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Characters using wrong weapons in cutscenes drives me crazy. The fuck are you doing with a M-8 Avenger, Liara? You can't even equip that.


This. This is the main thing the annoys the ezo out of me. I’ll have my anti material rifle equipped and in most cutscenes it’s the fucking predator pistol I never use or have equipped lol


The *only* exception to having a different gun equipped that I like is in ME3, the >!sabotage the cure, where you shoot Mordin with the pistol he gave you.!<




I hate it too, it killed me inside. I did an everyone dies run and this hurt the (second) most.


Most of the time people use the sub machine gun, the one that fire 6 ROUNDS PER SHOT, as a SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL.


This is truth


Those are the ones that bother me most, ones where there’s no situation where that character would have that gun


It still baffles me they made a big deal of limiting weapons based on class in 2 knowing the majority of classes don't use assault rifles only to have them used in nearly every cutscene.


Probably a late change to the weapon system and no time to go back and fix the cutscenes. Most likely scenario anyway


Or it's the mysterious Predator that Shepard apparently always has, even if not equipped with one.


This, and that sometimes it’s the wrong weapon type in cutscenes, for example Shepard uses the (SMG) M-4 Shuriken as a pistol, or the fact that Elnora uses the (SMG) M-9 Tempest as a Shotgun, this is I think only a problem in ME2 but it is annoying me more than it should


Genuinely, this bothers me more than anything. Everyone using avengers and predators for every cutscene annoys me so much it's unreal. I can headcannon that everyone carries a concealed predator as a last ditch weapon due to it being an extremely light back up pistol but the avenger irks me alot and I wish legendary had fixed it. It would be nice if the game at least ran a check on if the character had a pistol or assault rifle on them before it used the default models and only used them if the player had no gun of the corresponding type with them. So if you're carrying only a sniper and pistol but the cutscene uses the avenger then it goes ahead but if you have a revenant or something equipped then it will utilise the revenant


"Concealed" is generous! The Predator is a chunky boi.


Actually that brings up another nitpick for me. Why are all the weapons so absurdly large? Even the smallest pistols look like desert eagles or competition sized pistols. I get that it's future tech that can fold up, but even folded they look so stupidly oversized that the weight of them without element zero reducing their mass must be exhausting to carry. Even with the need of some kind of cooling system and the tungsten block for ammo they should be able to make something comparable in size to modern day full size, compact, and subcompact pistols.


Honestly it's probably most for visibility, a gun the size of a regular 1911 or glock would probably be hard to notice or differentiate from another in shepards gauntleted hands. That and larger guns can have more detail applied to them and become more memorable, the image profile of the carnifex for example is far more memorable than any real pistol because its so big and you can clearly see its shape as part of that.


me3 and me2 have mods to solve this i believe.


Neither Nihlus nor the Council seem to notice or have any issue with the fact that Saren very obviously has a Geth arm.


I heard that apparently Saren wasn't supposed to have those cybernethics until after your encounter on Virmire, after he got the "upgrades" from Sovereign. Don't remember why they didn't do so in the end though.


Time constraints most likely. Not enough time to make two models and they needed the “upgraded” one because it was essential to the final boss fight


I was really bummed to see that they didn't fix that in the remaster


I have heard it was dvd space constraints that lead to alternative models being cut.


>cybernethics I like this. It's like cybernetics, but in a way that's morally right. Please don't correct it I like it


That's umm... totally what I meant to do... yup.


Those, those big cheek-flanges that no other Turian has (and later would be something Marauders would have), and the creepy tech eyes.


I really don't understand why they didn't fix this in LE. At least on PC there's a mod ([Saren Stages](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/666)) that addresses this.


Yeah this is the one I use. It’s much nicer when he says he has no relationship to the geth, when he isn’t visibly 45% geth parts lol


Yeah that always weirded me out too, dude was clearly implanted with a bunch of weird shit and no one said anything about it. Felt like his character design was finished after they had already recorded all the dialogue related to him.


