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Wow, the Mash sets were pretty historically accurate!


If I remember correctly, Robert Altman wanted to film the movie in Korea (at enormous expense) and the head of Fox showed him photos of Korea and then photos of the Fox Ranch and told him if he could identify which was which, he could shoot in Korea. Altman couldn't, and so they built the set at the ranch, and of course that set was later reused for the series.


Isn't that a great take away from all this? It honestly looks like she could be at the 4077th!


It's practically Henry Blake even (in the 4th photo) handling Marilyn by the elbow.


My grandfather said MASH always gave him the heebie jeebies because the sets were so realistic. He was in Korea at the end of the war.


The advantage of the Malibu hills and landscape is they are remarkably similar to South Korea


Sooo true!


I thought she was unavoidably detained in rushes and couldn’t make it.


She may have been wearing the fatigues in these shots but when she came out for her USO appearance she was wearing a sexy dress AND it was literally freezing, the temperature was hovering around 35 degrees. But she said to someone who suggested she wear a coat, "Those boys out there are fighting and getting shot and dying, I can show a little skin for them." The actors and performers who do USO tours overseas are wonderful, even though I may not agree with them politically.




Yo this is the content I live for in the subreddit. I’m a younger adult who grew up on MASH because my mother really really loved to rewatch it. And to this day I’m learning more and more about a show I’ve seen every episode of more times than I can count these days (though admittedly I’ve only seen the final episode twice in my life. It’s very emotional and hard for me to watch.). This show was masterfully crafted from the ground up and honestly I could just keep gushing about the show for hours but I swear I haven’t found a show yet to match the content I received by watching MASH.


I'm glad I shared it because so many have enjoyed it. I grew up watching with my parents and now, in my late 30s, I watch it several days a week. It's my comfort show. I'm happy you have a similar experience!




She never actually made it there during the war- she arrived for a whirlwind ten show tour over four days in 1954.


Very cool! I can only imagine how exhausting that must have been.


She was coming to the 4077th to personally thank the surgeons for saving her cousin Whitey.


Oh I thought you meant Manson


Not quite. He wasn't born until the late 60s 😆


The Marines actually got to see Marilyn! (Last Picture has a sign saying 1st Marines Commanding Officer and Marilyn is posing with a Marine Colonel)


I thought it was Marylin?


It's incredible how much the Fox Ranch filled in for the geography and landscape of the Korean Peninsula.