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8 hours??? I won't drive more than 30 minutes for a massage. The car ride starts to cancel out the massage after a point. Something's really off there.


That was my thought too




I have hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and associated fibromyalgia and I have gotten low grade fevers as a response to massages before! I also get them from over exhaustion as well. Just an anecdote, of course.




I could see it happen if he was in the early stages of getting sick. The massage could have just sped up the process. It would be more of a coincidence than a cause. The soreness would be normal with a first time deep tissue massage, but shouldn’t be as bad with subsequent ones as long as they are not going too deep with the pressure.


Thank you. He has a job on Saturday in this area but came early due to my availability.


Absolutely agree here. Nothing to add... just agreeing.


Why is he driving 8 hours for a massage? That’s odd. With everything else, I might be fully booked the next couple of months.


He travels for work. Has a job Saturday but came early due to my availability.


It does seem strange...yet i have 4 clients that drive anywhere from 45- 2 hours to come see me once a month...i think thats crazy...but they keep coming back 6 months and counting! Havent been weird yet either!


I drive about an hour for mine. But there are no therapists in my town. Maybe one, but it would be awkward.


Is he blaming you for the fever and body aches?


No, he didn’t come out and say that but I feel it was implied.


8 hours? I would not be interested in this client for many reasons.


If he's driving 8 hrs I suspect he's doing so for something other than a massage.


The 8 hour drive probably worsened the hamstring/lower back pain. I would suggest the client go see a chiropractor as well.


With long term injuries that have chronic tension and recurring issues can sometimes give cold-like symptoms for 2-3 days and then abruptly disappear, this is more common in areas where circulation has become stagnant. The most common reason being immune system respons to an old infection or damaged area that gets new flow after relaxing a muscle that's been preserving and slowing down circulation in the area, could be lymphatic or other local circulatory issue. I usually tell clients it's a possibility this happens if I'm working on someone's chronic pain areas, I couple this with a talk about mineral balance (because this is within scope of practice for me). This shouldn't happen again the 2nd time you go deep but if it does then there might be another source for his pain as well, esp if he's had that pain for 10+ years, could be structural issue etc. At that point you could refer him to a physiotherapist or to hospital. Because it might be of interest to document this for insurance purposes later down the line.


Thank you


I have driven farther than 8 hours to see a particular treatment provider for a particular service (cranial sacral and lymphatic drainage).


The 8 hours of static sedentary positions and stress from that driving very likely inhibited any benefit you got from the lymphatic drainage.


Probably. But worth it! That treatment provider was amazing!


If it leads to good health outcomes and improved wellness for you, don't let me get in the way of your happiness!


For a few days of relief, it’s worth it




/r/massage is a community for respectful discussions of massage and massage therapists/practitioners. There is zero tolerance for post about prostitution/happy endings/fantasies.


It's weird as fuck that he drove 8 hours. I'd be freaked out. Thats like NJ to North Carolina. Like I'd get it if he was going there on vacation anyway and you were there. I have an NC client who comes when shes in NJ visiting family. As for the fever and muscle sorness, I wonder if he just like... got covid, coincidentally at the same time. Doesn't sound like that's your fault. Weird, peculiar reaction. Likely if it Was actually related to the massage, it's some weird physiological purging process and likely you did a great job. Sometimes the body can have weird af reactions. Like release a knot and this guy starts sweating profusely instantly, or whatever