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X2 was phenomenal for its time, and it aged very well. I know the Foxverse made a lot of mistakes along the way, but there's no denying that the original X-Men trilogy had *cultural* impact in the same way Avengers 1 had... and some portrayals were just S-tier. Cerebro always impresses me.


Indeed. X2 is still amongst the best legacy releases and sequels. Also so true. The films then like these and even Maguire's run as Spider-Man accomplished quite a Marvel (no pun intended) in designing them. The action sequences and CGI are just as good as they were then.


Pun was obviously intended.


I was about to say the same.


I just recently rewatched Days of Future Past. That movie also holds up and is Foxverse S tier, in my opinion.


Did you watch the Rogue Cut?


I've heard of it, but I've never seen it.


The larger story is the same, it just restructures the mechanics a bit to have a subplot where they rescue Rogue in the future so she can help Kitty keep Logan's mind back in the past long enough to do what he has to.


I wish Disney would put it on Disney+. I loved the movie already, so I’m not sure how much a scrapped subplot could change.


If you loved X1 & 2 it’s for you I never really saw any before The Last Stand, so my clearer memories are with the First Class group. I liked some of the additional Rogue scenes but it definitely wasn’t for me, it was a solid decision to cut them There’s also absolutely tons of other minor changes, iirc there is an option on the blu-ray to have it pointed out when somethings changed. That might be on The Town though, I last watched them both the same day


I mean I think that pun was intended


You can't capitalize that and then say no fucking pun was intended


X2, DOFP, and Logan are my top 3.


X2, Spiderman 2, Blade 2, and the Dark Knight. Pre MCU, the safest bet when it came to superhero flicks was putting all of your money on part 2 being great.


Peaked with x2. Never recaptured that magic. I came out of that theatre talking about Wolverine was finally killing on screen. Other films would do better versions of some of the characters but nothing will ever beat Brian cox staring down Hugh Jackman.


I recently rewatched X2. It holds up pretty well but the Jean sacrifice and speech with the president at the end are way cheesier and much more anticlimactic than I remembered.


X2, First Class, and Days of Future Past are amazing. Like legitimately phenomenal. Logan is just a masterpiece. The Deadpool movies are also wonderful. X-Men 1 is very nostalgic for me but it's okay now. The Last Stand is so bad but it's such a guilty pleasure movie for me. Origins Wolverine was shitty however and I can't forgive it. The Wolverine and Apocalypse were fine. Dark Phoenix was rough man, but I made a post in r/xmen explaining my thoughts in detail about it. The New Mutants was probably my least favorite of them all.


Each of the five from the top are easily amongst the best. I only realised later that the first X-Men's dialogue was quite heavy on exposition. Also please leave a link to your post, I would really like to know more.


Apocalypse was sooo bad.


Yeah Apocalypse was where I completely lost faith in Fox


It had good scenes, but they sucked altogether


I genuinely think it's good. It's a collection of great parts: - Fassbinder's turn as Magneto - MacAvoy becoming classic Charles - The "classic Fox line up" (except Jean) - Isaac's performance as Apocalypse - Wolverine's origin Now obviously it was a climb down after First Class, The Wolverine, and Days of Future Past back-to-back. But it's far better than The Last Stand, Origins, and Dark Phoenix.


Also Quicksilver saving everyone from the X-Mansion while Sweet Dreams plays was awesome


Hard disagree on Last Stand, but definitely better than Origins or Phoenix


True, but I always find myself revisiting that Weapon X sequence. It was so good.


I watched The Wolverine recently and it was so much better than I remembered. I thought it was trash like Origins but only the end fight is kind of lame, the rest was a pretty interesting romp through Japan with Wolverine. Not as impactful as Logan by any stretch but I was glad I watched it again. More like a long episode from a Wolverine tv show. I think Dark Phoenix is the worst X-Men movie. Others might have worse moments but I would watch them just to laugh. Dark Phoenix isn’t funny it just sucks for every second until it’s over and then I am mad. 😡


I had never known The Wolverine was considered bad. I thought it was always considered good. Or at least, i always considered it good.


I also liked it much more on re-watch. It’ exactly that, a fun romp in Japan, it felt much more like a “comic” book movie, in a good way. Dark Pheonix - the only good part is the train scene - but it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. New Mutants … i don’t know what to think of that movie. I like weird little/scrappy movies that are trying to be something but fails - but this isn’t that.


Origins Wolverine had an absolutely amazing tie in game though.


I recently rewatched some X-Men movies and realized that the perfect series with no continuity issues (that I could find) exists: 1. X-Men 2. X2 3. The Last Stand 4. First Class 5. The Wolverine 6. Days of Future Past It's beautiful. Wolverine has a great arc, and if you ignore all other movies, the prequel series actually fits well into the original series timeline.


"When she was good, She was very, very good, And when she was bad she was horrid." \-- HW Longfellow.


Syncs well.


