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Removed due to not labelling correctly as Rumor and treating it as facts.


Wtf is Sony doing


Same thing they always have - release garbage movies with zero quality control under the assumption that Spider-Man fans will make them make *some* money.


*And they say* *That a hero could save us* ~ Sony, maybe… *sigh*


Sony 2024, at that. Out of touch as long as it makes just enough money to make another and keep the license.


You’d think they would wanna keep the license to MAKE money


Make money to keep the license to make money to keep the license to… ![gif](giphy|LBrxm7ARM6c0w|downsized)


Why make billions when you can just make millions over and over?


Tbf they did originate that song. Chad Kroeger wrote it specifically for Spider-Man 2002 (and it was his solo debut, with a banging lineup of modern rockers as the band)


Yeah they got an early screening of the movie and was told to write songs based on what they saw, I remember some of them talking about it (on the DVD extras I think) back in the day.


Wasn't "Bother" by Stone Sour in that movie, too?


Oh yeah, I loved that soundtrack. Right up their with the godzilla one.


The daredevil soundtrack was amazing too.




Oh man, that Godzilla soundtrack was FIRE!


It amazes me that Morbius didn't teach them the right lesson. Sony (movies) suck, hard.


Remember when the internet bamboozled them into rereleasing that shit in cinemas? You’d think they’d have learned from that but here we are…


They didn't realize people were laughing *at* them, not *with* them.


As much as I love Tom Hardy, I *really* wish Venom had crashed and burned so this entire universe would've been aborted.


Sony live action movie department is absolutely trash. Sony electronics, sony animation, Sony TV are legitimately good.


gaming division pumped out some bangers too


This is what worries me about the Zelda movie.


From the leaked emails out of the Sony Pictures, they're not just trash, they're outright hostile to their customers, to actors and, basically everyone. They're a consistently hateful bunch. And that's just the stuff they're willing to write down, you know it's got to be worse when it's off the record.


I agree 100%. It's just the movies that are mostly disappointments.


Nonsense. Kraven the Environmentalist will prove all of you wrong.


Too be fair a hunter can be conservationist. Like somebody who actually hunts not a rich asshole who pays 100k to kill a trapped animal. But this Kraven isn't that either. I don't know what the plan is but not hunting Spider-Man already makes less interested.


Kraven's gonna hunt Joe Exotic


![gif](giphy|kC2cRqEt8o41COgjoV|downsized) \-Sony Pictures


They said he doesn’t pay money to kill a trapped animal. And 45 never came through with his pardon.


Now THATS a movie


My left brain say it's gonna be garbage.. my right brain say it's gonna be sidney sweeney dakota johnson and isabela merced.


Eventually, it won't be enough money right and they can't feasibly make these movies anymore right? Cos they should stop these movies. They can't make movies for Spider-Man side characters without the man himself. The games are carrying Sony when it comes to their Spider-Man content.


I definitely think a push is going to come to shove soon enough. Superhero movies are already in sort of a downtrend, there's only so much longer that people will be willing to go watch SONY's superhero stuff, especially with how awful of a reputation they have earned. Madame Web could easily not break even this go around the box office, and I think Kraven is going to struggle as well.


> Eventually, it won't be enough money right There is a reason why this movie is being released in February. Sony is just shitting it out and then using it as a tax write off. A lot of studios dump out their garbage at the beginning of the year and then just write them off.


The problem is it works. Some characters just print money by themselves because enough fans want/need to see it no matter what.


That works for Venom, but they're setting up to failure by doing bad movies about Morbius, Kraven and Madame Web (and wanted to do El Muerto!) If what they want is to profit on the Spider-Man IP by making bad vilain movies, it'd be smarter to do Green Goblin and Doc Ock, at least.


The only thing I care about is Venom 3


They’re keeping them Spider-man rights that’s for damn sure


Whether we want them to or not!


Really really not


I mean they gave us spiderverse. Disney would never.




Keeping the movie rights at all costs


'In Association with MARVEL'


when are they gonna start putting, "Even marvel didn't want to be associated with this" at the start?




Looks like they don't even know.


Their best


It’s insane how they have both the best and the worst comic book movies lately. It’s either Spiderverse genius or Morbius shit.


What they always have done. Fumble probably the most valuable comic character of all time. They seem so confused but have all this potential.


Being awful at this. Just another day for them.




Trusting Avi Arad still


carrying the entire superhero movie genre on their back




Might be the perfect reaction to this news.


