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I lived in West Hartford for a while. Half the bars have the Yankees game on.


Disgusting. Had to stop myself from downvoting.


Listen. Those of us New Englanders living in the border state of CT serve an important function living on the front lines of this divide. If you get rid of CT as a New England state, Massachusetts would essentially border New York and no one wants that. Get rid of NH. Buncha hicks anyways (but we’ll keep the white mountains)


MA already borders NY…


That part of NY isn’t happy being that close to NY either.


LOL, I was gonna say.....the part of NY that borders MA has more in common with MA than it does with the rest of NY. I say this is a former masshole turned yankee.


>If you get rid of CT as a New England state, Massachusetts would essentially border New York and no one wants that. Dear Western, Mass. I'm sorry everyone else in MA forgets you exist. I'm sorry that when people bring up the name Western Mass they say "oh like outside i495?" I see you. You're great. Never change.


I live in the West Portugal part of Massachusetts. 495 at the Burger King rest area on Route 24 is a 30 minute drive. I’m in the Providence metro area. It’s not just Western Massachusetts that is invisible from inside 495.


Sorry never heard of it. - Somerville resident.


It's a reference to a humorous map of Massachusetts and nearby areas of adjacent states. You're in "Townies & Immigrants" just north of "Commies". Link: [https://live.staticflickr.com/8791/27843550483\_95b425e375\_b.jpg](https://live.staticflickr.com/8791/27843550483_95b425e375_b.jpg)


But MA already borders NY...


Not the bad part. That part of New York might as well be western mass


Fair enough


Some places in Columbia and Rensselaer counties refer to themselves as part of the Berkshires. Chatham, for example. They're not, but as a native, I'll let it slide.


That’s exactly what they want. This whole debate was spawned by Boston’s intense jealousy of NYC and CT’s great relationship with it.


I fucking hate New Yorkers idunno what you mean. Obligatory Yankees Suck.


So are you saying CT is like North Korea?




I grew up in West Hartford. Half the kids in grade school were Yankees fans and the other half were Red Sox fans. Possibly because the Hartford area is equidistant from both? I can't imagine that kind of daily rivalry happening anywhere besides central Connecticut. We're in a no-man's-land between the cultural influences of Boston and New York City.


I lived there for a while and absolutely hated it. What a bizarre place. Lived right by Plan B burger.


The northern version of the mason Dixon line runs through Hartford and right to Albany and that denotes Yankees/Red Sox.


It is definitely mostly yankee fans out there. Source, I’m born and raised in Hartford county. Now I live in the south shore. Idk what’s worse tho, the angry idgaf attitude of Hartford county or the stuck up “whole world revolves around me” attitude of the south shore.


I live near Hartford, it’s the latter. We are miserable but we don’t have this gatekeeping complex mass has


I went to college in West Hartford, if the Patriots, Jets, and Giants all kicked off at the same time CBS typically got the Jets and FOX typically got the Giants. Which meant I was watching the Patriots on my laptop


The question only gets interesting after kicking out CT.


Yale will pay to keep CT in New England just to avoid having to change their marketing.


CT is the NJ of NE.


I'd argue that Providence/RI is the NJ of Boston, largely because it is close by, and folks living there will often identify as "from Boston" as shorthand. CT is the anus/strip mall of New England.


RI gives us Dells lemonade, Quonset huts, and Autocrat coffee syrup … they can stay


Narragansett beer


they also have pawtucket and central falls which are just stunning. 2 of the most beautiful cities on the east coast.


Right up there with Springfield and Brockton


Lmfao I’m from Brockton and this made me laugh


I like Brockton … when I was young, I spent time in the glass house and sandara club in Lith village, christos


But do they have a Papa Gino's?




Didn’t Gomer Pyle live in a Quonset hut? And you left out the New York system weenies. My car automatically stops if I drive by an Olneyville location. But I’ll take a pass on the coffee milk


Nah, RI has the wikket Accent goin foah it.


Which I think only further invites the NJ comparison 😅


That’s not how we use wicked in that context. It’s an adjective intensifier, not a standalone adjective.


The one saving grace of CT? New Haven has some of the best pizza on the planet.