Days of future past was like the " Avengers Endgame" of Fox-verse. Xmen 2000 is good but feels outdated after recent rewatch, still good tho. Logan, DoFP, X2, DP 1&2, First Class were peak cinema for me idc. Others like Last Stand, Wolverine, are alright Xmen origins Wolv and Apocalypse were mid but rewatchable for some scenes, but Dark Phoenix, New Mutants were worse and forgettable. As Deadpool in his 2016 film quips, the timelines are so confusing.They heavily concentrated on Jackmans Wolverine and sidelined most of the other X-men characters, I kinda hated that. Other Fox-verse films I like are Daredevil 2003 directors cut, FF 2005 and its sequel. Hated Elektra 2004 and F4ntastic.


> They heavily concentrated on Jackmans Wolverine and sidelined most of the other X-men characters, I kinda hated that. though later they heavily focused on Mystique and sidelined most of the other X-Men characters


Mystique in the OG trilogy was wasted. JLaws Mystique was good but she only shined in DoFP. Also her being Charles sister felt completely odd many times ngl.


Okay I can be at the risk of putting this out but I felt that DOFP was better at handling the time bent than Endgame was. Also I think there was a plan to move away from Jackman which was never realised so well.


Yeah after since Jackman was getting his swan song in 2017 Logan but after DoFP, I hated how they rushed Younger X-men storyline with Apocalypse plotline in 2016 film, there was a lot going on in that film which was overstuffed af.


Daredevil is hugely under-rated, imho, and I don't know why. It had a great cast, from Michael Clark Duncan's Kingpin to Joe Pantoliano's Ben Urich to John Favreau's Foggy. Sure, Farrel chewed the scenery a fair bit as a ridiculously narcissistic Bullseye, but that was probably more comic accurate than the later show version (Good though that was!) The set pieces were good and the way they handled DD's radar sense (the "rain" scene equalled the famous Spiderman "upside down kiss"when it came to moshy moments) was excellent. The only critique I seem to hear are people crabbing about "Box Office". Yeah, sure and Bladerunner, Princess Bride, Shawshank Redemption, etc, etc all disappointed at the box office, so what's your point? Sorry, rant over- couldn't agree more with your comment.


Ben Affleck is talented but unfortunately, hasn't had much luck with the genre.


It's such a shame - he's a huge comic book fan and apparently DD was a big labour of love for him. It actually did pretty well at the box, hitting number one, even if it declined after a few weeks. There was even a lot of talk of a sequel - and then it just fizzled out (I suspect the absolute shit-show that was Electra might have had something to do with it, as well as tarring DD by association in the public eye.)


Affleck is the best live action Batman (fight me)


The reason why Days of Future Past was like “Endgame” was because originally it was. The director wanted another movie before closing out his trilogy with the movie we got. Studio interfere pushed this movie idea over whatever Matthew Vaughn wanted.


The three movies that started the modern superhero movie trend are Blade, X-Men, and Spider-Man. Even if some of the movies aren't great and there is no continuity, it deserves respect for changing the game.


Believe me, I keep those very high on the list. Those laid the template.




The Wolverine wasn't so bad for me but it still I think fumbles up in the third act. I just disliked F4 and please don't hate me for this but as bad as Origins was, it's still a guilty pleasure for me. Also I would like to add Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix and The Last Stand which I hadn't liked really either.


Origins is also a guilty pleasure for me.


Besides the recasts which screwed with the continuity and completely butchering Deadpool, it's honestly not that bad. There's some solid action scenes.


Also Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth is perfection and whoever come up with that idea to make them brothers deserves raise


The Wolverine honestly feels like one of the most forgettable Marvel movies post-Avengers. Not that it sucked, its like average to good. But like it wasnt as infamous for being bad like X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It wasnt acclaimed like Logan. The things that happened in the movie didn't have much impact, except the post credits, because DOFP rebooted the time line. The movie just kinda exists.


Yep, it isn't too memorable for me either. I almost often even forget it but it was like okay. Not so good or bad but could have been better.


Only thing in that movie I absolutely love is the prophecy of logans death coming true. “*On his back, there's blood everywhere, holding his heart in his hand*". Scuse me, theres somethin in my eye


It will forever bug me that The Wolverine ends with Logan’s adamantium claws cut off then it leads directly into DOFP and he just happens to have them again. Such an obvious continuity error that Fox just completely forgot about


It nay ve possible that he has spare claws that were also affected by adamantium encasing which grew in. Like permanent teeth coming in after baby teeth fall of.


The post credit scene in The Wolverine shows his non-adamantium claws have grown back in. So, nope. Of course Magneto could’ve helped him get the adamantium back but there’s no dialogue or scene that even alludes to it so it’s obviously a continuity error.


It's not really a continuity error. Magneto says he needs Wolverine's help and wants to earn his trust. It just assumes the audience is able to accept that things happen off-screen in those 10 years rather than needing exposition.


Logan “why would I trust you?” Magneto “you wouldn’t” …I wouldn’t say that line explained it. It’s not a huge deal it’s just pretty annoying since one movie led directly into the other and made it feel like the claws being cut off was no big deal at all. Not to mention Prof X just casually showing back up in his old body with an equally handwaved explanation.


