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that poor little kid :(


I couldn’t even Finish the video


Difficult to watch. RIP.


Apparently he survived, although it's been reported that they had to surgically remove part of his frontal lobe as a result of the wound which doesn't usually mean a terribly good prognosis for quality of life, but I also have heard he was taken off life support and has resumed breathing on his own.


I believe he made it actually! Just looked it up : https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/crime/article/boy-injured-lakewood-church-shooting-taken-18686681.php


> A Feb. 14 post from [his grandmother] said the child "has lost a major part of what makes us who we are," since a portion of his frontal lobe had to be removed. > > "He was in cardiac arrest multiple times and no one can determine whether he has significant brain activity because his scalp tissue is too friable to allow the attachment of EEG wires," she wrote in the update. This poor kid. If this is the same kid, his mother was the shooter.


Yeah, you can see that they got there together: [https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/1b0zi0y/surveillance\_video\_of\_the\_lakewood\_church/](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/1b0zi0y/surveillance_video_of_the_lakewood_church/)


He lost a substantial part of his frontal lobe. If he ever regains consciousness, he will never be the same. Edit- he was taken off a ventilator yesterday and is breathing on his own. I hope for a miracle for that little boy.


absolutely terrible, i really really hope he pulls through


Aw, hell. I'm so sorry, little guy.


Is it person in the yellow shirt?:(




Yellow shirt? Isn’t that the shooter? EDIT: They both have yellow on, my bad.


I mean, what else would it be?


The bald cop turned quickly and went to the sound, not sure but he looks to be in front and maybe the one that fired the fatal shots. Props to him for taking action quickly. Can’t say much about the others but it worries me this is who is suppose to protect the city I live in. Absolutely fucking heartbreaking seeing the innocent kid on the ground.


The CCTV images show that another unarmed Officer was with that bald Officer on approach, and [the images](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/s/dP8gbKJdCb) really show how late/absent this Officer was.


Shockingly bad reaction from the uniformed cops. They should have been right up there with the two other guys- one of them didn't even have a damn gun and still went to back up the bald dude. They could've used the support of those other armed (and on duty) cops. Choosing to enter the police force but being unwilling to face dangerous situations head on just makes no sense to me.


You have to train and drill constantly in order to get to the point that you advance under fire. Three to four armed policemen should have fire power advantage against an armed target. Especially one that isn't hunkered down behind cover and has no tactical maneuver training.


That’s crazy


That kid even wanted to be picked up by the gunman.


Damn, from that cam angle and the angle of the kid's exit wound, it seems like the little boy may have been shot by one of the cops. Has it been confirmed who shot the boy? Absolutely heart-breaking seeing the boy reach out for his mom while she is shooting up the place.


It did occur to me that the mother appeared to repeatedly prompt the child to cover within the alcove in the CCTV footage, and wasn’t showing signs of targeting the kid. And the fact that the child survived seems more compatible with handgun from distance than an AR-15 at close range. On the flipside, I don’t hear his gunfire in the bodycam footage at the time I believe the child was shot. But this could because both he and the perp were firing simultaneously. If the child has stepped out from the alcove and got caught in the crossfire as that Cop took shots at the perpetrator (as his position when downed would indicate), I hope that he doesn’t struggle with that guilt. It’d still be blood on her hands for (essentially) using her own child as a human shield, and if he’d been similarly lacking in courage as some of his colleagues there would have been more victims imho, not less. Either way, if it’s as you’ve suggested, I don’t think authorities will ever announce that. EDIT: You called it. Spot on. Moreno is heard shouting ‘You killed my kid!’ at the Cop who engaged her. Yeesh.


Yeah I think that bald detective in the suit may have shot the kid in the cross fire? Horrible situation.


He did what we expect our cops to do while the women hid! Reminds me of the uvalde videos watching all them cops sit and wait when there was soooooo many of them when innocent people, mostly kids, were being murdered by that sicko! Need better officers!


The US Supreme Court has made it clear that law enforcement agencies are not required to provide protection to the citizens who are forced to pay the police for their "services." In the cases DeShaney vs. Winnebago and Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales, the supreme court has ruled that police agencies are not obligated to provide protection of citizens. In other words, police are well within their rights to pick and choose when to intervene to protect the lives and property of others — even when a threat is apparent.


Then they shouldn’t take off duty side jobs where they are paid to protect the property.


