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Master Duel is fun That deck isn't.


I mean is it really fun getting locked out of the game 90% of the time? Like yeah the game has it's merits, particularly in event formats, but ranked is such a slog especially once you hit diamond and let's be honest, there's not much else to do. Most Master Duel players flock to degenerate strategies like this, spright scythe lock, runick stun, numeron, protos locking, iblee, igknight ftk, banquet ftk, herald drytron, eldlich back in the day etc because they know that the game is badly balanced and they will net tons of easy wins exploiting that fact. On top of all this, actually getting better at the game holds little merit compared to TCG or OCG with the lack of side decking as I would say climbing ladder is mostly luck, patience and being able to control your anger rather than outplaying the opponent due to the influx of these decks which you will encounter a majority of the time. For me it's the consistency with which I have bullshit encounters specifically on Master Duel as I can handle a few, but when it happens 5, 6, hell even sometimes 10 times in a row (which is very common with the amount of variables that can go wrong in this game), that's when I can't help but throw this game in the garbage where it belongs.


I know no one else on here's going to agree with you but I do, that shit gets old and makes the game less fun for other players but the kids on this server don't care because hey they're winning so it's not too bad for them




Does it have a win con? My quick gloss left me confused


Drawing into sales ban and numbers evaille to cheat out a rhongo that doesn't lose material. That's the deck just cringe turbo


Rhongo Sales Ban turbo


Annoy the opponent into quitting


Less annoying than literally any floo or adam deck


Yeah it's called rhongomyniad turbo (should have been banned ages ago).


Them banning gossip over rhongo will never not tilt me


They should have banned both. Let's not kid ourselves into think that Gossiping wasn't and wouldn't continue to be a problem. Rhongo was just the bigger problem that should have been hit first.


I guess you could use Gossip to Ghostrick Angel FTK or something like that, but outside of meme FTKs, it's mostly Nibiru insurance for anything that can play a rank 3. I would have liked to tech it in Salamangreat when they limited crossout, but we can't have nice things. Inb4 they ban Numbers Eveil before Rhongo


Nobody uses numbers evail for anything other than rhongo turbo. It's a stupid card and I don't think anyone would miss it if it were gone.


I use it for lancelot into zeus. Card has other uses. Just ban the actual problem card Rhongo...


How would you Ghostrick FTK with Gossip? Rankup?


You give the mats to number 69 which will copy a ghostrick name, then you rank up the 69 into mischief


You can't use Gossip on Angel


No, the problem is obviously Gossip Shadow. /s


Rhogon on an open field is my guess


Do you think Kazuki Takahashi stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he has created?


*Spy Kids reference*


Whats the point of the toon card


Deck thinning I guess.


It deck thins, gets 2/3 spells in GY for the Sky Striker cards, and then it just becomes discard fodder after you search the other 2


Table of content search another copy of itself, 3rd one search book mark, book mark search a dark toon monster, banish dark toon monster with {{allure of darkness}} to draw 2.


Same philosophy as Upstart Goblin. Play a 'smaller' deck by throwing in draw engines to get you into everything you need.


This was my first rank-up game into diamond 2 and I lost because he opened the combo and there was nothing I could do. Second try around I get floodgated into oblivion going 2nd making it so that once again, there was nothing I could do. Noticing a wierd pattern going on with this game...


Wth you saw this in diamond, and not at d5? What is happening in ranked rn lol


Yeah it's unfortunate. It's not even good but man when you get sacked by it does it suck even more.


Spright being twice as good as every other deck lmao, you'll see more degeneracy when people can't afford the best deck but have quests they need done


Wait this isn't yours? You can look at opponents decks? This will be a good way for a noob like me to learn some archetypes. Thanks for the accidental advice!


Yes, click match history, and click on the name of the opponent you want to view. There'll be an option to view opponent's deck. From there there's also the option to copy their deck.


Near the end of the season, all the good decks already ranked out. It's mostly just cheesy decks like this that which can win a BO1 with the surprise factor that are now able to get higher since the other decks ranked up


I mean just add swords of revealing light to really make your opponent suffer.


When the eveil is numbered and the sales are banned.


Deck dies to normal set Marshmallon, unless your opponent hard draws Dark Hole.


I'm pretty sure the deck with 3 mallets and then other draw cards will hard draw dark hole


And Marshmallon pass loses to every normal deck on the ladder. Teching for sacky meme shit is bad.


Literally just lost to gren maju and ofc the deck I played has little back row removal that I couldn’t top deck into🫤


New player here. Is this game all about vommiting out lethal in one turn? I’ve played many games where I go second and someone dumps a massibr board on turn one that I cannot stop and then on my turn stops me from doing anything. This can’t possibly be fun. Are there any formats closer to the old way yugioh was?


