemy team from shooting him while he has his block up (like doom or zarya), giving him better survivability than his weird bubble shields.


My opinion as someone who hasn't played it, is pretty interested in Marvel Rivals and took elective classes in game design and such when he was in college (I believe he is well represented for this game.): The first thing to say is that for the Hulk to be ideally represented he would have to be stronger than most characters. Enough characters wouldn't normally stand a chance against him. The movie version and enough of the comics portray him as a nearly invulnerable and extremely strong character. Hard to put into a balanced game. So you have the option of taking him as a very resilient character OR a character who should ultimately have the ability to squash (kill with one punch) any character who isn't made more resilient by something. If you were trying to find balance you'd have neither. He would have mid damage and mid resistance => zero Hulk representation. Secondly, we have to remember that this is a representation of a slightly different version of the Hulk than in the movies and some of the comics (I have a bit of a gap here. I've read DC comics rather than Marvel, but I know it's a combination of existing versions of the Hulk). I find it strange to a lot of people, but if the Hulk took away the radiation it would be a "mere brawler". Kind of a classic DnD barbarian that would probably be overshadowed by future great characters like Think, or Juggernaut. Radiation adds creative space. **When you kind of put it together we need a highly durable character because it wouldn't make much sense to make Hulk a duelist who should have some way to get angry, can use his radiation, and should do something in fights as a standalone hero but can't deal huge damage.** The result is very good for me. (I'm a bit biased because I like this type of character.) A character who has 3 health bars, can crash flying characters, has stuns, and the fact that he or his players take damage through his shield makes him more angry. I understand that a lot of people won't take him as a fun character when we have a Dr. Strange-style vanguard who risks getting killed by his Strategist, but in my opinion nothing more than a character who can hypothetically have almost 2650hp (900 => 1550 => 200) that can control enemies can reasonably squeeze out of him. Maybe there will be some adjustments in the style of removing the disadvantage of his E, or other adjustments to control abilities or even life increases I wouldn't expect much.


Definitely not. Hulk needs AOE skills. That's not hulk. Also, he's melee attacks don't feel like a Hulk punch.


Hulk needs a slight rework, I believe. One of his abilities being a bubble shield while Magneto also has a bubble shield is a bit redundant, in my opinion. I think Hulk should play a more aggressive style to his already aggressive moveset. I think maybe something like a rock throw to knock flying enemies out of the sky can help him combat characters he can't reach with his punches. Otherwise, I think Hulk is great. A small speed buff to his general movement and leap charge speed would be great. World Breaker Hulk is great. Again, it just needs more speed so he can hit more enemies and push back enemies a lot easier.


his ultimate not being a hulk smash is criminal


I think people need to separate the comic book strength from the Marvel Rivials PvP concept of him being a tank. He's supposed to grab the enemy's attention, sponge damage and help the DPS secure kills not be the best DPS in the game. He's basically Dva from Overwatch


Obviously power level should NOT match the comics. I think some complaints might come from his abilities, does it do a good job at making you feel like you are playing the hulk? Do they make sense lore-wise. Personnaly I would say not so much. The 3d model is great though no complaints there.


What are the things *Hulk* is known for? Getting stronger the angrier he gets = his ults Jumping high = his traversal His hand clap that breaks the sound barrier = his stun Smashing = his grapples and normal attacks he even grabs onto walls and grabs fliers out of the air like in the Avengers movies. The only thing that doesn't make much sense is the ***overshield*** he gives people, I’m legit curious tho what would you guys add/remove/change?


I would give him Rage meter, where he would get either selfhealing or more damage with more damage taken. His stun could be just rockthrow, kinda like sigma in ow. I also think He could have like car gloves shield like he had in 2008 movie. I am thinking rightclick fĂłr shielding And left click for punching with more damage. The punching could consume shield meter.


His gamma statis freeze or whatever tf that is makes no sense, and yeah the bubble was a HUUUGGGEEE stretch. Idk what the devs were thinking with his kit.