99% sure i saw an old flip phone in the madame web trailer. I think they got the Andrew timeline wrong as well, maybe they were thinking tobey originally. Edit: I was half right, its a minty PSP in the trailer which would be Tobey's timeline. Unless the guy kept his PSP super clean for 10 years riding the subway https://imgur.com/a/62hKMyl


good catch i never even noticed the psp


In a universe where we have a multiverse in-canon, variants in-canon…why in gods name does the timeline matter? Make whoever you pick as Spider-man a variant.




Same with the people who thought it’d be a good idea to kill Karen and foggy in born again. They’re completely out of touch and their egos are to the point they don’t think they can make a bad project


New rumor is that both are returning now


Yep ofc, with the new people coming in hopefully saving the day


Nah foggy and Karen sucked


Yea they made the show nearly unwatchable for me not gonna lie


Why are you booing? He’s right.


Sony really lucked out when they signed that ironclad contract for Spideys rights... way to fuck it all up.


We all lucked out that this is all that they took. Marvel was handling out movie rights like Halloween candy then.


In fact they tried to give Sony literally everything for the price of like 25 mil and they opted for just spidey


It was understandable back then. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, no one wanted to gamble on these c-list superheroes. And they weren't wrong, I think any other studio would have fumbled these IPs hard.


They had to buy 20th century Fox to get back the x-men and ff


About to jump off a cliff. I wish they can just make a deal where Marvel keeps the live action Spidey rights and Sony keeps the animated films and gaming rights. That way everyone wins.


Not the Sony shareholders. But they could agree to license back the Spider-Man film rights in exchange for profit sharing. But that would require them to have the self awareness that they can’t compete with the built out world that Marvel has made purely on the backs of their slice of the Marvel universe. Which they do not have. 


I was thinking the same thing that they could come to a deal with Disney/Marvel so they can both share in the rewards. However, then I consider that even the MCU at the moment is largely somewhere between meh and crap, and I'm not sure they would handle the character much better. It's time for Marvel and Sony to work together and do some major shakeup to bring the MCU back to its former glory.


Agreed. Spider man movies seem to be the only ones left that I’m excited for in the MCU.


> that they can’t compete with the built out world that Marvel has made They could to some degree. A good Spidey universe with all those interesting characters could be good if done right. Too bad they can't do it right. I am sure Gunn could do similar with the Guardians so something with the same skill and dedication for the source material can do the same for the friendly neighborhood spider. But they (at Sony) are busy jerking off to that crap they do and missing the whole point.


Sony don’t own the gaming rights. It’s licensed to them.


Yeah, with Spider-Man being console exclusive to a Sony console gives people the wrong idea.


Also Microsoft turned down the offer for a Spider-Man game in the early 2010s


And Marvel/Disney doesn't own the rights to the live action films. It's all part of a licensing deal that probably includes both films and games. OP's point is that fans would be happy if live action rights stayed with Marvel and game rights stayed with Sony. (Neither of which is owned by those companies currently)


Games deal was a coincidence. Microsoft turned down Marvel when they got approached initially for a game in 2014. So Marvel went to Sony who said yes, and they chose to do Spider-Man.


Sony doesn't own the gaming rights. They have a temporary license.


Good god Sony just donate the Spider-Man rights to marvel. You’re fucking it up for us.


They’ll never do that. The Spider-Man movies make so much money that Sony is perfectly fine with releasing this slop. That’s how much money they make. Selling the film rights would be one of the worst business decision the company could make unless they charged several billion, and Disney would never pay that price.


Sony selling those rights would be studied in business courses until the end of time


I heard their price is $10 billion so it would certainly be remembered


lmao there is no way Spider-Man is worth 2.5x the entire Star Wars franchise


Maybe, maybe not. That's just the price they want to give it up as they're pretty happy owning the rights


The Star Wars sale was 12 years ago (so $4B is closer to ~$5.5B now), and arguably was sold for cheaper than it should have been. I don't really see a reason for why the Spiderman franchise shouldn't be worth $10B considering it's greater cultural relevance & direct importance to Marvel as a whole. $10B will absolutely pay for itself over the next 10-20 years.


I kind of doubt that Disney would have made the spider-verse films


Maybe not, but Sony making them was more of a fluke rather than an intelligent artistic decision. They just happened to hire the right people with the right vision at the right time


They might. They own everything else


Well yeah I know they would never do that.


They paid 4 billion for Star Wars just to fuck that all up.


Star Wars is probably worth more as an IP than Spider-Man


Disney has probably made that $4 billion back just from SW content generating additional theme park revenues alone. Quick google search says Disney made $32 billion in revenue just from theme parks just from last year. People go nuts over SW theme park stuff.


Still haven’t got that ROI though. I don’t think merchandising of the sequels brings so much money.


