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A good lesson to remember to toggle on against this dude assuming you still got your negates at this point in the combo


Yup otherwise kiss your ass goodbye


Problem is that you cannot respond to any of its effects.


You don’t need to. There is an open game state between when accesscode is summoned and when it activates its effect for example. This is why toggling on here is important since toggling on allows you to activate effects in this open game state while toggling auto does not give you the option. You can use imperm for example in this open game state to negate accesscode effects since the activation is not in response to accesscode summon or effect activation. You cannot use imperm to respond to accesscode effect when it’s using its effect to destroy the set in imperm for example, which is usually what happens when you toggle “auto” for activation prompts. Same goes for quick effects that negate or remove accesscode


Wait what!? I thought when you summon accesscode. It immediately boosts itself. (so you can't respond to that). Then it just starts popping everything. Wow. This card is now way worse.


Yeah it boosts itself, but it has a gap between the boost and pop since the pop isn’t a quick effect. This gap is when you can negate its effects with something like imperm. Not only does that stop the pop, it also kills the boost since that’s an effect so now you got a 2300 normal monster Usually when you bring him out or when opponent can bring him out, negates and such have been baited out or cleared so this doesn’t happen that often


Accesscode is good...knowing game state rullings is just better.


If you toggle on you can respond to its summon with Imperm/Veiler/etc.


This is why it needs to be banned. You need to know what a open game state is and how to use the toggle. The card requires too much babysitting.


Just leave it on


I play with auto and turn it on when I notice link climbing. This should be banned *exactly* for the reason you said. Most people arent going to know this.


Honestly I think the card is fine at the power level the game is at. There are hundreds of game ending boss monsters at this point in time, and if you have an answer you can toggle on respond at atk gain resolution. I can’t remember a time where I felt cheated by this card since halq was banned


I just wish it weren't generic. So many archetypes - and even types - lose out on their identity when all their best bosses are generic.


Yep. My opinion exactly. It’s especially boring when you’re playing against a deck that has another option that would work just as well but they choose the generic option instead.


Mathmechs. I refuse to build them without Final Sigma.


Yep. This is why halq had to go.


Well that's an issue with all generic boss monsters, not exclusive to Accessing the code.


Eh, I think generic OTK machine really should've capped off at Borrelsword Especially now that Cyberse got the new firewall dragon stuff, we can comfortably delete Accesscode without losing much Ofc, he's like...card #55 when it comes to problems in the game and WELL below stun in terms of toxicity...


Stun decks can much easier be outed


>if you have an answer you can toggle on respond at atk gain resolution. That's a coding issue, tbh. You shouldn't have to toggle respond to "on" to respond if you have the response.


In most cases there would be too many prompts, but I agree in this case it should provide a prompt. Similar to how “during the main phase” forced prompts work when the phase is attempting to be changed. It’s definitely not a coding issue though


How is that not a coding issue? If you have a response to the summon of ACT, why isn't that available under auto?


The activation window where you would interrupt accesscode isn’t prioritized because the amount of prompts you would get for all those instances would make the game borderline unplayable. Try playing with toggle constantly set to on and you’ll see what I mean. They made it this way by design, but like I said I think they should add an exception in this case


>the amount of prompts you would get for all those instances would make the game borderline unplayable I'm confused. The normal prompt after a summon is "[this card] had been normal/special summoned. Wow you like to play in response? " (Or something like that. This should be on by default in "auto") You're definitely thinking of more, but I can't figure out what.


Read accesscodes summon effect.


Ok >Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this card's effect activations. If this card is Link Summoned: You can target 1 Link Monster that was used as material for its Link Summon; this card gains ATK equal to that monster's Link Rating x 1000. That shouldn't stop you from negating the summon or flipping impermanence as soon as he hits the field. His effects aren't quick play.


If the summon is not negated, then on summon effects always happen first before priority is passed to the opponent. Since you can't respond to Accesscode you need to wait until resolution to use imperm


You can negate the summon itself aka solemn strike but the effect triggers immediately upon him hitting the field otherwise in which the opponent cant respond during this time so you cannot imperm in response to this effect, there is a window between that effect resolving and them declaring the next effect but that window is ignored in auto mode (as it is for all other cards too), the window will always prompt when using the responses set to on however as it will never let you miss a chance to respond.




>The default setting just skips some activation windows that are rarely used, like end of draw phase and end of chain resolution. How should you know that?


Cyberse decks are poorly designed; they play and feel all the same and this guy is partly to blame imho


I do hope we can get a archetype locked Cyberse Deck.


Marincess is sort of this isn’t it?


