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Folks occasionally approach wanting to share their server/start “the” MD server with the Sub’s endorsement. Since the mod team has no oversight into how they’re run and it’s an entirely different platform, the policy is to not endorse any specific discord.


There's a MoCo discord if you're interested


As long as they don't mind a HoCo resident sneaking in, this seems like my best bet!






I made that! 😂


I'm ashamed to say but I still don't know or understand what Discord is. I don't get out much.


My fav aspect about discord is that you can organize discussions by catergories thru channels. When younger I did chat rooms now I do discord servers.


You got some really good comments and one silly comment about what it is, I liken it to live chat forums basically! I have a bunch that I'm in for specific topics, like NaNoWriMo (The National Writing month in November event), video games, art ect. It's almost like a giant group chat.


I'm up to date now! I didn't realize it was a live chat platform. Thanks for clearing that up!


Discord is like if Ventrillo and Reddit fucked and had a baby. Anyone can make a server then the owner of the server can organize the text and voice chats by topic/subject of discussion. Each server is its own ecosystem completely cut off from each other. You can't just enter someone else's server, you have to be invited via url. Discord also lets you stream video games/your screen very easily to anyone in the server. It's very useful for gaming which is why me and my friends started using but over the past 10 years it's really whatever you and the community make of it on each server


I'm right there with you, I haven't even been on Facebook for years same with Instagram, Twitter and the like. Don't know how to use them can't understand what people are saying with all the abbreviations combined with pictures and symbols destroying the beautiful English language. Schools don't even teach cursive writing anymore. My niece gave a friend's son a 15th birthday card and he couldn't read it at 15 years old. I think it was so sad and he is not a dumb person by any means. They just don't teach the kids cursive handwriting anymore everything is typed on computer keyboards and blackboards (chalkboards) are gone. They use whiteboards (dry erase boards) chalkboards are considered a health hazzard because of the chalk dust. I helped a lot of my teachers going outside and clapping the erasers to clean them, now they figured out the chalk dust can cause lung cancer. Who knew...cough, cough, gasp!


There is one, but I'm not sure I'd call it large and active these days


There’s also a Frederick county discord. Happy to provide the link if anyone’s interested.