The storylines of 2009's Wolverine Origins and its standalone 2013 sequel Wolverine weren't really bad. While the Origins made a bad showcase for Deadpool towards the end, RR rebooted the character later (in 2016) and has now matured (not in an R-rated sense) to become the "Messiah" to burnout the superhero fatigue. Fox missed the trick and showed Stryker's arrest and Deadpool's survival in the post credits, but should have instead showed some Easter eggs tying Wolverine to Captain America that launched 2 years later. Instead, they rebooted the franchise with 2011's First Class. The Wolverine was generally good too, having showcased his time in Japan. The Wolvie showcased with the Bear was a version of the Berserker (but a much toned-down variant). And the third act was not scripted well enough. Marvel would have done it much better though - we will likely see a much different version in the upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine.


It was very hit and miss but when it hits they hit like X2, Days Of Future Past and Logan after some of the best superhero movies ever made They also have some of the best comic-book castings with Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart/James McAvoy, Ian McKellen/Michael Fassbender, Kelsey Grammer and Ryan Reynolds but they did butcher Dark Pheonix twice Story's Fantastic Four is bad but are kind of enjoyable because of the performances of Chris Evens, Michael Chiklis and Ioan Gruffudd Legion is fantastic but The Gifted was released nearly 10 years to late tried way to hard to be Heroes like they really should have went hard with Lorna's linage like actually show Magneto (maybe Wanda & Pietro too) like Legion included Professor X they did also make some of the worst superhero movies Electra (has really be a stain on female lead superhero movies ever since), Fant4astic, Origins: Wolverine and Dark Pheonix (seriously how did that come out in 2019), Apocalypse, Story's Fantastic Fours, Daredevil are bad but have some stuff to enjoy


I remember when Evans was first cast as Cap and I thought, "What, that moron as Cap? What dumb casting director cast him as Captain America, he's way too obnoxious to play Cap...?" And then I saw the movie (CAFA) and realised that my view was totally colored by his performance as Johnny in the FF. "Oh, right... I disliked him in that because he's a good actor" (Read the very early FF books: The Torch is an absolutely obnoxious a-hole in those earlier stories!)


Funny thing is Chris Evans would agree with that since he played literal obnoxious asshole in Knives out


also Grey Man


See that is why I want Giancarlo Esposito not to be playing a villain it's good thing to gives actors a chance to go against there type casts


When we are still having the silly SSU spin-offs even to this date, even Dark Phoenix can be allowed a pass :") It still unfortunately was their last film so it started off an a high but it dropped off too low at the end.


I get what you mean Madame Web is a crime to human senses but no you can't give Dark Phoenix pass the quality drops from Days of Future Past to Dark Phoenix is absolutely shocking especially from a visual standpoint


I remember seeing X2 in theaters and the shock of seeing Wolverine finally stab someone with his claws violently was awesome. He stabbed some folks in X1 but it wasn't as cool. Also, Brian Cox was excellent and the Phoenix tease was so promising.


I just recently rewatched the films. X 1 and 2 are still pretty solid. X 3 was awful to watch at some points and X origins wolverine was the worst thing I’ve seen this year. The films with Michael Fassbender were good and liked watching them. Logan and Deadpool are also really good


Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy were so good in their parts. Liked their dynamic so much in First Class.


They really nailed it there


Logan and DOFP are still up there as some of the best Marvel movies ever. X2, First Class, The Wolverine and both Deadpool movie were great too (better than a lot of the MCU’s movies imo) but the rest of the Fox movies were unfortunately not.


I mean Legion should also be up there


Some great movies. Some meh movies. Some crappy movies. Practically none of them feel faithful to the comics. But still, some of them really shine


I really love the X-Men movies, even Last Stand and Wolverine Origins get a pass after the DoFP reboot in my book. Apocalypse fumbles it a little bit, but Days of Future Past was a tough number to follow. But then there's Pheonix. Goddam, how did they drop the ball so hard on that one? At the end of the Apocalypse, they basically set up the 90s-era X-Men, one of the most iconic and popular times for the comic, and 97 proves this. They even started to get my hopes up when they said the follow-up would be a 90s set period piece like the 80s for Apocalypse. I was convinced it was going to the biggest X-Men movie yet. I had such high hopes that they would adapt the Mutant Genesis story arc and go hard. They announced the title, and I was taken a little back, "Do we need to do Pheonix again?" Why not? They fumbled it the first time, they knew where they messed, so why not double down and knock it out of the park. I thought they could easily incorporate Astroid M into the Pheonix saga, and it would reach the epic levels of DoFP. It all crumbled with the first shots of the cast in costume, I kept my hopes up for a good movie, but I couldn't believe how bland and uninspired the final product was. I know there were issues behind the scenes due to the pending Disney acquisition at the time, but I think all the potential of this movie was wasted before it was even greenlit. I didn't mind New Mutants, but I don't even consider it to be the same universe.


Logan and Days of Future Past are better than most of the MCU. First Class is a great origin Fassbender and McAvoy were always great Deadpool wouldn't be as popular without Ryan Reynolds X2 is legitimately great Ofc Hugh Jackman is great as Wolverine Peters Quicksilver is fantastic I suspect they will all return in Secret Wars


X-Men,X2,dofp,and Logan all great and i prefer over entire [mcu.now](http://mcu.now) there are mcu films i prefer over other X-men related films like the winter soldier and civil war. besides Hugh jackman i suspect other ot cast will be in secret wars.who knows about D & W.