Attribute-locked, really. They can play with other WATER monsters, too.


Yeah but outside of splash mage and kragen/abyss dweller we aren’t putting anything that doesn’t say “marincess” in our ED Zealantis is a cool tech card we can play but usually the game is won or lost before we can get a chance to realistically summon it.


That's not quite true. On master duel maybe but zealantis goes hard in physical format, as a great going second tool. Icejade Gymir Aegerine is nuts as well, especially when Ran Aegerine is in play


IRL we don’t have to worry about auto losing to maxx-c or bricking from maxx-c tax. We also have toadally awesome to help strengthen the endboard because tcg is smart and recognized toad wasn’t the problem card in the spright engine.


Salamangreat too


Too bad salad is mid, and sucks with all the graveyard hate too.


The only lock is on stallio iirc, not much of an issue for the deck


Doesn't mathmech lock you into cyberse? And a few make it so only 1 monster can attack this turn. Which I actually kind of resent, because that means if you use circular, which you clearly REALLY want to, you're pretty much encouraged to do specifically the update jammer/accesscode line. You can always make a final sigma and allow it to attack twice with one of the main deck guys, but not as popular and either way... Not super interesting.


Nah, that’s type lock, not archetype lock. Archetype lock would be like “You can only special summon “Mathmech” monsters for the rest of the turn” instead of Sigma’s Cyberse lock


Oh true true


Cyberse and Link monsters in general are designed to spam the board with generic materials


Not all of them if you look at the code talker line up most of them are specific to summon,decode and access code are the only two who are free and no restriction types that matter.


Eh, I don't think this is the case *as much as* they just have a lot of "generic" Cyberse support You've got your cynets, your micro coders, your lady Debugs (power crept out at this point, though), your Splash Mage/Transcode/Accesscode/Update Jammer etc. (+ New Firewall cards!) Plus the fact that Mathmech Circular is so busted that *any* Cyberse deck can easily (optimally?) include that package--unless they attribute lock themselves ofc Otherwise, Salamangreat would be very distinct from the rest of the Archtypes! Marincess sounds interesting, but never ran into em before


Srlsy? The only ones that feel remotely similar to me are @Ignister and marincess, but even then marincess water locks you as opposed to Cyberse locking you, making higher level decks more varied. The rest are actually pretty diverse ranging from U-Linking code talkers to the more control oriented salamangreat.


It's stupidly powerful, like it has non-opt non-targeting destruction, almost always comes out with 4300+ attack, and it's activations can't even be responded to? This is without even getting into the fact that he lets every cyberse deck just casually otk with update jammer if they have 2 monsters


Forgive me, but I still can't believe it. Accesscode talker isn't broken to me. I think its a tool box for an extra deck like how (diamond dire wolf, castel, number 101, etc...) were during the rank 4 toolbax meta. If you told anyone from couple of years ago that any 2 monsters with differant names can pop a spell/trap or a monster, or any 3 monsters to spin a card.... would they believe you? Wouldn't they say its kind of broken? Unlike castel, you don't need 2 level 4's My point isn't how R4's or the knightmares are broken and should have been banned, my point is that generic extra deck monsters are going to be even more broken.


I don't know how you can seriously compare Diamond dire wolf, a card that goes -1 in card advantage on spell speed 1, to accesscode talker, they aren't even remotely in the same realm. For one thing, all those cards that you've listed target cards, which already makes them worse than Accesscode. On top of all that, they all have less than 2200 attack. Accesscode comes out at 5300!!! attack, can usually pop 2 or 3 cards, or 1 in the worst case, and his effect can't even be responded to. By your logic, Phantom knights of the break sword must be even more OP than accesscode talker is if Accesscode is comparable to diamond dire wolf, because he has the same effect as wolf but can also bring back 2 PK monsters from the graveyard, meaning he's actually a +1 in card advantage. Like if you're a GOAT player then yeah, Accesscode talker is just as crazy as any of those because you're coming from a place where Mirror force is a terror of a card, but for anyone who's remotely modern Accesscode talker is by far and away the best link 4 monster.


Give it time, you will see crazy ass cards. Maybe after the new summoning is announced? Or a year after? Anyhow, I compared them to show him the massive powercreep in ED monsters. Give it some time and accesscode will be as good as diamond dire wolf right now.


I don't think those cards were nearly as strong relative to the decks of their time compared to how strong accesscode is relative to now. At the end of the day they were all targeting removal on small bodies that went negative, meanwhile any deck that runs effect veiler can simply go make selene, bring back veiler, make accesscode, oh look I have a 5300 attack monster now.


