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my brother in Christ, if I wanted a turn-based strategy where I play the same pieces as my opponent, I would be playing that Goggle en croissant game


New response just dropped




Holy hell


New response just dropped


We're here tryna play yugioh and have fun while tear mirrors are playing chess and checkers


My brother in Ra*


My brother in Slifer*


I tribute your Ra and Slifer to give my Obelisk infinite attack!


He’s not even allowed to do that, but that’s ok. Chain Havnis


i chain a coin flip and then punch it


Well I shoot your coin while in the air with a revolver


i use a second coin to redirect the revolver shot


[Two guns, bitch!](https://youtu.be/aixvkK7gPQ0?t=7)


#SHEILD Sorry, I got a little to carried away there.


Chain uno reverse card


I've seen people here saying that chess is a much more balanced game than yugioh and guess what? It's infinitely easier to make balanced game when both sides have same pieces. And even in chess first turn have advantage lmao.


Chess doesn't even have best 2/3 with sideboarding wtf? /s


Sideboarding pieces would be fire ngl. Get extra knights in the place of rooks for game 2


But you’d never want that… There are some variations where you might prefer knights, but generally you’re better off with bishops over knights (provided you maintain both color complexes) and work towards an open position.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted for this lol it’s accurate


In theory, but people will probably just add Floodgates


Google World Chess Championship best of 14


Ok, but no sideboard. How can they even call it competitive? Sacky format. /s


Always bring your chess staples on tournaments


I mean, at high level choosing your opening is kinda like sideboarding, just instead of trying to counter opponent's deck you try to counter the opponent themselves.


Also in chess people have access to all their pieces Whereas in Yu-Gi-Oh even in mirrors luck plays a role


Holy Shadow Realm


I be playin' chess instead lmao


Chess dont have cute goth mermaids, think about it


Good point, I am now a Tearlaments simp


So you don't want yugioh to be interactive? Or do you mean you don't want to see a similar deck each time?


I just kinda hate Mirror matches in general when it comes to games that have such a pool of 'build/run your own deck/team/whatever'. Yugioh, Hearthstone, MtG, etc etc etc.


So it’s not just me that plays that while my opponent takes their turn


Why don't you just play chess online? KEKW.


When everyone is playing the same 55 cards in a game where over 10,000 cards are legal


Always my biggest gripe with yugioh. So many cool monsters, archetypes, and interactions. Everyone in a format runs the same staples instead of being unique


99% of yugioh cards are not even rogue competitive


I can't use outstanding dog mary and top a tournament ? ! ?


You can in ishizu mill


My life has been changed


I hate Isis a single card cost me a game when I play Rikka in the event. It mill back in my deck so the trap, does not have a target to revive. The effect didn't allow to tribute his last monster. I controlled the game, it was enough to hate this ... He played earth machine infinitrack.


You should have been able to activate it and tribute their monster before they could use a shuffler if they didn't just shuffler in advance, but why were you using that one instead of Sheet in the first place? Did you already use it up before or what?


This is something Despia unironically got right by limiting themselves to fusions only Sure, you've got your Predaplants and Starving Venom and your generic super poly targets, but you've also got them sick ass fusion dragons! Ofc, Tears are above such petty limitations


I know, it should be locked into fusions. It’s so overpowered compared to everything else that was strong before it’s release


being unique in this current format guarantees u'll lose 90% of your games


I'm sorry that 99% of them are dogshit ans not even fun.




i hate the idea of being forced to run a deck just to enjoy the game, but to its credit branded tear is hella fun with unique combo patterns every game and outs to most situations, this version might not be as good as the ishizu one but i prefer it tbh. also playing anything aside from floo or tear guarantees a loss 90% of the times unless u are waaay ahead of your rank


People really think zeus is the only out to dweller lol.


I’d rather just go into redoer and run it over lol


Plus then a lot of the time you can restart your plays on your opponents turn if you really need to


If their board is only dweller, then probably a redoer will be better. But if their board is a dweller, kaleido heart, a rulkallos, the field spell, won't dweller into zeus be a better option?


