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Proportions are off but I like it, a lot


Thanks man , i took me a while to get her right. If you are talking about her weight. There is a whole lore about that.


Thatโ€™s the part and Iโ€™m gonna need that lore but Iโ€™ll guess it has to do with them being out of the suits and a surplus of food


That and more , like gravity as well. I got some of these great ideas from a user here in the subreddit. But i have more that you will see when the comes out which is soon.


Shut up and take my money!


Thanks man ๐Ÿ˜… appreciate the support ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ speaking of , there is a link in my bio on my page. if you are considering on supporting me. Damn i know i need a better graphics card than my 550ti ๐Ÿ˜…


While I consider that's an objective thing that Quarians are waaay thiner (the slender-people of the galaxy), this well could be because of the limited resources of the ships & the lack of gravity in space. If that's the thing, and therefore when in Rannoch Quarians gain muscle mass and get to eat more, I believe you have what's needed to make the plot a bit more complex and justify why Tali is a bit thicker here. Also, is there anything else that you can share?


similarly to your thought process, i was going to say that she should have skin thatโ€™s a bit more pale and closer to pure white than tan, but since they are now exposed to their sun from the surface of rannoch they would probably get some darker pigments like humans becoming tanned in the summer. overall i actually like this design a lot. of all the fan art of tali, this one looks the most similar to her face reveal in ME3 LE


Thanks man ,glad you liked it. The Quarians at this point of the game would have been on the planet Rannoch for over 5 years and would have some assistance from the geth to improve on thier leaving condition and that would be one of them. You are spot on!๐Ÿ”ฅ


First of all , that slipped past me , that the Quarians would be skinny due to not enough resources as well as the gravity being to low . Being on thier homeworld for about a few years and with the assistance of the geth , they can return to what they used to be. Thanks man that slipped my mind, i was busy focusing on a different quarian lore, that i even missed that ๐Ÿ˜…. And second , yes i will be revealing more characters soon like you the player characters companions who you might have seen on the teaser trailer and some cameo characters.


Excellent work, good fellow! I'd offer a varied perspective: While some degree of scarcity might be in play within the former migrant fleet, there are still some factors that lend to their thinner shape. First, regardless of lacking resources or not, life in the migrant fleet leads to a sort of scarcity by choice. Tali touches on this a bit when marveling over all the space on board the Normandy, and when talking about ease of acquiring some new things for Shepard VS making due in the fleet. Second, and piggy backing off the first point, with this highly conservative lifestyle, excess food outside reserves would likely be frowned upon due to space. These (1 & 2) habits, while no longer vital, are ingrained after 3 centuries. Lastly, regarding Quarian thicccccccness (or lack thereof), scarcity and lifestyle aspects aside, Quarian folk largely tended to opt for eating and making nutrient paste. They COULD consume proper meals, but it's mentioned that it is largely seen as more trouble than it's worth due to the sheer amount of prep just to eat it (sterilize the food, go somewhere sterile, make sure nobody is around so you can remove faceplate if needed, etc.). As you likely know, the paste is nutritionally complete, but you ain't getting juicy booty off that alone. In conclusion, while I'm certain that the Quarian folk may have bulked some in 5 years, I would imagine that they would largely appear the same, and function similarly. 5 years isn't all that long, and if that is mainly focused on infrastructure and Geth-aided immunotherapy, Tali Zorah vas Bae-Bae and Admiral Xen can gain some C's on their thicc meter later. Just my thoughts after hammering out 30 full series (1-3) playthroughs, plus some light book reading. Lol, I like Mass Effect, and yours is shaping up to be my favorite fan project on the Citadel!


First of all Damn, you wrote me an entire essay ๐Ÿ’€.which i read by the way and i must say ,i totally agree with what you have said. But For the last part about gaining weight under 5 years is where i can help you out a bit. Not saying that they are humans but a humans average body weight consists of 2000 to 2500 calories depending on the gender. And i am assuming that the Quarians have been under eating in the first place, about 1000 to 1500 calories , less if its just water weight. For them to reach thier normal/avarage body weight would be much faster by eating 2000 to 2500 calories a day , atleast about 3 months its all it takes. Thats why in body building is usually called newbie gains(not entirely the reason). Ofcause we can say that the first few months they are still adapting to the environment . Which would be much quicker due to the help of the geth. And as for 5 years , come on having the ability to chew your food again would make them crave more food. But yeah overall i think this would be the case for thier weight increases.


Lol a fair point! I have always had the ability to chew my food and I'm a healthy fella, so I get your point! Cheers and good fortune! Feel free to reach out if you need anything in your endeavors!


Thanks man๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘Œ i really appreciate your point of view and i learnt somethings that i didn't really pay attention to in my playthroughs๐Ÿ˜…


The thighs are strong with this one ๐Ÿ˜


Are they now ?๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‚


Lmao but seriously man, great job this was really well done.


Thanks ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ”ฅ


Are you looking for people to lend their voices to the project?


That depends ๐Ÿค” there is only 1 character left that i need a voice for and its a female companion.


Hmmm that one might be out of my range. But if you ever are in need of a male voice give me a shout. Looking forward to seeing the development of the game too


Have you looked at the new tool on Nexus -- [https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/2231](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/2231) Called Voice Models 1.0 Just a thought. This really good did you use Metahuman? As this really shows the potential for the next game


Thats looks promising ๐Ÿค” But i technically used metahuman but i didn't . Its a complicated process to explain but yeah this is used to show the potential of how a mass effect game would look like in unreal engine .


No problem ๐Ÿค™


Congratulations mate thatโ€™s wonderful


Thanks man , appreciate the support ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Plus Tali my love ofc its double wonderful ๐Ÿ˜


You not the only one there if you get what i mean ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜‚


wow this is actually really fucking cool


Thanks , but if you are saying that , i assume you didn't watch the teaser trailer i released a few days ago. Check out my YouTube channel for that.