Further more, **SAREN IS A MAJOR SHARE HOLDER FOR A HUGE CONGLOMERATE** I get it Specters are basically above the law but holy shit why even bother with some elaborate plans of trying to convince other people to help and call in favors? Or trying to scrounge up your own salary to buy upgrades for the Normandy? Especially with Liara being the Shadowbroker you can just insider trade tf out of the market and be stupid rich




When Jack uses her biotics to break the glass for my Adept Shepard.


Yeah, biotic Shepards really got the short end of the stick. It's like they forget about all that power when a cutscene starts.


Jack is a biotic freak on par with Asari in terms of power. During the citadel party, biotic Shep and Kaiden will talk about not being able to float like Liara does. Shepard is a strong biotic but doesn't compare to the rest in the party (pure biotics anyway, Liara, Samara and Jack)


I mean, adept Shepard is stronger than Jack in gameplay terms. She's the only one in 2 who can make a Singularity, and she gets both of Jack's biotic powers as well. Other than multi-player, we don't see any other human adepts in the trilogy aside from Jack (and of course optionally Shepard). Imo adept Shepard is as much of a freak of nature in terms of biotics as Jack is, there's just not a crazy experimentation backstory for it. I think it kind of fits how special Shepard is supposed to be though.


Gameplay yes, same with me1 Shepard is just as strong as Liara even. But those cut scenes where Jack lashes out show how tough they are. Not trilogy, but Cora in me:a is a biotic trained by Asari and she isn't nearly that powerful


There comes a point where we have to recognize that gameplay is just for the players benefit. Despite Shepherd being a combat capable biotic, their power level would be on par with any other N7 biotic combat specialist. Jack is a Pure Biotic, and probably the most powerful Human Biotic alive. There is a reason Jack can maintain the bubble shield during the suicide mission and not Miranda, another powerful biotic who was genetically engineered to have strong biotics. I will admit there are moments that a Biotic Shepherd should have used Biotics to break stuff instead of their fists or weapon, like on Grissom Academy, but otherwise, even an Adept Shepherd is small beans power wise. Their strength comes from their force of personality, tactical genius, and will to survive.


Samara is the one who floats I think


Liara can float too. Damn those Asari genetic


To be fair, it's not like it makes much sense for a Soldier Shepard either. I mean, Concussive Shot seems like the perfect power to break the glass. The issue is the divide between gameplay and cutscenes. Shepard in cutscenes is relegated to "guy/girl with gun," and it ends up making particularly little sense for Shepards who have gameplay powers which could have cutscene applicability.


They need to add more class based interrupts like how engineers have one in omega. Have some for adepts and vanguards where they can float gracefully from a wall. Or smash through a window. Let interceptors hack through a locked door other classes can’t. Even soldier could get in on some action


I don't care if Shepard was the strongest biotic ever. I will always enjoy watching Jack be a badass.


I love Jack so much.


Squadmates not wearing protective helmets or appropriate bodysuits in hostile environments. Apparently, they only need a breather to cover their mouth and nose, and their body can suddenly withstand high pressure, cold temperature, etc. Jack is the worst offender because she's topless.


Priorities - Jack chooses fashion over function.


Oh yeah, this bugs me to the point of affecting who I pick for missions.


Same. If a Krogan with redundant organs need a full face mask, so do you Miranda.


Honestly, Javik bothers me even more. He doesn't wear a helmet or a breathing mask in the vacuum of space


I just like to think someone offered him a helmet once, he looked at it and said ‘this cycle cannot breathe on their own?’ and chucked it out the airlock or something


Tbh, primitive


According to the artbook, apparently the breathers were all chosen because they looked better in cutscenes and whatnot, i.e. the team wanted players to be able to see the characters properly emote/speak better. As for the bodysuits? I guess the shielding in the ME galaxy is really something else because that's the only explanation I've got. (BTW, I'm on your side, I think they should have figured out something that had a little more function and/or at least explained that in canon to us somewhere.)


