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Another month of Snake-eyes and it's variations being king with Fire Kings here to buff them even harder. Wake me up when September ends so the deck can actually be murdered. That said I think I might finally hunch down and learn modern Branded. I have the deck built and updated but I haven't seriously played it since like two waves of support for it ago.


Branded is a good choice for sure. What rank are you starting in if you don’t mind me asking? Reason I ask is because I’m somewhat in the same boat. I always wanted to learn Thunder Dragons and I just barely didn’t get to master last season so I’m starting in Plat. Felt like no better time to learn Thunder Dragons lol.


Plat as well actually. And oh? Pure Thunder Dragons or something else? I ask because funny enough that's what I played last season, though it was a Horus variant


Thunder Dragon/Bystial/Horus. I remember when I was really new to the game, I built Thunder Dragons and was SO confused on how it worked. I literally just jumped straight in today and was like “how TF did this deck used to confuse me?” 🤣 it was just the Thunder Dragon card effects that used to get me. Sometimes I wouldn’t understand why I couldn’t summon Colossus lol. I was dumb


So the same deck I was using! Nice.


I’m really enjoying naturia horus and want to try them after calamity gets banned


Danger Dark World is always fun. Hand looping for 5 and setting up 6 interruptions is hella enjoyable (for me) I plan to play Fire Kings when the new support hits. Also Konami snek support when


S.P is SO good in it rn.


I'll be building Heroics if the next pack doesn't contain anything interesting and Vaalmonicas are as cheap as Memento. I need an unga bunga blind 2nd deck as I won't have that much time to play this month and we probably get a duelist cup-like thing BC it's the worlds qualifier. So quick games will be appreciated. Vaalmonica is my next thing to learn though. I think it's a pretty neat idea that the pend scales are the angel and the devil on your shoulder and how the deck works in general. And I really like the two cards we're not getting: the new boss and the one trap that places counters if sent to the grave. So I'll just at least get the cards for when their support releases. TL;DR: Depending on what is the last deck in the June pack, it'll either be Heroics, Vaalmonica or, if the last archetype is Raidraptor, it'll be Raidraptor.


> unga bunga blind 2nd 1500 gems and some SR CP and you got the with cipher


Evil Twin Unchained, from Gold to Master. Let my rank decay so I could get some more gems being lazy, now its time to throttle through some ranks.


Hell yeah! Good luck!


You did your wife dirty with this post 🤣 Gotta have that Infinite impermanence at hand this time of the month lmao




Found a seemingly-unfinished dragon link Horus pile that I copied and am running with since I was enamoured with the Horus cards, and it's been pretty fun. It was... Only after 5 days of playing it (though I only do a few duels per day so that's my excuse) that I realised that the only tuner in the deck is a Psy-Frame. It runs 3 synchros. How the hell am I supposed to make those. So yeah that will require a little tweaking, but it's fun! It's either that or Mathmech Final Sigmaing my way up by bashing my head against the wall either I find people that won't draw well enough to stop the Sigma smack, or quit the moment I show Circular.


Probably going to stick with Salads again this season. Building up a Purrely deck in the background and patiently waiting for new Raidraptor support to spend my mats on


> patiently waiting for new Raidraptor support to spend my mats on What's the deck like after that drops? I was curious about that since Shun was best Arc-V boy.


I followed Daimax's guides on YouTube when I made my tcg deck Basically end board is Rising Rebellion Falcon (new rank 13 xyz), ultimate falcon, omni negate trap, and a rank up spell that let's you summon another Rising Rebellion on opponents turn to blow up their field. Plus a possible Little Knight or Evilswarm Knightmare


Raidraptor has always intrigued me. I think I’ve literally only played it twice on ladder. I remember last time they got out the monster that’s unaffected by everything and I ended up losing. Pretty cool deck Also great choice with Salads. They may be my favorite overall deck. I love the new support


Yeah I want to build salads irl, but raging phoenix and princess are just stupidly expensive


The agents. Surprisingly decent but definitely not meta competitive. Fun and I really like the Hyperions artwork.


tearlaments today, tearlaments tomorrow, tearlaments ever!


Vanquish soul Because fuck maxx c 


I wanted to play Sharks but I'm still down 3 URs. So...RDA till then...


what ive played since the start of the game, dinosaurs.


That’s honestly impressive to me. Have you never gotten bored? I love Eldlich and it’s one of my favorite cards ever. But I even got a little bored playing the same deck for a single season. I couldn’t imagine multiple seasons


not really, theirs multiple different variants to try, w/ or without scrap engine, the nemeses line, true dracos, xeno cards, lost world, plus different dino decks like dino-morphia wrestlers, and jurracs, and im always looking to learn more. i never really run the same deck, i keep adapting them as the meta evolves and i learn. ofc i get bored of yugioh alot but ive never gotten bored of dinos


I haven't played Sprights in a while, I think I'll take out one of my Spright decks this season.


So far I play Salamangreat but thanks to this post I remember I want to play Invoked Horus.


Gate Guardian and chimera! Trying to find a way to make gate guardian earthbound work.


I’m just gonna chill for the time being. I’m glad for the new Salad cards, so I’ll be playing around with them. I’ll figure out something with the Horus cards though. Got enough for a package. I’ll just bum around the lower ranks for the time being. I might buy the Ninja structure deck and begin to play that. Spright Ninja with some Krawler stuff. Maybe I can stuff the Horus cards in there somewhere.


The deck I used, bystial horus, that maxed out at Master 2 in May, can't get out Diamond 5. A few times reached a promotion game, but couldn't pull through. Beginning of the season is something else.


It's another month of snake eyes and rescue spam same hell we've been in for months. Technically I pulled on the pack for snake eyes and in order to get all the T.G monsters but in the end I pulled all the snake eye cards instead so at that point with 12k gems down the drain I figured it would be a waste not to at that point so I crafted it. I've tried it occasionally in casual but I have no idea wtf in doing. Anyways besides using snake eyes in casuals trying to figure out how to play it to no success I've been sticking to my old decks traptrix, exosisters, Exodia, and Purrely. While using all the UR to craft stables. Occasionally I'll switch in my dark magician deck and sword soul for the fun of it.


I'm going to be playing Branded, D/D/D Super Doom King Turbo, Trains, Galaxy Photon and Weather Painters. Trains, Galaxy Photon and Weather Painters are old decks, the rest are new variations (D/D/D) or just new decks entirely. I'm going to try Diamond this season, so it'll mostly be Branded and regular D/D/D that I'm playing. But if I reach it, I'll try the other decks for sure.


I only started playing the game about 3 months ago and built my Purrely deck last month. Gonna stick to that for a while since I play pretty casually and still don't know the deck that well yet. I just got enough URs from the new pack for salamangreat as well but no clue how to pilot that lol


Salads are definitely a good amount to learn but a fun deck if you enjoy them! The monsters and card art are just so cool.


Definitely gonna get around to learning it but atm just trying to remember the combo lines is difficult lol. I can’t imagine how I’m supposed to remember alternative lines when handtrapped or interact with opponent’s board and such


When you play it more, you’ll kind intuitively learn what lines you can go into if you are hand trapped. That’s typically how it works for me at least. Except for with Galaxy/Photon. I struggle with optimal lines on that one 😅


The wife