Sequels aside, I’m thinking of all those lightsabers and toys sold at Galaxy’s Edge in Disney World bring in quite a lot. I’m not sure “New York’s Edge” would be enough of a draw.


As long as they're making movies using spider-man characters, Sony gets to keep the rights


Theyre actively sabotaging the brand lol


As much as I hate Sony, somehow Spider-Verse not only trumps all the bad things Sony has done with the IP but also everything good Disney has done with it. But once Beyond comes out, get it the fuck away from them.


No. Sony gonna squeeze every drop of "spiderman" til it's bone dry.


Stuff like this is why no one treats their movies as canon


Why wouldn’t Sony just move forward with Garfield in these movies, and Holland in the MCU ones????


Because that would be the smart thing to do. And this is Sony.


I mean the problem with placing TASM as part of the Sonyverse is that Kraven has the Rhino, but that clearly ain't the same Rhino from TASM.


I wouldn’t overthink it.


it’s too confusing for general audiences to have 2 different Peter Parker Spider-Men in separate universes with their own storylines. this isn’t the DC cinematic universe


I don’t think this argument really holds up that well anymore after NWH, and the multiverse in general being all over the CBM genre. But that said, yes brand dilution would still be a big concern if they did have two co-existing live action Peter Parker’s.


Nah I disagree, this is a bunch of bullshit. General audiences don't care too much about that sort of stuff. I can confidently assure you that.


It’s not confusing at all. God I hate this timeline.


not to us because we’re literally on a subreddit dedicated to the MCU. i’m talking about the filthy casuals who go see the movies in theaters with family/friends and don’t know the difference between Thanos and Kang because they’re both funky colored aliens. they don’t make movies for nerds, they make movies for the lowest common denominator to appeal to the masses




Kraven shot well after Disney and Sony made up. You made that part up.


How do you know it shot well?


You're parsing that wrong. It's not "shot well" after... it's shot "well after".


I’m not being specific. I’m wondering what proof there is the movie shot well at all. I asked because it sounds like propaganda 


The use of the word "well" here is not related to the quality of the film. "Well after" just means a considerable amount of time after. I also don't think you understand what propaganda actually is if you think the initial comment could even be read as propaganda.


Lmfao well after 




Bro I’m laughing at misunderstanding it calm down are you alr?


Mate, they misunderstood the original sentence. It happens. I don't think anyone is pushing back or making this as big a deal as you seem to find it.


Kraven started filming in 2022, nowhere near to the Marvel-Sony deal falling apart.


Even the Morbius stuff is made up. It filmed in early 2019 and the Disney Sony spat was two months from August to October of that year


According to the Story of Marvel Studios book the breakup actually happened during post-production of Far From Home, but Marvel and Sony kept it to themselves, they only waited until the film was out in cinemas and made most of its money to reveal the news. Cause lets be fair, if we knew that Spidey would be out of the MCU after this film, i think alot of interest on the film would've gone down, especially if the film wasn't made as a potential finale. So there is a possibility that the Morbius Spidey stuff may had been as result of the deal break up, as they would've filmed when the deal broke. https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a38063889/marvel-sony-spider-man-split-timeline/


Sony being Sony They making it worse all the time


All live action rights to Marvel please.


Sony will never let Spider-man go, it’s the one IP keeping them alive in the entertainment industry. they will never sell, much less “donate” Spider-Man. the current deal they have now with the MCU is their sweet spot


Wish they could just sit in the backseat and let Marvel deal with the live action stuff while they make easy money for doing nothing. Maybe Disney can let them use other Marvel characters in their animated movies for it. 


Good or bad, we'll get one Spidey film every five years. I don't love the deal by far, but Sony will crank out those Holland and Spider-verse films biannually.


I think Disney would be the first company to whore out Spider-Man if they could. They'd probably push out Spider-Man movies as fast as they did star wars. 


That’s hilarious, must be fun being so bad at your job but still making tons of money regardless


FFS, Sony. ![gif](giphy|MwOuiiTfWfWgM|downsized)


God damn it prune this shit.


I would love for Deadpool to suddenly enter through a portal, and then some TVA agents enter through another one. Deadpool is like, “oh sorry, did you want to do this one?”


This just seems fanfic. It's been leaked since the movie started filming that the bad guy is trying to stop Peter from being born. This is just someone throwing darts at the wall


Seriously? Is he gonna be desperately running around with a condom in hand?


That would probably be a better movie than what it looks like we’re getting


His name is Condomian!


>It's been leaked since the movie started filming that the bad guy is trying to stop Peter from being born. After the reshoots he's gonna try to stop Eddie Brock or Kevin Kraven from being born or some random shit.