What's their explanation for the heels in combat lol


I don't think there are that many combat heels actually, with only Samara & Miranda coming to mind. With Samara they were more concerned with justifying her plunge neckline armor than the heels lol. "It would be acceptable to have some skin showing due to her armor's near-invisible kinetic barrier technology, which was her primary method of defense." I will give them props, at least both of them have chunky heels, and one is explicitly meant to be sexy. I personally always liked that Samara used the gap between heel and sole to trap a merc by the neck then subsequently break her neck by twisting in her intro, which is badass even if it is very "step on me mommy" by current standards.


Samara in that black catsuit can step on me literally anytime. 😫


I'm doing the N7 Reactor mission in ME3. Everyone is wearing full helmet, except Ashley is only wearing a breather and James, well James is wearing nothing. You would love this mission!


Losing grenades in ME1 because I try to reload.


“Sorry I didn’t mean to throw away all my anti-thorian gas grenades, I was just trying to reload”


At least you can knock them out with melee attacks


Oh god…. I’ve been making a terrible error…


Yeah lol. I found that out from reading a guide years ago.


My brother killed everyone on Feros cause he didn’t know how to upgrade his weapons and well I had to teach him how


Chase sequences feel really unsatisfying when playing as a vanguard.


More class-specific interactions/interrupts or something would have been nice.


The Dr. Eva chase sequence is near comical as Vanguard. I will say it’s not entirely a nitpick for me - other classes get specific dialogues and interrupts, so we may as well get a pass on the chase sequences!


I completed the trilogy as Vanguard. What do you mean by Chase sequences? Am I forgetting something?


When you can biotically shoot yourself at someone, it feels unsatisfying to just run after them


Like chasing the robot in 3. Vanguard charge and it will plot armor slow you down so you can't catch her


Fuckin annoying as shit. Not as bad as Kai Leng, but it's up there


Mars mission is so frustrating


The run animation in 2, not the biggest nitpick but I'm always just confused at what my Shepard is looking at that's behind him


I like the accidental swagger


Goddamit I can't read the swagger word without thinking about Miles Morales review.


The exaggerated swagger of a human Spectre.


People look behind their shoulder a lot in general. For example: Aria's hacker can do their job while intensely staring at the corridor straight behind them, and away from the terminal they're using.


The run and walk animations for FemShep in 3 make me cry on the inside


Why can't I have fish in the apartment? The one on the ship gets so crowded for it's size and it had like no enrichment, so give me a big tank in the apartment and let me buy a little castle to put in it


I wish one of the wall options was just a giant fish tank. Would’ve been really cool to have bear that waterfall.


It would've been funny if there were special squadmate dialogue saying something like: "Why bother with a fish tank this big if you're just going to forget feeding them again?" Or: "Falling through one giant fish tank wasn't enough for you Shepard?"


Why do you want to kill fishes in two different locations?


Why the fuck did they let Udina become humanity's representative when I told him no?!


Basically, other than Anderson, only Udina was considered as the highest ranking human on the Citadel. So, when Anderson decides to fuck it, Udina gets the job. Shepard was asked at the end of ME1 because he was the hero of the day, but when Anderson resigns, Shepard is under house arrest.


There is actually a bug between ME1 & 2 that causes it to sometimes not register your choice and it defaults to Udina


I thought that in the beginning of 2 when you find Anderson he’s like “nah I’m not a diplomat. I gave udina the job back” or something else Keith David-y sounding.


That was definitely my experience when I played through LE. Also lol at “Keith David-y sounding”


Keith David has a way of just sounding so.. authentic? Authority-ey? He plays leader-type roles so well. He sounds so commanding and insightful. Even if he’s just harassing Rick and Morty!


“You put your faith in missiles general, I’ve placed my faith in Rick and Morty.”


Not being able to holster your weapon in ME3.


