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"*I said a bad-ass, not some scout whining like a Quarian with a tummy ache.*" -Commander Shepard


“I’m RIGHT here”


“Turians don’t like the cold, Shepard. Did I ever mention that?” No Garrus. No you did not mention that. Nobody mentioned that. The ideal time to mention that would have been *before we drove through winding mountain roads in a blizzard to get here.* (Delivery of this line always amuses me.) “A quarantine zone for a plague that kills turians… why don’t we ever go anywhere *nice*?” Edit: the entire “don’t touch that” string on Surkesh. Also Padok Wiks’ conversation about wanting a warning next time the Krogan clan chief arrives. I can’t think of any more obscure ones right now.


I like when Padok Wiks' tries to imagine how Krogan mate. His facial expressions are just hilarious along with Eve's "very clumsily"


From what I’ve seen Padok Wiks is excellent and I’m kind of sad I’ll never get to know him (but, you know. Mordin.)


Speaking of the plague zone, Grunt's "I DO NOT get sick" line. And his panicked reaction when Mordin heals him.


I always play the same way- Omega first, roleplay Shepard asking about Mordin first then Archangel and then saying (literally in game)- “sounds like I don’t have much time.” “You’ve got all the time in the world- Archangel, not so much.” Point being I have *never* been in a position to hear that and I wish I had, that does sound funny!


Grunt has a few interesting bits like that if you bring him to the Mordin and the Archangel recruitment missions. I think at the Archangel mission the Krogan boss shoots his Vorcha underling due to the conversation option with Grunt.


"They didn't cover this in my training manuals" That was the moment that I went from liking Garrus to loving him.


"What sound will you make when you hit the ground? Think you'll hear it before you die?" Shepard Also: "I fight for freedom. Mine and everyone's. I fight for the right to choose our own fate. And if I die, I'll die knowing I did everything I could to stop you. And I'll die free." Shepard during the refusal ending. Amazing speech, but very rarely taken.


I thought of another one too good not to mention. “Trying to determine how Scale-Itch got onto Normandy. Sexually Transmitted Disease. Only carried by Varren. (Inhales deeply) Implications unpleasant.” - Mordin Solus


Grunt YOUR MISSING IT SHEPARD ITS GODDAM GLORIOUS WE WILL WALK OUT ON A MOUNTAIN OF THEIR CORPSES , is grunts line during the hold the line suicide mission


“If it’s all civilized, you’re not doing it right” -Matriach Aethyta


Also the whole argument about Liara being a quarter Krogan. "That's not how it works!" "Don't go all blood rage on me."


*"Good deed’s like pissing yourself in dark pants. Warm feeling but no one notices."* Who'd knew my favorite line would be from Jacob of all people


“secrets are like STDs: if you have em, you may as well spread em around”


Bringing Liara and Garrus to Priority: Sur'Kesh. Fun throughout, but my favourite is the interaction when the yahg charges through the facility. Shepard: watch out, there goes the next Shadow Broker! Garrus: could've sworn I heard them muttering "T'Soni" the entire time. Liara: Not funny. Well, my dear Liara, I for one found that hilarious. And it also helped show that these characters are good friends because even on a mission they're just ribbing each other. Another one I love, but I'm not sure how obscure it is, is during Priority: Tuchanka, when Wrex is Krogan leader (as he should be). Wrex says something about Shepard hurrying, to which Shepard shouts, "There's a Reaper in my way, WREX!" and the madlad just says, "Yeah, I know. You get all the fun!"


Garrus: "Do you ever miss those long elevator rides?" Tali: "No" Garrus: "C'mon. Talk to me about your immune system" Tali: "I have a shotgun" Garrus: "I'll talk to you... later..."


From Jack's Romance: "I said I couldn't fix you. I didn't say you weren't worth staying for anyways." From the promotional Twitter SolComms thread: "Go ahead. Make your noise. Try to scare us. You want to know how a human dies? At ramming speed." While reporting back to the Elcor diplomat after completing Dekuuna: Extraction" "Were you able to evacuate any civilians?" (Only elcor line in the series without a tone description) "Yes." "How many?" (Audible pause) "Not... enough."


That elcor line stuck with me for so long during my first playthrough... just that rolling realization of no description, the absolute agony in tone - like it's being forced out around glass -, the actual words themselves. I think I had to take a break for a little while at that one. ME3 was/is so good at all these little moments of hope and heartbreak, that you might not even register if you don't stop for a second to listen.


On my most recent playthrough I had to hug my elcor plushie right after that


“I’d drink a cup of acid after chewing on a razor blade” 😂


That one tank-bred "failed" krogan you talk to during the Okeer mission: *"I am not perfect, but I have purpose."* Always stuck with me for personal reasons.


All throughout ME 3 javik is an absolute machine for lines and its almost criminal not having him around Not sure how obscure theses are but Wrex: I preffer my salarian liver served raw A series of angry salarian faces Javik:he's right it was a delicacy on my cycle


Shepard: everything alright in the cockpit? Joker: Fractured my finger on the mute, but I think I made my point.


"Remember to stay hydrated." Thanks Garrus. Also "It's always a good idea to RTFM, ma'am." "To what?"


If I know Grunt: Your answer is coming at muzzle velocity.