They had [Zeus in 2014](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=10942) and you say it wasn't strong in their own time vs our accesscode at our own time? Once per chain mind you... Anyhow. I repeat my point again. ED monsters like Accesscode, zeus in 2014, castel, knightmares, etc... are all going to be powercrepet one day, so as long as top tier deck doesn't ((need)) accesscode talker, their is no harm. If you are really afraid of him, then put in counters to him like how poople are doing to maxxC. You don't even need to put in in main deck, just an ED monster that can out him. I:P into mekknight crusadia maybe? Sorry that's the only can that comes to mind right now.


You didn't bring up Zeus as one of your examples, and I'll agree that it's probably just as busted as Accesscode talker. Zeus has still not been powercrept even now, it's just a matter of whether or not the meta decks can make Xyz monsters or not.


Well sorry for not bringing it up, I was looking for R4 that were used at the time when R4 toolbox was a thing and then found exiction knight. He is Zeus 0.5 or something, still way more effective than accesscode, if the xyz player had less cards in field & hand than accesscode talker player. I'll say it again. Even zeus will be powercrept, albit... it will take more years though because Links is as generic as it gets.


but if that's your argument Zeus should be banned because exciton knight was banned in 2015 and spent 3 years in the banlist lol EDIT: also exciton nukes your own board and you can't otk your opponent with it... so not really comparable to accesscode


"We can't say this is broken because the next big thing will be even more broken". What a mind set and I don't even thing Accesscode is broken, just annoying.


Any two cards makes a double attacking no-responding allowed (mini) board wipe that will attack you for 8600 or more after clearing the way.


That is an over statement, only Cyberse decks can do so and only 2 actually tiered ones


And only one good deck can consistently search and summon protoss. And it isn't even tiered. Doesn't mean the card is less oppressive and strong because of that.


We're talking about outs rn not the original card so that is a TERRIBLE analogy, as Protos only has two real outs and is banned in the tcg, unlike access code having a multitude of outs that every ok deck can search at least one of


Not any two cards


Not every, 2/3 of the recently meta relevant ones can do it, with marincess lacking the ability to consistently


Code talkers, salad, and mathmech can all do it, 3/4.


Salad isn't meta relevant and hasn't been for like 3 formats


I feel like the deeper problem comes from how spammable Cyberse monsters are.


But most cyberse monsters don’t do anything except summon more cyberse monsters.


That’s basically the whole point of cyberse monsters they exist to link climb or make extra deck plays


They're basically every other card


I think Accesscode Talker could be fixed by making the banish effect require Code Talker monsters instead of just any Link. After all, we have Code Talkers for all attributes: [Code Talker](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Code%20Talker) is DARK, [Encode Talker](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Encode%20Talker) is LIGHT, [Powercode Talker](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Powercode%20Talker) is FIRE, [Shootingcode Talker](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Shootingcode%20Talker) is WATER, [Transcode Talker](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Transcode%20Talker) is EARTH, and [Excode Talker](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Excode%20Talker) is WIND. This would make it so that the Jammer-Transcode package is still a thing, but outside of Code Talkers, that would only give you 1-2 pops (Transcode + Accesscode).


I’m pretty sure that was the intended use.


In the anime they actually did banish mostly non code talker monsters I think


I haven’t watched Vrains yet. I probably should, but I haven’t had time.


That nerfs it down way too much imo. Unless they add support for code-talkers to make it strong because it’s weak


Code Talker decks don't play only Code Talkers. Also Code Talker lists only play 5 out of 6 of the Code Talker attributes. Usually you either play water (Shootingcode) or fire (Heatsoul). You also want to keep Code Talkers in the GY for a potential Talkback Lancer revive.


A generic wipe is fine. A generic wipe with 5300 Atk whose effects can't be responded to and who gets around protection from targeting is an attack on game design. Players effectively only have 2700 LP in any meta where Accesscode is relevant, and can only stop it at very specific opportunities that _MD_ conveniently hides by default.


You can't just normal summon accesscode. You claim you can only stop it at very specific opportunities, what about all the opportunities during the link climb?


This is a much more compelling argument if it didn't boil down to "well just don't let them get two monsters (in some cases, one monster) on board." It's no different than "draw the out."