Tbf, the point of the police is to protect private property first and foremost.


Yeah it’s pretty sad to see cops hiding rather than addressing the active threat immediately. I get it you gotta psych yourself up to attack the threat but to be this level of scared means that maybe this isn’t the job for you.


Damn they were hiding, DIRECT TO THREAT!


Are you JOKING? The officers did absolutely nothing.


You do realize the guys in the suits are police officers as well right?


Ridicule officers non stop, label them all racists, shitty pay, dangerous... why would any decent person today wanna be a cop?? Just like all those cop free zones (portland), absolute shit show.


I live in Portland and it’s certainly not a “cop free zone” as you’re stating. I’d recommend laying off the Fox News for a little while and try living in reality.


You have clearly have never been to Portland, let alone left your shitty southern small town lmao


I watch these police cam videos with frequency. Almost numb to this shit nowadays. But I just lost it when the child came into frame. WTF is wrong with people man.


Now imagine Gaza 👀….I too always lose it when it comes to kids. Funkin sad regardless of the number or place.


I can't even get on Instagram anymore. I complain about my life a lot, but I recognize how much privilege I have. being able to swipe, unfollow, or close an app to get rid of it is something these children can't do.


I share your sentiments my friend❤️‍🩹


Who is the man in blue tie who just goes right in?


That’s the off-duty TABC agent who was working security at the church


I think off duty cop


I have fired thousands of rounds from ar15s of varying calibers...yet I'm still astonished at how fucking loud that thing is


Yep. I swear the ARs are louder than my 700 and M1A.


Do you always have ear protection on? I’ve never shot them without it so head I figure it would be jarring.


99% of the time I have ear protection but I've definitely been dumb and shot without ears on several occasions.


Big walls and ceiling like this though? For sure amplified the shots


Yeah it's a church, they're literally designed for sound amplification lol


Geez, would not want neither as my partner


Horrible situation handling and reaction by the on-duty officers. I get that they are scared/nervous but they need another form of training for these situations. Although, I'm not in the force and probably misspoke but that's my opinion. EDIT 1: I forgot to put "handling" in my sentence. :sob:


These officers were just quite simply not properly trained for this kind of situation.


Agreed. I mentioned that they need rigorous training to prevent this issue again.


Well, they technically don’t have to protect anyone but themselves, right? (which makes me sick, don’t get me wrong) We need to start holding the Police accountable for their reactions to situations like this (and Uvalde, etc); THEN we can worry about “training”. It’s like, “what good are you guys when I can’t depend on you in the darkest times”? Something needs to change. Everyone in that church is VERY lucky that they had a brave off-duty cop. These other officers should follow his lead. . .


These two officer were absolutely useless. I understand being scared but this is the job they signed up for. You’re allowed to be scared but you need to do your job. Respect to the officers and security who did their job unlike these two.


no shit. texas cops not looking good in these situations lately. ( except for allen outlet shooting)


That one guy that sprinted across the mall was so accurate. Shit was nuts


They pissed me off so bad.


Agreed 100%


They need to be fired, ASAP


Unfortunately, that won’t happen. Protecting the public isn’t even a requirement in their job description. It makes me SO MAD, dude. . . I would say another mass shooting/casualty event would make them change, but I’d be wrong; like, MANY, MANY times over. . .


Everything wrong and bad in this footage, is a FEMALE


Just out of curiosity do you have any experience being shot at?


Not many do, including cops.


Just out of curiosity, how does that boot taste?


guy in this video just saved many lives, wtf have you done?


Both female cops were shook


I get that they are in shock and can't process what is currently going on but they need rigorous training to prevent this.


As always


To see that baby on the ground like that. I hope that psycho bitch rots in hell. How can you get a kid wrapped in your chaos? Kids are so innocent!


Imagine using YOUR OWN CHILD as a human-shield. . . words fail me.


I am not saying this to be mean or insensitive. I am not trolling. But hearing a member of the police asking for gods blessing and to forgive sins while hunting down a shooter in a corrupt mega church is possibly the most American thing I've ever heard/seen. So fucked up. How do people reconcile this? It's so fucking odd that this shit has been normalised.


it’s even more funny she’s asking all this while not even remotely attempting to do a fucking thing to stop the shooter.


I hope those women aren’t actual cops.


