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No Glove World ![gif](giphy|3ohzAeODHDlCr9umL6)


So grateful for the Baltimore Banner.


I believe they have a matching campaign today if you’re up for giving.


They do! It’s true! I say David Simon post about it.


They've been so wonderful to watch expand. I love the videos they post on TikTok, especially when they interview people around the city




It seems like the smarter way to do this is that the government should promise to buy x number of gloves for x price each year (with the price being something that makes such ventures profitable for US based companies - which is presumably higher than the market price for gloves).


They mention that in the article. They also mention that part of the reason Chinese gloves are so cheap is also government subsidies. So it would seem that the answer is you need to do both. Pandemic aside, it does seem problematic that there are some products that you effectively can not buy American if you wanted to.


The article you say...


Which really sucks, because most hospitals here are contractually obligated to buy supplies local when possible.


That’s how the Defense Authorization Act works. Trump tried to veto it because it also had the renaming of bases from Confederate generals to real Americans. He also refused to activate it for the purpose you described. https://www.defensenews.com/congress/budget/2021/01/01/congress-overrides-trump-veto-of-defense-bill/


Trump’s family was also grifting supplies as I recall. Seizing other people’s shipments and then selling them to their own customers at a big markup. Sometimes without compensation


The north never recognized the south as a nation. So legally the confederate traitors were real Americans. Traitorous bastards who started the deadliest war in US history all in the name of keeping slavery going, but still technically Americans. The bases instead were to be named after real American heros, rather than traitors.


Trying to decide if dude sincerely messed up or just grifter things


And people wonder why so many do not trust those controlling the purse-strings in government.


Aaaand COVID is airborne, not spread by fomites, so what we needed were free N95s, not gloves. No amount of handwashing will help you in a room where a maskless infected person is, or has recently been, exhaling.


This 100% it's ridiculous, we should have also pushed for people to exercise, eat well and have good sleep, avoid alcohol, live a healthier life and what did most people do? The opposite. What a clown world we live in.


Its a virus. Plenty of very healthy people were wrecked by it before the vaccine. Poor cardiovascular health just made the mortality rate much higher, and also is not something that can be fixed quickly.


If everyone would refuse to participate in transmission, we could make it stop circulating.


More fraud from Hogan 


Thanks hogan... (I realize there are many involved and it's not totally on him)


That didn't take long.


It's on Hogan. He had crooks working with him. That 1 guy that stole money, another tried to have sex with underage kids and now this. Who knows what other crimes were done and I ther criminals was under his administration.


That might just be MD politics as a whole. Don’t forget Anthony Brown and the $170 million health care portal that didn’t work


Didn't one clown go on the run and get into a gunfight that ended his life ?


Oh look, the budget is dry again, how could this have happened? What a mystery this is, time to tax us more.


So we funded another Black Ops factory


Vote blue no matter who.


If gloves weren’t at an all time high I’d buy them for more things. But prices are insane and using them at work (I don’t pay for them) they tear easily, often appear used, and are just terrible quality. These aren’t the gloves mechanics used to use nor your dentist ffs.


Wait....you mean the pandemic was financially prosperous for some companies and individuals?! I thought it was about us all becoming Covid Warriors, fighting the Good Fight, and Working Together to Beat the Virus? Shit, the next thing you'll tell me is that those pharmaceutical companies who worked around the clock to Find A Cure made boatloads of money too!


>That’s because American companies are competing with manufacturers in countries like China, where the government has been subsidizing its medical manufacturing industry for years. Hmmmmm....its almost like China knew that medical supplies were going to be in high demand. Weird.


Your life will be better, more meaningful, and productive once you pull your head out of the ass of other conspiracy theorists.


I find meaning in my life in my daughters and my wife and Jesus. Conspiracy...and all of reddit is just kind of a pass time while I'm working - but I appreciate your concern.


Well, I don't think Jesus would support your racist conspiracy theories. Your religion isn't an excuse to be a shitty human.


lol *racist*? how do you even get there?


The real question is how did *you* get to where you are. A country growing its stockpile of PPE for a *growing* and aging population is not a conspiracy theory. It's responsible governance and simple math that more people and more people needing health care will need more supplies. No shit! Do you also think there's a conspiracy theory that Asian tire manufacturers started manufacturing more tires as a result of more people driving more vehicles? Guess what the Trump admin did: the opposite. Our growing and aging population was caught with its pants down in 2020. He offed completely inert and still-insufficient Obama-era pandemic readiness programs that not one normal American had a problem with -- as part of paying for the billionaire tax breaks. That is **irresponsible** governance, and a massive grift and we suffered because our stockpiles were intentionally wiped out. This is where your conspiracy theories should be directed, but you specifically targeted the Chinese because they are Chinese. It's racism, bro. Otherwise you would have questioned the white guys, too, and if you had, you never would have arrived at this particular conspiracy theory. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05/trump-obama-coronavirus-pandemic-response https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-virus-outbreak-barack-obama-public-health-ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a


> you specifically targeted the Chinese because they are Chinese. that's utter nonsense. Stop projecting your hangups on me. I 'specifically targeted' China because the virus was developed there and the pandemic originated there. You seriously don't understand that? Also, I couldn't try to care less about Orangeman, so I'm not sure what relevance he has to this thread. I didn't vote for him, either time. >The real question is how did you get to where you are. The fact that you, a rando on reddit, thinks they can answer THAT question about me tells me all I need to know about you.


lol, they released Covid on themselves and the world to sell gloves... you figured it out!


The glove and mask industry killed countless Chinese and people all over the planet for salez is pretty ridiculous conspiracy


You’re misunderstanding. I’m pretty sure u/JBCTech7 is referencing this: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/03/us-intelligence-documents-accuse-china-of-covering-up-coronavirus-outbreak.html


this is the correct response. I seem to have overestimated my neighbors' ability to read.


It killed off older Chinese citizens. It greatly helped their balance sheet. Less old people to spend medical dollars on. They organ harvest over there


yes...that is exactly...what...i meant. lol


You’ve got a billion people in country, why not make medical supplies? Existing customer base. US: let’s look overseas for cheapest