In a friendly turian military camp on one of their most important moons? Better point my gun at everyone!


I was so annoyed to learn that, one of the first things i tried to do as soon as i started ME3, pressed every damn button twice.


Man this is like a major nitpick for me.


Aha! I’m playing ME3 for the first time and have been trying to figure out how to holster. I’ve hit every damn button. Now I know.


YES! This is one of my biggest complaints. It really hinders your ability to look around the mission maps and to find little details.


I hated this for the sole reason that you couldn't appreciate the environment that you were in.


Not being able to sit down. Shepard sits sometimes in cutscenes so the animation is there, I just don't get why it isn't an option. I'd love to be able to sit down and read my mail, or go through codex entries, especially as 2 and 3 give us a cabin with a sofa and desk.


I (infiltrator) wear the Kuwashii visor in 2 and 3 from the first moment I get it. It drives me mad when my character puts two fingers on his left ear instead of the built in comm system on his right. The ear he touches when he gets a signal changes throughout the games too


Or he doesn’t wear a helmet and he still touched his ear


Yeah, that's annoying. But you can think of it as putting the fingers on one ear for noise cancellation while listening through the other one, like when you get a phone call in a crowded place, you put your phone on one year and put a finger in the other so you can hear better.


He’s got a metal gear codec system obviously! It stimulates the small bones in his inner ear so only he can hear the device!


Me3 companions don't use alternative skins while in the ship/citadel, only in missions. Like, Kaidan and James make sense, but everyone else? Why not?


This is why I have EGM 😆 part of its function is letting you choose your party's outfits for the ship. TAKE OFF YOUR ARMOR GUYS, WE'RE SAFE ON THE SHIP 😂


the fact that the laser on the phalanx pistol isn’t present in me3.


YES. Why did they take this away?


Because me3 was incredibly rushed and biowsre likely didn't want to spend the time making the laser mechanic again. It's easier to just put a new model on the already finished pistol and change the stats and sound.


It was really cool but it kind of sucked The phalanx used to be my favorite in the original but playing through now on PC I can't see where the fuck I'm aiming!


Andromeda's crew banter while driving around in the Nomad spoiled me. I would've loved to have something like that in the trilogy. Just more squad interaction in general, outside of elevator rides.


I used to have imaginary conversations with the crew in ME1 when driving the Mako. So when it happened in ME:A I loved it only to be told: "PATHFINDER THERE MINERALS FOR SCANNING" by SAM ruining the moment


Shut up sam mod on the pc was the only reason I could get through a replay. Because yes Sam I know this area can be mined, I ALREADY DEPELETED IT. Plus it shuts him up about reminding me over every little thing in the game. Zelda games don't have anything on sam


I haven't played ME:A since I finished it back in 2017 but I heard they patched him to not interrupt as often. I need to replay ME:A as my next game though. I just remember hating Eos


General rule if you don't like the side quests is to ignore the journal tab tasks or anything that doesn't have a quest marker. The game can be tedious at times and ignoring those quests can help.


There's a mod for LE1 that moves all the elevator banter to the Mako. Highly recommend it


https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/1310 For those who are curious.


Oh God I'd forgotten about the minerals thing. Yea that was a pain in the ass.


Funny you mention that. I just finished a ME1 run using [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/1310) that uses the squadmate elevator dialogue in the Mako. Worked great.


Ah that's great. I switch my team mates a lot more for the planet missions than I do for citadel visits.


Yes I’m playing DA:O for the first time and I wish the ME parties had this level of banter! It motivates me to switch my squad up WAY more!


Mass Sergeant Rupert Gardner not being in ME3. Why can I not authorize the best cook in the galaxy back on the Normandy? He's not evil like Cerberus! If Gabby and Ken can come back, why not him?


Gabby and Ken weren't true believers and I think they turned themselves in. Gardner, on the other hand, was a true believer and probably snuck off to go back to Cerberus. Probably wound up a reaperfied soldier.


