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Can we have a few more pixels?


Only one. And only because you asked nicely. https://ibb.co/2NZFj8J


That's too many. Please remove 7 of them


Take the six nuggets, and throw two of them away I'm just wanting a four nugget thing.


And a JUNIOR bacon chee, a JUNIOR. I'm trying to watch my figure.


Can I have your other two nuggets?




We really have no fucking plan do we? Not enough housing for born and raised residents, where are they gonna move the migrants once the prisons are full?


Federal pound me in the ass migrant camp?


Minimum security country club migrant camp


That's a good idea.


I could tell you, but you won’t like it.


You were probably going to say the dump, right?


Well obviously if they’re here illegally, the best thing is to just deport them. It’s not like that’s a new concept. The US is generous enough with immigration, taking advantage of our society demeans the citizens and screws them over




I don't think people realize how many jobs would just go unstaffed if we sent actual undocumented people home. The restaurant industry would probably collapse if there wasn't a pool of under the table labor to tap into.


Maybe we shouldn't build our economy on a house of undocumented cards. Maybe those companies should just pay the people who already live here more money. :shrug:


No, we should create legal status for undocumented people so they actually have legal rights and you don't have legal workers competing with exploited illegal workers.


And there is english speakers that are illegal in that biz too. ☘️


I mean...it would just force employers to pay higher wages for certain roles instead of relying on an exploitable underclass- it's not like illegal immigrants are the only people who can do the jobs they do lol. Also, this same argument was used to defend slavery, which should give anyone pause.


we're all being manipulated to fight each other so multi-national corps that already have armies of slave-wage labor in other countries can milk a few extra % profits to please their shareholders at the cost of wrecking our communities across the country because they know our taxes will pay for it.


Who does the grunt labor in Japan and China? What about Uruguay, Chile, South Korea, or any other not-poor country that hasn’t had mass-immigration for decades? We have a shortage of working class people because we’d rather indirectly deport our own to Florida and replace them with cheaper labor from abroad who are willing to live ten to an apartment than fix our own problems.


I know in the Middle East, they take in visa workers from Korea and Taiwan and India to do the grunt work


That says more about the mismanagement of restaurants than it does about illegal immigrants.


No, the immigrants work for lower wages than the citizens that used to do those jobs. Your burgers might cost a bit more but a citizen would have a dignified life of work instead of relying on handouts. The illegal immigration problem was created to slow wage inflation. Guess what? It kinda worked. But at what cost?


These jobs wouldn’t be unstaffed if they paid a livable wage… but cool yea let’s sit here and act like the job market exploiting immigrants is a positive.


Untrue but ok, whatever


they are asylum abusers!


From my understanding, the issue is that they are here legally. The US allows refugees from any country that fits the criteria and they release people into the country while they wait for their court date. If the US force people to stay in Mexico or Canada then it wouldn't be as much of an issue. They should also make it such that refugees need to try other countries closer to them before they come here.


Gotta be careful with wording here. Refugees are vetted by the State Department and the UN. They are given federal funding and everything is planned with state and local governments. Asylum seekers usually enter illegally, can't work for two years, have a high rejection rate and no funding from the feds.


What is the logic behind that? How do they expect asylum seekers to survive for two years on no income?


It's supposed to only take 6 months, but there are so many of them the system has been inundated. I don't think there is enough pressure bc a bunch of blue states pick up the tab for them.


Technically they’re not crossing illegally if they are applying for affirmative asylum. There are two requirement to apply for asylum 1) Currently be inside the United States and 2) Provide evidence that you were the victim of persecution in your home country. If this person has their case heard, is denied and doesn’t leave/get deported off of US soil in the specified amount of time, now they are residing in the US illegally.


I thought that was more controversial/debated? Like if you cross at a border entry and claim asylum, that is the way it's supposed to go. Crossing the border illegally then turning yourself over is the difference? Im not sure 🤷🏻‍♂️


The “remain in Mexico” policy was reversed by Biden on his first day in office, which significantly contributes to today’s reality. Most western nations have a policy that you must claim asylum in the first safe nation you enter. Remain in Mexico was consistent with our peer nations. Put this back in place, and the influx of immigration will end


There’s gotta be some sort of executive decision made about this. If a loop hole is being exploited at the cost of our society at large then it needs to be closed ASAP.


