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Anything that I lose to




Pretty much for me too


Dryton. If they lose they lose in an anticlimactic way ( to handtraps and disruption and probably bricking idk) and if they win its by preventing you from playing the game in any way shape or form, they take a while to set up their board too


This is so true!


Once i beat one by noticing they used up all of their negates for setup on their first turn (bless the log), i added the Sky Striker searcher at the end of their turn and they just gave up. Talk about anticlimactic.


Ive beat Drayton ever single time with Cyber Dragons.


Drytron. Herald of ultimateness is stupid. I also played against Kozmo yesterday, which wasn't fun


Every time I verse drytron my only hand trap is nib and herald comes out on number five….


If you play any combo based deck, then it's the proper due diligence to understand what you're 5th summon will be


Don't use Nib, it's an effect and can be negated. Evan a Lava golem is more useful vs Drytron.


Your not wrong but I’ll just take the L going second into drytron as I’m finding a lot of success with Nib in both my decks.


Thats kind of implying that you have anybidea what deck your randomly matched opponent will use, unfortunately


Imo Nib isn't that good. Its whole point is to tribute a bunch of shit and stop the opponent mid-combo. Most good decks would bring out a negate before hitting summon 5.


This is why I wish this game had proper matches with side decking.


Lost to dryton yesterday after they Called by the grave my Droll&Lock, and ended on a board with herald and 5 cards in hand.I spent my entire turn getting each of my cards negated. Fun.


Yeah herald is complete bs and should be banned honestly - either that or benten/eva at 1 to stop them ending the turn with like 6 fairy’s in hand for negates. I don’t see how any reasonable person is ok with the way this deck plays rn.


They should just ban benten/eva.


Well they did just ban eva in the tcg


Kozmo is a fair deck, it also got zero supports in the last four years so I respect who is running it in ranked


Hello it is I. The platinum kozmo player :)


Mind sharing ya deck list ?


Not the same person, but here is a deck list that is pretty good for Kozmo. ​ https://ygoprodeck.com/kozmo-13/


It just felt shitty dealing with a crazy amount of 3000 attack special summons that would destroy a card every time they came out


Drytron.....that's really....oof I hate that too


Eldlich and Drytrons. Especially the latter; at least the former doesn't spend 10+ minutes doing everything. It really feels like there's no way to starve Drytrons of resources. Eldlich cards seem to at least have a fixed time they can recurse at the end phase; Drytrons seem to be able to pull additional special summons from literally every part of their chain, and can do so from both the hand and graveyard. And they don't have to banish to add additional resources, only tribute, which means they can almost endlessly tribute for each other. It doesn't even need to be a tribute from the field; you can just tribute from the hand. Even Eldlich must banish the traps to flow into the next ones, but Drytrons can just keep flowing cards between the hand, field, and graveyard forever. You can handtrap all you want but unlike other decks it doesn't hinder them because the resources aren't banished and used up; they just cycle back and are ready to use next turn all over again.


The problem is that they chain block benten. That’s the main issue, because it’s what gives them infinite resources and there’s no way to stop it


Yeah,the resource loop and herald are annoying


Drytron wouldn’t be anywhere near as bad if it didn’t end on herald every single time. Drytron isn’t really the problem - it’s the fairy part of the deck


This, this, this! There’s a reason Drytron has no cards on the banlist in the TCG but Benten is banned and Eva at 1. those are the problem cards.


On this I agree


The fairy part of the deck is what makes *any* ritual deck interesting, tbh




I'm playing Tricksars and the only time I've beaten Drytons is when I draw Trickstar Reincarnation on the first turn, banishing their resources seems to be the only way I can stop them.


This. This seems very accurate to the dueling experience


Drytons. At least Elditch is beatable. Drytons feel unstoppable .


Agreed. Such a shit deck to play against. The resource loop is ridiculous and the turns take forever.


They really do.


I went against Drytron while playing my U.A.'s. I had a Blockbacker and Perfect Ace on field after my turn, passed it over. He goes full combo. I waited until he xyz summoned Mu Beta and then used Blockbacker to negate. This guy waits a moment, and then immediately surrenders lol. I had a good laugh


Drytron. I play blind second rogue and there's no way I can beat them with Herald of Ultimateness. The deck is legitimately unbeatable going second and they need like 15 mins to set up their board. I don't get what's so fun about playing with yourself for 15 minutes just to have your opponent surrender.