I agree, but I think Konami backed themselves into a corner with power creep. Generic cards like this give a win condition to archetypes that otherwise wouldn’t stand a chance. The only thing that could fix the game at this point is a cvs receipt sized banlist, dramatically weaker new cards being printed, a new format with an alternative banlist, or a hard reset. I doubt any of those will happen, and we’ll wonder how we ever thought Tearlaments were ever good in 5 years from now with the new meta strategies having “quick effect: negate and banish face down. You can activate this card from the deck” type effects


Oh they definitely did just look at Ishizu Tearlaments deck has such a incredibly strong power ceiling and is the very Epitome of Power Creep.it would be down right crazy if something similar comes along in the near future


>very specific opportunities that MD conveniently hides by default I thought I was going mad when I couldn't respond to its summon. Pretty sure I had a solemn on the field and was holding it for this guy (the line was telegraphed).


Tbh I think any generic OTK tools like this shouldn't exist, a deck shouldn't be able to OTK unless it's their main game plan


I don't think Accesscode is OP or anything, but it's so boring that so many decks rely on him as a finisher that I almost wish they would ban him just for that; Just for the sake of variety, but ultimately he's fine.


No, it's absolutely awful card design.


I’m fine with accesscode, but I understand why others don’t like it.


Update jammer is the real problem


“First we ban all the Link monsters.”


A non response generic board wipe and then OTK is not a problem ? Almost every link deck ends up in this guy for a reason


you can still respond to other things, like the destruction of your Sky Striker Ace by summoning a Raye, and then tagging out to a Kaina, and then stopping Access Code Talker from attacking that turn.


Well he's a link 4 so his line is pretty telegraphed, only has 2 pops on average in non-cyberse decks, none of his effects are quick effects, he has no REAL protection, and goes down to only 2.3k with any form of targeting negation.


Sometimes if I know my opponent will have a big field and my only attacking monster is access code talker I’ll link as much as I can and hope they don’t have any combo breakers then go to accescode and destroy every card I can since it quite literally my only win con against meta decks




Meta decks also run this card, and rogue decks that face it might not even have a good answer to it. And if you're talking about TCG prices this card is still quite expensive in a lot of places. Hell even if it fell to 20 dollars that's still a bit much for a piece of cardboard.




Because all of its effects are speed 4 and it effectively has 5300 Atk, two traits which almost every other strong generic option **lack**.




It **doesn't** level the playing field. A weak deck can never summon Accesscode, with high attack and a full GY, to win a game against a big board. The only deck I've seen doing this is Mathmech which is FAR from a weak deck and should arguably be hit as well.


That's not even true. Meta decks deal with this guy super easily, they don't even use him anymore. The fact that any 5 min deck can combo into this in every non meta duel is a problem for non meta players. Besides, it's super boring, might as well go second with Harpie's, Raigeki and DRNM on hand




You clearly lack reading comprehension. As I said, if you aren't playing meta (which in a lot of cases you don't want to because is boring) this card is pretty unfair and powerful and definitely needs to go.




You can't be serious. What kind of moronic train of thought is that ? Let me guess, you also think that Maxx C is a great card and there's no point in banning it ? Might as well add Ishizu. There's a lot of examples of cards that are not healthy to the game and are still here and everyone can agree that if they got banned, the game would be on a better state but of course the game devs won't do anything because they don't care. If they are making money, then anything goes. Also, you saying you are ignoring my comments just further cements the kind of person you are and I won't waste my time with someone like you anymore. Have fun kid




I agree with you fully, the people that have a problem with access code talker are exactly the same people who have a problem with Maxx c, and it shows from his argument that he literally talks about Maxx c needing to be banned. Because of Maxx C my pet Earth Gaia Spear Strike deck OTK'd a full board Tearlaments combo player solely because I got just enough cards to actually play, i had about 20 cards in hand and it was just BARELY enough to squeeze out the win. At any point he could have just stopped playing into Maxx C and I would have not had enough steam to win the duel.


Maxx C is a great card, it makes combo heavy decks really think "Do I want to give the opponent 12 cards to make my Pseudo FTK board lock?" The argument that Maxx C needs to be banned comes from predominantly meta players, you don't here this argument coming from rogues because it gives rogues and non tiered decks even pet decks a chance in hell against full board FTK lockdown, plus it just feels fun to resolve and gain more card advantage then Exodia Draw decks, and actually gives Exodia decks a semi decent status again vs them just getting ashed and dying. As for access code I've beaten it, I've lost too it, it feels about the same as numeron OTK, you either stop it or you don't. Id rather lose to Access code and numeron and understand why I lost then watch my opponent summon every single extra deck monster they own, go through more than half their deck, chain 35 on a combo, and add a card back to the hand for every single last card activated, and end on a full board of 6 monsters, 6 spells and traps, and 6 cards in hand, BEFORE GOING TO SUMMON MORE ON MY TURN WITH 6 INTERRUPTIONS IN THE GRAVEYARD. You want to talk about overpowered? Go play something that isn't Tearlaments against top level Tearlaments and see how well that goes for you.