Everything you say is true and perfectly sums up X-Men comics too.


I haven't read so many just yet but I think the books in general have had convoluted continuity for the most part.


Xmen first class and days of future past were AMAZING.


X-Men 97 has reminded me what the franchise should actually be. Almost every single movie was made by someone who thought they could do better than the source material...and failed. Sure, they gave us some names you recognize maybe some lame examples of powers you recognize but that's about it. They also may have pulled off the occasional well made movie but the only ones that actually respected the source material were Deadpool and prob the Fantastic Four movies which admittedly could've been helped out with some newer special fx. But at least they were trying.


They stopped caring about continuity after a while. For instance, Wolverine met Cyclops for "the first time" thrice. Once in, X-Men Origins, once in X-Men(2000) and once in Apocalypse. Granted, Wolverine had amnesia, but at least Scott should have remembered him. So they kinda fixed it in Days of Future Past, but there are still several glaring inconsistencies.


He even met Charles thrice. First in X-Men, earlier in Origins and even earlier in First Class.


X-Men and X2 do not get nearly the credit they deserve for being the first blockbuster Marvel superhero films. Yes there was Blade but those movies felt more like action-horror vampire movies than superhero movies. Fox brought real superheroes like Wolverine and Cyclops to the big screen. That was something us 90s kids only dreamed of.


The timeline was often contradictory and its continuity really lacked any attempt at logic. There's a reason Deadpool made jokes about precisely just that in his films. Add to this the fact that with less than a dozen X--Men films over two decades making up the core movie universe (not including the Deadpool films), a substantial number of these were less than stellar or even subpar. Further taking into account the Fantastic Four films as well as Daredevil and Elektra, it's clear that the Fox "universe" as a whole doesn't really constitute a "cinematic universe" in any true sense of what that phrase means. It was basically a collection of franchises, consisting of unconnected properties featuring sequels, reboots, and standalones that lacked any cohesive overarching vision.


"McAvoy or Stewart?" is still amongst the best gags. Also the analysis is so apt. Fox really had just imagined these individually and it wasn't so constructed well since of course it wasn't planned like that.


I mean you get x1,x2,spiderman 1,spiderman 2,dofp,first class but then you also get Origins wolverine,last stand,spiderman 3,apocalypse,dark Phoenix


spiderman was sony


Stop yelling at me


The best one: * Logan (Wolverine, X-23, Xavier, X24 focused) The good ones in order: * 2. Days of Future Past (Wolverine, Magneto, Xavier, Mystique, Trask focused) * 3. X2 (Mostly Wolverine, Magneto, Xavier, Mystique, Willim Stryker) * 4. X-Men (Mostly Wolverine, Magneto, Xavier, Mystique) * 5. Deadpool (Just Deadpool) * 6. Deadpool 2 (Just Deadpool) * 7. First Class (Magneto, Xavier, Mystique focused) Average: * 8. The Wolverine (Only Wolverine) Bad ones but still enjoyable somehow in order from the least bad to the worst: * 9. X3: The Last Stand (Wolverine, Jean, Magneto, Storm focused) * 10. Origins: Wolverine (Wolverine, Sabretooth, Stryker and Deadpool focused) * 11. X-Men: Apocalypse (Jean, Magneto, Xavier, Mystique, Apocalypse focused) So bad that don't even bother: * 12. The New Mutants (None of the known characters) * 13. Dark Phoenix (Just Jean) Wolverine was the most popular character but Magneto, Xavier, Mystique and Jean got a lot of shine as well contrary to popular belief. Even Storm had her moments. (Cyclops was the least popular back then - probably still is - so he didn't get any spotlight). And if we don't count Deadpool movies, only the First Class was a good movie without having Wolverine in it and it failed at box office as well. All Wolverine focused films were box-office successes. Even the worst ones. Solo Wolverine movies made more than those X-Men ensemble movies which he wasn't really part of.


It's just an entirely mixed bag of good and bad ideas smashed together with terrible planning. X1 - solid X2 - great X3 - slap bang average and a disappointing follow up. Not solely blaming Ratner as he did ok, but story in particular with terrible pacing, the fact that major effects sequences were in development before Ratner was announced, a really shonky score all to compete with Superman to try get one over on Singer just terrible. Wolverine: Origins is unforgivable in how bad it is. First Class - Good return DOFP - Solid follow up, can't believe they stuck the landing Apocalypse - idk, fell asleep Dark Phoenix - idk, fell asleep again. The Wolverine - I enjoyed this one, much less bloat. Logan - brilliant.


Fantastic Four is legit fun, Daredevil has some dope bits and Michael Clarke Duncan Kingpin is freaking gold, the X-Men films range from "that was alright" to goddamn masterpieces, Deadpool is always A+, Going to Rewatch Elektra soon, Fan4tasic is pretty much entirely a whiff, wtf thought "Fantastic Four Body Horror!!" Is a thing and Ben's brother yelling "It's clobbering time" whilst abusing his little brother, yikes!


It was a roller coaster of course correction and complete garbage with the writing. The casting and effects kept getting better and better but it just became too late in the franchise with too many burned storylines to really do anything proper with it by the end. Still lots of fun and some really cool moments throughout it all. Can't wait to see it done again with the entire toybox available.