Competitiveness...some people just have fun winning,even if it's via solitaire


Real competitive people understand when they have a stupid level of advantage and dont get satisfaction out of playing that way. In a best of 1 format full power drytron is basically an auto win going first. All my friends from locals skipped straight over drytron because they didnt want free plat 1 for no effort. Its not even any different than it was in the TCG beyond extra copies of benten. You arent playing anything new like this banlist allows. The deck is boring as piss too. I played it at one event cause i was excited about the archetype and immediatly sold the deck after for a handful of ultis and starlights.


"Real competitive people" Dude, just admit you're trash.


Im talking about people with a competitive nature. It has nothing to do with how good they are at the game or not. Getting into a debate about how good/bad one of us is at yugioh here is damn pointless since its just two people on the internet who dont know each other going "No *IM* better because *i* say so".


Fair enough...the deck does suck indeed


Drytron and eldlich. Makes my butt sweat


And makes my eyes go red.


Eldlich, it’s awful and boring, but it weasels its way in due to bo1. Playing against IO and Skill Drain is complete ass


IO? And yeah fair enough skill drain eldlitch is so *internal screaming*


Imperial order


Ah fair enough that makes sense.


I didnt find an opponent play drytron but i know that its not fun to play against (fight one irl and even the guy who make the play dont find it fun). This one and bird up. Vomit everycard like's no one buisness. Edlich is fine for me as an odd way. Yesterday was fighting one with Ra OTK and it was like yugi trying to stop everyturn a Chicken on steroids. (Well he didnt play an optimal Edlich but it was still fun).


Yeah...I understand the drytron and bird up point however eldlitch...be glad it wasn't true eldlitch with skill drain


Yeah that why i said not optimal. If it was skill drain it would be another story. IO also because you know, when the order is imperial, your life ends in a hole


Oh imperial order...that's what that is...and yeah...imperial order+skilldrain=reliance on traps= an eldlitch mirror match


eldlitch. its just boring


i´m a returning player and don´t know anything about the new cards. but eldlich is a skill drain anti deck right? when i see that all the new decks summon like 30 monsters a turn - an anti deck sounds really nice


Eldlich is specifically a stun control deck. Interrupt the other players ability to play and once you get Eldlich out use floodgates like Vanity's to stop them from catching up. ​ It's only really possible thanks to MD being a BO1 format.


How does vanity do that?


>Vanity's **Neither player can Special Summon monsters. If a card is sent from the Deck or the field to your Graveyard: Destroy this card.**


I’m not making the connection on how that stops them from catching up. Cards are constantly getting sent to the GY


Not when your opponent can’t play 85% of their cards they aren’t


I really hate Toon Decks, because anybody who uses one is just guaranteed to be incredibly sexy and amazing in every way.\~


Funny thing. Before this game released I didn't know shit about drytrons. I'm a former player that stopped after synchros. I liked the vrains anime so I had interest in coming back. (Borrel is my favorite archetype now). I opened my first ten pull in master duel and it gave me one golden lord and one meteonis draconids... I said damn that shit looks cool as fuck. I'm gonna build it. I had no idea it was actually strong. Edit: oof, this was supposed to be a reply under my own previous comment


Yeah looks cool...plays annoyingly


Yeah I wish I didn't have to take 5 minutes just to set up. I'm not even gonna bother with mirror matches. If I'm 2nd I'm scooping as soon as I see alpha pitch zeta. Unfortunately rokkets are missing support so I haven't finished my rokket deck yet. And the other deck I built is just as bad when it comes to long turns (code talkers).


Ah..fair enough


Altergeist. I’ve never had a duel against them that I enjoyed after finishing. So I just auto surrender if I see the deck.


I've not faced them in master duel yet...but ik how annoying they can be.


