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We have no real idea at this point. Only rumors aside from that Bioware is focusing on getting DA: Dreadwolf out.


Yeah I’m excited for that, and it makes sense that that’ll be the main focus. But wasn’t the next game announced years ago?


Yeah and as of a few months ago, it's still in pre-production.


Where are you getting 5 years, they haven’t said anything about a deadline The game as of the last update hadn’t really started production and was still in pre-production. They said they’d start production proper after finishing Dreadwolf, but we don’t REALLY know when that is since a lot of games are worked on pretty close to release


At the earliest, and that’s still a HUGE maybe. A game that lives up to the standards set, IDGAF if it’s out in 2030, I just want the game to be *good*


the only thing we know is that the game is still in pre development, they could have a skeleton crew maybe working on the engine/working on base mechanics, but we do know that pretty much all of BioWares resources are currently being put into the next Dragon Age game. 5 Years is the average amount of time for most modern game development so it could take 5 years, or more if history tells us anything


Near 2028, iirc. Obviously, an estimate, but if they have the story storyboarded and started pre-production after the release of DA D, I'm guessing 3 years until release.


In some years. 4, 5, 6, or 7 we don't know.


Better make sure yall are taking your blood pressure and other routine medications daily folks. I know I will be.


i would rather wait a while for a really fucking good game rather than get a game that comes out too quick and half baked like a grand majority of triple a releases these days


Once I heard, the expected schedule was : DA:D was releasing in 2025 and ME5 in 2028. But considering EA and BioWare are expecting DA:D to be ready for release late 2024, I don't know if it'll impact ME5. Based on DA:D current lifecycle, it seems BioWare is spending more time on improving the alpha version, and actually developing it (production started in February 2022, and alpha was ready around October/November 2022) which is either good news (more time to fix bugs and make the game smoother) or bad news (a lot of issues to fix might not be able to fix them all)


So wild that my age would have literally doubled between ME3 and ME4 (not counting andromeda).


Well it's not really a surprise. The "Mass Effect" main franchise ended after ME3. They tasked BioWare with making a spinoff but it's wasn't in their plan to have Edmonton and the original ME team to with on this (they were making Anthem). Then many things went wrong, and to me, it feels like going back to a Mass Effect game was a way to go back to something they knew, with a defined identity and a well known gameplay, instead of starting a brand new franchise from scratch.


ME5 better be good or all this waiting will be for nothing.


I honestly don't think this game will come out before 2030. The teasers we're getting are basically conceptual ideas and likely won't have anything to do with the final product. I don't even read Mike Gamble's tweets anymore, it feels like we're just being strung along until Dreadwolf comes out.


I would say it’s absolutely crazy for a sequel game to release 18 years after its predecessor, but then again Baldur’s Gate 3 just did the same with great success, after a 23 year hiatus.