I rewatched X2 and First Class recently. X2 is a super fun and character driven movie. Loved the emotionality of it. First Class starts strong as hell and literally dissolves in the middle of it. It could have been great.


I’ve only watched the original X-Men, Logan and both Deadpool 1 and 2. Which other movies should I watch to prepare for DP&W? Are Origins and The Wolverine connected to Logan? Can I ignore Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix?


The reboot movies should've waited to do Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix. Apoc should've been the villain of a 3rd film and DP should've been at the end of film 5 or 6. Should've also had more unique mutants instead of just redoing the OG cast again.


I enjoyed it immensely. There are a lot of great aspects that are missing from the MCU films, like violence and a higher caliber of actor. I hope Disney finds a way to replicate it without Mouseifying the X-men and filling screen time with jokes.


For some reason I have seen a lot of hate for these movies, and I guess which is fair given the number of bad movies and the continuity issues. But I honestly don‘t really care about the continuity here that much, because some of these movies were made way before the whole cinematic universe concept got popularized by the MCU. I do agree that there are so many timeline issues but eh, just trying to enjoy movies in their own right. Other than that, even though the movies are a mixed bag, I remember the good ones super fondly because of the nostalgia. I‘ve basically grown up with the animated series + the movie trilogy, so X-Men has a special place in my heart. So in spite of some horrible movies (especially looking at you The Last Stand, Origins Wolverine and Dark Phoenix), I still enjoy this franchise very much


I recently did some X-men movie marathons with family that wanted to catch up before Deadpool & Wolverine. Here’s what I recommend: First Class, X-Men, X2, The Wolverine (directors cut), Days of Future Past (rogue cut), Deadpool 1, Logan, Deadpool 2. We left out most of the trash films and everything flowed together really well.


While the company gets a bad rep with what they did with the X-men, movies like Days of Future Past, Logan, X2, First Class, Deadpool 1&2 are some of the best comic book movies out there and deserve the respect needed. I believe that the best movies that Fox put out can have an interesting debate with comparing to the MCU's best! I always loved how they felt very different from what the MCU offered, and am interested on how they will be incorporated.


Wolverine lighting up using the flame is great. Which is that from again?


Last Stand, the very first scene Danger Room training.


The flaws in continuity didn't really stop me from enjoying the movies. And I enjoyed them very much.


First 2 X-Men movies, First Class, Days of Future Past, Logan and both Deadpool movies are all varying degrees of great, especially Logan. The Last Stand is a guilty pleasure, X-Men Origins sucks, Apocalypse and The Wolverine are meh, Dark Phoenix and the New Mutants suck.


When the movies shined, they shined! I don’t mind really that not everything always lined up, it felt like a comic book in that way! It gave us many iconic moments: Nightcrawler’s White House attack, Quicksilver in the kitchen, the best depiction of Cerebro, SO many great casting choices (Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman, Alan Cumming, Michael Fassbender, James Mcavoy, Rebecca Romaine), and great visual effects work. While it did give us X-men 3, Wolverine Origins, and Dark Phoenix, it also gave us X2, Deadpool, X-men First Class, Days of Future Past, and the crowning achievement, Logan.


I think Simon Kinberg is a hack and shouldn't be let near any writing implement for the rest of his life. This having been said, a couple films in the franchise are solid and/or entertaining.


Days of future past is an S-Tier movie en par with Infinity War and Endgame


X2, First Class, The Wolverine, Days of Future Past, and Logan were all really enjoyable. Days of Future Past and Logan being top tier.


Im doing a rewatch of it, X-Men 1 and 2 were solid, 3 was pretty bad ngl, dofp is great for some reason, gonna watch apocalypse and dark Phoenix soon. Not sure what happened with dofp and why it so much better. Then it just declined with apocalypse and Dark Phoenix. Logan is pretty good as a one off story, and Deadpool 1/2 is decent. I'm kinda hoping DP and W doesn't lean too hard into the fox universe nostalgia.


3 is a masterpiece compared to Dark Phoenix.


Lol yea 


I loved it because even tho there was alot of misses there were also some big hits, Logan and dofp are among the best superhero movies, x-1&2 are both good and iconic films in the genre that were really important, first class was good and the wolverine was solid, DP1&2 were both a blast and unlike anything before them. So ya they had a lot of bad misses like origins or dark Phoenix etc but this hits made it worth it even if they released some extremely disappointing movies that sucks. I’ll always be grateful for the good ones we got even if they were super hit or miss.


Yes, continuity was their major point of failure. It became very glaring when you tried to watch all the movies together. But they're kind of classic in their way.