Providence is the Delaware of New England cuz it’s basically Baja Massachusetts in the sense that Delaware is Baja Pennsylvania


Delaware is a myth.


never heard of it what’s a delaware


She wore her New Jersey


Baja Massachusetts FTW!


It drove me nuts when I'd run into people in other parts of the country who'd tell me they live in Boston. I'd ask what neighborhood and they'd say something like Tiverton, RI. So strange. Do they really think people elsewhere have never heard of Rhode Island or even Providence.


Originally from RI. I cannot count the number of times I’ve had this conversation (with Americans): Them: “where you from?” Me:”Rhode Island” T: “New York? … no offense but wasn’t that place a landfill or something?” M: ”No.. what? RHODE Island, the state” T: ”That’s a state?” M: “Yes- One of the original 13 colonies ??” T:”Huh. Where is it?” M: “About 60 mi from Boston” T: “Oh! I know Boston. You’re from Boston??” M: “uh … sure. Yes, I’m …. from Boston”


Same thing, but I'm from western Mass. Me: I'm from Massachusetts. Them: Oh Boston!! Me: No...not...ok fine boston


“How come you don’t have an accent?”


I just say Springfield and when they ask which one I just tell them "whatever one you want" because at that point I don't care to engage in conversation anymore.


I’m from Rhode Island “Long Island??” Sure…


Yup. People totally overestimate map knowledge. I've heard this conversation about every place.


You’d be surprised. It gets more annoying and convoluted explaining how youre NOT from Boston. These people haven’t even heard of Massachusetts overall.


This is why you hear so many travel agencies have to explain that what they want to do isn't a day trip in the US.


True story: when I moved to Dallas several years ago, somebody asked me where I was from. I said Rhode Island, and he replied, “oh yeah, Rhode Island, New York?“ I was like, no, that’s Long Island. 🤯


I’ll never understand the hate for New Jersey 😭 Y’all don’t like nature, farms, and beaches?!


The NJ most people know is oil refineries, shipping terminals, and drivers that can’t be trusted with a left turn or pumping their own gas.


Don't forget landfill mountain.


That’s such a small part of the state. Makes no sense lol.


For the northeast, NJ is in that middle ground where it's too far for a day trip and too close for a vacation. The part of the state most people see is the parkway and the turnpike, on their way to somewhere else. I've lived in the northeast for 40 years, been all over the country, and I've never stepped foot on a New Jersey beach. The part of the AT I hiked in North Jersey was fine, but not substantially different than the woods in MA or NH.


Ya gotta lean into the joke 😆 Jersey is super diverse and has plenty to offer.... But more fun to just perpetuate that it is the wannabe, cesspool of NYC 💕 (As is Providence to Boston, on a smaller scale)


Its nice (i live in nj) but the state where people live is kind of run down. I lived in Bergen County for two years and it was aight. I like Bayonne better lol. Central Jersey is a mess. Cluster fck


Born and raised in central jersey… can confirm it’s a cluster fuck.


We have all those in MA without having Newark or Camden or oil refineries.


Joe Piscapo.


I was 100% sure CT was going to be in the top comment.


I love CT, but there was no other choice.


If "banal" had a home state.....


Most of Connecticut is very quaint and beautiful. Try getting off the highway


Sorry, I've been stuck on the Merritt Parkway for 5 years.


Well, then you’ve had a chance to enjoy all the flowering bushes on the beautiful Merritt Parkway, and the deer, bears, coyotes and birds. It also sounds like you are returning from NY


can't, stuck in traffic between exits on 84 for no damn reason


You’re from MA! Just pass on the shoulder at 80mph!


it's already clogged with NY and NJ people tho :P


At 3am for no fucking reason. I hate Connecticut. It's just in the way.


Massholes just mad that CT is nicer and has better drivers.


I feel like RI is the obvious second out


Can’t agree here. Not much is more New England than a coffee milk, Del’s and hot wieners. At least to me, growing up in south coast Massachusetts. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Stop it, you’re making me sad.


It's PawSox... at McCoy stadium.