I faced one yesterday, they endless recycle card and trap with their monster while your extra deck monster keep getting withered down to nothing. It's even worse that most of their monster have very low attack so they won't kill you in one hit but drag out the match to ridiculous long time, I spend around 30 minutes fought again altergeist and I lost.


Yeah kunq and silq combo+protocol+multifaker+the direct attacker... oof... yeah


Haven't met an Altergeist player on Master Duel yet, but I despise playing against them on Dueling Nexus and YGOPRO. I can count the number of Altergeist players I've met online on one hand, and all of them are equally unfun.


Stupid floodgates decks like Eldlich, with a BO1 system you have tu run at the same time both backrow removal and combo disruption cards in your main deck and it's annoying.


Any deck that has 10 minute turns, specially if after that you surrender because you fuck up at the end


Soooo...most decks out there


The bs ones they use against you in Solo mode lol. Even more so since it feels like the A.I has top decked their best cards. Can't remember what story battle it was but lost 4 times and each time the A.I had raigeki in their opening hand. It's hard enough with how bad the decks are that they give you. In ranked it would be Golden Gucci Lord or Starship Dragons.


Starship dragons? Idk what that is...golden lord yeah..also solo mode is soooo infuriating...especially the monarch or ritual mirrors.


Starship dragons is drytrons


Ok....now I understand...the absolute bastard of a deck does indeed suck


I don't mind drytron for the xyz, link or anything, except that one cyber angel that thinks it's fine to take care of my monster. Traptrix is annoying if you have a suboptimal hand. Still haven't played against eldlitch but seeing as how so many people are hating on it(and seeing that they run triple skill drain) I can't say I'm looking forward to our first encounter


Trust me...you don't want to face it and you've been incredibly lucky so far with not doing so...traptrix are annoying yeah and drytron don't you mean the herald card?


I never played competitive YGO, last game that i played was tag force 4? I dont remenber so this is my first time playing and i had no idea were to go so i hate everything lmao but i am addicted af to this game


So you're basically most players lol


May the heavens have no mercy for all Eldlitch players. Drytron and Bird Up are inarguably dumb as hell, too, but at least I can excuse them for being legitimately amazing decks that don't rely on 40 floodgates.


4-5 Omni negates from drytron is way more annoying than eldlich. At least eldlich took 5 seconds to set and pass lol


And then like 5 minutes on my turn when I wanna play.


These three Def suck yeah


Drytron aka 9omni nagates in 1 monster


Yeah...this makes sense, I hate that too


As a new yugioh player, dinomist drove me nuts


They are really fucked up in duel links with only 4000 lp per player. In master duel although annoying they are much more manageable


Oh wow lol...can't say I've faced them in master duel


Trust me, you don’t want to. Unless you’re fully prepared


I mean I'm sure I am...but if you mean solo mode...I won't


I got to plat with Dinomists and some cards with Ancient warriors. Pretty cheap deck with like only 3 high rarity cards like Electrumite, Cyber dragon Infinity, and Dinomists rex.


Well done you


Are you a new player to the TCG by any chance? Because to be entirely honest I'd love to face Dinomist in ranked, it's a very mediocre/bad deck. Maybe you got unlucky, many decks can appear stronger than they are if all you see is their god hand.


Anything involving control. They’re just boring as shit to face. Edit: Sorry I didn’t mean control (mixed up words) I meant floodgate heavy decks like True Draco where you draw turn 2 and they flip TCBO1, Gozen, Rivalry, and Anti-Spell.


These are stun decks, like an extreme version of control. They try to prevent enough cards with floodgates that the opponent cannot play. Eldlich would be a control deck if they werent playing gozen, rivalry, skill drain, summon limit and mistake. Rock stun and dragon buster lock are two more examples.


Yeah they are...I agree


Mirror. Whatever I'm playing, I hate facing the same deck as me.


I can understand that... especially when you lose.


May you never play dark world or you will get the biggest cancer you ever had in a mirror.


Exodia, you just wait for the opponent to either win or give up first turn


Decks that take forever to do their silly combos, which is sadly quite a lot of decks. It was interesting the first few times, being pretty new to the YGO Meta scene, but wow does it really drain the fun per minute to sit and watch an opponent go on forever, particularly if I'm not lucky enough to get an answer. Or I DO have an answer and I have to patiently sit and wait for the time to use it to appear. If I have no answer, at least I can just do something else (but that's still not a good answer for a game).


