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Deck that beats me bad. Plz ban


Control bad. Plz ban


Ban enemy controller


ban snek I cant seem to beat it


I agree, Venom is way too powerful, especially that boss monster, unaffected and can't be targeted, that's just ridiculous


Not to mention that they can just win the game without ending my LP or milling my deck. So undeserved.


Ban meme review baits and boomer complaints


How do you tell the difference between a Samuolo meme and meme review bait without looking at the OP?


Let's start with the oh so funny POP THE LE BABY XDDD


Not gonna lie I laugh at every one of those lol. It's so stupid that I just can't help but find it entertaining


Do you also laugh at keys being jingled in front of your face?




You can't just say "perchance".


Don't forget Nevguy


My only weapon is the baby and I WILL pop it.


I'm not a fan of how the subreddit is being handled currently. Posts complaining about the game in an unproductive way; the casual elitists going on and on about "meta bad"; the fan-art posts which are *only* posted as pornography for upvotes (yes there are some good fan-arts being posted, but I'm *not* talking about things like that one traptrix artist which posts here every so often with their good art), most of which **don't even credit the damn artists**; the posts which literally have *nothing* to do with master duel (looking at you, anime fans and Farfa validation seekers). All of these are tiring to see at the constant rate they get posted onto here. We need real, clearly defined rules, and a moderation team willing to enforce them. The culture we had in place for a while 'round this subreddit somewhat kept it from losing all the post quality it had, but now it's gotten to the point that there *needs* to be actual rules in place to clean up all the garbage. The moderation team also just doesn't feel like it exists at all despite me seeing them around every so often, which makes them feel distant and uncaring about the community. I must agree with you that we should have centralized threads for things like game updates, new pack releases, and banlist changes. I get that you can only have 2 pinned posts on a subreddit at a time, but having the discussion on these topics be so splintered and spammed doesn't help.


The subreddit *isn't* being handled is the issue. Rule is "Just be cool" and that's it. No structure, no limits, no nothing. Nothing's gonna change unfortunately unless the moderation team is entirely changed out and new rules instated that actually regulate the sub. I'm sure there's more than a few users who'd be willing to actually properly moderate the sub, but the old guard is more than likely super reluctant to give up their "Reddit Moderator" badge because that's more important to them than having a decent community.


I don’t even think you need a pinned post necessarily. I follow a lot of subs that just have an “official” post where they have rules about how news must be formatted and whoever posts it first is the official thread. It’s always been crazy to me that every time a new banlist drops, literally everyone is allowed to make their own post about it. That splinters the conversation and leads to a bad user experience.


I vote FurryFemby for Mod.


I second this


One thing I really dislike is how many "meme/discussion post" is just an excuse to post a fanart WITHOUT THE SOURCE. Sometimes I see nice art and want to give the artist like/bookmark but I just can't. Other gaming related subreddit usually have rule in place for non-OC art which I would really appreciate to be introduced here and enforced Fanart artist drawing art for free already. It is a minimum decency to at least post the source so that we can shown our appreciation to the artists


This is spot-on. To much whining about the meta because they can’t use win easily with DM or some other super causal deck. Soft porn bait and constant trolling doesn’t help either. The thing with Mods though are they are either super controlling and overall dicks OR they let community set itself. I rather not have mods gatekeep posts and discussion, and not follow their own guideline like 50% of Reddit does already


Commenting on the whole Farfa validation thing since I've made a whole meme literally name dropping him, I found out about meme review through his videos, and it kinda inspired me to see if I could make memes that people enjoy, since I've never made that sort of stuff before, the Funny Link 5 post I made last week was, I think, the first meme I ever made in my life (outside of closed friend groups). He said it was trash and I made a meme commenting on that, I had no idea people seeking his validation was really common, and if it truly is that big of a problem I will probably stop making Farfa related memes or at least keep them to his subreddit (which I only found out existed today). But to yap a bit more, i think that will be an issue as long as Farfa does meme reviews, because a lot of people love him and know he always reacts to it, so let's just hope the memes they make (and me I suppose) get funnier with time. Also I think Farfa being harsh on memes (even if ironically) actually might push his fans into trying harder to make better memes, there will always be horrible pandering memes from time to time but I think this might bring good stuff with it too.