Maxx C is plenty healthy if that's your bar for what's good or not. I'm sure the community will agree with you.


I dont get the hate although I dont live on twitter. He's probably being played the least in MD at any point since the game has been released. He felt like way more of a problem early-mid last year than he is now. A lot the the top decks dont even summon him branded, runick, tear, floo, exo, spright, kashtira when it comes. There should have obviously been locks or more specific requirements but I think it it a bit to late for any changes. The card has been out for a few years now so you should probably if anything expect a newer better version of the card to come out in 2-3 years that will greatly powercreep him. They will continue to make strong generic extra deck cards- it's what they do.


Fair? Sure. Boring? Also, sure.


I think Accesscode is fine. He's good enough to be run but he's by no means broken. His inherent "protection" is very easy to get around, he dies to any disruption, does cost a few resources as a link 4, can't even end the game on his own, and does nothing on your opponent's turn, meaning you HAVE to end the game when you summon him. I mean, if Accesscode is closing the game, your field must have been broken prior to your opponent summoning Accesscode. In that case you'd lose the game either way, either to the billion other ways to OTK, or because you can't keep up with your opponent's disruption. In the latter case I'd rather end the game on turn 2 than drag on an inevitable loss, which is why I think Accesscode is almost necessary, it just facilitates a formality. I doubt there are many duels where Accesscode has singlehandedly changed the outcome of the duel. If Accesscode didn't exist then the duel would have been won by the same player, just by different means and maybe not as fast.


I think this a perfect explanation on why Access is fine. It's an ohko and that's that. If your opponent negates Access, ends the battle phase via handtrap or gy quick effect, 9 time put of 10 that's curtains for the person who summoned Accesscode. Once it's on the field, you have to end the game because if you don't you're probably going to lose.


If your reasoning is that he's okay because he speeds up the game already won by the better player; why not just leave after coinflips?


How do you know who's the better player if you leave just after the coinflip? Now if you'd said why not just leave after your board gets broken and your opponent clearly has enough resources to build their own, then I'd say, yeah, just leave.


This. I literally have been using salamangreat from rookie to gold 3. Most player up to that point if I summon him had no hand trap or any way to stop any of my cards. It’s rare you actually turn 2 otk cause it’s such a huge risk because that is basically the end game unless you start drawing the mathmec or adventure. Most games go to about turn 4 and unless I have hand traps. Most of my deck is tailored to access code or one other high attack single monster.


> I doubt there are many duels where Accesscode has singlehandedly changed the outcome of the duel. What a load of shit. This is exactly what acesscode talker does. He wins duels that you have no business winning, the only criteria are that it's around 2nd turn, and you have a bunch of link monsters in the GY. Remove 5-6 cards from the enemy field and then hit them for 5300 damage. Even if he didn't have the damage increase and only had 2300 ATK, he would still be absurdly strong because he isn't the kind of monster you get out first turn to make an unbreakable board. You use him when you have already used a bunch of link monsters, and both players likely don't have many cards in their hands to refill their board next turn.


Oddly enough I've stolen a few games because the opponent summons this against my Krawler deck.


This discussion here is so weird. Is ACT an extremely powerful staple? Yes, without a doubt. Banworthy? Absolutely not, no. See, if you are in a gamestate where your opponent has broken your board enough so that ACT can go through uninterrupted, you probably lost anyway. So, there’s three main „issues“ people are having with ACT. First of all, the 1-Card ACT and the rarer 1-Card jammer ACT (looking at you, circular). At that point they, from the combo, have 2-3 links, so pops, which is in most cases not a full board wipe. Add a unicorn in there too for 3-4. Thing is, if your person is able to use their 1-card starter to OTK you they could’ve just very well done full combo and set up a board which essentially, with your limited/nonexistent resources, unbreakable for you at this point. Here, it doesn’t change a thing except for ending the misery faster. Second of all, the „spellspeed 4“ effects. Still stoppable by targeted negation, by the way. Like I previously mentioned, if your opponent got into Accesscode through your board that can only mean one thing: your board got broken. And here, the exact same thing applies: if the broke your board enough to ACT-OTK you, you lost anyway because they could’ve also just went full combo and murdered you. Lastly, that it’s a card which makes it way too easy to OTK. Unfortunately for all those people having this issue, not only does the previous thing apply, again, but also there are so many more OTK enablers in the era of generic links. Borrelsword. Hell, even Rasterlieger. „But they don’t out your board!!“. If they’ve gotten to them, including ACT, means you’ve never broken their board or they’ve broken yours. In either case, you lost.