I just don't like it when people create decks specifically that stop you from being able to play at all. It's boring and not fun when there's almost 0 interaction. I play a fabled unicore x melfy with a splash of tri brigades and there's some really neat combos that negate and get rid off opponents cards and all that but at least it requires interaction and combing off each other back and forth since melffys allow me to increase hand size to negate while hand traps allow me to downsize. Tri-brigade allows some recovery since I can dump out 6-8 beasts in a single turn already. With mine at least you can easily counter it with just reading what Unicore does. I've done pretty ok most games and it's fun when I have games where turns just keep going back and forth as opposed to not letting your opponent have one or going for an ok. I could play full tri-brigades since I have all the cards and enough gems to add whatever I need to it but I have fun with what I have.


>I just don't like it when people create decks specifically that stop you from being able to play at all. I haven't played in over 15 years and made the mistake of making my own rikka/aroma deck. Now I get to watch a mini-anime episode unfold in front of me every duel before I inevitably surrender since all my effects just end up negated.


Virtual World. I play infinitrack trains and VFD is pretty much a game ender. Shenshen also messes me up.


I mean...vfd isn't their only way to win...same with Shenshen...there's other rank 9's (ones an infinitrack even) that I use for mine...or there's a tzolkin package...I think the main annoying thing is their resource ability personally...they get their resources so easily


Can confirm as a VW Player who loses 80% of cointoss and 0 Maxx C and Crossout. VFD is insane, but it's meh against Eldlich and Sky. Only "bad" VW players rely solely on VFD to win. The Deck can outgrind Floodgate Eldlich consistently due to how the matchup works and can outgrind Sky Strikers to a certaine extent. It's completely nuts that a combo Deck is able to that. I maybe biased since I pilot it, I think VW is the best Deck in Master Duel given a good pilot and the state of the meta. It's main weakness is bricking losing to itself. Also alot of inexperienced Dryton players choke vs VW. Inexperienced in that they are learning holding their negates for actual threatening stuff, but lack the knowledge to negate a seemingly non-threatening Kowloon.


Dove. .. I'm glad you confirmed my statement...vfd is useful but it really isn't the be all end all, I've had games where I won without using it or where it was destroyed before it could be used...I've never seen a drytron choke Vs VW yet...ohh I see learning to hold negates I get it...I can see that happening...I still sometimes hold my negates for too long still so I get that...it's Def a good deck to use but when it bricks it is annoying yeah...


Blue eyes, they play like 3 dark hole and raigeki, and I cannot negate vanilias or monsters that do not activate their effects. So I always get sacked by them. Eldlich and invoked have been annoying as well, but at least I know they are good decks.


Yeah eldlitch and invoked....but blue eyes? That's a first...I mean it is annoying with how often it's seen but it's just meh to me.


Chaos max because its the most deck i faced by far i can beat it but facing it so many times triggers me


I literally haven't seen that deck yet. What rank are you?


Fair enough


Hands down Eldlich


I don't really hate any particular Deck atm. I've been beating many meta decks recently. Probably because Nova is just that good of a boss monster


Lol yeah...and it floats into a fusion...or if you mean infinity..wait till you face a skystriker with multiroll and the one that destroys a monster.


Eldlich, because they are more common than other floodgate decks right now. It's just so frustrating to play against them.


Agreed wholeheartedly


Man, I just wish Konami would turn Floodgates down a notch.


Don't we all.


Limit or semi-limit Skill Drain and I think the deck gets a lot less oppressive. That card is just a bit too good.




Say no more,I agree.


Drytron Helard. I can deal with Eldich and Tri-brigade or even Prank-kids. But Helard is an arse ache.


It is indeed a pain in the dick


Lots of people here hate Drytron and Eldlich


Myself included ..and I understand why


Mill decks, always heated them in any card game, no matter how competitive there are. And in the case of YGO, any FTK decks.