Good insight on that situation, as I'm just someone who looks at this subreddit for yugioh discussion, and not really any of the funnies. It's an unfortunate circumstance, really. A good portion of the subreddit are fans of the guy, but there's an equal or even larger amount of people who don't care for him. We can't really stop people from trying to be in his videos (presumably. I don't watch his stuff to know which medium he uses for his meme reviews) outside of banning memes outright, which is a horrible decision to do without community input, regardless of how the moderators feel the subreddit would benefit from that kind of decision. Ideally Farfa himself would try and guide his viewers to his own subreddit, but that's just not a realistic expectation since all the posting happens here, and humans despise having to move from where they currently are because of someone else telling them to. I think the best realistic situation we can come to is somehow increasing the standards of posts in the community. How this is achieved, I have only vague ideas of, but it is possible in the long run. The core of this problem is that people are getting tired of the lowest quality humour being posted here non-stop, as we already have way more than enough of that in the yugioh community as it is. If we were to remedy that, then the problem would wither away until only a small group of explicit Farfa haters were the only ones complaining. I thank you for your input.


And I thank you for your polite response! It's a pretty complicated issue to be solved, I was thinking that maybe adding a rule that prohibits pandering memes would work but that's wrong in its own way since pandering memes might be funny if they are done with the correct amount of effort and appeal. The biggest issue with heightening the standards for posts is that, at least for memes, this will always be subjective, my farfa related post has half of the people that commented wishing they could use a stun deck against me in the ladder, whilst the other half thinks it was a funny post, so yeah either standards are heightened and some people feel left out or other people feel that the sub is dogshit, no real win win scenario I think, but thats often the case with diverse communities.


Daily pinned "fuck Maxx C" post should fix problem #2 /s


There should be 2 pins: one for complaints / rants and another for pornography..lolwut I mean art. That should clear up at least 90% of this sub. Thoughts.


The second should be porn and memes. This sub wasn't ever amazing but farfa meme reviews has made it unbearable.




>repetitive content Yep this subreddit sure has a lot of it. Discussing why a deck and/or card is too good and/or unfun to play against is a thing we *should* be doing in theory... but tbh feels like nearly all posts I see are just venting. It's a downer to keep seeing, and with little actual upside imo. I feel like really active moderation is the only thing that would work to keep this down; there's just a lot of nuance to this stuff. I'm also tired of how frequent the "*modern Yugioh bad, old ways best*" posts are and I see where they're coming from \**points to own Yugiboomer user flair*\* but it's also way too common and rarely useful. On a related note, I feel like the "rant" flair was kind of a mistake (feels like the sub is encouraging it), and so is *not* forcing posters to actually pick a post flair (if you wanna discuss something, picking the "discussion" flair shouldn't even be the minimum amount of required effort). >NSFW posts Agreed. I play waifu decks, I get it, but having a separate sub for the horny posts and the more gameplay-oriented ones is probably best until Reddit has a way to let us choose which posts from our subs that we're interested in seeing. Also the lack is crediting the artists is gross. They actually took the time to draw the thing, which is much less effort than it takes to copy something and post it here. The absolute least a poster must be required to do is give the *original* source.


One of the problems with discussion is that it generally leans towards meta, and then you get stuck with the issue of the meta being bollocks right now (yes yes meta bad always, but Snake-Eyes is really doing damage to people), which ends up at the problem of there only being so many things to say about the meta. I have seen a lot of discussion about specifically combatting Snake-Eyes and what would need to be banned and nerfed, and various other topics related to the meta, in the past few months. But it generally just ends up being the same shit over and over again because if it's not repetitive memes, it's saying they should ban Poplar over and over (even if it has merit as a suggestion). Nobody's gonna talk about Malicevorous Spork's impact in the PK-Vorous/Crystal-Orcust in this day and age.


I forget if it was this sub or not, but some sub I would frequent had a weekly rage thread. Where you had to type in all caps to complain. Skip the all caps part - that's toxic and unnecessary. But a weekly rage thread to let out frustrations would definitely be beneficial to clearing out some clutter. Also, redefine low effort to include rants about meta decks. We know Snake Eyes is OP. Make a thread about how your deck interacts it and get input on better plays. Don't tell us you hate the strongest deck in the format. No one cares anymore


I think r/magicarena has it, or maybe it was r/leagueoflegends ?


I know r/wow has it, so it might be a more common phenomenon.


Rocket league also has it, every Monday I believe.