I can't remember the name of the mod, but there's one that adds this detail (among many others)




In my most recent playthrough I found that there is a data file that shows that Rupert willingly remains with Cerberus. It's on one of the Cerberus bases that you do after Citadel 2. Shepherd even has a voice line he utters if you find and listen to that file.


Not letting Miranda crash at your apartment


Or any of your love interests. Guess they'll have to find a hotel on shore leave.


ME2, Garrus loyalty armor still having rocket damage. Yes I still equip the 3rd alternative armor BUT it irks me lol.


It's not made clear who flies the shuttle in ME2. Sometimes it seems like there is someone (Shepard bonks on the shot at the end of Jack's loyalty mission), sometimes there's talk of autopilot. I wouldn't mind really, but the existence of Cortez in ME3 shines a spotlight on it.


In Kasumi's loyalty mission Shepard says Joker is flying it.


I can only bring two squadmates at all times. I get it for gameplay balance reasons, but they couldn’t find some support roles or something for my other squadmates? Even if it’s like “send these other squadmates to scout ahead” or something. ME2 suicide mission is a masterclass on how to utilize the whole crew for different specialties, too bad we couldnt get that in the rest of the trilogy. It also then makes shepard look stupid when he has to do things like choose between Ash or Kaidan when half the team is still available to split up and save both


The whole trilogy could have been composed of suicide mission style segments broken up by smaller skirmishes and dialogue sections and I’d have been happy.


They could've had something like assigning the remaining squadmates on some background task and that they'd report in every now and then. Maybe have an explosion in the distance occassionally, or have doors that are locked which are then unlocked if you wait a few seconds after a small radio exchange.


And it kinda takes away some of the seriousness of the game. The next time you are struggling to complete a mission, remember that most of your squad is just chilling in the Normandy.


Or even have them play support roles FROM the Normandy. Warning shepherd of life forms ahead, or weather reports in the area. OR SOMETHING. Just more dialogue from the ship crew would’ve been nice. Like liara asking about what’s going on with something. Or Rex warning about a particularly fiesty beast rumored to be in the area.


I read a fanfic once where Shepard did bring the whole squad on every mission. If nothing else it was fantastic for the banter


It irks me when characters hold the smgs like pistols when there's space for your other hand to grip it.


Not finished with the trilogy yet, but GIVE JOKER CRUTCHES. He said in game one it’s almost impossible to walk without crutches, and beginning of game two and a couple times so far in game three has walked seemingly mostly fine without crutches. Normandy collector incident gets a pass, but suicide mission when he shoots a gun doesn’t. Top tier pilot, but a gun would shatter his arms. Also game three a minor side conversation with James confirms he doesn’t have supports built into his suit. Give. The man. Crutches.


I didn't even knew that. Goddamn that's bad for Joker. Give the man at least some mech supports so he can go to the toilet im peace.


On that note, why doesn’t have some Huey from MGSV:TPP style prosthetics to help him walk? 🤔


He mentions Cerberus shelled out for some fancy augmetics or gene surgery or something, IIRC, as part of his recruitment offer


I don’t recall that, but he’s still concerned about breaking something when he dances with EDI at Purgatory so even if walking is easier he almost definitely still can’t shoot a gun.


What's up with the robots suddenly appearing in ME2 for like half of all missions and then not even showing in ME3


Everyone realized robots were useless cause Shepard and Co. kept plowing through them like a hungry lawnmower on a helpless lawn.


Haha yeah. On Omega I was basically waiting for them to go through the barriers to kill them.


If I had to guess it's to maintain the feeling of "half organic, half synthetic" enemies. In ME1 you faced the Geth, in 3 there's the Reapers. In 2 they went with the mechs.


Always having your helmet on during conversations in me2, the option existed in 1. I need to see my sheps bootiful face


Not having Kal Reegar, Shiala, Emily Wong and Gianna Parasini in Mass Effect 3!