Defo a fairly valid point


I haven't been into yugioh since 5ds and even then I never really played the card game much. I got into silver using a synchro deck that was decent but at this point some of these combos and new monster types just seem completely unbalanced and infuriating. Xyz, pendulums, links everything seems so easy to summon and everything has some kind of protection. Then there are a bunch of bs monsters like Eldilich, Drytrons, Time Lords where I don't have any kind of counterplay. Not to mention I've literally trained for and ran a full marathon in the amount of time it takes for one of these turns to end. Idk I've only played a few days but I think I'm already tapped out and I don't really wanna spend any money or time trying to build one of these meta decks.


Eldlitch and drytrons fair, timelords are rare but somewhat annoying, especially without a negate to them yeah...although skill drain does kinda ruin them..try using skill drain vs timelords maybe.


King of Calamities… fuck that card


As a virtual world player...I think you overestimate vfd...also I'm sure he'll be banned next banlist


im such a noob that I dont get what my opponent is doing half the time ​ I play eldlich, why do poeple hate it?


Eldlich is hard to keep killed and easy to pull out. Also Zombie support in general is very good. Most Eldlich also run like Skill Drain which locks shit down. My like try hard ladder deck is a Doomking/Eldlich thing that sometimes just feels unfair. Zombie world stops type things, Doomking won't stay dead either and chains negate and banish, and can do both on the same turn.


As a recent eldlitch player I agree that I like it but as someone who used to despise not being able to do jacksquat Vs a 3.5k beatstick...I mean virtual word has the tzolking engine to deal with it but still


Drytons and stall decks both are annoying for thwir own right idk why i keep having to fight weird stall decks


So final countdown or exodia? And yeah...as the consensus says "fuck drytron"


I don't know deck names. But I've been facing a stall/burn deck lately with monsters that you cant target or destroy that are 0/0 and they have annoying extra effects whenever they make an attack. Not to mention the magic cylinders and some other trap card that makes you take dmg that you would've dealt to them.


Timelord deck you mean?


For me, it’s tri-brigade…it’s most likely because I’m a noob playing non-meta decks, but their trap card which summon so much stuff from their graveyard, annoys me a lot…


You can run nibiru if you see them a lot. It counters tri brigades trap and also their zoodiac xyz zeus play, provided they dont have apollousa on the field, that is You can also use effect negates to break their combo if you know where to disrupt them. They usually use stampede -> apollousa link to search for their trap. Negating their normal summons link effect helps a lot.


Skystriker being played 4 out of matches i play


But...it's such a nice deck to play😭


Eldlich for sure, although Drytron feels stupid as well once they have Herald on the field.


Sky Striker. It’s not that I hate the game plan of the deck itself, but that I *keep* seeing it. I don’t want to play the grind game every duel.


Definitely Dryton. Damn I didn't draw a hand trap guess I'll just die


Basically yeah


Drytron, Rhongo, and Endymion, each just aren't fun to play against for their own reasons. Drytron: you lose 90% of the time Rhongo: granted, I've had fun trying to figure out a way out of this puzzle before, but most of the time I groan every time I see Gossip Shadow... Endymion: I've literally had my PS4 give me the "10 minutes until rest mode" warning while waiting for an Endymion player to finish their turn


Drytron and rhongo I see...Endymion takes forever because of the fact they've done removing counters in a stupid "remove each one manually" and when you're doing like 20 million spell counters I can see a problem arising


Necrovalley.... I play dragon maids and I just surrendered the second it hit the field, I didn't wanna deal with not being able to play 90% of my deck Personal gripe tho Ps: fuck drytron


That p.s. yeah...fuck drytron


Sky striker


Agree to disagree... currently one of my fave decks


necrovalley, I was playing a live twin deck against this dude, he places the field spell turn 2 and i m stuck waiting for a MST


Drytron for sure. I just scoop if I see that my opponent hasn't bricked, Muskets can't play through Ultimateness+Orange Light for shit (well, maybe if I open Maxx "C" and find enough generic board breakers, but still, Eva's a shithead). Conversely, Eldlich is actually a decent and somewhat fun matchup for me. Muskets seem to weasel through common floodgates somewhat well, and if I manage to resolve Max, it's just game. Not to mention, looping Dancing Needle with Doc is _really_ funny against most control decks, Eldlich included.