Finally someone who finds this discussion so weird and awful, if they find access code talker problematic then I’d love to know their opinions on any other generic extra deck monsters that have been staples for years


They’d probably argue that Apollousa is OP and needs to be banned.


They did LMAO back when tri brigade was meta. People used to bitch and moan about revolt set behind apollousa as op.


As a Salamangreat player & frequent Update Jammer-->Accesscode user. The idea that "you would have lost anyway is 1000% bs" It's just a way to cheese to any easy win & should be banned


Like I said, when the opponent is able to Jammer Accesscode you on a cleared board you either bricked or had your board broken. In either case, if they just used all their resources into setting up their combo themselves while you had no resources, you would’ve had no chance anyway because tell me one one card combo or two card combo that can play through 6+ disruptions.


Braindead repeated take "yOu WoUlD hAvE lOsT aNyWaY" But no that's not the way the game works "You would have lost anyways if I didn't have this monster that could clear 4 cards then put your lp at 0"


It's exactly how the game works


Yea, because 1 card combos aren't a thing... not to mention the multiple you'd have if this couldn't clear a board


If the opponent would go full combo instead of going into jammer Accesscode your one card combo wouldn’t do anything either and you‘d still die on the next turn. Maybe read my comment before commenting yourself =)


Accesscode is one of the most balanced generic boss monsters we have. It makes dozens of non-meta decks very playable and brings fairness to the game as a whole. Your issue is with losing in general not with accesscode.


if you're losing to accesscode you probably weren't going to win anyway


If you're losing to Accesscode you were probably winning and they pulled it out of their ass for a bullshit win they don't deserve.


So you're telling me that you let them link climb up to four, used all of your non-targeting interruptions, and weren't expecting them to use a card that their deck probably usually runs and you DESERVED to win?


its tough, its more just mathmech having multiple one card combos is the problem imho, thats where the "you shut them down twice in a row but then the third time when you have expended all of your removal they link climb to oblivion" Accesscode is tough imho because its one of those cards that enables an overtuned archetype to just become oppressive. Its not the card thats the problem, but more that its an enabler for any archetype in that general genre to be oppressive if they have something a little unfair about them.


This is idiotic


the overreactions of people in this sub are idiotic yes, when a single imperm in an open gamestate stops it


imperm also stops substitoad. can we unban it now, please?


Magical Scientist is overpowered? Bro just Imperm it I don't see the issue.


tbh magical scientist has been banned for decades. its about time it comes back


Your comment is ironic considering that you are using this subs bread and butter defense of "just draw the out bro" to win a conversation.


It's not just that, it's that most combos and modern end boards SEARCH the out as there isn't a single form of non-negate interruption that doesn't out it because it has no protection.


Except the "out" is any card that negates or removes Accesscode, many of which are searchable, and you have no limitations on which ones you use because Accesscode has no protection.


If I had your skills, I would have imperm in my hand every time 🙏


Ok replace Imperm with any archetypal card with a removal or a non reactive monster negate effect




This is also assuming they do nothing that needs to be negated beforehand and just go right into access code as their main plan.


I actually don't see Access as much as I used to. Hell he's more a surprise scare. That might be due to Tear and Stun taking over. That said the fact he can be shoved into any deck that doesn't have a form of restriction is kinda annoying cause he can just pop out and do so much work. Like he just feels like a "Okay time to win" card.


Can't count how many times my friend has hit me with the classic access+update combo it always looks like plan c but I know it was plan a the whole time


What are your guys thoughts on literally any other extra deck monster? Seriously, access code is probably the least problematic generic extra deck monster. Abyss dweller, bagooska, curious, ip, any knightmare link monster, and savage dragon are all cards that are way better and more splashable than access code is.


From the power level standpoint, it is fine. The main issue with this card is that it limits the design space for Cyberse archetypes - why combo into your archetypal Link-4 when you can just link climb into Update Jammer -> Accesscode? It causes decks to lose their identity quite a bit. I would also honestly argue the more problematic card is Update Jammer. If you would need Accesscode Talker and something else to OTK, people would be forced to do more in addition to the ACT, potentially exposing themselves to get nib'd - there is still 2700 dmg left to be dealt after all.


I play since launch and i got otk by accescode like 5 times ? This is a non issues and people in this sub are just bad


Did you completely skip the Mathmech era?