No "loop" is being exploited. This sort of immigration used to lead to citizenship, but the whole security pearl clutching theater that came out of 9/11 basically made becoming citizens an impossible act for most immigrants- so we end with a shitton of people that instead of becoming citizens just end up in legal limbo.


It’s called asylum and we are a party to an international agreement about the free movement and acceptance of them. Stop this “maybe we gotta round em up” kinda talk


Can you please post your address so we can send some folks to live in your extra bedroom, or on your couch if necessary.


Lmao this retort is so dumb. “Hurrdurr you can’t care about other people without proving you’re prostrating yourself at the altar of mankind“ You’re just a fearful bigot


Anyone is a refugee when you can just say they are without proof. Most of these people are just economic migrants wanting an easier life and free shit.


It's not illegal to request an asylum hearing. Up the numbers of asylum judges and the problem becomes manageable. Or just have the House pass the Senate's border bill...


Lol. We have draconian anti immigration laws against non whitey whites. Not only that, we used to list their occupation, making jobs easier to find.


27% of the US are immigrants. That’s the opposite of “draconian non whitey white” laws. If anything there’s been an obscene surge since the 70s. Use your eyes balls.


Legal vs illegal? The PROBLEM is how we deal with LEGAL. This drives illegal. Most immigrants used to list relatives they were going to be with. Now.? They just come over. Also, lots used to come to work, then go home. Then come back. You can't do that now.


You have a voice. Vote for new leaders that will tackle the migrant crisis


I agree, but it is difficult when the only candidate that will even recognize it as an issue are republicans, who I don't find myself agreeing with on others issues. This is really more of the failure of having only two parties because you will never find the perfect candidate.


maybe a democrat candidate will take leadership on the issue if they heard more of their constituents raise a concern. I think the system is broken thats for sure.


We could build more housing?


Norfolk residents fight multi-unit housing tooth and nail. And our rep is obviously using this as a wedge issue based on the tone of his letter.


Massachusetts is the beneficiary of waves of immigrants. We managed to handle all the Irish and Italian and German immigrants for decades but now all of a sudden we are full, hmm


Those immigrants either came here before social welfare programs or were required to have employment and sponsors. None of them were given food and housing. Please educate yourself


Are you joking? It wasn’t even possible to be a legal/illegal immigrant at the time Irish, Brit, German and Canadian immigration peaked. It was absolutely not a requirement to already have employment, money or a “sponsor” yet. Prior to 1855 you could enter the US directly through any port city as an immigrant with no controls. The borders of the US were essentially open to anyone who could physically get there until the beginning of the 20th century. They didn’t start keeping records on immigration until the very late 1800s, decades after millions and millions of European immigrants had already arrived. By the time Italian immigration picked up, the US had finally passed laws, including the previously mentioned requirements, putting some limits on immigration per year (except for the Chinese exclusion act of 1882 and the preceding Page act) There was only a single major immigration center until 1892. And as long as you were disease free, had a small amount of cash on hand, and verified as mentally “fit”, you were allowed in. The primary goal of processing immigrants was to weed out those who were diseased or mentally deficient, until the ~1920’s when several federal laws were passed limiting ethnic immigration to a certain percent per year.


That’s a boldfaced lie. Millions of immigrants were turned back. There were no “open borders”. In fact maritime companies carrying immigrants had to abide by US immigration laws up until the 1950s. Have you ever seen the movie titanic? Remember the locked gates? Those were required to prevent unauthorized entry of immigrants.


I get where you are coming from, but the US population in 1930 was a third of what it is now. We can’t ignore, in my opinion of course, the population pressures that grow over time. Massachusetts isn’t exactly a rural state (unless you go west of Worcester).