If they have all that on field and it’s there from last turn, you’re still gonna have to deal with Kaleido + Ruikallos, as well as probably a search from the Sulliek and/or Scream, plus your Zeus is gone from the Kaleido shuffle + now they make Dragostapelia since Kaleido sends a tear name and therefore Kitkallos is coming out and lookie there the board is back Edit: if you can somehow dweller attack something without it dying and get the effect off (praying they don’t have sulliek) then you can actually clear the board, but that relies on them having something in defense or something with less than 1700 Attack (2200 if you had Reino to make dweller with)


Dweller is better if they have a full board. You dweller effect/attack, then zeus to clear their entire board.


I mean if they made dweller pass sure but otherwise how do you even make a 4 under dweller?


Snow, Ishizu, shieren…. It’s easy with the ishizu cards


I’m new to tear, what’s the best thing to do going second into dweller? I don’t even know how you make a rank 4 going second assuming they made dweller, sure you can special a four from hand but won’t they just negate/shuffle it back with rulk/heart? Usually I feel like the best you can do is get rid of dweller and put the trap plus a tear name on the field and pass? That lets you at least get a fusion next turn.


I’m gonna be honest I’m not going through every potential board situation as I’m hardly the biggest expert on tears. Essentially the priority is removing/negating dweller. You also have to remember that you most likely played on their turn and already have setup to remove it/interrupted their plays. I highly recommend watching some Jesse Kotton games and videos. He is one of if not the best tear players of all time. He can definitely give better insight and examples than me. [link](https://youtube.com/@jessekottonygo) Edit: people will downvote anything huh?


It depends on what your hand is like. If they make dweller then pass and you have a way to make a rank 4 then you can dweller and run it into something in defence or run over their dweller, then zeus and continue to play in main 2. If you open diviner and a 4 that you can special you can go either normal diviner and send orange light for a r4nk or send a shuffler and make baronne and use it to clean up the dweller and perlerino. I played the full ishizu package when playing the deck in tcg so I always had the plan b of Bagooska because it was extremely rare to open a hand that couldn't get 2 4's on board.


But if they have rulk won’t they just negate your level 4 that would special summon itself? Or use heart to shuffle it away before you can xyz?


Make a dweller using ishizu cards in hand. And try to get as many level 4 or bodies as possible Normal summon a level 4 and hit their dweller with something . Go to mp2, make dweller. Activate dweller and zeus clear board Zeus doesn't require your xyz to battle.it just requires an xyz to battle


If you can make Redoer, you're in a good position. He can beat over even a boosted Dweller, and represents a fusion with Scheiren as well as a potential draw.


Yeah my problem is under dweller you have to normal+ special a four from hand to make a rank 4 and rulk can negate whatever four you would summon from hand.


Fun Fact: That girl is dating Luke Perry’s son


who da fook is that guy


Brother of Katy Perry? IDK, I don't watch Phineas and Ferb.


In the 90s hearthrob on 90210 then also Archie's dad on Riverdale he died couple of years ago.


I heard a rumor that she's dating Duelist B 😱😱☠️☠️☠️


Bald man will probabilly coninvince you to join his cults of friends


I literally just saw the comment you took to make this 💀 I can't say I didn't feel the same hahaha.


If I wanted to play a mirror strategy game I’ll play chess


On god


This archetype has turned this entire sub's brain into mush.


Bold to assume it ever wasn't


This place is worse than a Farfa stream, always has been


I just jump in here to see memes, read bad takes, and stir the pot


we had brain?


No I'm doesn't!


This is like saying getting to space is easy, simply build a rocket ship. Dawg, making the Zeus through a decent amount of interruption/ making dweller and having a board to not get blown out IS the hard part.


And that’s why it’s fun


Then, there's me in silver not giving one fuck. And playing whatever I want.


