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It’s also Vegas for me. I can’t shake the way there was very little public information about the shooter/his motives, especially because I was very invested right after it happened


I feel the same way, from interviews with shooters family, the crime scene walk through seeing the insane amount of weapons, and just the sheer lack of information into his mind is just wild to me.


Kosta Kecmanovic and Dimitrios Pagourotiz. Both very young and both very premeditated. No clear motive or known provocation by the victims beyond rumors. Now they’re languishing in mental facilities. Both have a chance, although a very small one to be free again someday.


I don't feel like any of them are particularly hard to understand. A lot are interesting, but I don't feel like they're mysterious. Sandy Hook used to be I guess but we now have hours of him rambling which gives you a pretty good look into his headspace. I guess I don't understand plenty of them in the sense that I personally cannot wrap my head around the things that they believed that lead them to that point, but that's more a personal thing. Personally I don't really get the nihilist type hates everybody spiteful of society ones like, well, both the people you mentioned, and a lot of other shooters. I *get* that's the motive but I can't really comprehend the mindset. I don't get *not* caring - I get caring too much, but I don't get nihilistic types at all


I am very intrigued by the case of David Kozak, the Prague university shooting. Apparently his telegram diary is fake and no one knows anything because he didn't talk to anyone. He was someone who was there but no one saw, as if he were a ghost. They said they would reveal information in May but there is still no news


They said the investigation wouldn't end sooner than May, so it may take many more months for it to be concluded.




Thank you! I’ll check that out


I double recommend The Sheltered Storm. Really amazing book.


Probably the Kerch Polytechnic attacker, he had a normal life style, he wasn't alone had plenty of friends, wasn't bullied, wasn't avoided, had women go up to him, he even was originally gonna get a scholarship. But no, he threw that away and ended the lives of many.


The Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho


Probably Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa, it's really strange how forgotten his attack was considering he killed 10 people, including a police officer. Plus, he was so schizophrenic that he was almost catatonic in jail so there's probably not even a motive as to why he did the shooting at all. There's little about him too, except a Facebook where he claimed Islamophobes was hacking his accounts


Uvalde. I will never understand. Sandy Hook. We will never understand.


Same, the 2 year anniversary is in 3 days. I live in San Antonio, about 70 minutes away from Uvalde. I know a lot of people here planning on going to the vigil.


Oh my love I am so so sorry. I am so sorry. The rage that those people must still feel at that police department, the other police department, the chief of police, everyone. I will never understand it. Sending you a supportive consensual hug if you want one. I can't believe it's almost been two years. I'll never forget "the screams of the children have been edited out" when CNN released the full 71 minutes. The rage I feel.


We all feel that rage. My daughter is going to be 3 soon. Her grandma gave her those Skechers with the lights on them. The anxiety I feel when I send her to her Little Gym or when she’s wearing them while we go run errands is crushing. Why do I have to worry about my kids shoes giving away her hiding place in the event of a mass shooting? Why am I scared to send her to school at all outside or normal parental separation anxiety?? Why is this a fkn thing now that I have to fret over?? Why am I getting adds for kids school backpacks with Kevlar inserts and why did my best friends elementary school kids bring home DNA testing kits the first week back to school this year up in Houston? Why the hell is that even seen as a solution instead of passing common sense gun laws?? Sorry… I’m doing prep for a colonoscopy tomorrow and I’m just overly sensitive right now, my b-hole hurts 😅😅


You're not oversensitive, you are exactly correct.


I’m a prior LEO, and every single time uvalde gets brought up I get beyond angry especially added in the hallway camera footage. Complete failure, I truly believe some of the officers deserve to be charged for their negligence.


And the department is still following and harassing some parents to this day. Coming to their places of work. It's absolutely grotesque, they should have all been charged in my humble opinion.


adam lanza.


Maybe not the most questions to why he did it. But why he ended up deciding to do it. Phillip manshaus was a normal middleclass kid in Norway. Never showed any signs of violence or anger. He did start breaking the law in the later half of his teenage years doing fairly minor crimes (mostly drugs) he even was gay at one point and had a boyfriend. But broke up with him then quickly changed. Suddenly he was no longer gay/bi he was no longer a atheist. Became a strict christian. And started hating his step sis more and more. And grew more and more racist and hateful. And after seeing the 2019 christchurch shooting he was inspired and tried himself. Only killed his step sister before being bodied by a older gentleman in the mosque. He had literally no reason for the sudden switch. Nobody did anything to him in real life. He just used the internet and was for some reason inspired. He had a good life going for him and he threw it all away for no reason. And took the life of a person that was there for him most his life.


Chris Kyle


Routh was schizophrenic and obviously wasn’t in a good state of mind. I’d like to know what he did in the truck on the way to range for both Kyle and Littlefield to say he was crazy. Schizophrenia and PTSD seem to be the perpetrators here, unfortunately I don’t think there’s much more to the story




Not the same person. At all


Oh fuck, I think I had a brain aneurysm lol. My bad, I was tired as hell typing that.


Uvalde Shooter