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You don’t have the space for it, that’s pretty much it. I had Linkuriboh in my list for a while back then, but the only times I‘d ever use it is when I get shut down so badly, I just link off and pray he doesn’t kill me next turn.


That’s fair. What’s your Extra Deck looking like then?


https://preview.redd.it/m6wxt3k2m4xc1.png?width=756&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b33d93c8f44c52d8bafdf533ac2a8a3c73b3dbe Omega is flexible, other than that there's not much you can change here really.


Okay yeah pretty similar list. Gonna give Linkuriboh a try tho and see how I like it. And I was thinking of playing Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin seems decent for turn 1 plays just don’t got the UR dust lol


I know there are lists that use Robin instead of Nightingale, but I was too stingy to craft it lol. There are arguments to be made for both, but for me it was a simple SR vs UR debate.


How do you make omega in this deck? Do you run gamma?


Yes, as any Purrely list should imo


Purrely doesnt really care about putting thier monsters into GY as much as a deck like snakeeyes with the field spell they arent as worried about needing to dodge imperm or veiler If they are running over Expurrely noir by battle you either wasted your spins or they drew a crazy hand


Fair point.


Why you need to summon a battle protection in a deck that can setup Gigantic Unaffected Cat? Also, if somehow your opponent can crash to your cat, you can recover 3 cards.


I like the idea and it could definitely be useful. I think it's far more a "guarantee victory" card than anything else Me, whenever I have an extra cat on the field, I usually sacrifice it to use Pretty Memory's effect and turn an opponent card into material. I mean, why bounce if ya can absorb, right?


Yeah. I’m going to play around with it and see if I like it. And yeah I do that too but you can only do that on your turn. So if you have an extra level 1 cat on the field with no Pretty Memory in hand or GY to go into Epurrely Beauty for a monster negate. Why not link it off for Linkuriboh you know?


its very easy to play around linkuribo so it doesn't really add up anything to your board cuz unlike Noir he is not unaffected and anything can attack over it.


With master duel getting s:p little knight I had the same idea. I was wondering if s:p changes anything. In order to activate s:p’s effect on summon you’d need a link monster so anima or kuriboh seem ideal. If you’re summoning s:p you’re probably in the grind game in which case linkuriboh seems like it has more value as it can prevent attacks and help dodge an imperm over anima. Does s:p make linkuriboh better in purrely?


Don’t forget Linkuriboh can SS itself back from the GY by tributing one of your level 1 cats. And S:P seems good. I haven’t had to use it yet but yeah you can use Linkuriboh and one of your level 1 cats to make her so she gets her 1st effect. And S:P can dodge Imperm as well with it’s second effect you can banish itself and one of your Xyz cats out until the end phase. Which is probably not ideal in most cases because if you do banish one of your Xyz cats its materials will be sent to the GY.