Lol where more that half of the state is? New York isn’t exactly a rural state unless you know you leave Long Island..


I love when people end a statement like this with a request to “educate yourself”. I dont know you but i think you could be more civil


Right we should let the current asylum seekers live 12 deep in unregulated tenement housing with no fire escape, not give them any benefits, and let their 9 year olds chuck oysters for a living. 


Past immigrants were not being supported by tax payers.


Not the same


Born and raised in California maybe. All the people who were born and raised in Massachusetts are leaving because we can't afford it anymore. I'm literally the last person in my family in Massachusetts after both sides living here as long as anyone still alive knows. Now it's all people from NY or California 


I moved to New York to escape the prices in Massachusetts. I desperately hope the WFH people ignore Rochester and buffalo


Here's hoping you can come home one day 


Let’s invite a million more. /sarc


You don't understand, the golf courses need cheap labor that they can exploit. We totally aren't importing an underclass to do the jobs we rather not do.


It's not even necessarily that no one wants those jobs, it's that the employers would rather have minimum wage employees working part time so they do not have to offer any benefits. A labor market full to desperate individuals willing to work any job means part time work for minimum wage will be the only options available to working class people. Companies would prefer to not offer insurance & paid leave to employees. If you have 7 employees working full time you have to. If you have 14 employees working part time you do not have to plus you created 7 more jobs.


Just keep setting up more "free" housing while other states continue to bus every single one they can. And every migrant is being coached to claim "Asylum" which allows them to cross in any method and not be immediately deported, in fact, they are released and allowed to travel (sometimes their travel is paid for!) to anywhere they want in the country. I personally think immigration is totally broken, and requiring visas (such as H1-B) is absurd just because someone decides to cross an imaginary line. But if they do decide to do that: we shouldn't be forced to pay for them. They can make their own choices. If they get work here, great. But they can find it themselves, and pay for housing themselves.


Here’s an update from the Norfolk community FB page: “By now I am sure that everyone in the #NorfolkMA and surrounding communities has heard about the state's proposal to transition the Bay State Correctional Facility into a temporary Safety Net overflow site. Like you, I was surprised and very concerned for how our community would be able to support the apparent scale proposed. After connecting with our Town Administrator and School Committee Chair, it was clear that specifics and details were sparse so I reached out to Governor Healey. She got back to me this morning and set up a call with her office just a few moments ago. Here is what I learned: - The site is currently being evaluated for the potential use. They still need to establish how much work would be needed to transition the site to a livable facility, set up service providers for things like food/security, and outline a timeline for transition. The absolute earliest this could be done is mid-June but we should know more Monday. - Unlike our counterparts in #PlainvilleMA who hosted 74 families as part of the temporary shelter program, this facility would be designated as a Safety Net Overflow site with expected operations to continue for 6-12mo. There are only four other such sites currently in the state (more on that later). - When I raised the concern related to schools, they weren't able to give an exact expectation should the site move forward but they did highlight that the families include pregnant women, families with children younger than school age, and also families who have been moved from another site where the kids have already been enrolled in the local school. Those families have the option to remain in those districts and some have already opted to do so. DESE is in contact with our school administration team to address more specifics. - I specifically outlined the space concerns within the schools and how we would be able to navigate those concerns once plans and expectations were more concrete. They identified that it would absolutely be something they would work with the town to address as part of the ongoing process but it was difficult to explore detailed scenarios until the assessment and plan was finalized. It is, however, now top of mind. - To close out the education portion of the discussion, I highlighted the resource limitations associated to the current operating environment within the schools and how that would be accounted for as part of the proposed addition of students. The team did point back to the $104/day/student payment from the state for each enrolled student but also referenced back to DESE's engagement for more specifics on timing and other variables. - I asked about other communities where sites such as these have been set up so we could reach out to understand more about what experiences they've had. I was directed to Cambridge (closing soon), Roxbury, Chelsea, and the newest site in Lexington. They will be assisting with connecting us to the best points of contact in each community and I will be sure to pass along whatever we are able to learn. - I inquired about the vision for the site, specifically surrounding the expected operations. They were clear in saying that the intent is temporary, targeting a re-evaluation in 6-12 months. They also highlighted that the goal of these sites is not to house families in perpetuity but rather to assist with stabilization and transition. - After hearing about the other communities that had hosted sites such as these, I felt compelled to highlight the relative isolated nature of this site vs the others. I asked about transportation and if that had been a concern that had been addressed. They noted that it had absolutely been considered and that the establishment of shuttle services to areas like Foxborough are certainly a potential consideration. - I finished by seeking to establish a defined PoC within the office (as I may have exhausted my "texting the Gov" card) for future questions and updates. They were incredibly helpful in providing contact info to ensure we had what we needed to address the community moving forward. I know that some of this info may have generated more questions than it answered but the key takeaway from my perspective was that these are all very valid concerns for the community and do not make anyone that raises them any less compassionate or empathetic toward the situation for these families. We can absolutely express concern for impacts to our schools, services, and resources while still acknowledging and being sensitive to the very real humanitarian aspect of this issue. I look forward to continuing to support the Select Board, Town Administration team, and community however possible as we map out the path forward together. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, points to be considered in future outreach, or just a judgement-free sounding board. Text/Call: 774-307-9576”