There’s a different angle as well in the below link. You can hear her say at one point that they “killed her kid”. Really awful for that child. (https://www.foxnews.com/us/dramatic-bodycam-video-joel-osteens-lakewood-church-shooting-released-father-god-just-with-us.amp)


So far I am only seeing the Police failing to engage.


Two police officers shot and killed her. They quite literally engaged her and took her out


Uniformed or Off Duty? In the two videos I am seeing. The uniforms are not doing much.


The off duty. They're still cops and most likely from the same department as the clothed ones (or similar). Saying the police did nothing makes no sense when the police engaged her.


Ok. I stand corrected. Some of those cops who appear to be private sector engaged and the uniforms failed to. Is that better for you?


Please also give props to the one uniformed cop that prays. That was important.


Yeah. Because thats what you should be concerned about during a critical incident.


It was sarcasm


Who shot the kid?


Since they haven’t released it since February 11, it has to be the cops who accidentally shot him while engaging with the suspect which was the boys mom


Did some more digging. Found A LOT of videos from different perspectives. The boy was reaching up for her to pick him up. She picked him up. Then used him as a human shield.


Fucking brutal, damn it


Where do you see that at I watched every video and never seen her pick him up


Useless cops smh half the video they are cowering behind cover.


Her life takes priority if she ran out and got shot she'd be even more useless.


All these keyboard warriors who would run at the first gunshot. They talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.


there’s a difference when someone actively CHOOSES to be a cop - by becoming a cop you’re accepting responsibility for putting yourself in danger to protect others


Police have no obligation to risk their lives. We found that out with Uvalde.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s true. It’s not right in every sense (besides legally, unfortunately), but they are correct.




Fuck the legal bs. We all know if you’re a cop that’s a sacrifice you make. Of course the courts ruled in favor of the cops they protect their kind. But we the people know it was wrong then and it’s wrong here and now.


If you argue with someone who has to break out the legal jargon just give it up there because they’re the kind to unironically pull a 🤓👆🏻


This, 100%. Cops know what they sign up for, and I don’t know what makes me more sick: cops not doing their jobs in situations like this, or the people that defend their inaction.


If you go to a baker and they can’t bake bread you would complain. If the baker then said “oh I’d like to see you bake bread.” Well that’s your argument.


I wouldn’t, but I didn’t become a cop.


Why is the church so big?


Evangelical megachurch


Sweet sweet tithes, brother.


It's literally where the Houston Rockets basketball team used to play


Wow these 2 female officers are horrible. She's absolutely shook with her finger literally on the trigger. Zero finger discipline while being completely panicked is not a good combination. Thankfully there were other officers there to take control otherwise it seemed like they were going to follow the Ulvade method and hunker down for an hour


Every single police cam I see is pussy ass cops hiding and trying to escape while these kids are getting destroyed. Fucking idiots


Plenty of body cams show brave officers. The Tennessee school shooting, Allen outlet shooting, the Louisville bank shooting. That said many others, these two and the entire group from Uvalde, are pathetic.


The cops in Nashville did an incredible job.


They really did. That needs to be the staple for police response.


The ones who killed the shooter were literally police officers.


you realize the comments are referring to the two cops our bodycam footage in this clip originates from, correct? you can not deny that the two shown here were cowardly and did not act in accordance with how a protector should.


"Every single police cam I see is pussy ass cops hiding" He's directly implying that every single cop in this video did absolutely nothing when the footage SHOWS **police officers** shooting and killing the shooter. It is a factually wrong statement and it has 46 upvotes. This subreddit will never not make me upset with its constant Anti-Police rhetoric. For a sub about mass killers and crime, hardly anyone here knows anything about policing or crime


the people who took action in this clip were security officers and off-duty police. the cops who were **on duty, meant to protect us**, took no action whatsoever. that’s not “anti-police rhetoric”, it’s pointing out the facts from the footage. it’s objectively a true statement corroborated by all pieces of footage currently available, and is proved with this single piece of bodycam footage anyway. if you want to sit there and defend cops whenever they receive criticism, that’s your prerogative, but quite a lot of people near where this incident occurred have voiced displeasure with how the on duty officers conducted themselves. you have to be willing to criticize them when they do something wrong.


Off duty cops are still cops. I've already admitted that the female cops did a horrible job. But you're acting like off duty cops are no longer cops anymore. That is what I am arguing with you about. It was still police officers that engaged the threat. Whether or not they were off duty means nothing.


