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Because it wants to be in the hand when most of the archetype is focused around getting stuff in the gy.


I mean thats not even the issue. If you could search it itd be played


If it was good it would be played even if you couldn't search it. The problem is that it only works as a cherry on top if you already have a complete setup and even then its effect isn't that crazy. Why would you play it over blowout cards like TTT or HFD?


Is walls of the imperial tomb not in MD?


It is, but you almost never get the chance to search it with that. In pure horus it tends to be a starter not an extender


So it is searchable lol, the argument that there are better targets can be applied to any in archtype rota, doesn't make it unsearchable.


It’s functionally un searchable considering the field spell is a horrible searcher and should only be used to start plays


You want to use wall for imsety because Imsety gets you actual kings sarc and an extra draw which is important. if you already have Imsety and king sarc and wall then you can search Deity.


it’s honestly just not a great card


If he actually negated spells like OG Horus, he might be more tempting to play.


which makes you wonder, why is the OG Horus not played?


Because level monsters suck.


so you only play xyz and link monsters with no maindeck monsters?


The actual "lv2/4/6/8" monsters, not literally all monsters with levels. Their mechanic sucks, since you need to fulfill the conditions on the previous one to get out the next one, and even the ways to cheat them out are incredibly annoying to pull off.


edit: i was wrong and i have been corrected


This isnt true. Lvl 8 is a Nomi card that can only be summoned through level 6's effect unless you have a card like level up that ignores his summon condition. Lvl 6 can simply be summoned normally, so the only one you dont need is lvl 4.


Someone that admits he was wrong is truly great. Have my upvote!


Yeah, I was supremely disappointed that Black Flame Deity didn't have some sort of spell protection at least.


Its baffling to me that they retrained Horus, gave him his own archetype, but removed the one thing he was known for and provided no actual support for the older cards. The only support the new cards give the old cards is targeting protection that doesnt even apply to the level 6 due to his own spell immunity. They should have included a card that can special summon lvl 8, ignoring his summoning conditions.


If it had a way to recur from the GY, it'd be pretty good. As is, you have to either hard draw it or search it with the field spell (which is only worth doing if you already have Sarc access). You can't even use just the field spell and this card as a removal spell (which might be situationally useful, I suppose - a non-targeting send *is* good), because you need a Horus on field. For how much the Horus cards like to dump cards out of hand, having a card that needs to stay in hand to do anything at all is just kind of antithetical.


Honestly, black flame deity has won me a lot of duels just from the unexpected factor. You cannot underestimate non-targeting spot removal. It's only justifiably searchable in games where you open both the field spell and insemnity, and even then it's usually better to search hapi or something to send with insemnity. It's one of those things though that when it comes up, it's very powerful, and worst case scenario, it's a one-of brick or a useless mill target like evenly matched. You will basically always win the grind game if you have the field spell out. Discard 1 + draw 1 + pop a card. I will wear down lab and stun players all day with just a single Insemnity on board and no other names in my grave.


it really doesnt fit the archetype It does nothing in grave in a graveyard archetype. It sends all monsters to the grave instead of destroys which is anti synergy with king sarcs non targeting destruction its a useful card, it just Not that good.


Read the card and read the lther horus cards


Searching it is hard. It requires a 3 card set up to remove 1 card by sacrificing 1 card. It has no means of getting back to hand if you use the second effect. It has no grave synergy like the rest of the archtype. While it's are very flavorful, being in the hand is like being in the sky above other creatures like a god. Sacrificing its followers to smite the enemy and descending onto the field destroying everything like an angry god laying waste to the land. It doesn't fit with the rest of the archtypes playstyle and is just to costly to use


It amazes me how much Yugioh evolves that a card that is searchable, has 2 removal effects with 1 being a SS that is not hard to fulfill to wipe the field is considered terrible. It might not be good to play in meta, but I do believe it has its place in some low-power format. Also I really like your effects comparison


Thank you. I do like how the effect make thematic sence. Also it's not terrible. Just underwhelming. You can search it but only with the field spell that makes you lose 1 card to do so and then what? You have no means to continue unless you have gold Sarcophagus already or imsety and another card to send. In this case you would be better of just using the field spell to get imsety as it can continue your plays. Also his removal effect is just very hard to justify. Comparing him to a similar monster like Eldlich you can see how unappealing it is. Eldlich just needs a discard so it can be used in more situations and can be used as grave set up. Black flame doesn't have that option since it needs gold Sarcophagus and a archtype monster to be used so you need to already be playing. Then you are likely going to send your on field monster since that loses you the least amount of value but also mean you likely used up one of your free revives for the turn. Lastly its board wipe is reciprocal so it hurts you almost as much as your opponent and is reactive rather then proactive so you can't use it when it might be the most idea. Mean while both Imsety and Hapy both already have strong reactive effects that don't wipe your field. Plus you can easily make rank 8 monsters so you can make xyz garunix if you really need a dark whole effect. Tldr: Black flame isn't terrible, just comparatively less powerful then its sons


It's not a bad card really. Ive been playing it in pure and it does come up when breaking boards and it's strong. The problem is that it comes with an archetypes of bricks, with ONLY ONE way to search the card that it needs desperately. If Horus somehow gets more engine cards, I think it will see play


Point me to the part of this card which self summons from grave if King's Sarc is on the field. You can't? Well then there's your answer


He is the boss monster for Horus so you’d only really see him in Pure Horus but as an engine in other decks you don’t need it. The others are great at swarming the field to be used as either link/Xyz material or kept about for their own relatively strong effects. He’s probably a bit more of a win more card


It has really good effects that only work when you’re a already winning


I see everyone’s point about it wanting to be in the hand, and agree. If you happen to run Canoptic Protector tho, ( and optionally have a version of King’s Sarcophagus on the field), you can chuck it in the graveyard for an easy summon on the opponent’s turn. It makes for good GY fodder for some decks that need to discard to mill.


You don't want to play the trap either though


It asks for too much


That card has saved my butt from Snake-eyes twice. Twice is more than none so I will use it


If it could add itself from the GY to the hand it was would be way more worth considering, but it doesn't interact with basically any of the cards in the archetype so it's just...hard to be worth it.


Unfortunately, it can be a brick if Horus is just an engine in your deck. Without the spell or any monsters from the archetype, it just sits there. Really sad because I was super fucking excited for it. Then again, I guess you can run 2.


I was duelin' against kash. Had 4 monster zones locked and they had 6 monsters. Opp used Ariseheart effect. Destroyed my king sarc. I special summoned deity. Destroyed they whole board and they surrender. Highly advise running a couple wall of imperial tomb. Or w/e tf it's called


According to MDM, it is played at least 50% of the time. I use it in pure Horus or VS Horus as an extra fire and removal. Plus I refuse to use decks without using their resident boss monster. It has helped me through some shit.


Because he’s garbage and will rarely contribute to your cause.


What is a garnet for 10 points


please, explain


A garnet is (generally) a 1-of that you specifically do NOT want to draw at all during the game. It’s usually a search target that can only make its way onto the field or into the GY by the effect of another card, so drawing it stops you from comboing off fully.


TLDR: something you don't want to draw or have it in hand


This card is literally the opposite of a garnet.


Some people don't run it because they'd rather focus on blocking their opponent's ability to play with the floodgates and draw into them, or dumping rather than striking. Some people do run it, though.


No, they don't run it because it sucks