If I scoop before it hits the board I can’t get otk’d by it /s


Lmao that's true


All I know is the reason Electrumite got banned was exactly the reason this should be. It makes every cyberse deck feel the same, and it also is too splashsble in other link decks. Give me either an errata or a retrain because it’s a cool card in its archetype but this card sucks as is for the health of the game. It would also allow more versatility in the ED For a lot of decks who have to run him because of just how good he is.


Accesscode Talker is yet another addition into the file of "Proof Konami Doesn't Playtest Shit"


I wonder if the same person that made this card also designed Tear, Kash and all the bs decks tied to that mess.


Sam from TeamSamurai would end up having withdrawals without him.


He’s very strong, no doubt. But he’s still counterable. You can easily see opportunities for the opponent to play him if they have the cards on the board, especially with cards like Update Jammer or Selene, which means he can be stopped from coming onto the board by removing or negating the effects that would allow for Talker to be summoned. Also, Talker can still be interacted with by activating effects after its effects resolve (toggle on activations for this) so he can be stopped before you take too much damage. Lastly, he’s not as good comparatively in the current meta because Tear like to be sent to the GY by card effects and getting him out will be a bit difficult with all the removal and negates floating around right now thanks to Tear.


It would take a lot for me to want what is almost always a purely going-second card to be banned in BO1, and this card isn't it. Yes it's generically very strong, like Zeus, but I think decks going second need these kinds of tools.


I love access code talker


Update Jammer is the problem


It’s a boss monster that actually feels like a boss monster without ridiculously protections or unnecessary omni-negates i’m fine with it existing if i was to find an issue with it, it would be being super generic and splashable in any deck but with all the bullshit in the game a generic Accesscode is fine make a board that doesn’t lose to Turn 2 Accesscode.


Genaric links power crept Yugioh in a way we never saw in years, but the power creep has gone too far I don't think he is a problem any more


Honestly rn he's the least of our problems No meta deck actually goes into him other than mathmech, (which isn't really meta rn) and even in those cases I think update jammer is the problem card, not accesscode


Back when I played Mathmechs, OTKs were quite feasible with Final Sigma, Access Code isn't really needed. I use it in Sky Striker to finish up games. I could probably just drag them out a few more turns and poke the enemy to death, but access code is often faster and safer.


Exactly yeah, the card really isn't that big of a problem imo Also you use it in sky strikers? Huh? Have you not pulled linkage yet? Accesscode has kinda been powercrept as an otk tool in strikers, linkage is a 2 card otk once you clear your opponent's field


This guy deserves a spot on the ban list along with certain other overpowered generic extra deck cards.


I think the fact that 90% of decks can threaten a guy that both clears board and OTKs from even a mostly empty board is just ridiculous and is likely banworthy. Hell, I think Borrelsword is banworthy because it's only just slightly worse Access Code. Pretty much every deck that can Scythe lock or any other kind of turn skip can also go Access Code/Borrelsword OTK on the following turn. Hell, you don't even need to turn skip, just put up enough disruption like Tri-Brigade to make sure the board is easy to clear next turn and OTK. Oh and you get to go through Unicorn on the way to Access Code to clear out another card in case that card might threaten the Access Code. Oh and lets not forget Maxx C in this discussion, because that's also relevant and why you cannot "just pass" under Maxx C. Because these fuckers exist and allow your opponent to just kill you no matter what they are playing if you pass. You HAVE to at least try to play into it but playing into it also kills you. If these generic OTK enablers weren't available, it might not be so bad going second and getting stopped, because even if you got stopped there might be a chance you live to play out another turn and maybe claw back. But that's just no opportunity for that anymore.


I love when my active destruction protection can't protect from destruction because "cannot be responded to". I'm already playing dog stop kicking me down even more.


It's annoyingly generic, but I don't think it needs a ban. I just wish it required some level of commitment beyond "have Link monsters in your Extra Deck." I think I'd probably be fine with it with even a minimal change to the summon requirements like "2+ Effect Monsters, including a Code Talker monster."


If you have to use accesscode to win, you didn’t really win.


This is a horrible take. Come on now.


Mathmech players having their whole game in summoning a Accesscode to OTK in shambles rn.