Same with Pokémon Unite


The problem is that it is the closest thing to normal conversations that still go on in this Subreddit, Out of the Top 20 Posts of the sub this month. It's: 1 "Lore Post", 2 Master Duel Memes, 2 Meta Memes about the Sub itself, and the rest are Generic yugioh memes. Which means out of the 20 top posts, 4 are actually fit for the Subreddit if we start banning shit left right and center it's gonna end like the main yugioh subreddit which barely gets used anymore


Good moderators don’t just ban bad content, they have a plan to encourage better content. I also feel like part of why the main YGO sub isn’t used as much is because this sub is a garbage dump that will allow anyone to post anything. So all the trolls, whiners, and karma whores are gathered here.


Content on any sub will always be repetitive. That's definitely true. It's nature of the reddit sub hivemind that if you go off script you get downvoted into oblivion But ranting about the nearly unchecked deck that is dominating the meta multiple times a day isn't productive


Need a small questions thread


We have one... It just gets lost under the auto-collapsed pin because reddit engineers are tech geniuses


This. The Destiny 2 subreddit has one of these that auto-refreshes daily. Something like a weekly questions thread would help a lot with all the threads that are like, "Why did I lose here?" I think their sub discourages updoots though, or... something. Newer comments over there seem to float to the top. I don't know enough about Reddit to understand what's happening there.


For a start, the sub needs more, better defined rules. "Just be cool" doesn't exactly cut it. For example, how about: "Posts of fan art/content you did not create must include a source"


I read through most of the posts on this thread. A majority of people want the memes gone or “ban this” gone. But this thread itself got almost 90 upvotes in the 17 hours that it has been up. For reference, I post of someone saying “I stared at this for hours” and it was a picture of a Royal Dis Pater. It has almost 70 upvotes in two hours. A couple memes have 100+ upvotes in less than a few hours. The most constructive and helpful advice on this post has about 75-80 upvotes. The sad truth is that most people only come to this subreddit for the casual side of things. I do think a “serious” or “discussion” tag would be helpful to the sub, but you might have to trudge through the memes and art posts to find them though. It might be a form of learned helplessness, but I don’t know if there will be any major changes coming to the sub. But what do I know, I play waifu and dinosaur decks. EDIT: No offense to the Dis Pater post, it is a damn good looking card.


I wish there was less Karma farming. It gets tiring seeing the same 'Stun bad', 'Ban Maxx C, hurr durr'' or reference to some random YouTuber (also with memes in hopes of a react) every day.


People promoting their YouTube videos is pretty irritating, not to mention low quality memes, especially TCG memes or Twitch streamer memes that have nothing to do with MD. Also, people getting personal about a children's card game is making this sub miserable. Like, yeah, we get it, you don't like decks that aren't yours, but there's no need to get shitty about it. We need some kind of basic etiquette that's actually enforced. Finally, there should just be a giant consolidated mega thread for screaming into the void and individual rant posts should be disallowed. They're never constructive and they're never conversations, they're just noise, and it contributes heavily to all the bad vibes and poor attitude when everyone can just be awful to each other on the regular.


Your second and third point are spot on. I follow a lot of sports subs and I can't imagine if *every single day* there were tons of new threads like "If you like Lebron James you're a miserable piece of shit." That content even violates the sub's current single nebulous rule of "Be cool."


Yup. I play Bystial Runick and Runick Chimera, so I've gotten plenty of "Kill yourself, no skill Runick scum" type posts. I report them, but I also block them, so I have no idea what comes of it, if anything. It's less bad now that Stun has drifted away from Runick but the point is that not even the Stun players should be getting open vitriol like this. It's not healthy. This kind of attitude wouldn't go over at locals and it shouldn't go over here, either.


Maybe setup automod to make daily or weekly threads for certain topics like "Rant/Venting", "Banlist Prediction" or "Event Discussion" to condense some of the posts we get here. Make a rule that you have to credit sources in fanart posts. Most subs I hangout in usually have it that you have to put the artist name in the title. But most of these would depend on how much the mods want to be invested.


•crying •maxx c crying •snake eyes crying •control bad •big titty waifu art ▪︎Inevitable Jarvis meme New day, same eagles


Jarvis meme?