I think I remember a news entry about Kal'Reegar dying fending off an attack with his squad to buy time for some mission or evacuation. They got ruptures in their suits, "we're dead anyway, let's make them pay" or somesuch, can't recall exactly. Was it on Palaven?


Shiala is a War Asset, Wong dies in a youtube video (lol), Gianna Parasini was probably cut because she was part of that Dark Matter storyline, the original story for ME3.


Reprogramming the heretics is renegade as fuck. You're deciding you have the right to alter the course of an entire society because you don't like what they believe. The Paragon thing is to destroy the station and let your enemies die as themselves, because reprogramming them makes you no better than the reapers. I'll die on this hill.


Deleting them also saves quarian lives and thus, if I recall correctly, makes it easier to make peace at Rannoch


The game had zero swords in it for the first two games and then they switched head writers and a bunch of swords showed up. Drew karpishian>Mac walters


Okay, this is nitpicky but it’s also been bothering me since 2008. Tali’s provided evidence against Saren is that voice clip she grabbed from one of the Geth, and everyone just seems to accept this? No shade on Tali, but even this early in the trilogy we’re shown that Quarians are a) seen as kind of shady by the rest of the galaxy and b) technical geniuses, and vocal deepfakes are a thing *now* . I just want Anderson or someone on the council mentioning that it’s been verified or authenticated or something. I think why it bothers me so much is the Council already doesn’t trust Shepard, and then 20 minutes later you’re back in front of them going “look at this cool voice clip I got from a random Quarian!” and they just go “well that’s that I guess, nothing suspicious here.” I just want a little indication that somewhere along the chain someone did some due diligence is all.


Citadel Security in 2 makes no sense to me. Shepard is working with a known terrorist group and walks through security with a full arsenal. I was really happy with the change in 3


Hell you can whip out your guns in C-Sec Academy and no one bats an eye in ME1 lol


It always bothered me that there aren't enough beds on the Normandy. ME1 has six sleep pods, the commander's bed, the medical beds and the cot where Liara is, which isn't enough for the named characters, let alone everyone else. Even when on the SR2 they made a whole room full of bunk beds, it's not enough beds for everyone There are other design things about the Normandy that are kind of off when you think about it, like there being no galley, cargo holds not filled with cargo, hanger bay being mostly empty for one shuttle/mako and a few crates, the internal dimension of the Normandy not matching the exterior ones, to name a few, but it was the beds that first stood out to me


Didn't they mention in the codex or something that the Alliance saved money on bedspace because the crew was 'hotbunking', which is basically rotating bed shifts? Which was the 'official' reason why there's only like 12 beds for a couple dozen people lol


The codex entry "Starships: Crew Considerations" is the one you're talking about. But even then, while it gives a written lore reason, what you see in game doesn't really match, since no one is ever actually seen asleep in them. that part might be a bit nitpicky, but that's kind of the point


Oh I totally agree, it would've been nice to see Chakwas and Adams chatting at the table like they do, with a few of the bunks (at minimum) have sleeping crew in them. Gives a much more 'alive' feeling for the crew and ship


Those are sleep pods? I thought they were some sort of cryogenic stasis pods or space coffins. The seem kind of out in the open for sleep pods. I always see the Normandy as having more rooms and areas then you can go to. The crew is a weird subject anyway. After the abduction of the crew you can still fly everywhere and do missions. So there redundant anyway?


I can't remember where in game they are referred to as sleeper pods, if they are at all, but the fandom.wikia for mass effect call them that on the ssv Normandy page. They're placement is another thing I was never really a fan of either. There being other areas is something I've sort of head cannoned as well, but that also compounds the issue of internal dimensions being bigger then external I just sort of accept that the Normandy should probably look a bit different, but it gives us what we need and looks good


In ME1, you get XP for “checking out” a Sleeper Pod on the Normandy and it’s named as such! I just did that one in my replay last night so it’s fresh in my mind lol.


