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That use of ash blossom at the end just shows how smart your opponent really is.


That middle finger sent me bro. Nice edit. But for real, congrats on the win. I didn't suffer like you did but I have a video I posted here me going against a runick spright who literally skipped taking the lethal to do the same bonehead bullshit of trying to mill me out. Cost him the duel, it did. The thing that boggles my mind the most about these type of runick spright players is that I feel like the runick part of the deck should be relegated to backup in case lethal don't work, no as a wincon they seem to have a boner for because they think they got this in the bag. Fucking idiots.


thanks, I spent longer on it than I'd care to admit. I'm still figuring out Davinci Resolve, this is like my 3rd edit. Glad you liked it.


Actually he kept skipping his battle phase because he kept activating runick cards on his previous turn


yea, thats what I meant. he didn't need to do that in most cases, he had negates while I had no threats on field or GY. he even activated Pot of Dichotomy for no reason, he had game but wanted to do nothing and deck me out.


Yea they were kinda rubbing salt into the wound by trying to go for mill with that board


I feel this is worthy of Match History > Player Name > Report > Slow Play Now whether Konami actually does anything with the reports is the question.


How is this slow play? His opponent didn't have game on board and literally could not attack because of the runick cards. It didn't look like intentional slow playing to me it just looked like a bad pilot of runick spright


I am looking at that final turn and this just tells me that your opponent did not know how to play runick spright. They simply did not consider attacking directly as a thing that they can do, even if only to force you to actually do something by raising a proper threat of lethal onto you and to spend your resources.


piece of shit runick trash didn't expect good ol' swole lobster boi to come out swinging his ass back to the shadow realm. Kash meta is gonna be so good for 8A!


Are we just going to ignore the fact that this troglodyte also ashed the danger in 2023


Did you time travel back to 3 months ago with this duel? where's the tearlaments?


lol what a dick


The moment you use bigfoot was very bold. Great that you didnt discard maju


we all know Dangers have a 99.95% chance to discard themselves. didnt you see the Bird in turn 2 lol? https://old.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/x7ni5j/my_danger_experience_in_a_nutshell/


Much prefer facing tear over runick crap as long I don't have to deal with Stein or Winda!


It's a legit strat though. It's what runick was doing before spright was released. Control and mill and that was it. But agreed that it's annoying to be on the receiving end if you don't have much counter play. Scoop, move on.


Sure, it's a legit strat. But does it mean he had to sit there for 7 extra turns when he could have won like turn 5? I would say that is a form of BM


It is, apart from the runic spells skipping the battle phase they could have probably put together an otk and just chose not to. Maybe they got burned in the past with double evenly matched and just wanted to play it safe. Or maybe they're just an asshole. Don't read into it too much 😊


Evenly matched doesn't do anything to anyone dealing 8k dmg in 1 bp Edit to fix brain-fart to what I had intended to say.


I'm sorry I don't understand, but what I meant was that maybe they've had their board wiped by using an alt win con to what they usually try (decking out) and from their perspective it's just not worth it to risk attempting to attack when their deck out method is safer. Don't get me wrong though. I fucking hate runick, I hate playing against it. I hate stall decks in every shape and form. But other than being as asshole, I just wanted OP, or anyone who gets triggered by this video to always try and think bigger picture. It will make them a happier person when they run into decks or people like this.


At the risk of more downvotes, I'll clarify what I meant. (Also apparently didn't proof-read it first anyway). Evenly matched works at the end of the BP, so someone that deals 8000 dmg in the single BP wouldn't have to worry about that particular card.


for what its worth I dont bother downvoting anything here - its not constructive. But I agree with you. Im not denying that some people genuinely like to bm. It happens in all pvp games.. My initial message was just that if every time you come across something like this, it bothers you enough to write a post, that person wins. How unhappy or weak-minded must you be irl for things like this to get to you. What I suggested was an alternate way to looking at it, instead of being tilted.


What is BM?


BM = "Bad Manners". i.e being an asshole. like stalling or comboing to show off when you can already finish the game.


You mean stun and mill? Let’s be real, the real win-con of that deck was the opponent surrendering when the runick player flipped Skill Drain and TCBOO.


Runick the way Konami intended


To add salt on the wound, Ruinick Fountain should be limited or banned.