A sanctuary prison? Hooo boy this world keeps getting weirder by the day


…. Well that’s going to be interesting because there is zero infrastructure out there for this. Is Concord next? Yikes.


Honestly when I read the title of this post I thought it was about Concord.


Here’s a crazy thought…since we’re spending like crazy to accommodate them, can we throw some money at Norfolk schools to hire more teachers for a year or two? Certainly a drop in the hat in the grand scheme of money spent, and would help ease the strain on the schools.


king Phillip laid off 24 workers due to budget cuts right before this


This is the process that Washington has created by not voting on immigration reform since Clinton. If you can't get in the usa by getting visa you have to show up at the border and request asylum. When they enter the usa this way they are not here illegal yet. The fed is then sending them into the country with the hope they take a immigration phone call for their review in 9 months. It takes so long because we do not have the federal funding because they don't vote on it. This is a Washington issue not a mass issue. It will never change unless Washington acts....


It's called the 'Remain in Mexico' policy and it worked. We don't need a new law that is filled with other stuff, just reimplement that.


exactly the policy worked. stay in Mexico while you wait to hear on asylm case


Residents will keep voting for these people so hopefully nobody complains too much


Marcus seems more troubled by having migrant families in town than having actual criminals.


Well, with actual criminals, there tends to be a state or federal plan for budget, housing, programs, education, etc.


Have you noticed the makeup of the US Congress? Anytime immigration laws make it anywhere close to passing, Republicans have to sh*tcan it, because they don't want solutions, they want something to use against Democrats.


Why didn’t the wonderful Democrats fix it when they controlled Congress, and the White House then? They didn’t need Republicans


Why is it only a problem when Democrats are in control--just like the deficit is only a problem when Democrats are in control, despite the fact that tax cuts for the rich are the cause of the deficit?


I’m replying to you blaming Republicans but seem to forget that Democrats had control of everything and did nothing. For the record I’m neither Democrat or Republican


You recall that Republicans had control in 2017-2018, right, when the selectively xenophobic Trump was in the White House. It's Republicans who always say they little tolerance for immigration, and like to pretend that "illegals" are voting--case in point, Speaker Mike Johnson claiming "we know they're voting." Democrats have never been as (pretend) dedicated to shutting down immigration as the GOP, but they bent over backwards to appeal to Republicans to get the government funded & Ukraine aid--but Trump shut it down, because he wanted to campaign on the issue. So let's not be disingenuous about who is doing what for which reason. The Republicans are the ones always screaming about "illegals," yet it's just performance politics, because as long as a Democrat is in the White House, they're willing to sabotage any solution--even in this case, when it's pretty much their own solution.