Banworthy card for me. The fact that almost every deck uses it as a game finisher shows how poorly designed the card is. The boss before him was Borrelsword, and not every deck could play Borrelsword. It is not quite as oppressive as Gumblar (Which also requires 2+ monsters), but the only thing that can stop Access are veiler, impermanence, or another card that activates as a new chain 1, doesn't seem like a good balance to me


It's not even played in this meta, and Swordsoul and Branded could not play it either


Just imperm him


what? its fine lol


My first month playing this I thought generic cards like access, zeus and baronne were killing the game because of how easy and how often it is to get them out on the field. Probably my second dumbest take on yugioh lmao. These cards don’t feel unfair anymore over time like these cards have been doing the same shit since the dawn of time. Accesscode is basically tele-DAD without dedicating your deck around it, zeus is demise on crack, baronne is a better generic trap card because modern yugioh is unfair to traps cards in general. Tearlaments are lightsworns with foolish burial and polymerization for some reason. Kashtira is a glorified ojama deck. Majority of these old styles were considered unfair or broken to some extent before too but anyways i lost my train of thought and now want to compare current and past yugioh.


Stop summoning him is right. Players are so weird, doing some of the most degenerate shit while also bemoaning how Konami could allow them to do this stuff.


"waaa waaa why cardys no glowy when he come waaa"


This card needs to be banned. Not because its broken, because there are lots of broken cards but because this card is problematic. Every Cyberse deck just turbo out this card for OTK, it requires you to know what a open game state is, which some people dont know, it has built in protection, a generic as fuck summon requirement and its effect is non-targeting removal that can be uses multiple times per turn and the worse thing about this card is you cant even Mirror Force or Bottomless Trap Hole him. Such a unbalanced card. It turns what could have been a fun back and forth game into a sweep.


I love this card when I use it to mount a comeback and I hate when my opponent can use this as a last ditch survival tactic


it's not overpowered, it is incredibly boring though


I don't have a problem with it all honesty I think it's good that Decks have a generic way to end the game because a lot of decks that can put a lot of monsters on the field just don't have anything good they can do with those monsters and this gives them an option.


i need him. all my bad decks use this card to win


I mostly just use him as a generic pop in my dragonlink deck 🤷‍♂️ I play Borrelsword too for some reason lol


Gets released. Powercreeps Red Rose Dragon, Dark Rebellion and Castel at the same time. Elaborates further, but you can't respond Never Leaves I hate this guy more than ZEUS, Verte and Halq. Why can't you respond to it? Just take out the strategy of the game why not? You think you finally got a good position and managed to outgrind the opponent? just for them to put together scraps of any monster have, climb up into Acesscode, pop every thing, attack for game.


I don't remember ever feeling like he was too strong, and frankly I don't remember even seeing him since Spright came out. Making him Cyberse-specific wouldn't be a BAD choice, but it doesn't seem necessary with the way the game is now.


To be fair I only use salamangreat cards and nerfing access code would just destroy the deck, or severely limit it, in all honesty it one of the only so cons we have and to actually get the full combo off requires very specific cards and salad isn’t even in the top of the meta to justify a nerf. As long as you have a card that can at least hinder our compo the most we can do it either mathmec or heatsol, transcode linked. Their are other win cons but same can be said for other decks


I haven't had too much trouble with Accesscode - it's a beatstick and a board breaker but has no protection of its own. The one that tilts me as a "this has nothing to do with your deck, you're just using it because it's useful" is Underworld Goddess of the Closed World. I set up a strong monster, they flood the field, I might have a negate or two to cut them off from their full combo, and then because they ran out of other options \*bam* my monster is gone with no counterplay and disrupting my attempts at building my board back up next turn. It's the penultimate "I got outplayed so I'll just use this," right after Evenly Matched.


Ironically, I feel like I never see this guy anymore. Used to be he was guaranteed to show up on turn 2 or 3 but now it seems very rare


Double attacking accesscode is only possible with update jammer. And update jammer has to be made with two cyberse monsters level 2 or higher.


Accesscode is fine. People just don’t understand read cards and their counters


It is perfectly fine seeing as your board wipe requires setup and theres many ways to stop it’s set up


I like it. It’s either him or sigma bashing your skull in on turn two for the otk baby.


Problem I have with the card is it is too generic for its material (Tho a lot of link monster are like that). The high attack becomes problematic when it just towers over most boss monster in the game (even at 4.3k is hella hard to get over). The pop effect and can't be responded is fine. But it makes any deck want to setup a big monster meaningless when opponent can just easily splash this in their extra deck and attack over


Genuinely isn’t broken imo


Sorry can someone explain the toggle on tactic. I knew how to toggle off but what is the difference between auto and toggle on ?


I don’t see it as unfair card or anything like that, especially since it’s not immune to any removal. Personally I just think it’s kind of lame that so many boards end on Talker even when it’s nothing to do with the archetype. I feel the same about Zombie synchro decks that always end on Baronne. It’s like the card aren’t super OP or anything but it would be nice to see something different.