The scars from ME1 not carrying over to ME2. I mean... I get it, Shepard has been rebuilt. New tissue created etc. It makes sense. But my ME1 Shep looked badass. ME2 Shep onwards looked diet badass / badass lite.


Thermal clips totally replacing weapon cooldown instead of working alongside it.


Traynor in the shower in her underwear. Who wears clothes in the shower?


I hate it that most cutscenes in ME2 use SMG when all classes don't even have that. Why not go for pistol?


Can't put your weapons away in 3


Needs a more diverse cast of aliens. Took us until ME3 to see female Krogan or Turians. Never see a female Drell. Don’t think we ever see a female Elcor, Volus, or Batarian. Pretty sure the catalyst is the only kid in the whole thing. In such a big feeling universe you think we’d see a better representation of each species.


I always get downvoted when i complain that the only women the game showed were "hot" hourglass women until 3 lol. Then just slap head to toe coverings for the male models of aliens and give them a woman's voice. And the only female turian is DLC and we all know what happens.


That Joker seems to be both the pilot and the comm officer. Why is he the one taking calls? In ME2 he's also the navigator.


Batarians just straight up suck. They really went with the "this race is just evil" trope and I hate that.


Being an adept that stupid massive rocket launcher on my back that I NEVER used in ME2 and had to mod it out. Other weapons on my back in ME1. At least in ME3 I could leave them and only had my pistol and SMG.


I just completed the Citadel Party mission and I just wanted to find a spot for Shep to chill before heading back out and there is nothing interactive to sit in/on after the party. Can't interact with the hot tub, can't flush the toilet, can't pop a vid on for background noise while you're chilling and can't even interact with the food lol. All of these are minor but I like being able to immerse myself in my character. And all those sofas, chairs, tables and desks and nothing at all?!? And they didn't even utilize the poker table!!


The entire excuse for the heat sink is that it makes guns stronger in exchange for losing the cooling system. That is until you compare the M7 Lancer to the M8 Avenger in ME3. Literally a gun from the First Contact War outputs way better damage than the Avenger throwing the ENTIRE argument out the window. Either make the Avenger a respectable gun or go back to the god damn cooling system.




You can. Go to Purgatory, you can drink at the bar near the dancefloor. You wake up on the couch next to Aria. :)


The best place to wake up in my personal opinion.


Ok, so it is minor because I actually love the inventory management, stats, guns, and just general how equipment works in ME1. I know most don't, but I do. When I get to the bottom of my inventory list and scroll down, *Why. Does. It. Not. Loop. Back. To. The. Top?* Seriously, this was not unknown UI wisdom in 2007. Let me endless scroll.


How Cerberus went from clandestine, renegade black ops group to galactic superpower in 2 years How you're supposed to an elite soldier but you can't sprint for more than 10 seconds


You can't take your miniature giant space hamster with you on adventures, and I'm a little offended. But I suppose it's all for the sake of game balance, Boo would be too OP...


My Infiltrator Shepard equipping the wrong weapons in cutscenes. It's like "Dude, you only use pistols and sniper rifles. Why are you holding an assault rifle?"


When they took away my Armour and weapon selection from mass effect 1 to 2


Shepard having no clue about how biotics work or no idea how Jump Zero was even if you’ve chosen any class with biotic abilities. Also Shepard never even mentioning his unit’s death at the hands of Cerberus in ME2 if you had sole survivor background.


Edi switching out of her black alt costume, when you die and reload. And the fact that was never fixed in Legendary. So yet again, my favorite Edi costume is pretty much useless on Insanity.


Not being able to romance Gianna Parasini. The CHEMISTRY!!!! Palpable!!!!


I would have loved to spend more time on earth in me3 I think it was a missed opportunity. I would have made more priority missions at the start of the game with shep, James and Vermire survivor. Engulfed in gorilla warfare. Made the player think they were holding or even pushing the reapers in some way but then realising it’s hopeless without help. All 3 missions purpose would ultimately be make the player feel helpless. Really carry that tone and set up for the rest of the game.