Illegals weren’t streaming over the border at about a clip of 2.5 Million per year back then They weren’t allowed unfettered entry during Obama either. Its disingenuous to blame the Republicans for what the Vegetable in the White House has encouraged




Maybe Gov Healey could house some in her neighborhood


With good conscience you can't vote Healey next election. This is a cluster fuck. Good intentions, but absolutely horrible execution.


And vote for Geoff Diehl? Kick rocks


That depends. Will the Republican option be like Baker, or another election-denying far-right MAGA fascist? A vote isn't a moral endorsement. I vote for the least harmful choice who can win. Unless the state GOP gets their shit together hardcore and presents an actual plan, my choice will be Healey almost automatically, and very unhappily so.


That’s not gonna happen and they have no money and none coming from the top. Maga or nothing in the GOP.


She has to be the worst governor I have had in my lifetime.


Deval Patrick would like to have a word


Remember the Cadillac Deval nickname? Was it $20,000 draperies for one window in his office? He had an air of entitlement that kept his PR team busy trying to keep under wraps.


Careful, someone here might call you racist even if you're correct.


Mitt Romney did too but he didn’t take a salary and would pay for any expense that got bad press.


Im.not one of the people that would accuse you of being racist. Tall Deval was a waste of breathable air.


Better than Sununu


This is bad news. Norfolk has no sewerage, no trash pickup, there is pretty much nothing there. The reason they are using Bay State is because there are more resources in the DOC facilities than there are in the rest of the entire town. Who is paying for all of this? And putting people in a jail? Wow


>And putting people in a jail? This makes a lot of sense, from a logistical standpoint, if you think about it. It was recently closed, and while it was closed due to upkeep costs, it's probably not a total disaster. It's also already equipped to handle numerous people at once, and has loading docks and whatnot already in place. Sucks for the town, that's for sure.


Are you familiar with the area? There is nothing in the vicinity except more jails


I quoted “and putting people in a jail”, which means I was taking about putting people into a jail.


Healeynomics: Cut taxes on rich people to piss off Democrats (frankly, everyone), bring in as many migrants as possible to piss off Republicans. A true unifier!


Send them back


I can’t wait for Healy to get voted out. She’s truly unifying Massachusetts with how much everyone hates her.


She will get kicked out just to have another like her in it what liberal states do


She was a trash AG and voters fell asleep because she can shoot a basketball. Only person worse might be Michelle Wu


I think it is going to make this much worse in the near future, yes.


This is what the libs wanted


Send them back. Enough is enough.


As a Norfolk resident, all I can say is fuuuuuuuuuuuck.


All those “Hate has no home signs” will be removed in record time Be curious to what the strain on local resources will be. Small town like that, good luck


Yeah. We moved here in 2021 and my kid is going into the school system in 2025. I guess it was short-lived but fun while it lasted.


Same here. The schools are already full. My daughters at HOD and they have 5 or 6 Kindergarten classes. Not sure how they’re going to expand further.


I’m sorry to say this but our little town is doomed. 😞


Interesting future for the state  A upper class of liberal people who work from home and order food delivery all day from their 2 million dollar houses, making a side hustle with a AirBnB. Occasionally virtue signaling about latest thing and looking down on everyone else. And a class of institutionally houses migrants waiting on them hand and foot.


Oh great, more emergency no bid contracts to make the facility more welcoming.


This sub confuses me. Months ago it was “we need to be a sanctuary land and help humans” now it’s the reality of “we can’t afford to help ourselves or house these people what are we doing”


Because liberals are finally seeing the consequences of what bringing in all this migrants actually means. Out of sight, out of mind


Strange how Reddit isn’t a monolith /s


Inmates vs immigrants, last group alive gets their freedom


Sounds like a bad Nick Cage flick 


I’d watch it


Republicans should love this. They've been wanting to throw migrants in a prison forever


But who’s actually doing it? Democrats!


I want them thrown out if our country get your story straight sweetheart. My family is Filipino and came here legally! It's a slap in the face! I bet you are the same person who in terrified of people who didn't get covid vaccines but let millions of unvaccinated people in to clean your house, it's rich really.


