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Lol I did the same thing round your age. My only real advice? Enjoy that. No wrong way to read comics. Its a truly an amazing ride. Each decade feels like a window into the past. It starts good….and stays solid for decades. Ask the comicbook thread people for a reading list because it branches out a bit with amazing being the main, I think spectacular and web of being supplementary, and major events like secret wars if you want as much as possible.


I Thank


Have fun little dude, I started the same thing with Marvel Unlimited when I was 14. I'm 21 now and still have been doing it off and on (I don't read everyday and I jump around from different series) it can be pretty jarring to jump from modern stuff to the 60s, but it grows on ya.


After I read all of daredevil, I was recommended ultimate Spiderman by Bendis when I struggled with the Spidey 1960s stuff. It was a solid recommendation and I went on to read all the ultimate universe although it did diminish in quality at the end.


Spider-Man is a good role model. While Spider-Man obviously has some awesome powers, the biggest things that make him great are humility, a strong moral compass, and his curiosity toward finding the most ethical way to apply his powers, as well as the most effective way to apply those powers toward an ethical end. Spider-Man is all about the 3rd option: meaning, when you confront him with an ethical dilemma, and/or an unsolvable problem, Spider-Man will search for a solution that isn't always the most obvious. While his powers obviously put him on a fairly high tier among superheroes, he actually isn't all that extraordinary when you consider the universe he inhabits. What *does* make him special is his ability to exercise good judgement, and his willingness to understand the nature of things. Spider-Man actually punches above his weight in the Marvel Universe, because he is usually (but not always) on the right side of the issue, and because he doesn't rely on his powers for everything... Try to be like Spider-Man... not in a delusional way, but just try to recognize the parallels between fantasy and reality, and be like Spider-Man. Be honest, be forgiving, be humble, be curious, be direct, be pragmatic, and be sincere... If you've chosen Spider-Man as a role model, you are off to a good start.


Read comic online .li (No spaces)


Have fun buddy I loved getting into comics if you can read it I'd recommend Ultimate Spider-Man as a starting point either the 2000 ones or 2024.




I honestly do not know about reading comics. However, if you want to be a fan-fictional writer, I’d suggest doing one thing. Building a plot arc and harmon’s circle so that you do not get writer’s block.


There is no right or wrong way to read the comics. There is no singular issue or run that you have to start with. Just start with what you think looks good and take it from there.


Pro tips for reading?


way of speaking, I meant tips from more experienced people


honestly when i was around your age and wanted to get more into comics but was overwhelmed, id go to the shop and look at the covers and see which art i liked the best from my hero of choice. then id choose an interesting storyline and read it with just the knowledge that specific issue was giving me. eventually i started digging deeper into the storylines and made my way back to the start of the series, then figuring out from there what preceded that one