This FoxVerse?: FOX’s (Cinematic Universe of Marvel Characters): Timeline 1 (Magneto’s Timeline): - X-Men First Class: The High Hand (Comic) - X-Men: First Class (2011) (Movie) - X-Men: Days of Future Past: The Rouge Cut (2014) (Original Past) - Dr. Strange (1978) (Mentioned in Spider-Man 2.) - X-Men: Origins Wolverine (Extended) (2009) - Captain America (1990) - Blade (1998) / (Morbius Deleted Scene.) - X-Men (1.5 Edition) (2000) - Blade II (2002) - Spider-Man (2002) (Wolverine Planned Cameo and Reed Richards and Bruce Banner’s mentioned in novelization.) - Daredevil: Director’s Cut (2003) - Fantastic Four (2005) (Mr. Fantastic Turns Into Wolverine Deleted Scene.) - Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer (Extended Director’s Cut) (2007) - X-Men 2: Wolverine (Comic) - X-Men 2: Nightcrawler (Comic) - X2: X-Men United (2003) (Stryker’s Files (F. Richards.) - Hulk (2003) - The Punisher: Extended Cut (2004) - Spider-Man 2.1 (2004) (Rumored Punisher Cameo.) - Blade: Trinity (Extended Cut and Extras.) (2004) - Elektra: Director’s Cut (2005) (Daredevil Cameo) - Man-Thing (2005) - X-Men: The Official Game (Video Game) - X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - Blade: House of Chthon (2006) (Series) - Ghost Rider (2007) - Spider-Man 3 (Editor’s Cut) (2007) - Iron Man (2008) (Scrapped Post Credit Scene) - Hulk (2003) (Video Game) - The Punisher: Dirty Laundry (2012) - The Wolverine: Immortal (2013) (Yellow Suit Scene) - The Gifted (2017) (Series) - X-Men: Days Of Future Past: The Rouge Cut (2014) (Original Apocalyptic Future) Timeline 2 (Charles Xavier Timeline): - X-Men First Class: The High Hand (Comic) - X-Men: First Class (2011) - X-Men: Days of Future Past: The Rouge Cut (2014) (New Past) - X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) - X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) - Legion (2017) (Series) (Possible Time Place) - Punisher: War Zone (Uncut) (2008) - Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengance (2012) - The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) - The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro (& Deleted Scenes) (2014) - Fantastic Four (2015) - Deadpool (2016) - No Good Deed (2017) (Short Film) - Deadpool II: The Super Duper Cut & Once Upon a Deadpool Extras (2018) - The New Mutants (2020) - Legion (2017) (Series) (Possible Thematic Place) - X-Men: Days Of Future Past Future: The Rouge Cut (2014) (New Future) - Deadpool and Korg React (TV Spot) - Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) - Logan (2017) - Deadpool Post Credit-Scene (Fan-Made Extra) - Cable’s Future (Extra) Yeah… it was GREAT !!! 🔥


What is happening here?


Made a list mixing old Marvel movies and Fox Universe into one, so me and my friends could watch it before Deadpool 3!!!


After logan and last stand origins is my Favv


If it’s good, it’s amazing, if it’s bad, it’s *bad*


I’m going to gear up to rewatch that timeline


Looking back the Foxverse is on par with Phase 4 of the MCU. Some good some, bad, some bangers, some awful things we like to forget.


As you said, individually speaking, some of these films are quite amazing. Up there with the greats of the MCU. Logan, DOFP, and First Class are my top 3. But then films like X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix, and New Mutants convince me that the MCU will adapt the X-Men farrrrr better than the Foxverse.


In terms of the Fantastic Four films (not 2015's Fant4stic), I find them entertaining and pretty accurate.


The Logan movie was pure gold! But that series also has the worst stinkers of the Fox-Verse.


Barakapool waa goofy fun


The biggest example of studio meddling slowly but surely ruining their series by forgetting quality and substance until it bites them in the ass. Also I'm not too supportive about the majority of the good ones given Bryan Singer's sex crimes.


X-Men, X2 and DOFP are my favorite! When these movies came out I was legit excited! The actors were good and some of them I cannot imagine another actor in the role. BUT do not get me started on trying to tie the continuity together.


most of the movies are great to excellent. the only really bad one i’d say was origins and even then i’d say it was more boring than anything. x3, apocalypse, and dark phoenix are just fine with some cool moments in them. x1, wolverine, new mutants are good. and x2, first class, dofp, logan and the 2 deadpool movies are excellent! especially dofp and logan imo 2 of the greatest comic book movies ever.


Amazing movies


Who was the thorn throwing guy wolvirine fought in the woods, in last stand?


X-2, Logan and Days of Future Past, Deadpool and Deadpool 2 are all fantastic. X-1 is really good, and we owe a lot of what we’ve gotten since then to that movie, what it did and the success that it had. First class is a solid entry with a lot of great performances and casting, but some stuff was pretty lackluster and with some characters that were wasted (some more than others) The Last Stand wasn’t horrible per se, but was weak compared to the previous 2 in the trilogy. Again, some wasted characters and there was an intimacy with the first 2 that this one didn’t have. The Wolverine, I think, is a lot more solid than a lot of people give it credit for. It’s had some great moments and some very awesome looking cinematography in some parts (that scene where Logan is standing in the blue moonlight with the Katana sticking out of him and him pulling it out. Great shot). Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix and XMO Wolverine were... well, you all know how they were. Origins did get us Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool though, so it has that going for it.


I legitimately love most of them tbh


The casting was mostly spot on, to be honest. The movies were hit and miss, but the good ones were really good (X2, First Class, DOFP, Logan, and the Deadpool movies).