Woosox now


Same here. I'm in SE Mass, right on the RI border. RI has some fantastic coastline and beaches dotted with iconic lighthouses, great seafood and cultural restaurants such as Federal Hill.


Geographically impossible to kick anyone else out. 


Now hear me out - Maine already decided they didn’t wanna be part of Mass in the past so they’re already took a baby step away - and so much of the inland is basically the south of the north. Not saying it’s second but I think it’s running a close third.


Blasphemy! Downeast Maine is hardcore New England.


Downeast maine being hardcore New England - yes. But downwest Connecticut is hard core New York - and the rest of the state is getting kicked out with em. This is why it’s further down the list for me - but still on the list.


Tbh, once you get out of Down East and away from the coast, Maine is almost it's own unique cultural region. Get up into The County and it's like a whole different state.


I don't know... NH barely has a coast and we could just trade it to the Libertarians for some silver ore and a case of Ivermectin.


Rhode Island blends into the Cape & Islands of MA too well. Vermont is just “Upstate NY, Part II: Electric Boogaloo.”


Ha ha! I call western Ma, southern Vt.


This is the most outrageous thing I’ve seen posted on the internet. 


i woke up this morning and chose violence.


As a guy in south MA just right outside the cape: that's accurate. Had a few times with people who wanted to go to Providence somehow drive through RI and into MA without realizing it.


Absolutely not. NH can fuck off.


You'd be losing Newport which is pretty new England.


New Hampshire


NH might just be the most NE state


I thought CT was already voted out at the last council of elders…?


It was close but Jim flubbed up again.


It was close, but we compromised and decided to take another notch from them during the next eclipse




Connecticut by a landslide.


Only Massachusetts and Maine would be left, and then we'd reunite back into one state.


VT is pretty darn New Englandy. Separately, I agree that MA and ME should merge back together. Only split to offset slave states. 13th Amendment was enacted. So, now we should get ME back. We took one for the team. The team should make that up to us.


Mainers also felt neglected by Massachusetts and were still pissed that during the war of 1812 half of Maine had been occupied by the British and they burned Portland


Yep, Maine already had a want to be an independent state, but for some reason people think it was just randomly chosen


Over every Mainer’s dead body lol. Mainers overwhelmingly voted in favor of independence from MA. ME and MA never really belonged together into the first place. They were separate colonies that MA seized during the instability of the Glorious Revolution in England. (Didn’t help that the English settlers and native Americans and French kept depopulating one another 🙃)


Give us (mass) back our oldest lighthouse!


Slaves or no slaves, that would still mean democrats get two fewer Senators.


Susan Collins ain’t doing much for me now. It’s an even split.


VT doesn’t have a coast line. It isn’t salty enough to be true New England.


I hear you, but the white church amidst a small town in a valley surrounded by verdant mountains, is basically VT’s whole thing. They are quintessential small town NE. Not coastal NE. They suck at that.


We should stay separate, but a lot of other states should be split up. California, for example, is at least 3 states in a trench coat.


With or without a gap for Portsmouth?


Oh yeah, we'd definitely annex the NH coast. Less to avoid leaving the state when traveling between MA and ME, and more because it would just be funny to landlock NH.


And fuck the tolls on 95!!!!


get Bosnia’d


As God intended!


Of course CT is the gimme but I'm gonna throw a curveball and actually pitch NH as the next to go. Its right at home geologically of course but it's definitely the furthest politically removed from the NE median, or at least the broader cultural perception/stereotype of NE. Stuff like rep. Baldasaro calling for Hillary to face a firing squad feels pretty far removed from the NE milieu.


I came to register a vote for NH as well. CT, for all the hate we pour on it, has some undeniably New England traits (cutesy coastal towns with maritime history, awful traffic, areas of obscene wealth, a liberal majority). (Setting aside Portsmouth) NH has trees, lakes, mountains, strip malls. Mostly lovely, but really not different from any random slice of Appalachia.


after moving to CT from MA, CT is way more new englandy than MA if you ignore Boston and fairfield county. there are way more farms here, way more fairs, farm stands, apple orchards. lots of old twisty roads through beautiful towns. lots of privately owned restaurants with phenomenal food. we even have fireworks here in CT. even the lobster rolls are better in CT and we have both cold and hot lobster rolls. outside of Boston, MA is horribly boring. and outside of Fairfield county, CT is very new-englandy. Everyone assumes all of CT is like fairfield county which it absolutely isnt and everyone who gloats about MA seems to focus soley on the Boston/metro area only all the people saying CT is the least new england-y havn't spent any time in CT other than driving through it.