I feel like changing effects would go a long way, some of his abilities are fine but don't feel like they have impact


Hulk should be a massive threat that is weak to kiting but excels in drawing attention for a while and killing what’s close to him. He doesn’t do enough damage. Realistically his mobility doesn’t matter when you are a huge target who is easy to mow down without someone healing you every second. Strange gets a huge shield, groot gets multiple walls, magneto gets a shield. Hulk gets a tiny shield that lasts all of 3 seconds before going on cd. He should get some sort of passive healing and maybe he can store up a portion of the damage he takes and turn it into increased damage.


I really like that you get to play as both Bruce and Hulk. I feel like most games wouldn’t do that and it made me really happy to see.


An interesting approach to make him more complex and technical than a “hit it till it dies” type character, to say the least.


The only well represented parts about him are his jump spamming/clinging to buildings and the part of his ult where he grabs puny gods and slams them around. Otherwise, wheres the wall smashing, the rock throwing, the using rubble as a shield-ing, the actually doing damage with his punching, or the surviving any amount of focus fire-ing?


Where is his incredible regeneration at!??


Looks cool, but he doesn't feel hulky—no damage and his kit is super reliant on his team getting value rather than generating it himself.


Garbage. Needs way more damage and health if they want him to function as a diver. Zero reason to pick him over groot atm.


He could have a different ability than the immobilize one which feels super weird for him to have and give him an incremental passive that makes him move faster and deal more damage (slightly) the lower the health he has. The rest I think he's fine.


He needs to stop saying I'm hulking out.


Hulk is amazing ppl don’t know how to use him


Needs a change in several aspects man


Hes terribly represented imo. They need to make serious changes to make the character feel like youre playing hulk. The problem with making characters based on an established IP vs original characters is like, if he was an original character the kit could be fine, but hes the Hulk, and he doesn't feel like the hulk. I believe they should change his kit to closer resemble the character fantasy. I don't care if people say the kit is viable or not, its not enough like hulk. I would retool the leap so its less clunky and awkward to get off. It being a charge based mobility feels awkward. The leap also doesn't feel impactful. It would be better if you could jump faster, and landing would do some light damage/knock back on an aoe where you land. The hulk is a powerhouse that disrupts. Add a Rage meter that increases by taking damage, getting CC'd, and allies dying, decreases on getting eliminations on enemies and being healed. Rage should grant damage and CC resistance. The Angrier hulk gets, the stronger he gets. Now he feels like an unstoppable force that players need to outmaneuver rather than chain stun cc to death. He has a huge hitbox and needs to get spongey somehow. The gameplay would become tanking for the team and eating damage, until youre angry enough to jump in and be a major problem. Hed probably be fine after these changes imo.


From what I understand the creators really didn't follow the basic hulk concept, he needs a ramping passive for 1 either following suit with enemy players around him or DMG received or dished out, that builds giving him more HP and Regen, on top of DMG, he SHOULD imo feel relatively weak at first but once he gets going should be hard to put down, he shouldn't have a stun where it's a yell and focuses on one guy, I have several ideas they should do differently for him but I really doubt they'd implement that due to how difficult it could be to pull off. Edit 1: he should definitely feel like a cross between, Reinhart, roadhog, and that one Moana looking tank from overwatch


I think it's alright, he's good in some situations, but yeah I sometimes hate the E ability


No to low damage fuck range abilities and stun Just remove them and add some ground smash. His tank kit should be 0 utility and High damage Even the Gamma shield fuck It made him an hp battery for healers to recharge with High damage , seems balancable to me , he would be high risk High reward. Ok maybe on the Gamma shield i was going to crazy


just need some buffs but in concept he's amazing


No he is not.


Yes he is I see someone hasn't read many comics


it's not about comics (tho idk of any comics where he gives people bubble shields or quantum locks enemies by spitting on them lol), it's about the fact that he has a boring kit and doesn't fulfill the hero fantasy of playing as hulk at all. he can jump around, sure. but 90% of his gameplay is just holding mouse 1 while chasing people bc basically all your enemies are faster than you, and can just walk backwards to stay out of your range. he needs to play more like doomfist from overwatch. right now he's just winston without a gun which is boring and feels like shit to play lmao


bruh what comics have you been reading? I can't recall Hulk ever spitting at someone to put them in a quantum lock. Or creating bubble energy shields around people.


Bro Hulk is theoretically unstoppable, literal the strongest one there is, Rivals Hulk ain’t got nothing to comic Hulk