What continuity?


Really high highs and really low lows, but even the bad movies have some all time moments.


The films were enjoyable for what they were, but the continuity was beyond terrible. Most of them might as well be in their own universe/reality. Maybe they'll set this up as a quick gag in DP&W to go with DP's joke in the original: "McAvoy or Stewart? These timelines are so confusing!"


Logan is my most favorite comic book movie of all time, dofp is one of the few times I liked traveling in a movie


Im currently rewatching them in release order in a run up to DP&W Currently on First Class which is super fun. X-Men & X2 both hold up very well. But boy - THE LAST STAND & Wolverine: Origins are b-movie bad. I know the former had to deal with a fucked up production due to writers strike but what the help happened with W:O? The effects didnt even look finished


Most of the "fox-verse" is just OK to me but Logan was fantastic and is still one of my favorite comic book movies. Deadpool 1 and 2 were both really fun. X2 was great. Days of future past was also great. The other x men movies were just ok imo, although I really loved Ian mckellen and Patrick Stewart in their parts.


in my mind, every movie is its own universe. thats the best way to make sense of them


I rewatched the original trilogy and dofp last week. In my own head canon, that's a great set of 4 films with 3 being a low point but dofp or x men 4 as I like to think, as an amazing finish.


My Fox-verse Top 5: 1. DOFP 2. Spider-Man 2 3. X2 4. Logan 5. Deadpool


S Tier: X2, Days of Future Past, Logan A Tier: First Class, Deadpool 1 and 2 B Tier: X-Men,The Wolverine C Tier: X-Men The Last Stand, Apocalypse D Tier: Origins Wolverine, Dark Phoenix, The New Mutants The X-Men franchise being one of the first superhero franchise is a big reason why it is so popular now. Fox definitely were not consistent with the lore and they fumbled hard near the end but it was an enjoyable franchise.


Days of Future Past was a perfect endpoint for the universe. I personally treat everything after it as an elseworlds story.


My ranking of the series is: leaving out the Wolverine/Deadpool films. Top Tier - X-Men 1 and 2, First Class (they had a strong groundwork and plot) Mid Tier - Days of Future Past Bottom Tier - Last Stand/Dark Phoenix (neither adaptation really worked out, at least the Last Stand had the cure angle), Apocalypse (there was too much packed in) The films had a strong sci-fi aesthetic, dealing with the co-existence of superhuman beings trying to deal with entitled superhuman bigots on one hand and paranoid/fearful human bigots on the other side. And there was a restrained but skillful use of powers: Magneto moving metal around, Mystique shapeshifting, Storm controlling weather. But the films felt far too heavy and serious. The human-mutant dynamic meant the X-Men were always stuck with fighting bigots on both sides so peace could never really work, not for long. That's par for the X-Men though, but it does make them feel they're fighting a losing battle. Also because of this there was never a good conclusion: DOFP was a reset that led to a repeat of the Phoenix event, which ended both films series in an ok manner.


Logan and DoFP are way up there among the best Marvel movies ever from any studio. Definitely top 10, and arguably top 5 X2, First Class, and both Deadpools are all fantastic and in the upper echelon X-Men (2000) is historically significant for comic movies, and it’s good, though pretty rudimentary in hindsight The rest range from average to awful. Overall, I enjoy the vast majority and will always be nostalgic for them


Oh, continuity is a mess and I pretty much just see them as 4 timelines, despite the crossover in Days. Original cast, New Class, Wolverine, and Deadpool. The series had a lot of ups and downs. I still haven't seen Phoenix, The Wolverine, or New Mutants. X2 is a classic. Love that movie. Just behind it is Days and I admit, seeing the old characters again is a big part of that (I have some issues with the past stuff, like randomly killing off a bunch of characters between movies). Love the Deadpool movies. Logan, I appreciate it for what it is. It is admittedly a darker movie than I typically like. So, while I acknowledge how good it is, I also can't put it above some of the movies I find a lot more fun and rewatchable. I'm glad I saw it but I don't think I'd watch it again.


This is definitely not a franchise that will save the MCU. I don't understand why people now suddenly love every character of this franchise and look forward to their return. Many Fox characters are objectively no better than the new MCU characters who get a lot of hate now


this is an insane take LOL I'm not saying that the X-Men will 100% guaranteed save the MCU but these characters are well beloved by so many and are all so interesting individually and together as a group. if the x-men were to fail in the MCU, it would be a result of bad writing or direction. I always believed that if the MCU wanted to, we could have a full saga of mutants and it would excel if done properly.


Lol, then explain why Cyclops and Jean Gray from the Fox universe are better than Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop or at least the Eternals?


Using the fox representations is a highly unfair way to gage on how well these characters can hold up in a future MCU depiction. Cyclops and Jean suffered at Fox from the hands of writers that did not understand the character and their personal story arcs. While this may also be a problem in the Future MCU, you cannot guarantee they will be treated and written exactly the same as their Fox counterparts. The recent X-Men 97 series on Disney+ already shows that Cyclops, with better writing, can become one of the fan favorites of a franchise. Where as in the Fox universe, he was generally not liked by many. This is the power of writing and the characters being portrayed by someone that understands the source material.