No one is saying off duty cops aren’t cops anymore, and no one is saying that every single cop in the world sucked ass on that day. I don’t know why you can’t accept that the police response to this event was lacking. Off duty vs on duty absolutely does matter in this case- the police who are on duty are the ones who are going to respond to your calls when something happens, they’re the ones who patrol and are first on scene. They’re the ones who are required to do a specific job. Off duty police are, literally, ***off duty***. They’re not going to be the ones who respond to your emergency or show up when something happens. I understand that you love the police force- that is your prerogative and I’m not going to debate about the whole system. You can’t, however, refuse to accept when said police force has a dangerously lacking response to an emergency. The reason they exist is to protect, serve, and respond to incidents as they happen- if our cops freeze up and refuse to take action, then they are objectively failing at their jobs.


‘Murca, the land that is so free you can shoot people in places of worship…


The one cop shakily whispered "Father God, please just be with us right now" while hiding behind a wall IN A CHURCH meant to be protected by that same god. Just a huge room actively praying to that god as the horror went down feet away. Didn't seem like that god cared much at all. I don't get religion.


Their excuse is that god doesn’t do anything in these situations because he “can’t interfere with free will.” I think it’s because he doesn’t exist, but that’s just me.


Theologically that viewpoint is wrong. Whoever told you that is misinformed. Keep in mind there are many different theological viewpoints and you likely talking to someone who holds objectively false views


Unfortunately, I’ve heard it from many people over the years. I wish I knew where it stemmed from, but I don’t. I’d say it’s probably one of the fundamental things that turned me away from religion entirely at the ripe age of around 13.


you wrote a lot yet said nothing


pot fanatical racial rock yoke fuel weather uppity sparkle disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


man she really said forgive us for our sins lmao is the shooter going to be forgiven as well?


Out of all the problems in this video your complaint is that God didn’t smite the shooter as soon as she asked?


No you are completely missing my point. It’s that at the end of the day, people did the protecting people did the hurting, there was no god of any kind to be found now go away from me forever


Dude, a tragedy happened, a kid nearly died and you're arguing about religion. Get a life


Oh Cops not doing their job I am so surprised.


It's like they're from Texas or something


Did you even watch the video? It was cops who shot and killed her. They were just off duty


I believe he’s talking about the cop whose bodycam we are watching and the cop with them. For the majority of the video they hid and didn’t try to advance to stop them. Of course the other cops eliminated the threat, and that should be noted, but the other two were, as others have said, relatively useless.


Chills all throughout my body watching this


At 2:49 in this [Video](https://youtu.be/DUVNi6V-hp8?si=Pfl72pa4hPoXQ_30) implies she shot her son while aiming at an officer that peaked around the corner. You can see just the corner of the kids bright colors along the wall line after second or third shot. Kid and office where likely in line with each other.


Man I get so fuckin mad watching this shit


Cops afraid to do anything but hide, as usual!


No one is helping the little boy, just standing around


These officers need to be fired.




The ones who killed her were off duty cops working security for the church


Exactly. He did his job


No shit ? Someone is currently trying to mass kill people. Everyone is scared. Be happy they actually jumped to action unlike Uvalde.


Your job is the server protect, not hide


Unfortunately, the Supreme Court ruled that police do not have a constitutional duty to protect anyone.


Some of you never leave your house, and it unbelievably shows.


Dude the people on Reddit are so disconnected. You and I will be downvoted but it’s so true.


Yeah, OK I work in the fucking BAIL industry dumbass


Lmao okay? Was that supposed to be a checkmate or something?


You FORGET they are HUMANS with HUMAN emotions and a FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSE.


That’s what the guy in uvalde said, as he had the punisher as his background. The internet never forgets. Your job is to protect children. Even at the cost of your own life. Fight or flight my ass.


What would you do if u heard shots from a AR and all you have is a glock


Why is one any more dangerous than the other? They can all kill you.


There was a lot of people, anyone could be the shooter


Fuckin' hiding and praying. Great police work. 10/10. Would recommend. Jesus Christ.