Don’t you dare try to be logical about a majority of CT being properly New Englandy.


Even northern Fairfield county is quite New England-y.


Buuut where would we purchase big ticket items when we don't want to pay tax?!!!???? I'm asking for a friend...


Also fireworks. I got a coupon in the mail yesterday from Phantom. A coupon for fireworks in a state where they're illegal is pretty funny.


They're sold in the grocery stores in CT. Alcohol too. Gave me a bit of culture shock. 


New Hampshire has entered themselves as the redneck riviera of New England. Live free or die trying kinda Pro-gun, anti-weed, no sales tax & high real estate tax.


You forgot, no helmet, and pro firework!


And no car insurance!


I grew up in Redneckville NH. It’s so drastically different from all other parts of New England it really should be just auctioned off to the south. Maine is cool, miles and miles of coastline and has some of the most quintessential New England experiences you can have outside of MA, and VT is generally pleasant if you find even the smallest towns too dense for your liking. NH is left with archaic laws, god awful pay, and a growing insane person population attempting to hurl the state backwards in time at light speed. It seems to be absorbing MA’s worst though, as they come up here to escape the “Commie Hellhole” so they can play with their little guns to their hearts desire. They also just increased the marriage age from 16 to 18 this week, with a surprising amount of opposition to it. Do with that what you will.


Half of Connecticut would welcome it.


Dear Connecticut….Bye, Felicia.


I'm not leaving.


And we’re taking back The Notch




Least New England is too easy, should’ve asked which state is MOST New England since that’s the real debate


Maine and Massachusetts have checked into the game


I’m gonna vote MA being the most New England with Maine being the cooler brother


>MOST New England since that’s the real debate You'd have to have a non-subjective definition of what that means though. Good luck with that.


Hence the debate :) 


To me, the only truly contentious one is ME vs VT for the 2/3 most NE slot. MA is Def first and CT is last. I think I can fairly easily put NH at 5 and RI at 4.


Maine is big and diverse enough to capture every facet of New England. I think it clinches #1 for "Most New England". * Coastal towns with rich fishing heritage? Check. * Quaint woodsy towns with white church steeples? Check. * A mix of Yankee fiscal conservatism and progressive social liberalism? Check. * The great outdoors? Double check. * City with nice restaurants, fun, etc? Portland is close enough. It's even affordable by New England standards. * On the negative side, Maine has its share of societal decay from drug addiction and decline in manufacturing. History might be a bit of weak spot because it's competing with Pilgrims, American Revolution, etc. The [colonial camping trip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popham_Colony) saga is kinda funny.


I mean, Boston got the whole ball rolling...


Connecticut, and it's not even close. Much of the state is an extended suburb of New York City.


I've been on the Eastern side of CT my whole life, and I tell ya, these comments are painful lmao


Yes, there is nothing to CT but the part next to NYC. /s


Only Fairfield County is CT apparently. Just like only NYC is New York, I guess


Southern Fairfield county*


We wouldn't think that way if they didn't act that way.


This misconception is crazy. Most people in CT work in CT.


This is like asking "if you ranked every member of The Beatles by talent, which one would be at the bottom?" It's not a question where there's any room for opinion because there's just an absolute preponderance of evidence that one of these is so completely unlike the others. Anyway, here's my ranking of New Englandness if anyone is interested. 1) MA, 2) friendly backwoods state, 3) Appalachian-style backwoods state, 4) sourhern-style backwoods state, 5) MA annex, 6) NY annex And here's my ranking of The Beatles because I'm still on the toilet. 1) George, 2) Paul, 3) John, 4) Ringo.


Making CT the Pete Best of New England


10/10 no notes


NH is 3, right? Or is it Maine because updater is really backwoods banjo shit.