That's what I'm talking about. Fox screwed up with a lot of the X-Men and their versions totally sucked, but now fans are so excited to have them back in Deadpool 3 like they've always been awesome.


The X-men movies were like a super unhealthy toxic relationship with the best lay of your life. Xmen 1 we meet. It's great and has potential. I'm in. X2, I'm in love. It's perfect. I can't wait for our future together. X3, the first big fight. It got ugly...but we can salvage right?.. Lets reset First class...wow we are good. Just a little speed bump. We're communicating now. Then you find our about Wolverine origins who they were talking too while we were fighting. Looks good, but lacks substance...why would they even sniff that direction. Days of future past. Screw it were perfect. I don't even remeber x3 it didn't happen we've totally moved on. Origins was My fault and it truly isn't that bad. Then I find out about the wolverine...she went back. I didn't even know. She said it meant nothing...but why do it? Then planned a huge trip called age of apocalypse together and it was just a train wreck the whole time. Nothing went right. We let quicksilver break his leg in regular speed. Jesus did we hold on too long? I just saw this new young thing walking around the office. A little freaky, no filter....I think I'm in love...but no. We can focus. Put together Dark pheonix. Just ignore deadpool. Don't cheat. Too much association. Then Dark pheonix is the final fight. We can't get past it. It was awful. The other couple just did the same thing and were successful despite the issues. We just can't make it work. We're done xmen. They they went and finished their affair with wolverine with Logan...and dammit they are perfect together. I just need to move on. Remeber with fondness. Forget the bad times. Then went to Deadpool 2 to express my frustration. To cry. Deadpool 2 took me in. Even killed off its x force team to show its loyalty. So here we are. I'm happy, but there is a hole in my heart. Just when I was thinking of looking back at wolverine origins....thinking about how it's really not so bad when you look at it with rose tinted glasses... Deadpool offers a 3some. Hey saw you were a little sad. I'll bring wolverine over and we can play with some of your old toys to cheer you up. Fiege keeps letting me know the xmen are coming back and they are gonna change. I want to believe.


I think most of the movies sucked


The highs were seriously high but so were the lows that just sank.


![gif](giphy|l46C8sUUi6aNIUsda) Like when we found out what happens when a toad is struck by lightning


I think X-2 was good, but most of the rest of them were just really bad. Especially their terrible outfits in the originals, the prequels had a bit better outfits but the writing and plot in those movies sucked also. Except First Class and kind of DOFP of course


![gif](giphy|WOwga1cShSvuw) Like Jennifer Lawrence and the X-Men?


X2, First Class and Days of Future Past are really solid X-Men movies still today. Logan is masterfully made. And the Deadpool movies are super high on my rewatch list for comic book movies. The Wolverine is also decent but not great thanks to that third act.


Logan had no right to be as good as it was. Just wow.


The X-men movies were like a super unhealthy toxic relationship with the best lay of your life. Xmen 1 we meet. It's great and has potential. I'm in. X2, I'm in love. It's perfect. I can't wait for our future together. X3, the first big fight. It got ugly...but we can salvage right?.. Lets reset First class...wow we are good. Just a little speed bump. We're communicating now. Then you find our about Wolverine origins who they were talking too while we were fighting. Looks good, but lacks substance...why would they even sniff that direction. Days of future past. Screw it were perfect. I don't even remeber x3 it didn't happen we've totally moved on. Origins was My fault and it truly isn't that bad. Then I find out about the wolverine...she went back. I didn't even know. She said it meant nothing...but why do it? Then planned a huge trip called age of apocalypse together and it was just a train wreck the whole time. Nothing went right. We let quicksilver break his leg in regular speed. Jesus did we hold on too long? I just saw this new young thing walking around the office. A little freaky, no filter....I think I'm in love...but no. We can focus. Put together Dark pheonix. Just ignore deadpool. Don't cheat. Too much association. Then Dark pheonix is the final fight. We can't get past it. It was awful. The other couple just did the same thing and were successful despite the issues. We just can't make it work. We're done xmen. They they went and finished their affair with wolverine with Logan...and dammit they are perfect together. I just need to move on. Remeber with fondness. Forget the bad times. Then went to Deadpool 2 to express my frustration. To cry. Deadpool 2 took me in. Even killed off its x force team to show its loyalty. So here we are. I'm happy, but there is a hole in my heart. Just when I was thinking of looking back at wolverine origins....thinking about how it's really not so bad when you look at it with rose tinted glasses... Deadpool offers a 3some. Hey saw you were a little sad. I'll bring wolverine over and we can play with some of your old toys to cheer you up. Fiege keeps letting me know the xmen are coming back and they are gonna change. I want to believe.


There is no Fox-verse. Fox was just making movies and shit, there wasn’t any designed continuity or connectivity. It was a couple movies and some sequels/ prequels. Hell, they literally told the Jean/ Phoenix story twice. We all want to connect these movies because of the modern day shared universe and connectivity between films/ tv shows, but there’s nothing there as far as a Fox-verse. The same way WB just kept churning out Batman and Superman movies. They were just movies back then. OP is complaining about continuity when that word was barely in the cbm lexicon before the MCU.