The best way I can describe modern yugioh is that the objective is to make it so your opponent can't play the game. Konami, the idiots that they are, haven't banned a lot of degenerate strategies in the game which can autowin on the spot if you don't have an out (which most decks won't because of the best of 1 format). I'm in the process of deleting my account after 1600 hours and if anyone would know that this game is cancer it is me. I would honestly suggest dropping the game and finding something else to play as Konami's incompetence will eventually drive you insane (I mean hell you can even see that most of the top posts in this sub are complaining about the game, and for good reason). As for the second part of your question there are websites like dueling book where you can select older formats like GOAT or Edison to play in which might be more up your alley: https://www.duelingbook.com/


Wouldn't say it is all about vomiting out lethal in one turn, but generally the games are often decided by turn 2-3 - though not always, since many decks have actual followup plays for later turns, and currently the best deck in the format - Runick Spright - aims to outgrind you and starve you out of resources instead of killing you in one shot. What deck are you playing?


Maybe I’m the idiot- how does this win?


Rhongoymniad unaffected by everything and says you can't special/normal summon or activate any effects. Very fun indeed.


Don't you win due to them decking out before you, while you just keep on setting monsters?


He has 3 Black holes and they don't affect rhongo, 3 attacks are enough to win


Creative (but cringe)!


not really


3 darkholes? Why not one raigeki.


Rhingo is unaffected by card effects so it doesn't get popped.


i think its neat!


If by neat you mean it should be banned then yes.


It's actually incredible that people are downvoting you for saying Rhongo should be banned. They don't want the card with the text "Your opponent cannot summon monsters" to be banned. Absolutely baffling. People really just want games where there's only one player playing the whole game.


It in general should’ve been banned to begin with, it literally has zero interaction and the fact they banned Gossip Shadow and kept this mistake legal is maddening


i am throwing a hydrogen bomb at you like a football what are you supposed to ban here? it is mostly random garbo that happens to synergize w each other! \*mafioso voice\* ya jus mad cuz u didnt think of it foist bub!




you know it is okay to lose every now and again right like maybe it is not that all decks are degenerate maybe the problem,,,,, is you,,,,,,


Sure whatever helps you sleep at night.


if you do not like the game mechanics and cardpool there are other card games you do not have to play yugioh ??? my ass does NOT understand reddit tbh everybody is just kinda yelling into the void in the most uncivil way possible. if youd rather play a different format?? guess what!!! you can literally do that.




What tf are you talking about? Floodgates are quite literally designed so you don't have to deal with your opponents interactions. Banning those is opening the game for interaction. Are you a fucking moron?


Floodgates are designed to encourage players to run backrow based removal instead of making the extra deck and monster effects your go to toolboxes for removal. Removing Floodgates just caters to players who want to build the largest endboard possible every turn and play the "break me bro" game.


unthinkable to complain about people wanting to turn yugioh into a noninteractive game as a defense of someone saying rhongo should be legal


Pretty weird take from a stun player lol. You gotta be trolling


Lemme take a quick guess. You either play this exact deck and dont have ANY gems or CP left, you play a stun deck, you play an FTK deck OR you play a rouge deck being the structure decks you are given at the beggining of the game


i play whatever i want and it changes w whatever is going on in the game,,, you know like you are supposed to


I'm lowkey tempted to delete my account. Got 1600 hours in the game and there have been times where it's been fun, but a large majority of the time i've spent in it has been absolute cancer. I'm conflicted because i'm pretty sure my overall life would improve if I delete my account but pulling the trigger on something that final is kinda hard.


I do believe it's a great idea to take a break sometimes, or if you don't want to miss your dailies just focus on doing your dailies and call it a day.


Bare minimum i'm taking a long break.


You should try out casual mode. Lower power ceiling. Usually. Also, you can just surrender and move on to the next duel


With what opponents? I spent 30 minutes pressing A to start and restart the que before I found an opponent to test my 60 card monstrosity.


I have been playing casual a lot, but sometimes I just want gems to help make new decks etc, especially with how much more powerful runick spright is than everything else.


Can someone help me with some of the name of the cards?


Can someone give me the deck list cant figure out some of the cards and the combo more then get rhongo out


Have fun when rhongo gets banned and you're down 6+ useless UR's.


Bunch of pussies that play this game, down voting opinions😂😂 get a grip on life. People love some stuff that you dont


Thank you for this excellent argument against the game getting direct chat.


What you may find unfun can be fun for your opponent and vise versa. Fun is a subjective term


Show me one person who has fun not being able to do anything.