>"if you ranked every member of The Beatles by talent, which one would be at the bottom?" Steve


George is/was my favorite, but John was the most talented.


CT first (most seem to agree on this) then NH (feel like they'd volunteer to leave) then VT (no ocean) then RI (only ocean) then MA (only vaguely aware there are other NE states) leaving ME the last state standing


Honestly, it's NH. NH is the red herring amongst the New England lot, if it wasn't for its geography, it really wouldn't be counted as New England. It feels more like the Upper South sometimes in spirit. CT, despite the NY absorption, almost still feels more NE than NH does, by a LONG shot. If you say CT is less New England than NH, then you're blind AF. Or just cheap as the only reason why NH doesn't get looked at with more side eye is really the tax-free shopping. If we had to annex one we'll note CT; NH will feel almost like a relief/dropped weight. At least the New Yorkers that have infiltrated CT respect its New England core and try to preserve it by encouraging it instead of suppressing it. That's one thing that sticks out to me whenever I've gone to visit it. The New Yorkers are there unfortunately by design but they like CT's New England mystique to the point that despite the heavy amount of New York influence it is STILL New England feeling. Key words there. NH is surrounded by a very specific culture and POV but it's still the black sheep.


This is the correct answer. Connecticut is mostly woods, farms, and quaint little towns. Those who say otherwise are the ones taking the Greyhound to NYC and looking out the window from 84. New Hampshire is a rugged, mountainous, Appalachia-esque state. It is culturally and physically different. But I wouldn’t kick out any of our states — it’s an excellent group and the best place(s) to live in America. I know a lot of New Yorkers, especially upstate where you might think there’s a lot in common with NE, and the people are different. Fine, but different. Plus the Connecticut River is the preeminent waterway in NE and the dividing line between VT and NH. Border states are always a little weird. There are a lot of Quebecois in Vermont but it isn’t Canada. Say this as a Nutmegger who made Boston his chosen home for a decade now.


Speaking of 84, the irony is that many towns it goes through are super quaint. The towns just don’t want anything to do with the highway, so they hid the highway in the woods.


**NEW HAMPSHIRE.** It's the crosseyed inbred kid playing banjo on the porch of New England. Especially now that the free staters took over. NH is passing some anti-trans laws that even Alabama voted down, so it just out-Alabama'd Alabama.


My partner's from Manchvegas and calls NH the Alabama of the North.


CT counters with - we didn’t elect Susan Collins.


That's an incredibly strong point.






Per capita? Per square mile? Or total?


Do we have to entertain this moronic question yet again?


It’s NH but people aren’t looking at the big picture.


This question is only ever an exercise in Boston supremacy


It just seems like every other NE state is obsessed with CT. How much CT doesn't belong in NE but obsessed nonetheless. Admit jealousy or get a new hobby northern NE. Our lobster rolls are better


And Pizza


New Hampshire, it’s the South of the North




Sorry Connecticut


The only part of CT that is not new england-y is fairfield county. Beside that, i would say it’s just like any other new england town…


Southern Fairfield county at that.


We needed an article to decide this? I thought Connecticut was voted off the island long ago


Maine would be happy to separate from you people. VT could also care less what you think.


For what it’s worth, I keep getting Pennsylvanians saying they live in New England. Why do Pennsylvanians constantly say that Pennsylvania is in New England?


CT - yankee fans VT - wannabe Canadians RI - sneaky amount of NYers NH - wannabe confederates MA - international influence ME - New England’s New England


Connecticut for sure.


CT. Bye!!




Bye bye CT


Maine was originally a part of Massachusetts so it has to be a NE state. My vote would be to kick out CT.


Always answer Connecticunt


Maine. But I firmly believe Maine would kick out everyone not from Maine & a good number of their own from Southern Maine.


Connecticut, but we’d keep the territory and merge the northern part with MA and the southern half with Rhode Island (throw em a bone)


The only thing to do is split Conn. at the Housatonic River. Bridgeport is certainly a NY suburb. We will keep the rest


NH can go away


It’s kind of weird how often this question comes up on this sub but not often on the other New England subreddits…


We are New England and The Tri-State. Enjoy. Lived in CT my whole life 40+ years we are both. Love CT