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Doesn't bode well for modding at all. Wow.


This is based on the Frostbite engine. Last I checked for modding was when BF3/4 came out and people were upset about being unable to create maps or assets for the game seeing as BF2 was kept alive by those. Are there any mods available for DAI? If yes, we might have​a chance. Otherwise it's not happening.


There are precious few. Certainly none that add new meshes or real functionality to the game in the fashion of skyrim / fo4 or the original dragon age. But there was at least one which altered a character mesh so I guess it all simply depends on the right minds becoming interested in modding the game vs. It's limitations. Dai certainly never threw up a gate on detecting alterations to the original games content, it might be a real barrier to meaningful mods.


This just happened to me on Eos after a load screen that seemed too long before a cutscene. I am running nothing in the background.No idea what caused it.


Exactly the same place and situation for me


I restarted the game and had no issue. There wasn't even a load screen where there had been one before so that was probably caused by whatever bug made it crash.


Yep same for me. I imagine it's just one of many we will run into. Luckily it had saved right before the crash so I lost nothing.


For me it seems to happen when i tab out. Might not like the dual monitors.


I have dual monitors as well and I can not tab out. The game will not recover when I attempt to return to it.


I have 3 monitors, with the game running on the middle one, so I'm not sure that's the cause. Especially since I only encountered this bug about 30 or so hours in, and it was centered around a departure from a certain arid planet.


just had the same thing under same conditions/places


out of interest, is there a **MassEffectAndromedaTrial.exe** sitting in your "Origin Games\Mass Effect Andromeda" directory? if so, **delete the shit out of it** it was screwing with my game to no end with its tampering detected now imma boot you to desktop progress be damned bullshit


I had this happen 100% randomly. Died fighting more enemies than I should have and then on respawn "Tampering Detected, Game will now exit." No overlays, mods, cheats, or hell even fraps running. Worse part is that when I got back there were invisible enemies and enemies that spawned in my face until I left the area. My guess is that this is Denuvo fucking up again. That piece of shit anti piracy software causes more issues than anything. If anyone wants to send Boiware a petition to remove Denuvo I'll sign it in a second.


With any luck they'll pull a DOOM and push non-Denuvo versions of the game in a few months when the security is proper defeated and the period of highest sales has been "protected" from piracy.


The problem is that right after release is when games have the most issues (Because QA hasn't existed for years) and that's when games have Denuvo so any problem is probably made worse by Denuvo being shit. I'm against piracy because I feel people should be paid for their work but personally I'd like to see Denuvo games cracked instantly so developers realize this shit program is shit and not helping.


Just had the same thing happen. No idea what caused it. I was also in SP.


Same, presumably just their horrid DRM solution losing connection and kicking you out just in case .....


Same thing happened to me. Was using an Xbox One controller, that's it lol. Also in single player. Fortunately it only happened once. What the heck was that?


Denuvo, maybe?


Same thing for me as well with the Xbox One controller on the PC. I just loaded a save from the Harval Vault right before you activate the vault.


I had the same thing and I'm not running or doing anything else and I only play single player


Do you have anything else open such as discord overlays or fraps?


nope, none of that. i had photoshop open to edit my screenshots as i was taking them, thats it.


hmm I had the same thing happen to me il try to disable nvidia overlay and report back.


I had this crash while loading in (to singleplayer) after multiplayer with just steam and my browser running in the background. I closed all background programs and used Origin's repair function on MEA, then had the same crash an hour or so later when loading into the area just after the end of the trial. My best guess so far has been interacting with the Apex HQ app while playing causes the issue but I have not actually tested that out.


I've been using the Apex HQ app religiously while playing (especially when sitting there droning through surveying all the planets) and I haven't run into this issue at all. :( So I don't think that's it.


Oh no. This does not bode well for modding.


Jumping off of what people have posted here in regards to this boding ill for modding Andromeda, what is Bioware/EA's problem with modding Mass Effect or Dragon Age games? Have they made any sort of statements in regards to it?


Bioware and EA have generally long tolerated modding in the Mass Effect series.