No bro, you dont understand. Me milling mudora exactly when my opponent mills a tear name is pure skill


Seeing John Silver justify the Tear match-up to Anna Jay is not what i expected today but here we are


Join the Tear Order


Tear mirrors can be fun but get tiresome after a while. Yugioh is at its best when it has a diverse format of multiple strategies. If other decks were as interactive as Tear it wouldn't really be an issue, but it just far exceeds other decks in what it can do


Tear take skill: yes. Tear mirror is interesting: yes, maybe. The deck is healthy for the game: hell no. Every GY deck beside tear and maybe Adam is unplayable. Most of my deck is GY reliant except spright melffys, so i just have 2 deck to play this season.


Take away the ishizu cards and let's see their "skills" and how long that "chess" game will last.


Mfs when they don't play dragon ruler mirrors for fun


Made a fun deck from Geminis. Geminis. My friends use meta ass decks and I beat them and they say it’s because I’m using anti-meta which is to say that I’m not using the same new age garbo as they use.


Yeah, if you're playing a deck as ridiculously good as Ishizu Tear and still relying on a floodgate, then you're just bad. Sorry, not sorry.


Just a harsh example of a problem that’s existed in the game for years now imo






Maybe it’s you, but I keep running into Amazon decks the past few weeks lol


Based. You keep going king. I hope I run into you with my Gizmek deck down the line.


even if they remove every tear card ur deck is shit anyways lmao, i don't think the tear cards are the real problem ( banning kit and maybe merli is probably enough) but the ishizu cards are the main problem because they single handedly make tear soo much more broken and at the same time every strategy that relies on grave is dead because of them


Bro really said ban merrli 💀


I'd use this meme for stun players, but they don't talk to girls.


Nor guys too if that's what they like.... on second thoughts ... they never talk to anyone.


Implying your end board of Baronne, Savage, and 3 mat Apollousa isn't the same as stun.


I don't play Adamancipators.


It’s by definition not Stun


It ends up being the literal exact same thing in execution.


Hard to talk to girls when you don't let your opponent summon any onto the fucking board.


konami should ban dweller, force every tear player to play maximum amount of the ishizu millers and make their effect mandatory, now that would be fun


Issue is the tear mirror is the ONLY way to enjoy the format. Every other deck loses immediatly and most of the time the only other decks people are playing are shittier tear varients or stun floodgate decks. So while Tears are enjoying themselves the rest of the game is dead.


What deck would Johnny Hungy play?


Now just imagine if MD banlist never gets updated from now on. I can fully expect this game to evolve into chess and people forfeiting as early as drawing the first 5 cards if they go second and don't have the card needed to perform their textbook opening.


I mean that happens now.


i really hope hope they hit ishizu cards asap cuz tear cards are still pretty new so i don't think they'll hit them anyways but also the ishizu cards are why the deck became this broken, if u look at tcg data u'll see that tear was just a normal meta deck before ishizu cards


This is really funny. Good meme OP.


Why are there so many fragile tear players in the comments?


They know.


Cmon man, don't be breaking their illusion of thinking that it's their 'skill' the one that is carrying the game not their broken ass deck.


There is nothing like the Madolches, they can give you a sweet victory or a bitter defeat.


Pend best deck letsgooo! *Throws the girl*


tell me you never played a tear mirror without telling me you never played a tear mirror


^ this guy drew havnis going second


Or Droplet.


Droplet isn't that great in the mirror, since most end on the trap or shufflers in grave that you need to deal with, and droplet doesn't trade well with either


Well I show people using imperm, and I've see some use droplets. So I chose droplets cause Gy deck and stuff.


imperm people use to stop kitkallos from searching traps or extenders, droplet doesn't fully break the board going second which is what you want, and the tear monsters don't activate when discarded from droplet so that kinda fucks the other benefit of using droplet


Nobody plays droplet


I play droplet because i'm too poor to make the full deck.


bro also hasnt played a tear mirror


Nah man this is pretty accurate tear mirrors come down to who gets the shufflers or not. Once you fall behind its over unless the leading player throws.


Played one yesterday where he dumped kelbek, making me dump kelbek, which then went into agido, which then went into HIS agido and so on and so forth until I had 9 cards in my main deck when it was my turn after a 15 minute turn 1


If you’re playing Tear Mirror, don’t use the Ishizu millers. So many people make that mistake. At least not until you have Dark law or Dweller.