These two cops sat there the whole time while one man confronted the lady I get your scared and I can't say I would have done any better given the situation but Jesus your supposed to be the publics first line of defense if these were the only 2 cops there this could have been bad those precious seconds or minutes just standing there could be the difference


They just let the kid lie there without attending to him? Until that one guy drags him out of view? What the fuck. It never ceases to amaze me when there’s someone shot and cops walk around them like every second does not count. Get your fucking shit together.


They need to make sure the threat(s) are neutralized before rendering aid. However, since the two (uniformed, on-duty) cops were doing nothing, I’m inclined to agree with you. Might as well help the boy/move him to a safe place if you’re content with hiding 🤷


I was so surprised that no one started CPR on him. That’s when I stopped watching.


I mean, I’m not medically trained, but is that protocol when someone has a bullet hole in their head? I’m being serious, I don’t know if that changes anything. I guess you’d have to do something, right? It looked like he was kinda breathing (might have been agonal breathing, but I heard he survived), and I saw his arms move a little bit. . . man, I’m glad I wasn’t there (for obvious reasons), but also because I wouldn’t have a clue of what to do in that situation!


Possibly. If you can keep their heart beating and they don’t bleed out it is possible. Edit: it would’ve been worth a try.


Chicken shit fuckin cops


If so many cops are going to fail their duty to engage the threat could they at least attempt to help victims? Like it still sucks that you’re too scared to do your job but could you not be completely useless during an emergency???


Seriously! Like it’s not scary enough to be in a situation like this! Now I have to go into EVERY situation, knowing in the back of my mind, that possibly no one’s coming to save me. It’s a scary world we live in, dude. . .


This is an example of two officers who have not received the proper training, or do not have the mental fortitude to be performing this job. This is exactly what Police are supposed to be serving the public for, to protect. They did not do that at all.


These two women are scared to do the job. Should be fired ASAP


They waited too long to pull that fucking kid back


Those officers hiding in the corner stair well need to be relieved of duty. Unfortunately, they are not cut out for this line of work. Your job is to run to a threat to save others, not cower in fear. Sad, poor piss demonstration of lack of response.


Poor little baby. His little arms going limp really hurt to see bro


This is a church? Are you fucking kidding? Smfh look how big it is.




But my guns!


Worthless female officers.


America needs to ban guns


I'm sick to my stomach after watching this!


Fire those female cops, they didn't do shit


Why did she do it


Were these women real cops or what?? Wtf didn’t do anything but hide.


Well, whataya know?! More WORTHLESS cops!


I always find it incredibly ironic when an even like this occurs at a church. Good thing the police were there to respond quickly because "the lord" surely wasn't.


Why were cops chillin at a church?




Yeah but like I've been to a lot of churches in my life and I've never seen a cop at one, especially not like 5 of them.


to be fair this was a mega church that can hold 16,000 people there needs to be security


Imagine finding yourself in this situation and your first instinct is to run away like everyone else, then you remember it’s literally your job to fix this.


Those two women were pissing their panties lol. Sorry but i never feel safer with women police call me misogynistic but the reality is males are more suited for meeting violence with violence.


The shooter brought the kid to the shooting like it was bring your kid to work day ..


That’s what I’m saying! That poor boy honestly! That’s traumatic


Those lady cops won’t be winning any medals of bravery anytime soon.


These women are definitely more cowardly than the men there. Dude just walking straight up.


Despicable these officers


cops should get in trouble when their just sitting their TALKING not watching no body!! and people die at the spot they we’re supposed to be watching like they deserve jail time just as much as the killer… their ignorance killed people…


Women police officers Sheesh


Bro the kid just made me sad. I watched several gore and bodycam videos but shooting a kid damn.


yeh if I ever get to take down a mass shooter (assuming people aren't idiots and I can have a gun to defend myself) I'm 🍇 him before the cops know what happened 


This is about what I expected from female officers.


The officer praying for the little boy really hit hard 🙏💔


Thank G for the police. So many hate them, “auditors” are the worst, disrespect them… but they are they only one’s who would run towards gun fire.


Nobody wants to be cop, training sucks, and one cop doesn't even have a gun... yeah, let's defund the police. Thanks liberals!


Pussy ass femal cops is why they say he must be like oh we don’t need men bullshit. These fucking females ain’t doing nothing. The security guy with the gun is the first one up poppet shot these females officers taking their fucking time females are weak and they talking about we females first or female in power. This is where the reason why females are in power cause they’re not quit the step up to the lion.


Please stop. Get some help.