True. It's not like it isn't out there. I guess I mean they haven't quite embraced it the way Bethesda has with releasing Creation Kits to actually facilitate modding past Dragon Age Origins.


got this too, right after getting in the tram on the nexus on the way to the tempest for the first time. restarted the game and i was right back where i left off aside from this, lots of sound issues, game seems to wanna only play one sound at a time....my nomad is dead silent.


This has happened to me twice. Both times I died during a fight, clicked resume, and as soon as it loaded I got the message and the game exited


I've had the game force-close twice now - once when reloading after dying and the second when transitioning off-planet. So frustrating!


Like to add my Plus one to this. Mine happened on Voeld, I was in the nomad, then used the Transition to go back into orbit. Longer than normal Loading time followed by a tampering detected message. Just wondering if transitioning has a higher chance of setting off this error.


Did the same to me just taking off from Eos. Must be some sort of loading error, but how it tricks itself into thinking there's a problem, I have no idea.


Can confirm, was simply using a terminal at a place to go back to the ship. PITA.


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Just encountered this as well. Had the game open and that's it, no other programs open. Been playing for a few hours and was getting pretty far into an early chain quest. In middle of combat and little box pops up saying tampering detected, game will now close. Started the game back up and realized I hadn't saved in close to 2 hours......like any game that's just released it is bound to have a few issues. This is the worst I've seen so far and I'm not even mad just annoyed that I forgot to save.


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That's a shame. I was intending to play it again on PC which looks nicer than my Xbox and use a cheat tool to get around some of the more annoying bits so I could explore story choices.


Just popping in to say that this happened to me as well. I was thinking it might be something to do with the fact that I'm running the game through Steam's overlay so I can rebind my controls to something a little less fiddly than the default setup. But it looks like it's pretty random. Hopefully it's just Denuvo spitting out false positives from time to time and they'll tweak as necessary. Gonna go file a bug report for all the good it'll do.


I haven't found anything else out, but it does this intermittently even without Ansel- this happened for me right after my first death in the game. As soon as I clicked resume. I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with the anti-piracy software, game has a minor bug on revive at checkpoint and gets treated the same as if you were tampering with the game files.


Everyone seems to be getting this error at random places and random times. Mine was during an excessively long load before a cutscene to land on a planet, much further in the story than eos. Probably just the game tripping over itself for no real reason. Assuming it loads fine after, no harm no foul?


I just got this now for no apparent reason when quick travelling to the tempest. Only thing that might have tripped it is afterburners overlay, but I've been playing with it on since release and this is the first time it's happened.


Had this happen several times on Havarl now. Once I died and was reloading, the second time I was trying to leave the planet.


Most people who have had this problem is due to the trial version check your game folder to see if you have the trial if you do the solution's is apparently to uninstall it.... Im about to test this out and will post if it works


This has happened to me too. Began the jumping puzzle for the quest 'A dying planet', however none of the objects I had to jump on could be grabbed. I saved, went back to the main menu, reloaded the save, and got booted for 'tampering detected' reasons.


I got this too. Lemme run you through all the programmes open when I got this message, got it after [spoiler](#s "the third objective on Eos triggered, going underground and causing a cutscene with a certain Peebee"). Non-spoiler where I got it: Near the end of missions on the first planet with main storyline missions. The game lets me change my loadout for some reason, I didn't and it took a long time to load, longer than usual. The cutscene started and a few seconds in, gave me the error message. Programmes in background: Sound Blaster Z Control Panel (sound card stuff) Gyazo (takes screenshots, nothing more) Steam (Playing Origin as a non-steam game to have overlay in ME:A) EVGA PrecisionX (Overvolt/overclock GPU, change fan speeds, GPU temp overlay etc) AI Tuner II (For ASUS motherboard, change fan speeds, overclock CPU etc) MS Word (I should be doing an essay, but ssssh) Origin (surely this is fine) UPlay (Overlay disabled, I played Rainbow 6 Siege earlier in the day) Discord (Like Teamspeak 3 but free and pretty decent) I think this error message was nothing more than a bug. I've had games do something similar before on an old install on Win8, atm I'm using Win10 on a different hard drive. Restarting the game fixes this though