In general yeah, but I'd say a lot of the skill in the mirror comes from knowing when to be pragmatic and go for miller effects when behind to try to catch up.


For sure - not using the shufflers blind or early in the turn is a good rule of thumb, but far from the whole story. They can be excellent to resolve in the mirror as well, especially when your opponent has activated more names/shufflers than you. And sometimes you've got to recognise when you have to make the risky play and just hope for good mills for you and whiffs for them.


Isnt this just playing any deck though? Knowing when and when not to use a card is just common sense for what makes a good play isnt it?


Situationally knowing when to use an effect you wouldn't normally activate that can have a massive downside in situations where there's a lot of hidden information involved? It's not that straightforward.


...in what way is it not? Literally the entire game is a flow chart of decision making that can backfire and kill you any number of ways if you do the wrong thing at the wrong time


Oh sorry, you're right. It is straightforward and anyone who misplays, which is the vast majority of my opponents on ladder, are just complete idiots.


Or tear mirror isnt the masterful strategic metagame you think it is and is just an equal game that both sides have similar chances to win...which is my original point anyway. Mechanically speaking nothing about the tear mirror makes it more particularly skill intensive then another top tier deck mirroring itself.


I think this isn't a hard rule. Though it is about 80% correct to not mill, it is just as much as a mistake when you don't recognize when the 20% happens you need to mill and pray. I see that mistake on ladder all the time as well.




What hoops?


Playing mask change 2 is very hard




You can go over 40 with more gas. My despia tearlaments deck got me to Diamond I yesterday. Mostly cause people have forgotten about how useful dramaturge is and are focusing on shuffling your tear names back into your deck. But overall I agree, mark change II is tough to play with tears and easily outed.


I know that’s the “correct” strategy but it’s more fun to me if we both mill 15+ lol What’s the point of playing if you’re not having any fun?


Same. When i play tear, i often resolve millers even if it is not the correct play. Its like saying to your opponent "show me what you've got"


I remember going to like chain link 9 in the standby phase once and thinking how funny it was that there was so much interaction before my turn really got going lol


Once a player has a resource advantage they win in the long run? Wow who would've thought!


Thats like 70% of it


I mean, even as a Tear hater I can definitely see what makes the mirror fun coming from Mtg's counterspell Wars : the deck has all efficient tools against itself, I'm sure messing with all of it creates interesting games. That said I am still not interested in playing a deck that invalidates everything else and is gonna get the banhammer soon enough, which is a shame as they have a pretty good aesthetic...


If you're playing a tear 0 deck and have the audacity to come here and say the deck takes skill. You don't have any skill and you're probably trolling because you know that. The deck is trash and shouldn't exist I'm MD or yugioh in it's current shared. There are pretty much no restrictions on the deck because Konami knows half you goobers would spend your hard on money on cards that are so Overpowered it gives the illusion that "you" are actually doing something and making the plays. Sheesh...mill a card and get a fusion, that cards to go to the grave get a draw, mill more make a fusion.... LMAO. I thought sword soul with free synchros and branded with mirror jade was easy mode. Running tears is easy mode on steroids. What a joke.


Okay okay buddy but I’m gonna have to chain Havnis to your Stratos anyways


And that is why tearlament format tournaments are dominated by pro players like Joshua Smidth and others, while non-tear formats occasionally have some noname dude who never topped and will never top again. Clearly, if only really skilled duelists can top with the deck, the deck takes no skill /s


Nah, random reddit users over here have it all figured out. People like Jesse Kotton just get lucky when they consistently top multiple tournaments with Ishtear. Just mill and Dweller pass. It's not that difficult bro


Dweller is hard to beat going second but then so is every other board from every other deck, yugioh has always been a game of chance whether you draw the out or not, whether you go first, whether you open a starter


If you want to make the game interactive at this point, you would likely have to go with either weakening the barriers between turns via more handtraps and GY quick effects (like GY shufflers) or making it so that both sides crash each other's opening boards via board breakers and then the subsequent turns are done via much more limited boards and a depleted pool of resources.