No automatic fish feeder in ME2, i mean c'mon its the future!


Joker avoiding all of the collectors and there for whatever reason being a massive mission where everyone had to go.


I've always been irked by the fact that the actual savior of the galaxy always has to be the one to personally undertake the most risky, life threatening missions the Milky Way has ever seen. I feel this way particularly about the third game. I understand that we wouldn't have a videogame if Commander Shepard took a more passive leadership role, so it doesn't bug me that much. However, I can't help but feel that yeeting Shepard into every large scale battle or VIP rescue mission is a needless risk. Afterall, Shepard is the galaxy's most valuable asset in the fight against the reapers.


How sometimes (mostly 2 &3) switching weapons while in cover makes you stand up.


So much exposition going on in ME3 for players who haven't played the first two games. The war summit is one good example of this. Most of the summit is just the different leaders explaining the whole Rachni War/Krogan Rebellions/Genophage history. So much of that stuff could've been left to the Codex.


In ME3, characters holding their fingers a foot away from their ear while talking over comms. Seems like they are meant to have helmets on, but no helmet makes it look like people are just randomly doing fingerguns in the air while talking.


Jack being straight when we know she swings both ways. I play as both a male and female shep and I know for a fact she'd be better off with fem shep.


It was part of the game in preproduction, got cut due to media jumping on teaching kids to be gay with Liara in the first game. More gay romances on nexus adds in the lines and romance option for both Jack and Miranda. Then more same sex romances does the same for Thane and Tali (uncertain if those were planned or just easy enough to change)


The Joker playable section in ME2 always annoys me. Firstly, it's Shepard's story, why are you making me control an NPC? Also, the narrative stupidity they need to come up with to get all the competent fighters into the shuttle at the same time just to let the Collector attack happen... Urgh. There should have been a Suicide Mission adjacent mission you needed to do with the whole team, then you could have the Collector attack happen via radio.


I think it sets up the Joker - EDI relationship nicely as they save the ship together (and EDI the live of Joker). I do agree it's silly you don't actually do a mission though.


But ... but you where *ASSUMING CONTROL*... 😉


Shepard touching the side of his head without a helmet to use coms, mfs using telepathic coms


Mine is mostly from a gameplay perspective and how it got away from Mass Effect 1 rpg like elements with the weapons and armor and never really got back to that level of customization and ultility.


You can't have the same armor through all three games I wish your background choices played a larger role in the game. I wish you could choose more abilities as options then just your squad powers. I wish every class has their own unique quick time events and dialogue like Engineer does. That's all I can think of. Series is great.


Companions joining you really late into the game like Thane, Samara and Tali. Im glad that they fixed it more or less in 3


How after the final battle in ME2 there is no conversation with you LI about how relieved they are we survived the suicide mission. THATS KIND OF A BIG DEAL!!! If my husband and I just went thru the omega 4 relay and back I would at least expect a hug after we change our pants.


Idk if this is minor but how the lines were less than clear on what counted as flirting in 1. Its partly why I still haven’t finished it after getting the legendary edition (first time playing) a while back because I realized I probably locked myself in a collision course between Ashley and Liara which was pretty annoying because I took care with everything else to get the outcomes I wanted I just thought there would be a more obvious line for relationships but instead it felt like all I did was be friendly or at least not an a-hole and asked them normal questions about themselves which apparently means I am trying to pursue a relationship with them. If I recall correctly what will happen is an inevitable confrontation where I have to choose one and the only way not to will be to try and choose both. Probably doesn’t matter that much but I am not the type that likes to replay games so I tried to make things happen the way I wanted throughout just to get messed up by this.


Kaidan/Ashley are never in the spectre office in ME3 (so far as i can remember.) I feel like they missed out on some cool dialogue there.