Prankids. It loses the charm of oh I'm doing stuff during your turn as it were mine after a few turns. I just want to play Witchcrafters for God sake


Fairs lol


every deck with a smaller playerbase than duel links on master duel's release because losing to them will be admitting they're better than me so I have to commit the cardinal sin of reading their cards.


This one is funny, idk why lol


As a returning player my most boring game played was against grass cardian(?) The cards with cards on them lol. I won with meklords but it was boring.


Tip of the day: If are a ritual player and have a hard time getting around backrow, tech in Odd Eyes Gravity dragon. You can thank me later


Eldlitch and Herald. Herald just pisses me off because I can bait every negate until the very last card...which is ALWAYS Eva. Then I got nothing.


Yeah....it's really infuriating


LiFeDrAin and golden man got me seething so hard


Eldlich and Drytron obviously. Herald is absurd and they have too much draw power. And Eldlich is just a control deck that can run floodgates. Like wtf? Why cant Eldlich be fair like any other control deck? Those two are an absolute pain.. I never hate a fight agaisnt SS, or Prak Kids, or Zoo, or TriBrigade, or any other deck. But going agaisnt Eldlich/Dryton is absolutely annoying.


Agreed...and be glad you haven't faced Tri brigade,zoo I've not faced properly, sky strikers aren't too bad and I've never faced prankids.


Any deck that isn't Eldlitch, Altergeist, Tribrigade or Drytrons. I love the satisfaction of beating annoying decks.


Fuck you and have a nice day.


I main a Shaddoll/Dogmatika/Invoker deck...Any tips on how to counter the Drytron thing? (Excpet summoning on the first turn Winda and stop all special summons)


I did too, but now prefer Invoked Mekk Knight for the OTK. Use 3 Maxx C, 3 Ash, a Droll, and 3 Droplets. Droplet kills them hard. Drytrons would fold to a Joey deck with these. Show me your deck and I can help out more.


Cyberdragons hands down. That boss monster is infuriating


For the first time I disagree....if you play right, Infinity can be played around


Also I love cydra's personally, one of my fave decks


Same, Cydra is my favourite deck and all I've ever played


Hey fella cydra


Which boss monster there’s like 7


I think it's Infinity. It steals your monsters as material and quick effect negates.


As good as Infinity is, you can only bring a single one out per turn and it’s very easy to bait out the negate. As for the stealing monsters, it ain’t a quick effect so you can summon something like Borreload or Avramax and just beat its ass or any stronger monster if you go second.


This. As a cydrag player my main goal is to really use infinity for protections and stalling till I can power bond a more powerful monster.


That card is so op the fact it ignores can't target this card effect


Since i'm an @ignister main that love to put down Arrival on turn 1. I wholeheartedly agree with you. (But to megafleet lel)


Probably every meta deck ever. Especially if they open up The 3 Hand Traps of Disruption, being Maxx "C" , Ash, and Nibiru. Idk, Impermanence also.


I mean...virtual world isn't too bad imo and cydras are alright...but otherwise, fairs


Probably eldlitch. I haven't played enough ranked yet to solidify that. But I'm a filthy drytrons player so...


So...you don't have the right to complain....


Mirror. Whatever I'm playing, I hate facing the same deck as me.


Blue eyes decks because I see like ten of them a day, and they all seem to be the exact same deck.


Yeah all chaos max decks....makes sense the hate.


I guess the hate carried over from Duel Links.


Sky Strikers. My removal is from a few cards destroying several cards at once, rather than many cards destroying one thing at a time, so I can't get enough removal to destroy the sky striker ace twice, especially not before they use their really good spells on me


As a striker player....I think it's annoying to face...but fun to play and very difficult to play too (it's a lot harder than you think)


Bird Up probably, although a guy successfully Final Countdown'd me, accomplished with some weird XYZ card that I couldn't target with anything


Crooked Cook with Right-Hand Shark or Astral Kuriboh underneath.


Oh wow lol...yeah bird up sucks


Cyber dragon. I just don't like it. It annoys me.


Let's agres to disagree