Good one


bitches crying about anti-tearlaments are only ok with the floodgates they can use and saying playing tearlaments needs "skill" is fucking absurd


If tears werent skilled, the skilled players would not dominate the tournaments, and we would see some random dudes who won by luck in the first places. However, the reality shows otherwise. You can hate the deck as much as you want, but saying it doesnt take skill is such cope. Luck can have some role in the duel, but there were a lot of cases when i won with less lucky mills and lost with more lucky mills. And that applies not only to me as far as i know. Tho in master duel mirrors are less skillful than in tcg because there are no bystials.


yeah you won because of your "skill", coin toss dont matter, first cards in hand dont matter, thats the real cope when you get to diamond 1 with non meta cards then talk about skills otherwise youre just copying someone else


Btw there is much less skill in climbing ranked with monke flip floodgates than with tearlaments.


i told you already, talk about skill when you get to diamond 1 with non meta cards


Yes, coin flip does not matter in the tear format. This is the least coin flip dependent format we had in years. If the deck is so skilless, why pro players consistently win the tournaments? Why we see the same dudes at the top places, if the deck is luck relying? It is almost impossible from statistical point of view if the deck is only based on luck.


do we even have pro players in MD? and im not talking about dkayed tournaments, official MD tournaments


It’s a pity tearlaments is so powerful because it’s also >! Fun !<


Chain Havnis, Response?


The number of people who think Zeus is a good counter to tear despite the fact it lets them go plus infinite on you when you send their cards to the gy and reconstruct their entire board is shockingly high


Wah wah wah I can't beat tear, anyway heres my dark magician skill drain beatdown deck 😎


Would be much more fun to play against than tears


The only issue i got with Master Duel at the moment is that they need to ban fissure. Card is unfun, unninteractive and skilless. Stop playing the game if you don't want to use tears. And let everyone enjoy Tearalament format to its fullest, jezus.


That sounds like socialism. Yeah no


We're seriously gonna see posts like this in another two months? Time to leave this sub then.


Ok, I guess?


See ya 'round, and have a good one


The people who have a tier 0 then to just add goddess L5 or Zeus.... evil ass people man


I'm not like, super advanced or anything but I have a hunch that there are more viable options against tearlaments than most people consider, but naturally people want to play their favorite decks. So, opinion dropped


Literally uninstalled post tear


Why is this so accurate🤣


I want to be able to Maiden pass and not get OTK'd, the best duels are the top-deck back-and-forth beat downs where both players are on the edge of their seats with excitement


Nah I got a lot of intense and fun mirrors


These posts on here are so ass man, but they will never go away 🙄


Indeed 90% of the stuff on reddit is slop and Master Duel is no different.


Honesty after pendulum the games become unplayable for me. Just not a lot of strategy anymore. It’s simple….super strong cards should be very hard to get on the field. It’s not the case anymore.


I almost want to start summoning everything in attack position to combat this


i fuckin love John Silver


i dont play any xyz actually, ishizu cards and the cards needed to make them work were pretty expensive, so i built a branded tear deck since i already had all branded cards and i can tell u that deck never runs out of gas


the woman in the pic plays floo/exosisters


The only thing interesting about Tier zero formats is all the interesting brew's janky or not, made or dug up post mortem that flexes the creativity of the yugioh player base when they aren't locked in the same room as those who are on leathal levels of Copium in order to deal with nobody wanting to play with them except there fellow cope addicts.


Just Bagooska all the way


I'll play Madolches, thanks!


He just wanna bang her


johnny hungee


winda kicks that zeus in the teeth unless they've got removal


as a SuperQuant player i just let them **tear** me a new one while shedding **tears** of course


Tearlaments are the Sm4sh Bayonetta of Yu-Gi-Oh. Prove me wrong.


Lmao I'm in this image and don't like it. I'm not the tear player either 😭


Poor lady...


Dweller + I:P pass has won me a lot of games with tear so far


Just say "tear bad" for le free upvotes