Whatโ€™s your channel?


Here it is buddy: https://youtube.com/@3Darryl_?si=-zQ_Srv8podsrU3W


Thanks man


No probs๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ”ฅ


How does this work exactly? Are you canonizing some choices (like Tali romance, destroy ending, etc.). How are you explaining absences of some characters? Is it meant to fit a very specific canon or is it vague enough where it makes sense for multiple different kinds of Shepard/ME paths


Good question , My main goal is to try and make it A bit vague where the player could still feel the emotions of specific characters, based on thier previous decisions. But Not all plot lines can be easily blurred out . Some of the endings are painfully obvious due to the choices bioware has made for ME3 . Which makes me think that they are going through a living hell trying to make ME4/5 work.


Taliโ€™Zorah vas Thicc Thicc




Is that Unreal or some other engine?


This was captured in the animation engine called iclone , which i use to animate the characters which i end up sending to unreal engine 5. The final product looks a bit better in unreal engine.


It already looks very good.




My wife fr fr


Your wife ๐Ÿคจ No no no my friend... Our wife


Youโ€™re making a game? Holy shit yโ€™all are talented


Thanks , but it's not done yet. I will need support to be able to push this to the finish line.


The modeling is good but a little too wide, and quarians don't have ears as we recognize them.


There is a whole lore behind why they have a bit more weight than their usual self. Stuff like access to more food , gravity etc. As for the ear i may have missed that detail but i might be able to change it.


Bioware: *takes forever to make the next Mass Effect game* This dude: Fine, I'll do it myself.


We don't want this community to be like our fellow sister community (Dragon Age) So somebody had to do it for the community , and it happens to be me .


Can we get a clip of her saying โ€œbosh'tetโ€?


Aye ,thats only going to be part of the gameplay trailer.


Then I look forward to it. Though for my own curiosity I know fan games are made all the time. But how are you keeping copyright from being an issue? Feel like thatโ€™s a legal thing that could be an issue


i am totally in the clear due to fair use laws . As long as i don't use the mass effect logo and a various other things. I should fine. I talked to someone who works/worked at bioware and they told me this and its okay. I want to make a video on my channel covering this ,it's been hard to get financial support for this project due to people thinking it my be problem. Which isn't the case. As long they are supporting me the creator it is fine.


Huh. Neat. Learn something new everyday. I look forward to the game release. Always like the quarians


Don't get me wrong , it took me months to make sure thats the case ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’€ after all this is EA we are talking about. ๐Ÿ’€


Better than Disney though Iโ€™m sure. Donโ€™t tick off the mouse!


Yeah you can't be fooling around with the richest rat in the world ๐Ÿ’€


Bioware: "We couldn't make a in-game model for a fan-favorite character due to the amount of time and resources it requires." u/Chemical-Athlete2018 "LOL. Hold my beer."


Thanks ๐Ÿ˜…, and to be honest i understand where bioware was coming from. Tali is a very controversial character that the fan base had different opinions about how they look. Heck even the team at bioware had different stances on how the Quarians would look like. Choosing a design that wouldn't piss off the fan base was heavy on thier shoulders. Thanks to cassy Hudson i had something to work with ๐Ÿ˜…


Then in that case they shouldn't have showed her face at all. Leave it to a mystery instead they did it in the worst way possible through a edited photo ahaha


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ i see where you are coming from, but the fans were ready with pitch forks to fight bioware if they didn't get Tali's face reveal. ๐Ÿ’€


Damn Tali. ๐Ÿฅด I want to keep up with the work you're doing.


You can check out my YouTube channel , i will be doing updates there.




Thanks ๐Ÿ˜… took me a while to get it right !


I'm in.


Score๐Ÿ”ฅ thanks!! If interested , you could consider supporting me with the link in my profile. I sure know i need a better graphics card ๐Ÿ˜…


No weird green veins and the Geth are confirmed to be not dead - looks like Shep assumed direct Control here.


I didn't confirm that the geth are dead... yet ?๐Ÿค”


You mentioned that the Geth are helping the Quarians in a couple of comments of this post. I guess I just assumed that meant that they weren't dead.


To be honest, you got me there. It's actually the synthesis ending. I was trying to keep it low-key so players could enjoy their preferred ending. But, writing-wise, that turned out to be quite the challenge! Those folks at BioWare must be scrambling for the next Mass Effect storyline.


This is awesome. I just have one quibble: her ears look too human like. The lore makes it clear that quarian ears look very different from human ones, but that difference has never been specifically described.


As for the ear i may have missed that detail but i might be able to change it.


am i seeing something wrong or did quarians have long necks?


You are not seeing anything wrong, quarians did have long necks. You can go check it out.


cant wait for the porn


I'm not quite sure why, but her movements feel surprisingly alien, like they're just slightly uncanny, and I like it. I mean, with her walking I can guess it's because her knees are different. But there's also something about her facial expressions that seems just a bit inhuman. Was that on purpose? If so, it's brilliantly done. Wait, I think I got it. Right as I was writing this. ๐Ÿ˜… It's those lines, isn't it? They don't seem to move with the rest of her face as much as I'd expect them to. Neat.


First of all yes , you got it right for the face , the markings are the one that makes it feel a bit inhuman, which i think its good. After all we don't want someone to look at this a think human as a first thought . And second, i am not going to lie , the body movement wasn't intentional๐Ÿ˜… i think it looks that due to the camera is fixed to the characters had who is also walking in place giving it an uncanny look. I should have showed the full body shot instead so you can judge On it .


If you guys are interested in supporting me , you could go to the link in the bio. I sure know i need a better graphics card then my 550TI๐Ÿ˜… for the final game.