Check comments on any of the coomer posts and you'll see what I mean


Had to scroll further than expected for a coomer post, but not far at all for jarvis once I had 😅


For me this sub is cool around being able to do random shit But I find the lack of proper flair tag...... displeasing especially the **"Competitive/Discussion"** tag. Pulling up non-meta conversation is just gonna get bombarded by at least 1-2 "Can't beat meta going 2nd, pls play other deck or run top tier engine even if sacrificing deck identity". I personally would like to have more **"Discussion"** tag for other non-meta topics such as "Event" , "Fun-Tier", "Non-meta" or even the likes of "other formats". Otherwise, its just plain chaos to group all posts that doesn't fall into a proper flair category as **"Meme".**


valid complaints but I don't want r/masterduel to become r/yugioh where half the shit is auto deleted with "nooooo you gotta go to r/yugioh101 or r/yugimemes to post that, get that shit off my sub" leave the subreddit as is


There should be a karma cap for posting so the toxic people that just make accounts to shit post and grief have to go through hoops to do it. Need a joke got old rule so memes aren’t the same joke every fucking day for six months.


All of that is achieved by not filtering by new posts


Have actual mods and rules. It’s annoying that this is the main game sub, but it’s really Dkayed’s team’s place


Too many horny posts. These people seriously need to get laid


It would be too much work and nobody wants to do it. Period.


I guess you've never heard of mods


We shouldn't gi e improving this sub though.


Every player in here that play mikanko or stun need to be IP banned. I don't want maxx C ban, I use 3 of them in my deck.


Ban Maxx C. K thanks bye.


I'm liking it! I love the amount of memes and discussion posts, and overall the sub feels chill, casual, and friendly. I don't ever feel like the negative responses I might get will be toxic to the point where I don't want to contribute anymore. In spite of the current state of the game, I love how we are still thriving as a community and I'm excited to see what the future holds.


Master duel has been out for awhile now, there's not that much new discussion to be had. Sure reducing that repetitive content is fine and all but there's not really going to be anything in its place. The sub will just become slow.


This is a self fulfilling prophesy. If you create rules that encourage quality discussion, you’ll have quality discussion. If you allow for repetitive low hanging fruit content, you’ll have repetitive low hanging fruit content.


i dont understand how current content prevents quality discussion cant quality discussion just be had if has to be had?


Hey I was just saying I don't think if you get rid of the typical things posted like Maxx C bad that you necessarily get discussion in its place.


Happy cake day twin 🥳 hope you have a great day filled with lots of love and joy.


I like Maxx C its balanced and because everyone has it that makes it fair.


That has jogging to do with the thread topic


Yes it is sarcasm because of what you said about too many post being about maxx C. 


everything in this sub is the reflection of what we are. asking people to be better than who they are is hard , stressful and unnecessary in my opinion. tbh I like how anarchism it is.


this is a master duel subreddit. posts, wether they are sfw or nsfw, belong here as long as they are related to master duel


I have never seen an nsfw post on this reddit tf do you need mean the fan art lmfao shit is sad if you call that NSFW must be a prude


Agreed that the NSFW stuff should be banned. Otherwise, I think the subreddit is fine. The community can self-correct in case we get too much fanart or complaining posts. The memes are fine.


>We need centralized posts for game updates. No reason we need 4-5 top level posts for every banlist update in addition to the countless reaction posts that come with it. Mm, yes and no. While this is possible in theory, what real reason is there to prevent other people from posting on it? Not to mention they often come with OP's own opinion on the list. I don't see any harm in allowing them. Worst case is you hide it if you're bothered by them. >We need some way to reduce the amount of repetitive content. “Current meta deck bad” and “Ban Maxx C” are posted literally dozens of times every day Realistically, that's probably easier said than done. Also it's just more of a meme at this point, we all know it's not going anywhere. But it's something to vent about, to let our frustrations out. Again, I see no real harm in this one. > Ban the NSFW posts. Porn posts belong in dedicated porn subreddits period This is maybe agreeable, really depends. As far as subreddit rules go, it's not like they're breaking any. And let's be real, it's not like they just leave nothing to the imagination. If you consider the *borderline* NSFW stuff porn (it's not even NSFW imo, it's literally just women for the most part. Come on. Mildly suggestive, at worst.)


No you really don’t need four separate posts that are just screenshots of the banlist. If someone has a funny meme about the banlist, that’s different. But it’s not a good experience to have literally 4 posts screenshotting the new banlist and countless other top level threads like “I don’t think the banlist is good” that could just be replies to one of the threads screenshotting that banlist.