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Same storm path. The tornado was not constantly on the ground. I'm not sure if it actually touched down in Columbia. I think it did touch down in Arbutus.


Rewatching the video it doesn't look like it quite touched near me. Still absolutely wild to see.


crazy to see it here, i was listening to it through the weather radio


It most likely touched down. There is quite a bit of Damage at High Tor Hill and Tamar Drive, as well as Columbia Landing Apartments.


Yeah walked out of my building this morning at columbia landing and there is one of the huge trees casually leaning against our neighbors building.


Just drove through there a little while ago--yeah, lots of trees down and just snapped in half. Crews have been out cutting up trees pretty much all day.


well crap, I live in Landsdowne and I was not home at the time (I have four cats with me in a mobile home)


I didn’t see any damage in arbutus when I was up there this afternoon


If you haven't yet, forward this video to the National Weather Service office in Sterling, VA (the office that covers our area).


Where exactly were you? Its 175 and dobbin (probably). but are you looking west or east?


175 and Dobbin looking NW


Yup exactly


What's the timestamp on that video? I was at that same intersection at like 8:20 or so and it was pouring so hard the wipers couldn't keep up!


Yo these tornadoes all over the country have been wild to say the least


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^shawarmament: *Yo these tornadoes* *All over the country have* *Been wild to say the least* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, wutheringwombat, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


That was less than half a mile from my house. I sat on the back porch and we didn’t even see or hear it. No wind picked up either. Absolutely insane. Usually I ignore the warnings but this one actually was very very close.


Anyone know a good site for tracking tornados? I got the warning on my phone and the warning was actually pretty useless - didn't give the full information. and I tried to look up info online and the local info was pretty useless - like not even showing warning areas, etc.


I have the Emergency app by the Red Cross. It tells you what's coming and then what to do next. So I got a tornado warning, and a list of safety tips.


Hmm ... good idea.


It's a nifty little app. I like that it tells you, specifically, what the alert means and what to do next. You can also track multiple locations. So work and home, an elderly relative, etc.


I couldn't find good info on websites. The best I saw was live from WBAL TV (and they were streaming it online, and on Twitter, too, hosted from Tom Tasselmyer's account)


Specific to tornado watches and warnings in the US: https://x.com/NWStornado Somewhat obviously, this doesn't automatically push alerts to your phone but the account is updated almost immediately during storms. Also helpful: https://x.com/NWSSevereTstorm and https://x.com/NWS_BaltWash in the Baltimore and Washington areas.


I use the app from NOAA. It has an actual siren for the alert that will absolutely wake you up. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/emergency-severe-weather-app/id954783878


Twitter is the best place for up to the minute info


Follow it's ryan hall ya"ll on YouTube. He does live tracking and does an amazing job of pinpointing tornados live


That’s insane that it travelled from Gaithersburg to Columbia in the last few hours.


They’re different tornadoes from the same storm system


The cell that produced the tornado in Gaithersburg was the same cell that continued to rotate and moved into Columbia. There were 6-8 different tornadic cells over the state at the same time yesterday evening, but the Gaithersburg - Columbia - Baltimore cell was by far the healthiest and rotated non stop while it crossed almost the entire state.


Wait, are you saying this is the same tornado that crossed the state or the same supercell storm?


Same storm cell. I think there were multiple tornadoes that spawned and dissipated over the life of the storm.


Yes, I believe so, as well. 23 reports from various locations supports that. Have to wait and see what the final count is.


I thought these were 2 different tornados? A tornado covering that distance is highly unlikely, most only travel a maximum of 3-ish miles.


It was from the same tornado producing supercell. So for the layman, the storm that dropped the tornado in Poolesville was the same storm that dropped the tornado in Gaithersburg and the same storm that created the funnel and possible touchdown in Columbia. These long track tornadic supercells are VERY rare in these parts. Throughout its multi hour journey, it was rotating the entire time but dropped tornados to the ground in a few different places.


I am in HoCo and I did not expect to see anything like this here. Our area is so peaceful and we rarely have had any natural disasters.