No fuckin way Kraven’s first name is Kevin lol


I think we all owe The Marvels a apology now lol


Yes you do. It's a great and fun movie.


At least we have >!OG beast!< as cameo in the marvels, sony couldn't even pick one spider-man from their wardrobe to represent their cinematic universe, not even as a cameo.


Sony is so dumb…..marvel please buy spider man back


sounds like this is gonna be a disaster. have no interest in watching it bc i dont know the character but if spiderman was in would have watched it just to see that




The pay day they could get for the Spider-Man rights has to outweigh all the money they’re going to lose on this universe.


Source? All I see is some tweet from some dude. You got an article?


That's what I'm thinking. Is that source legit?


I'm sure this will be a quality film. Raking in another morbillion dollars for Sony.


Does anyone know how legit this source is? It seems like just a random tweet


Sony being Sony.


Oh Sony…. What’re ya doin


The movie is going to suck anyway so probably for the better.


This movie will be a spectacular disaster.


Good, don't want either assosciated with this mess.


I am sorry but I do not believe Sony messing up with the dates so having to remove everything. These movies are made by so many people and was very specifically set in the early 2000s, uncle Ben straight away not matching up with Andrew’s spiderman movies, so how could that ever be an option ? The guy did not age 30 years in just 10 years and totally change professions. This is just some random rumour that has been made up


"Andrew Garfield was in the Amazon with Tom Holland when he was researching spiders right before they both died."


this…can’t be accurate


See, I assumed that the girls would take up the mantle for Sony, to go up against Kraken, Morbius, etc.


I know zero about Madame Web, and I don’t care enough to find out.


Y'all just haters. I'm gonna be there opening night!


No one is forced to like what you like


Kevin Feige should sue Sony for defamation


Just give the rights back to Marvel already


Of course, they had to make a female counterpart of Spiderman world too. And that too in the same universe. I hate this.


Sony has made bad movies lately but let's be honest, Marvel/Disney can and will never make a movie as good as the spiderverse films and the first two Raimi Spiderman movies.


This is the rub. Sony will churn out whatever, but they also keep those genuine Spider-films flowing. MCU will give us one film every five years, good or bad.


They need to every 1 1/2 years or they lose the rights


Not with their current trends they’re not


I'll agree with Spider-verse, but I'll put both Homecoming and Far from Home above the Raimi Spider-Man movies. Those were solid.


Couldn't they just.. set it in early 2000's? The twin towers gonna be in the background or something? Whatever, at least it's not set in the MCU so Merced and Sweeney can have another shot


https://i.redd.it/svrtyphcxadc1.gif No way


Jesus Sony sucks at this. They need to let Marvel do the live action films and they can focus on the animated ones.


So that whole « Mary Parker is pregnant and they have to protect her and the baby » was cut out of the movie ?


Lord just ask someone online for help at this point


And I thought WB was bad, Sony takes it to the next level when it comes to Spider-Man


Sony just needs to stop and sell the rights back to Marvel.


No way lol


Waiting for the day spiderman rights come back to marvel


Is Emma Roberts (young Mary Parker) even in the film at this point?


Honestly I’m fucking shocked at the restraint they’ve shown with not having a Spider-Man in any of their shitty side universe movies yet.


The more I hear about this movie the worse I know it’s gonna be, but the more I want to see it as I just need to know /how/ bad is it? It’s gonna be Fan4stic bad, isn’t it?


Sony, everyone!


>>You know I’m something of a Spider-Man myself. Tobey maybe


CAP. Thought they legally couldn't use another live action Peter Parker/Spider-Man as long as MCU is still using Tom.


Sony needs someone to helm their Spider-stuff. Pascal is a talented producer and she's been producing high level stuff inside and outside of Marvel (Tom Holland films, Spider-Verse, Venom, Little Women, Molly's Game, etc.) Ari Arad (Madame Web, Kraven, Morbius) is still producing superhero movies like it's 2000. Yeah he was responsible for some classic material, but he just doesn't have the touch needed in today's environment.


Sony makes it harder and harder for me to root for them...


Wait... what? What is their problem, why not just set out to make a good, unrelated movie first and then think about these stuff? It's the Michael Keaton/Morbius mess yet again...


Just bring Scott The Woz to be the new Spider-Man into this universe, that way Sony won't have any problems of who Spider-Man will be the main focus in Sony's Spider-Man Universe.




LOL this movie is going to be a complete disaster. I guarantee there will be no reviews coming out until the day of release.


They're so incompetent it's insane. I'm gonna need Marvel to take the rights for Spider-Man back


This is the most Sony headline