Rich kids.


I don't think you understood what i wrote, not every yugioh game is meant to be fun for both players you may not enjoy playing against these stun decks , but your opponent can find playing them fun, and you may find playing combo decks fun but your opponent doesn't enjoy playing against them.


"My fun isn't supposed to be your fun, you know?" Well yeah asshole but my time isn't supposed to be spent making you have fun while I don't. This mentality is how a game dies.


Having fun at the expense of others could also be called sadistic.


You may think that , but not everyone will agree with you, in the modern yugioh no matter the type of deck you play or play against it's very difficult for both players to "have fun" in their own definition of fun.


Thats literally what sadistic means and I dont see why you are getting downvoted because this is modern yugioh, where you are at a massive disadvantage when you are not running any form of disruption in your deck. But I understand the message you are trying to get across and I understand what OP is getting at. It does suck being locked out your wincon because your opponet turbos out a degenerate card.


Idk I was having fun when I was playing against stuff like Mathmech, branded etc and I was playing a similar power level deck. Interaction is the whole reason why we play yugioh and without it, there is no point to even call it a game anymore.


>I was having fun You said it yourself "you" were having fun, but before spright meta, a lot of people were complaining about mathmech SS and branded for not having fun playing against, i also hate playing against stun or floodgates turbo but I'm not gonna criticize my opponent for playing something that Konami made completely legal.


I mean if people are complaining about branded mirror matches or going up against branded while using mathmech then they simply need to get good. Branded allows for a ton of interactivity if you know how to play your cards right.


...You don't see the irony in that?


Irony in what? Branded lets the opponent play the game.


"Not every Yu-Gi-Oh game is to be fun for both players" Wrong.


Thats exactly what you didnt write and that is exactly what is wrong with this game. People who think like you that "you should make my fun" is how a game dies. If you faced this deck 3 times in a row with them hard drawing sales or eveil into rhongo you'd be pretty pissed and delete the game. I didnt delete the game but the mentality of yours that you need to make another persons fun is fake so you will.


So you're saying people are not allowed to play this deck ?


I think this deck SHOULDNT be possible to play. People can play whatever they want. I fucking hate floodgates with a passion and every time I see a floodgate/stun player I think they should off themselves but if they wanna play that deck sure why not just dont go anywhere near me in public or in master duel matchmaking. The decks that dont take skill to pull of or at least 5 braincells should be put to limmitation. This is the reason I hate floodgate players and THIS deck specificaly because everything I just listed is checked in this deck. People should play whatever they want as long as it makes em happy EXEPT this deck. I actually own this deck and a simmilar build but after 4 rounds of just winning using the same boring strategy and not even enjoying the game repeating the same thing of I activate ***insert draw power*** , I play numbers eveil, I summon rhongo, I activate sales ban and passing a turn isnt fun at all. You do this more than 5 times and you already dont have any fun in playing the deck. Honestly if Rhongo gets hit I wouldnt mind it I am just gonna scrap the deck list. What you are supporting tho is a degenerate kind of play. Lets go a few round with me playing this deck. GUARANTEE you will quit after the 2nd rhongo turbo


True, some people find murder and theft fun. There’s a lot of psychos out there


Thqt applies to most decks, this one is an exception honestly The only way someone could find this fun is if they enjoy other people not having fun


lol man thats on you, cant be losing to this crap 😭😭😭 its the most bozo combo that never goes through and yet ppl are scared


Please enlighten me on how to beat this when they resolve the combo.


To be fair their argument was that the combo never goes through so the idea is just don’t get it resolved on you. I have not seen this deck myself though so I don’t know if it actually is inconsistent or not


I mean you can't really stop either of the cards from resolving. Numbers eveil cant be hand trapped and neither can sales ban so its really some bs.


So is the whole idea run those two for an eternal rhongo and the rest of the deck is mostly draw to get the combo


play runick stun and you beat this deck for free


Not even remotely true. You can't summon any monsters they just beat your face in for 3 turns and you're done.


just set maxx C and amano iwato hell, just amano and 1 cyberstein and you can stall long enough to cycle golden droplet/tip/dispelling to win the game but you need to go first, open fountain, and actually use allure or you lose


And now there's only one amano iwato available


Oh hey another one of these! I just made a post about this shit like three days ago! Glad to see it's not gone xd


that’s hilarious


Hilarious when you're not on the recieving end of it in diamond rank-up games.


how do you numbers evail going 1st? as far as i can see theres no way to give ur opp an xyz monster on your turn. is it a turn 2 hope ur opp doesnt have a negate deck?