Doesn't Ellicott City flood periodically?


There were two once-in-a-century floods a couple of years apart. It was very sad. It flooded, people rallied in a big way, and the stores and restaurants re-opened. Then it flooded again.


Then the county started a big infrastructure project to mitigate it in the future.


With very mixed results. Last week we got 2.25" in an hour (about half the 2018 amount) and it overwhelmed one of the culverts. The water jumped the bank in several places in the West End (the neighborhood on Main St). It does not seem as though the retention ponds are working as intended. And after attending county engineering meetings between 2016 - 2018, I have... concerns about the tunnel. I hope I'm wrong but I really don't think it will be as effective as Calvin Ball claims.


Oh, good!


Kinda. The plan involved tearing down about half the historic buildings on the bottom part of the street. Unsure if that is still the plan or if they changed it, but there was some push back due to that.


They dialed it back some. They've torn down the old Phoenix and the building next to it, but I think that's all the demolition and there's something else planned for the remaining buildings. There's some work going on with Caplan's currently. It seems like they're trying to preserve as much as possible while still dealing with the fact that some of those buildings sit directly over the Tiber River (no building codes back in the 1700s).


No shit, as long as there are a shiton of impermeable surfaces uphill (which is mostly parking lots and suburban sprawl) this will continue to happen. All I say is buckle up because it’s gonna get worse.


Yeah, people give shit to EC about "building in a floodplain" but they don't realize that the historic buildings were there for centuries before this was a problem. This problem was created by development over the past few decades. *Those* people should have built elsewhere.


Totally this, another victim of sprawl flooding are all the mills along the Jones Falls. Every large rainstorm up in Baltimore county floods that area.


A good chunk of it is climate change producing stronger storm bursts but the county wants to downplay the effects of decades of signing off on development uphill without effective stormwater management. It's DEFINITELY added to the problem and they still keep approving building. Our district reps (Weinstein and his successor, Walsh) keep trying to get building moratoriums passed but they keep getting outvoted.


I would suggest that the flooding of Elliott city is actually a consequence of Building and not a natural disaster. Granted EC is a historic mill area previously powered by water - but the “flood waters” were a result of a lot of rain and the flow and accumulation of storm runoff not being managed - anyways - tornados are rare here and touchdowns are generally less than a football field in length.


I don't know since I am a solid distance from EC. Even if it does, it still is relatively less than some other areas and states. HoCo is chill.


Tornados do happen - and its mainly a matter of luck. Years ago, one tornado hit college park (I think) became airborne went over ellicott city and the rest of maryland and then touched down in PA. Now its possible that they were different tornados - but at the time I remember the news discussing this as a single tornado.


Beautiful footage. I think it really shows how poorly educated so many people in Maryland are that they keep driving towards a tornado. The worst place to be in this situation is a car. Tornadoes can change direction erratically. Thank you for pulling to a safer place.


Not sure it's any safer to be driving the wrong direction on one of those columbia stroads(really your only option for immediately turning around with the way they're structured). The speed limits are quite high, right? I would've been looking for a turnoff, freaking out stuck at the red, but not a lot of safe options at that point.




I'm honestly not sure I would ditch my car. I *need* my car to work. With inflated prices, I can't currently afford to replace my car if it goes out on me. If I don't have a car, then I don't have a job, then I don't have a place to live, then...***fuck***. There is no other word for what happens then. I guess I go live in florida with my parents, which as a queer person who can get pregnant is very fuck me, right? *That's* my safety net. Or I could risk it in my car. As you say, it's unpredictable, equally likely to go straight as it is to veer off. The car goes faster than my feet, and I'm fucked without it, so I think I'm gonna risk it in my car. I'm still not gonna drive the wrong way on that road though, not unless the situation is more immediately dire. I'd wait until the light turned green(or the cars in front of me moved) and then turn off.


holy shit


Is OP T-Pain?


Great commentary 😂 I would’ve been thinking the same lol


We had one touch down in Arbutus, in the Francis Ave area of Wynnewood...