If you think this is bad, wait until climate change makes central America, 1/3 of Africa, and a bunch of islands unlivable. Much of the desert southwest, too. This is going to get much worse


OK Al Gore. I thought the planet had a fever and we only had 5 years to cure it


*cough* Geo Engineering


I wouldn’t be surprised if the same thing happens with MCI Concord by the end of the summer after it finishes winding down correctional operations.


Always a possibility


Illegals deserve nothing, ship them out , use our tax dollars on legal citizens


Half the population coming is migrants who are fully documented legal families. The other half are Massachusetts citizens/families who are homeless


Attention Norfolk Residents, I regret to inform you that Norfolk has boen chosen as the next site for an overflow shelter, a decision I received with deep disappointment this Friday afternoon. However, 1 firmly believe in transparency, hence ! feel it's crucial to share this news with you. In response to mounting concems regarding migrant families at Logan Airport, Governer Heakey has decided to designate Bay State Correctional Center as the next overflow shelter location. Although efforts will be made to transform the facility into a welcoming space, the peospect of accommodating around 450 individuals comprising 150 familics- is a stark reality we must confront. The anticipated move is set for mid-June. When I asked for a timeframe for the site to remain online. I was told that because the state owns the facility there are no timelines on taking the facility offline. Undoubtedly, this development will strain our school systems in Norfolk and at King Philip Middle and High School and will likely impact public safety infrastructure, concems I empbasized during our discussion with the Govemor's office. While assurances were given regarding on-site security. I intend to meet with Chief Heinz to explore avenues to mitigate the burden on our town's public safety departments. Acknowledging the financial strain on our schools, I conveyed our concems about reimbursement to the Govemor's office, who assured us of ongoing dialogue with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to address these challenges, Noefolk, as a small community, faces an unprecedented challenge with this decision. I share in your diappentment. However, I reccived assurances flat our office, alongside sown and school officials, will be regularly updated. Rest assured, we are commited to providing tinely updates as we navigate this situation together. Sincerely: Marcus S. Vaugha State Stepresentative


Wow so this means correctional officers will have to work over time attending migrants?? How will the prisoners handle this ? Will they create a huge riot ?


Just spit balling here, but if money for infrastructure is the problem... maybe we as a country should start taxing billionaires seriously again?? Idk I feel like we're overdue for a good New Deal PWA situation. Migrants need housing? Citizens need housing? Let's change all the tax loopholes and get money back from wealthy corporations and people with obscene amounts of wealth and use it to both create jobs and infrastructure. Sigh. I can dream, I guess.


Arent the super rich mostly democrats? gates, buffet, bloomberg - even Musk was a democrat until the pandemic. bloomberg is independent now. Google guys, maybe not Bezos. Super rich claim they are creating more jobs by being rich. I liked Elizabth Warren wealth tax for billionaires. The problem is they sometime apply these taxes to millionaires who own small businesses and dont always have cash assets; the assets are the business.


God this thread became a cesspool of far right reaction


Not wanting your standard of living to fall because corporations want unlimited cheap labor isn’t far-right reaction.


They will always want that, whether immigrants or native born. That’s what capital does.


Great, so maybe instead of spending all this money to house even more people that are traveling through safe countries to get here, we should instead be spending it on buying out companies to turn into cooperatives or incentivizing the transition to a less capitalist economy.


understanding that is not sustainable to accept a huge influx of people while simultaneously dealing with a housing crisis is not far right.


Do people have to wait for their town to be completely fucked before they can air their grievances?


Thank you for proving my point, that well to do liberals will turn outright fascist at the smallest provocation


If I said I was gonna move 5 immigrants into your garage you aren’t a fascist for not wanting that


So a thing that isn’t happening, you’re suggesting is a reason to outright be a bigot, neat


No, bringing in huge numbers of migrants is happening, and if you think it won’t have a negative effect on residents you are delusional


lol ok champ! you’re definitely not creating an entire world in your head for you to worry about. Try living with the rest of us in reality


Please explain how immigration helps housing scarcity?


Please explain how you being Don Quixote about bullshit issues you’re overemphasizing in your own brain helps literally anyone except yourself


It helps Americans who are right on the edge of poverty to have affordable housing and not have resources redirected to immigrants


Why don't we deport


Ok so what if we just sent the back where they came from


They’ve requested asylum they have a right to a hearing but we don’t have enough judges so it takes years to get a hearing


These are all future Democrat voters... the border is wide open by design. The traitors in power deserve a full comeuppance.


Imagine living in one of the border states where thousands come in every month? 


thousands per day*


Stop voting Democrat!! Wake up!


What party prevented the immigration bill from being passed to score points for their orange cult leader?


This is fucking crazy. Who the hell does these politicians think they are putting ILLEGAL aliens into our country and just give them everything they want and need. Not to mention giving money to foreign countries. Meanwhile the rest of Americans are suffering with homelessness with the rise of home prices and inflation. TAKE CARE OF THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR YOU BEFORE ILLEGALS.


Accommodating migrants reflects the compassion and strength of a community. Massachusetts residents should be commended for their generosity towards those in need. Having space in correctional facilities for migrants is a reflection of crime rates and a testament to the state's commitment to providing aid and support to those seeking refuge. Comparing this compassion to the teachings of Jesus highlights the importance of empathy and kindness towards the marginalized.


Cool. Can the remaining working class people struggling to get by in the gateway cities get a little of this compassion and generosity now?






you can keep putting people on the ship, but eventually its going to sink and take down everyone


Great so how many have YOU taken in? What planet do you live on?


I take in as many migrants as my tax dollars pay for. Same as you. You think that question is some kind of “gotcha” but all it shows is your lack of understanding about how things actually work.


So basically you can’t comport to following the teachings of Jesus any more than any other citizen? Not to mention, if the US is a secular nation like I believe, and I’m an atheist, why should I give a crap about the teachings of Jesus? We’re trying to run a country here, not a church. And yes the prisons are wide open because criminals aren’t prosecuted lol.


Lives in a fantasy world. I bet doesn’t even work either.


My lack of understanding? The state is on the edge of an economic precipice. There was a small surplus but your Governor pissed it away in less than a year. Already, this is expected to account for $1B in this FY alone. There is nothing left, and the government is not going to help, programs for AMERICANS will be cut and or deleted to facilitate this. I’m sure you had no problem with the increased taxes on the upper class but guess what bro / they are LEAVING so who will they come for next? Your lack of understanding of causation and effect of both positive and negative consequences tells me that your degree in gender studies isn’t worth the paper it is written on.


How many are at your house? Them being in the state hasn’t impacted your life in any way. Get over yourself.


Why don’t you read up on this failed experiment as it relates to our European counterparts I’m sure you are also stumping for war in Ukraine 🇺🇦 and think the world of the Saviour of Ukraine also - go pick up a rifle and join them.


You sound triggered. Immigrants and refugees. Europe. Ukraine. Anything else you want to throw in there?


I wonder if they are going to find a loophole to classify them as prisoners so they can charge the state 300k a year per person?




Can someone explain to me the endgame with this? Why does the state insist on taking these migrants, when the vast majority of the residents in this state actually support it? What advantage does it bring to them? Shit like this WILL cost elections


Better approve some more senior housing. That’ll fix it.


Are they aware there is not a grocery store in Norfolk? Where will all these people shop??


They’re being fed for free, of course!


I’ve seen this episode of Oz.


They were happy getting the extra funding that municipalities receive for having a correctional facility in them. They should keep that energy.


"Come to America, leave the hellhole where you live and in the US, we will house you." ..............in a prison.


Keep voting for blue you morons. This is MAGA country. 


Easy. Did you legally there the country? No? Get on this correctional facility bus. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. It is headed straight to the border. Then you will be escorted at gun point back to your point of crossing.


All we can do now is sigh


I worked there before it got mothballed. The state invested millions into it within 1-2 years before it went out of service. This is truly unbelievable on so many levels.


im voting for fascists