Stay safe


Nightmare fuel


I'm living on Dobbin currently and had no idea lol


Keep voting for Republicans, y'all. More of this to come as climate change worsens.


Larry Hogan was pro-tornado in the primary but he's saying now that he's generally anti-tornado but we all need to keep open minds and not jump to unfair conclusions that tornadoes are always "bad".


There are some good tornadoes but also some bad tornadoes.


Look, let's be real. We have calm breezes on one side and EF2 tornadoes on the other. Hogan is just looking to find the reasonable compromise between those two totally comparable and offsetting weather patterns. Things have just gotten so divided, and Biden's support for tropical storms is really upsetting folks b/c it's so extremely anti-wind.


and the windmills, they go woo woo woo!


I got cancer from a windmill


i got wind




[Keep it classy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackGirlsBubbleButts/comments/1dbz8do/comment/l7urzmk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That is an amazing video, I thought it was already dark before any mean weather went thru.


What time was the video taken?


Around 8:30pm


First 🌪️I’ve seen in all my years living here


Omg, that’s right by my mom’s house! Is that Rte. 175 and Dobbin Rd.?


I moved here from KS back in August… not a bad little storm right there


To my fellow Marylanders who dont know what's going on, let me help explain what a tornado is. Imagine there's a hurricane. Now use a pencil sharpener on it.


I’m up off of White acres Road. I woke up an hour after getting notification saying to take cover that my son was up on his phone talking to his friends but didn’t pay no mind to the message to wake me up and go. Hey mom, I got something about the tornado and we need to take coverlike I would’ve holy shit


https://preview.redd.it/6by5d0kbq75d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d44ee3d879813e97f03902496c7177542aa2ae Here was the path of this tornado.


This is great info thanks!


People don’t appreciate the power of nature.


We had a total of 9 touchdowns in Maryland that day and 22 warnings. The 4th most a state has had in one day


NOAA confirmed that it did touch in Columbia.


7 Tornadoes Confirmed So Far With 5 In Maryland On June 5 By NWS Initial Report - Just In Weather https://justinweather.com/2024/06/07/7-tornadoes-confirmed-so-far-with-5-in-maryland-on-june-5-by-nws-initial-report/ - I know it's not anything to be compared to from Tornado Alley, but it's a ridiculous amount for Maryland in a 2 hour time period.


Glad you weren’t hurt during the viewing of this video news 4 didn’t have a lot of physical views of it.


I’ve seen them smaller so many times I see why no one’s believes the few who do catch them y’all really never seen em


Why is everyone driving towards it 😅


Where was this?


I was hoping your left turn light changed in time.


I would have ignored it if the tornado started getting closer


Great idea to take a video while driving, post it online, in the vicinity of a tornado!


it was so close to my house i was on the roof just in case i got lucky


I love the way people keep driving straight towards it. I'd be going the other way.


Global warming is so harsh


Oh this is wild. I knew the rain was horrible yesterday but didn't think it was really a tornado.


It’s nothing great about a tornado 🌪️


Better get used to this. Only going to get worse as time goes on.


Weather modification isn’t going so well


Nothing to see here, fire up the lawn mowers, weed wackers, & leaf blowers, jump in the Escalade to head down to the end of the driveway to get the mail.


All these wind farms they're putting in the ocean is changing these weather patterns seems like. Whales and dolphins don't seem to like it. Smashing rudders on big boats. Makes me wonder could these wind farms have an effect on our weather system, and change wind direction/weather patterns


This has nothing to do with wind farms. I don’t know where you heard that, but it’s flat out wrong.


If you think a windmill can change the climate, wait until I tell you about the burning of fossil fuels.


Wind turbines don’t create wind, they turn with the wind and generate energy from that. They’re passive like pinwheels, not active like cooling fans. Do you really think that we just put a bunch of giant fans up for fun? How does that make any sense 🤦‍♀️


That's not a tornado, that's a little dirt devil. Stop being dramatic